Even PayPal employees would never put up with the way PayPal treats its customers. So they probably used something else. Why risk your money with a company that will take it away at any time and leave you hanging on the street? Im sure PayPal employees are dealing with that everyday and know that what they are doing is wrong.
Apple if you come out with a mobile payments service you will squash PayPal like people do to roaches.
I agree. I loathe Paypal. Stopped using it a decade ago and have never looked back. A system that exploits honest sellers vs. fraudulent buyers, and can lock your account and funds at virtually any time with no paths of recourse, nor any transparency as to why or for how long. I wish PP would be a recognized financial institution, if only so that it would be subject to the regulation it ought to be to level the playing field with users.
I look forward to Apple expanding further and further into Paypal's territory. The great thing is Apple can greatly undercut all these companies with lower transaction fees, as they are not dependent on this for their business.
I'm not seeing where it mentions the relation to the celebrity nude selfie leak like the poster suggested.
All it proves is that gmail was targeted. that's all that needs to be seen as far as I am concerned. once they get in your account, that's it. they got you.
What's the percent breakdown? How many of these celebrity photos were stolen from iCloud vs. Android vs. Picasa vs. Dropbox vs. Microsoft vs. Flickr vs. others? All I've seen is people falsely pretending it was Apple-specific.
And we know the Find my iPhone rate-limiting flaw (recently patched) was NOT involved.
We also know the photo thefts were not one single "leak" event at all, but years of work by a criminal network. (The "leak" was someone letting the already-stolen photos OUT of the secret network.)
And we know the Apple's TouchID based security for PayPal, with one-time tokens, is entirely unrelated to someone guessing your iCloud password or security answers because you're a celebrity worth targetting.
When you rely on lies and ignorance to prop up a terrible service, you know you're in trouble!
What you say makes total sense and people you are in this space understand it. The problem is media, especially NYT, CNBC, MarketWatch and few others are always waiting to trash Apple. And in this case Paypal, though completely understanding what you described, but decided to that the road that most of the media takes - "Ignorance of many people who does not understand technology"
I knew ApplePay was gonna be a threat after companies like Paypal began talking about it a few days ago.
What I didn't know was that PayPal would stoop this low.
PayBuddy!!! Those iCloud photos were stolen by hackers who figured out obvious PASSWORDS. ApplePay DOES NOT use passwords or ask "What is your dog's name?"
I predict the next ApplePay iHater to be:
And brace yourselves Sammy and PayPal because Touch ID is just getting started!!
Once iPad gets Touch ID and marketshare of iPhone 5s and 6 increase we'll see Touch ID logins for iCloud, Mail App etc.
THEN you'll be eating your words.
I'm waiting on a Touch ID Apple Email so I can ditch gmail. With Touch ID no more remembering passwords or compromising passwords through fake logins and hackers. Plus I dont like google reading my emails.
I am not even sure how they compete. Who uses PayPal at all beyond places like Ebay or online? Yeah I know they have a card they issue and also a mobile card reader you can plug into your iPhone headphone port, but I doubt that is a big part of their business. And I don't remember them attacking Square when they entered those markets.
Does Apple Pay even have an ability to handle online transactions yet?
It can handle online transactions taking place through Apps (for example I believe the Target App was specifically mentioned among others). Hopefully, Apple will work out browser support soon so we can use it everywhere online, but we will probably have to wait and see how Apple Pay is going to be supported on the iPad and Mac first.
The only account I've ever had hacked was my Paypal account. Took me months to get it straightened out, and Paypal's customer service is the worst. I had to have my bank block access from Paypal to my account, since even after closing it, Paypal was still trying to remove funds from my bank!
This flap won't stop with stories at the likes of AI and cnet. Wait a day or so until big general media like the NYTimes itself do articles about the PayPal ad and the underlying security issues. What incredible free publicity for Apple. PayPal just shot itself in the foot bigtime.
Add PayPal to the rubbish pile of has-been Apple detractors like Steve Ballmer and Jim Balsillie. Once more Apple is disrupting an entire industry and the incumbents are terrified. It's no fun staring into your own open grave.
I don't see this ad working as a shot at Apple; I'm not even sure it's really attempting that. PayPal can't hope for this ad to somehow make people worry about Apple Pay security, because Apple Pay is closely integrated with Apple hardware, and PayPal itself heavily relies on Apple hardware for delivery of their services. Unless PayPal sells hardware that I'm unaware of? If people don't trust the hardware PayPal needs to run on, then they sure as heck won't trust PayPal as a third party app running on Apple phones, tablets and computers.
That's the beauty of Apple's ecosystem, they tie them together so tightly that consumers don't (and competition can't) draw lines of loyalty or trust between the individual components.
I don't see this ad working as a shot at Apple; I'm not even sure it's really attempting that.
I have absolutely no doubt that the "Selfie" reference was a direct attack on Apple. What a dumb move by PayPal. Its been a great trip, but I'm out. Also recently dumped anything Samsung and anything Amazon. Might be causing me some inconvenience in the future, but for now it makes me fee empowered to just say NO!
I've already said Slurpy deserves a shrine. This isn't his first epic post... and I'm thrilled whenever I see his avatar name before a solid "ripping" is about to take place.
I knew ApplePay was gonna be a threat after companies like Paypal began talking about it a few days ago.
What I didn't know was that PayPal would stoop this low.
PayBuddy!!! Those iCloud photos were stolen by hackers who figured out obvious PASSWORDS. ApplePay DOES NOT use passwords or ask "What is your dog's name?"
I predict the next ApplePay iHater to be:
And brace yourselves Sammy and PayPal because Touch ID is just getting started!!
Once iPad gets Touch ID and marketshare of iPhone 5s and 6 increase we'll see Touch ID logins for iCloud, Mail App etc.
