Finland prime minister again blames Apple for destroying national economy



  • Reply 101 of 182
    Oh, so it's ok for Nokia (or any other company for that matter) to be so big they print money in their sleep but not Apple? Hmm, "hi Kettle, I'm Pot." They're just mad because they got toppled over when they thought it wasn't possible. Happens to the best of them. Look what we think of Microsoft now compared to what we thought of them in 1990. Look what we thought of Apple in 1990 compared to now. Will they still even be around in 15 one knows! Lesson to be learned: never stop innovating! Never get too comfortable.
  • Reply 102 of 182

    ....Nokia's forest and paper can turn the situation around.


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    No doubt! No doubt! :smokey: 

  • Reply 103 of 182
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Anyone with some intelligence knows that the explanation isn't that simple. It's easier, but also dangerous to point to a foreign entity as the root of their problems. Had he blamed the ineptitude of Nokia's management he might have become a pariah.

    Right. At least Canada didn't get upset over Apple destroying BB .... Oh wait a minute. ... :D
  • Reply 104 of 182
    If you should blame anyone, blame Nokia themselves for refusing to innovate, thus pulling a Kodak.
  • Reply 105 of 182
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    I don't see any problems with the Prime Minister's statement. 


    After the iPhone came out, it was the beginning of the end for quite a few companies. 


    The competition was busy mocking the iPhone and picking their noses instead of taking the threat seriously.


    I sure hope that Apple destroys a few more countries soon! There's quite a few on my list that need to be taken down. Bring it on! 

  • Reply 106 of 182
    waltgwaltg Posts: 90member
    No one wants to take responsibility for anything anymore, let's find someone else to blame it on!!!!!
  • Reply 107 of 182
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,900moderator
    There's a hierarchy among men that starts with Alligator Wrestler at the top and ends with Flaming at the bottom. Just above Flaming and a few places below Metrosexual is the guy pictured at the top of this article, whom I would be inclined to describe as... Eurosexual? Is that a thing?

    In the words of Jay Leno... Don't write me emails. It's a joke!
  • Reply 108 of 182
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,900moderator
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    How much less would they be making had the iPhone flopped? The iPhone is a gateway product that has led to increased sales of other devices.

    What if we lived in a universe where electricity didn't work?

    Oh, oh, here's one! What if there was no such thing as conjecture? Then where would you be? Oh, wait. I wouldn't be able to ask that.
  • Reply 109 of 182
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,900moderator
    Tim Cook responds: "Finland? We were aiming for South Korea."
  • Reply 110 of 182
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    Nothing new here, people have been blaming Apples since Adam

    tried to cut Eve some slack (of course, he probably wanted to maintain certain fringe benefits).


    Really, this is one of those times when a headline is intentionally obtuse and sensationalistic.

    It's not like the guy is accusing Apple of being some some sort of 'evil empire'...

    He's simply acknowledging that the world changes,

    which, in most contexts, you folks would laud.

    ?I think it's a bit oblique to blame the paper woes on a device not everyone has,

    but haven't we all whooped it up over Nokia crumbling in the face of superior phones from Apple?

  • Reply 111 of 182
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    Originally Posted by RadarTheKat View Post

    Tim Cook responds: "Finland? We were aiming for South Korea."

    Are you hinting something about Apple Maps here???

  • Reply 112 of 182
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member

    Originally Posted by LibertyKRS View Post


    Interesting . . . in one of his Twitter account pictures, he's settling into his new office while using . . . wait for it . . . an iPad!!!


    LMAO! WOW! So I guess the Prime Minister helped kill the Finish economy.

  • Reply 113 of 182
    boredumb wrote: »
    Are you hinting something about Apple Maps here???
    Seriously? You trying to keep that old rhetoric alive?
  • Reply 114 of 182
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member

    When he says that Apple killed Nokia and the paper industry and that lead to a downgrade of debt, he's putting the blame on the wrong entity. Progress and innovation do create displacement and disruption, but that's a good thing. It's up to Finland to rework those industries and try to catch back up.


    His picture sort of threw me. I just watched the life story of Buddy Holly starring Gary Busey a few days ago. Had to do a double-take.

  • Reply 115 of 182
    metrixmetrix Posts: 256member

    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post


    Yet Apple did exactly that with the iPhone.

    Absolutely not! It started with desktop computers market share of 2% and maybe got to 4%, introducing the colored iMac launched to new plateau, then iPod even greater, MacBook Air, iPhone and then iPad. Apple grows so that it can introduce the next bigger product, using each product as a platform for the next.

  • Reply 116 of 182
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,229member

    Don't blame Apple or Nokia. Blame the rest of Norway for a lack of innovation.

  • Reply 117 of 182
    b9botb9bot Posts: 238member

    Yes lets blame everyone but who is really to blame which is there own government. Apple has nothing to do with there money problems and blaming them is just a big copout plain and simple.

  • Reply 118 of 182

    Evolve or die.

  • Reply 119 of 182

    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post

    Seriously? You trying to keep that old rhetoric alive?


    Desperate trolls call for desperate memes.

  • Reply 120 of 182
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    No, I think it's true that the paper industry is tanking...but the reason is that newspapers and magazine sales are tanking... everyone is rapidly getting their news and entertainment on-line. iPads and Amazon readers are the go-to devices for a lot of people, but it's just not those devices, but laptops and desk computers too. It's a wired, wired,wired world!
    Actually there are many factors to consider, but yes we are in a period of rapid change. Newspaper printing is especially down and it should be. Many people are happy to have a broad selection of news at their finger tips instead of the one local leftist paper and the Wall Street Journal which has gone to crap.
    As for Nokia, They shot themselves in the foot ... just like Microsoft, Palm, Blackberry/RIMM, et al. Everyone had the chance to do what Apple did in 2007, had they the foresight to do so, but turning out crap was keeping the lights on and everyone was content doing business as usual.
    Nokia was absolutely stupid and let many opportunities slip through its fingers around that time. They had an excellent start on a competitor to what would become iPod Touch if they would have just demonstrated a little innovation and foresight. Instead they took what was an interesting first attempt and let it languish and never seriously invested.
    It's been said that Apple "bet the company" on the iPhone... it's equally true that MS, Palm, and RIMM also "bet their companies" on not seeing the train coming.

    This I don't buy at all. If you took Steve literally (not a good thing to do) he didn't expect a run away success that Apple eventually had with iPhone. Even then it took a couple of years for iPhone to really get going as "the" product.
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