I would say lack of a diverse economy and shortsightedness destroyed their economy. If they didn't place their entire economy into one or two critical 'cogs', they wouldn't be in this situation.
Although I love Apple - this guy does make a point. If anyone has not read Jaron Lanier's "Who Own The Future?" - it's worth your time. There won't be much for anyone to do in the future once all the jobs are destroyed for the middle class. Steve did make a dent in the universe, although I'm not sure he would have eventually been happy with what that dent did.
It looked more like Microsoft killed Nokia. Steven Elop went from Microsoft to Nokia to become CEO. Nokia's stock subsequently tanked through mismanagement. Microsoft acquired Nokia, and sacked most of Nokia's workforce.
Although I love Apple - this guy does make a point. If anyone has not read Jaron Lanier's "Who Own The Future?" - it's worth your time. There won't be much for anyone to do in the future once all the jobs are destroyed for the middle class. Steve did make a dent in the universe, although I'm not sure he would have eventually been happy with what that dent did.
I'm not sure he would have been too happy with the dent the iPhone 6 Plus made either.
As for Nokia... well, while lots of people loved the hardware, Nokia has been selling the same kind of crap for around 20 years without any major innovation, especially software wise. Their downfall was just a matter of time.
Maybe Finland is the country Apple could buy, move to, and carry out their political and economic will. I still think a country or collection of countries should be purchased and repurposed for the benefit of their owners. Heck, even the Google boys think the laws in the US are insane and they want their own island.
Not quite, unless they buy with a loan.
Finland's GDP is about $USD247B (41st)
Apple's last year was $USD175B (about 57th...)
But Finland's a laggard in generating income.
Apple would be better off buying Ireland (45th). Keep those tax benefits (or change the law so only Apple gets them, and then gouge Google, MS, Exxon, etc), and a decent supply of Jameson's and Guinness for the Staff Cafe.
But speaking of that... did anyone ever read Islands On the Net? Sci Fi when Corporations had surpassed countries as the global power structure, and 'data islands' were the off-shore banks..... this thought tips the scale of not if, but when, do countries get surpassed as global powers?
Well, we just added more Apple haters in Finland. See, these apple haters online don't hate Apple because of their products, it's because they lost their job and they're just angry(Nokia, Blackberry, any PC manufacturer, etc). That's why their arguments are illogical and irrational.
Karma is a killer.
Only to those that it doesn't affect.
I would say lack of a diverse economy and shortsightedness destroyed their economy. If they didn't place their entire economy into one or two critical 'cogs', they wouldn't be in this situation.
Yet Apple did exactly that with the iPhone.
Although I love Apple - this guy does make a point. If anyone has not read Jaron Lanier's "Who Own The Future?" - it's worth your time. There won't be much for anyone to do in the future once all the jobs are destroyed for the middle class. Steve did make a dent in the universe, although I'm not sure he would have eventually been happy with what that dent did.
And the fish got on his bike.
I think Nokia and lazy Finns should go back to make rubber boots.
Sans iPhone, is Apple making more money than they did before the iPhone was introduced?
I'm not sure he would have been too happy with the dent the iPhone 6 Plus made either.
Care to explain that one?
Alexander Stubb is an idiot. The fact that this moron can be elected prime minister is why Finland is in trouble.
Ignorance is bliss I suppose...
Maybe Finland is the country Apple could buy, move to, and carry out their political and economic will. I still think a country or collection of countries should be purchased and repurposed for the benefit of their owners. Heck, even the Google boys think the laws in the US are insane and they want their own island.
Not quite, unless they buy with a loan.
Finland's GDP is about $USD247B (41st)
Apple's last year was $USD175B (about 57th...)
But Finland's a laggard in generating income.
Apple would be better off buying Ireland (45th). Keep those tax benefits (or change the law so only Apple gets them, and then gouge Google, MS, Exxon, etc), and a decent supply of Jameson's and Guinness for the Staff Cafe.
But speaking of that... did anyone ever read Islands On the Net? Sci Fi when Corporations had surpassed countries as the global power structure, and 'data islands' were the off-shore banks..... this thought tips the scale of not if, but when, do countries get surpassed as global powers?
See, these apple haters online don't hate Apple because of their products, it's because they lost their job and they're just angry(Nokia, Blackberry, any PC manufacturer, etc). That's why their arguments are illogical and irrational.
I'd amend that to 'continued success'
Solip responded to your post that said 'Absolutely', so I responded in kind.
I'm not sure he would have been too happy with the dent the iPhone 6 Plus made either.
Steve would've said that you were pocketing it wrong. " src="http://forums-files.appleinsider.com/images/smilies//lol.gif" />