THEN you'll be eating your words.
I'm waiting on a Touch ID Apple Email so I can ditch gmail. With Touch ID no more remembering passwords or compromising passwords through fake logins and hackers. Plus I dont like google reading my emails.
As we get closer to Friday, I expect even more corporate hit-squads to take aim at Apple (as if it will do them any good).... and come Monday or Tuesday the first manufactured "iPhone 6 _____gate" to hit the net.
As an Apple fan, ya always have to have your Wader Boots ready and make your way as elegantly as you can through the human waste execrated from massive "butt hurt"!
I just closed my account too, with a strongly worded, explicit explanation of why.
Hmm, now I hope the ad wasn't a hoax...
EDIT: Okay, it's real. If the ad wasn't enough to make you close your account, the CEO's "leadership" of his employees might make you want to:
Comment, from Feb 2014:
Even PayPal employees would never put up with the way PayPal treats its customers. So they probably used something else. Why risk your money with a company that will take it away at any time and leave you hanging on the street? Im sure PayPal employees are dealing with that everyday and know that what they are doing is wrong.
Apple if you come out with a mobile payments service you will squash PayPal like people do to roaches.
I look forward to Apple expanding further and further into Paypal's territory. The great thing is Apple can greatly undercut all these companies with lower transaction fees, as they are not dependent on this for their business.
All it proves is that gmail was targeted. that's all that needs to be seen as far as I am concerned. once they get in your account, that's it. they got you.
What's the percent breakdown? How many of these celebrity photos were stolen from iCloud vs. Android vs. Picasa vs. Dropbox vs. Microsoft vs. Flickr vs. others? All I've seen is people falsely pretending it was Apple-specific.
And we know the Find my iPhone rate-limiting flaw (recently patched) was NOT involved.
We also know the photo thefts were not one single "leak" event at all, but years of work by a criminal network. (The "leak" was someone letting the already-stolen photos OUT of the secret network.)
And we know the Apple's TouchID based security for PayPal, with one-time tokens, is entirely unrelated to someone guessing your iCloud password or security answers because you're a celebrity worth targetting.
When you rely on lies and ignorance to prop up a terrible service, you know you're in trouble!
What you say makes total sense and people you are in this space understand it. The problem is media, especially NYT, CNBC, MarketWatch and few others are always waiting to trash Apple. And in this case Paypal, though completely understanding what you described, but decided to that the road that most of the media takes - "Ignorance of many people who does not understand technology"
This was exactly my first thought. If PayPal feels that threatened, they must think ?Pay is going to eat their lunch.
In general, I wonder whether these panic ads work ... at best they sully both parties, but I tend to think Samsung and PayPal come off worse.
Take the plank out of your eye and see the big picture. In this case the big number. 5 million accounts
If this had happened to Apple the media would be going wild. As it is Google, it just seems to slide.
What I didn't know was that PayPal would stoop this low.
PayBuddy!!! Those iCloud photos were stolen by hackers who figured out obvious PASSWORDS. ApplePay DOES NOT use passwords or ask "What is your dog's name?"
I predict the next ApplePay iHater to be:
And brace yourselves Sammy and PayPal because Touch ID is just getting started!!
Once iPad gets Touch ID and marketshare of iPhone 5s and 6 increase we'll see Touch ID logins for iCloud, Mail App etc.
THEN you'll be eating your words.
I'm waiting on a Touch ID Apple Email so I can ditch gmail. With Touch ID no more remembering passwords or compromising passwords through fake logins and hackers. Plus I dont like google reading my emails.
Somehow this seems so appropriate: http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2014-09-08/
The PayPal full-page is only missing W's smirk and a quote "Trust US!"
Far more entertaining was your posted trailer. I can see this as future history way before 2095.
It can handle online transactions taking place through Apps (for example I believe the Target App was specifically mentioned among others). Hopefully, Apple will work out browser support soon so we can use it everywhere online, but we will probably have to wait and see how Apple Pay is going to be supported on the iPad and Mac first.
The only account I've ever had hacked was my Paypal account. Took me months to get it straightened out, and Paypal's customer service is the worst. I had to have my bank block access from Paypal to my account, since even after closing it, Paypal was still trying to remove funds from my bank!
[QUOTE]3 - 6 - 9 - 12 ...
Who do we like -- near much as ourself?
PayPal, PayPal .... rrRRAH PayPAL!
[QUOTE]2 - 4 - 6 - 8 ...
Watch while we expectorate!
Patui, Patui, Patui, Patui ... bbBBYE PayPal!
Add PayPal to the rubbish pile of has-been Apple detractors like Steve Ballmer and Jim Balsillie. Once more Apple is disrupting an entire industry and the incumbents are terrified. It's no fun staring into your own open grave.
That's the beauty of Apple's ecosystem, they tie them together so tightly that consumers don't (and competition can't) draw lines of loyalty or trust between the individual components.
I don't see this ad working as a shot at Apple; I'm not even sure it's really attempting that.
I have absolutely no doubt that the "Selfie" reference was a direct attack on Apple. What a dumb move by PayPal. Its been a great trip, but I'm out. Also recently dumped anything Samsung and anything Amazon. Might be causing me some inconvenience in the future, but for now it makes me fee empowered to just say NO!
I've already said Slurpy deserves a shrine. This isn't his first epic post... and I'm thrilled whenever I see his avatar name before a solid "ripping" is about to take place.
As we get closer to Friday, I expect even more corporate hit-squads to take aim at Apple (as if it will do them any good).... and come Monday or Tuesday the first manufactured "iPhone 6 _____gate" to hit the net.
As an Apple fan, ya always have to have your Wader Boots ready and make your way as elegantly as you can through the human waste execrated from massive "butt hurt"!