Major retailers show unwillingness to adopt Apple Pay ahead of expected launch



  • Reply 221 of 418
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member

    That won't work because the processing is very different from Google Wallet. 
    For example, Apple does not collect any of your transaction info but Google collects it all on their servers and then bill your credit card.

    It'll work. And that's not really exactly how Google Wallet works.
  • Reply 222 of 418
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    Originally Posted by CustomTB View Post

    Anyone know if the Microsoft store will be accepting ApplePay?


    I doubt it will come up, anyway.

  • Reply 223 of 418
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Wait, you're saying that ?Pay will be accepted in more places a year from now as opposed to today, which is before it's even been launched? I don't believe that for a second¡

    Yes, because as chip and pin become more common so should apple pay. You think your using NFC at a lot of places today but I hate to tell you that you may be using RFID contact less payments. Both marked in the card with blink and others with a wireless single picture. But you don't realy know what tech is in your card until you ask because it does not say on the card. Newer Card readers have both installed with new ones because of the battle like BETA vs VHS, or blu-ray versus HD DVD. But the nice thing about technology is the card reading companies get to install both technologies and that way they won't lose on either one since it will be equipped with both.
  • Reply 224 of 418
    waybacmac wrote: »
    Ok, I'm too lazy to go thru all 190+ comments so this is my 2¢ worth on the article…

    It's easy to say BestBuy and Walmart are conspiring against Apple. Maybe they are. I don't think so. Face it, Apple Pay sounds good but is unproven. It could be great or it could be like 8.0.1. No one knows. Big companies face bigger risks. They're going to be cautious. That's normal; that's good business.

    In a way I'm in the same situation. I'm debating on what I'll choose to replace my 4s…a 5s or a 6? 6 is kinda big for me. 5s is cheaper. Apple Pay is supported by my bank(s) so maybe 6. Apple Pay has yet to get widespread merchant support so maybe 5s. What am I going to do? The same thing BestBuy, Walmart, Sears, Kmart, etc. are doing -- wait. My 4s works fine, even with iOS 8. If Apple Pay works, it'll be adopted by the big stores <span style="line-height:1.4em;">and I'll buy an iPhone 6. If not, then…</span>

    That's my kind of thinking.

    The 6 is too big for me and I hate the protruding camera lens. So a 5s? Seems a bit silly to go to a year-old phone after two years with a 5. So I'll probably wait for the 6s and keep my fingers crossed for a smaller model with a flush camera lens.

    In the past, I've always loved upgrading because the 3G and 4 became dog-slow after two years. But my 5 is still lovely and quick, so I don't have the same yearning to upgrade. My iPad 2, on the other hand, is an old man, albeit a lovable one.
  • Reply 225 of 418
    So the MCX boys club isn't working out so well so far. K-Mart/Sears, Target, Home Depot. Hmm, I wonder if any of them were PCI compliant prior to these breaches. The MCX consortium will adopt ApplePay, just not right away. The public will get tired of getting new cards mailed to them each month and will force those who do not accept the absolute most secure way to accept credit cards, ApplePay, to adopt it. Consumers are tired of irresponsible businesses monetizing their data and creating piss-poor security systems to protect the same data. Walmart, Best Buy, and all other irresponsible retailers, you are being put on notice.
  • Reply 226 of 418
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Bill Gates says Apple Pay is a fantastic idea.
    See time 7:05 for Apple Pay comments...

    Thanks for the link, but I don't really feel that Gates understands how ?Pay is better than other attempts at a digital wallet. He does say Apple will help bring it to a critical mass but he also says it's built upon industry standards, which he states as NFC, which is the truth, just not the whole truth.
  • Reply 227 of 418

    Just another example of how technology is introduced, but companies such as Google and Microsoft cannot figure out how to implement correctly. Take the telephone. Apple releases the iPhone and revolutionizes how a phone is used. They didn't invent the phone, they simply took a great product and make it spectacular and functional for everyone. Now with credit card transactions, Apple has figured a way to increase security beyond a pathetic 4 digit pin or a chipped card. Apple didn't invent NFC, they simply found a much more functional way to use it more securely than any other attempt up to date. Google and Microsoft will once again be thanking Apple years later for taking a technology they have had for years and did nothing useful with. Vision and execution are strong with Apple.

  • Reply 228 of 418
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Thanks for the link, but I don't really feel that Gates understands how ?Pay is better than other attempts at a digital wallet. He does say Apple will help bring it to a critical mass but he also says it's built upon industry standards, which he states as NFC, which is the truth, just not the whole truth.

    "You can't handle the truth"

    Sorry, had to. I love that part.
  • Reply 229 of 418
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    sirlance99 wrote: »
    "You can't handle the truth"

    Sorry, had to. I love that part.

    "Did you order the (PRODUCT)<sup>RED</sup>, Colonel Jessup?!"
  • Reply 230 of 418
    runbuhrunbuh Posts: 315member
    It appears that most (all?) new credit card terminals include NFC, so it does not seem like merchants could even choose a non-NFC terminal regardless of any theoretical cost savings. Three recently breached companies (Target, Home Depot and Jewel/Albertson's) all seem to be using brand-new Verifone's MX915 terminals at every location I have visited in three widely separated states. See for details, where all of Verifone's consumer-facing terminals seem to be NFC-enabled. As of 2011, Verifone was promising that all of their POS terminals would include NFC (see


    Many of those models are available with and without NFC. For example, the MX880 is shown as:
    ISO 14443 AB certified
    Optional field-upgradeable module

    NewEgg shows the NFC module as being $169.00:

    Also - The MX925 does not have NFC built-in, but does include Smart Card functionality (MX915 has both). Watch the video. Here's a couple of screen grabs that show the MX925 with and without NFC:


  • Reply 231 of 418
    Originally Posted by runbuh View Post


    How stupid do you have to be to name your system ISIS?

  • Reply 232 of 418
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    How stupid do you have to be to name your system ISIS?

    They, like the dozens of other items using Isis in some variation, were using it long before the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria was formed.
  • Reply 233 of 418
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,299member
    droidftw wrote: »
    Some of you sure find some interesting ways to spend your free time.  I hope Apple pays you for the services you're rendering.
    How about you spend less time loitering around an Apple site, bashing their products and owners which you clearly don't like? Get lost.
  • Reply 234 of 418
    runbuh wrote: »

    Many of those models are available with and without NFC. For example, the MX880 is shown as:
    ISO 14443 AB certified
    Optional field-upgradeable module

    NewEgg shows the NFC module as being $169.00:

    Also - The MX925 does not have NFC built-in, but does include Smart Card functionality (MX915 has both). Watch the video. Here's a couple of screen grabs that show the MX925 with and without NFC:



    Thanks for your additional research. The key points seem to be A) the recently breached companies all seem to be using Verifone's MX915 terminals which include NFC and B) every terminal either has or can be upgraded to include NFC.
  • Reply 235 of 418
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,299member
    droidftw wrote: »

    I guess you don't support Apple.

    And just think of the great impression you'll leave in regards to Apple and Apple users!  Go team go!  :P
    Seriously, you need to get a life... Outside of Apple sites, you're not wanted around here...
  • Reply 236 of 418
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member
    How stupid do you have to be to name your system ISIS?

    Well, since the mobile payment system ISIS was out long before the terrorist group came around and was even a mainstream media event. You tell me?
  • Reply 237 of 418
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    They, like the dozens of other items using Isis in some variation, were using it long before the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria was formed.

    Sorry, you beat me to it.
  • Reply 238 of 418
    runbuhrunbuh Posts: 315member
    Thanks for your additional research. The key points seem to be A) the recently breached companies all seem to be using Verifone's MX915 terminals which include NFC and B) every terminal either has or can be upgraded to include NFC.

    Which way do you think the companies will go?

    To me, it seems like a no-brainer to do a one-time implementation of Chip & PIN. But - will the systems changes necessary to support Apple Pay be the same changes necessary to support Google Wallet, ISIS, Masterpass, Samsung Wallet (HAH!), Barclays, etc.? If not, I suspect that Chip & PIN support will come first while the NFC options battle it out.
  • Reply 239 of 418
    runbuhrunbuh Posts: 315member
    How stupid do you have to be to name your system ISIS?
    Maybe their teenage hormones have been raging since the 70's and never stopped

    But it appears they've changed their name to Softcard:
  • Reply 240 of 418
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    magman1979 wrote: »
    How about you spend less time loitering around an Apple site, bashing their products and owners which you clearly don't like? Get lost.

    magman1979 wrote: »
    Seriously, you need to get a life... Outside of Apple sites, you're not wanted around here...

    I support [@]DroidFTW[/@]'s comments in this matter. It does nothing but wastes the time of those who are not responsible, as well as making Apple users look like assholes for maliciously waisting the time of the retail employees. If you don't value your own time, at least consider that there could be other shoppers who actually need assistance by the retail employe whose time that is being taken up.

    I'll say it again, the best way to show a company you don't care for how they do business is to not shop there.
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