If the people of the middle class don't do something now to change their future, they will end up like Nokia and really have no one to blame except their own inaction. All around the world there are people snug in their middle class life watching TV and burning through the opportunity to do what they need to do while there is time to do it. The future owes nothing to the past, but will be beholding to those who act in the present.
I don't see it hat way at all. There actually is massive opportunity for the middle class especially if you can establish a small business. More importantly the new manufacturing systems open up the world to higher paid high skill jobs. Those jobs don't helpt the stupid and lazy but we shouldn't be helping such people in the first place.
On the other hand if Ebola strikes 60% of the worlds population we have little to worry about as far as excess hands go.
It's Microsoft not Apple. Before iPhone, I have always used Nokia Navigators. My last real Nokia is the N9. But Elop (reads Microsoft) decided to kill MeeGo. N9 was a great phone, just like the iPhone but cheaper. MeeGo could have overtaken Android and Nokia could have remained the largest smart phone maker. Too bad Microsoft have killed Nokia.
Since Nokia is gone, what kind of phone is he using? I bet it is an Android. Therefore he can not say Google destroyed Finland economy. He will be a traitor. LOL
I think he has a very valid point about the iPads, or rather, tablets and eat readers in general. These devices have made books, magazines, and even newspapers much more convenient. Another large contributing factor to the demise of paper has been newspapers and magazines own success in their online publications. Their paper products are decimated. Of course, the whole trouble is that they cannot make nearly as much money online and all of them are in dire straits.
In any event, paper, and the wood that most papers made up as taken a big hit, too.
As for Nokia – well, I guess they just could not compete against Apple's iPhone. I wonder why they did not adapt Android, sooner.
It is unfortunate that the media is so rife with such poorly learned journalists.
This is true and seems to be getting far worst. It really looks like the majority of the reporters out there have an education that stopped in middle school. Very few seem to be well informed as to what they are reporting on.
To imply that the Finland's Prime Minister Alexander Stubb, blamed anyone for their current situation is ludicrous.
As anyone that can read a dictionary will tell you, to blame is to assign responsibility for a fault or wrong.
I'm not to sure what his aim was. However it does have the flavor of trying to attach blame.
If anything, he was blaming his own country men, not Jobs or Apple. The demise of Finland's most lucrative sources of income was the introduction of superior technology. And for us to chastise Nokia, or for that matter RIM, for not countering with better operating systems; imagine what the world would look like today if oneonlycountry, (with the exception of possibly one other), was allowed to build/refine jet engines.
Actually how many jet engine manufactures are there at the moment?
But hell. Why not blame Apple. After all, the NRA blames the victims <span style="line-height:22.399999618530273px;">for not carrying a gun to shoot back.</span>
You don't help your arguments when you post complete bull crap. The NRA isn't in the game of blaming victims. The NRA simply points out that you as a person are responsible for your own safety. In the end cops can do little for you when somebody enters your home or tries to hijac your car.
This is true and seems to be getting far worst. It really looks like the majority of the reporters out there have an education that stopped in middle school. Very few seem to be well informed as to what they are reporting on.
I'm not to sure what his aim was. However it does have the flavor of trying to attach blame.
Actually how many jet engine manufactures are there at the moment?
You don't help your arguments when you post complete bull crap. The NRA isn't in the game of blaming victims. The NRA simply points out that you as a person are responsible for your own safety. In the end cops can do little for you when somebody enters your home or tries to hijac your car.
Oh, please you really want to go to but for the NRA, seriously, when they don't even want the federal government to examine gun use... Look it up. They're afraid of the truth that guns are useless in self defense, but dangerous to have around for everyone involved.
I'm not going to talk about their political BS here beyond that because I know I'll get mad about it. Anyone who spouts any of their lines need to go see the real info, and science.
Can't wait to see this used as a reason to downgrade the stock again. /s
I think it's more China, exporting cheaper paper, that killed their paper industry. As for Nokia, blame MS and Google more than Apple.
Can't blame Apple for killing the paper industry. I can print my emails from my iPhone and iPad. My android phone however does not let me print from the email app so does reduce the amount of paper used. /s
Finnish Prime Minister self-effacedly credits Apple with being a disruptor, Apple fanboards erupt in multi-armed grasp for a defence and/or counter offence.
It's been said that Apple "bet the company" on the iPhone... it's equally true that MS, Palm, and RIMM also "bet their companies" on not seeing the train coming.
This I don't buy at all. If you took Steve literally (not a good thing to do) he didn't expect a run away success that Apple eventually had with iPhone. Even then it took a couple of years for iPhone to really get going as "the" product.
I agree that the iPhone was successful beyond Steve's expectations. But don't you think it was because he also expected MS, Palm, Nokia, and RIMM to see what the iPhone was going to do; that it represented serious competition? They all laughed at the iPhone, and in their various ways didn't react as seriously and aggressively as they should have.
I don't think anyone outside of Apple knew what a house-of-cards the original iPhone was, but Apple was able to identify quickly where there were enterprise weaknesses in the iOS and hardware, and did move relatively quickly to plug the holes. SO, in defense of the established players, Apple did keep them slightly off their game by upgrading the iOS faster then the establishment was used to seeing things happen. Apple also saw the upheaval that was going to happen once the cellular systems upgraded their digital side of their towers and infra-systems. By moving when they did, they actually sped up the upgrades by AT&T, Verizon and others. The handset makers just didn't seem to have a plan on how to take advantage of the projected improvements by the providers.
I'd love to have heard Steve's pitch to Quest (which became part of AT&T) and could detect what Quest saw that made them move on Steve's offer... They saw something that the other cell providers didn't see... I wonder what it was?
Sorry Finland Nokia got complacent and stopped innovating, fell behind the industry and eventually was swallowed up by Microsoft NOT Apple so if anyone destroyed you economy it was Microsoft. However if you base your Ecconomy on one company in such a fast changing industry I question the wisdom of your economists. Maybe you should look closer to home for the cause of your woes! IF YOU MAJE A MISTAKE MAN UP ACCEPT IT AND MOVE ON. Blaming others doesn't help you!
What an embarrassment this man must be to the Finnish population, blaming an innovative company, like Apple, for their failing economy. If I were to take a guess, it would seem to me that he and others who think as he does, are the ones responsible for Finland's economic woes.
Don't blame Apple or Nokia. Blame the rest of Norway for a lack of innovation.
Yes, Norway. That's what Finland calls itself these days.
I don't see it hat way at all. There actually is massive opportunity for the middle class especially if you can establish a small business. More importantly the new manufacturing systems open up the world to higher paid high skill jobs. Those jobs don't helpt the stupid and lazy but we shouldn't be helping such people in the first place.
On the other hand if Ebola strikes 60% of the worlds population we have little to worry about as far as excess hands go.
Since Nokia is gone, what kind of phone is he using? I bet it is an Android. Therefore he can not say Google destroyed Finland economy. He will be a traitor. LOL
In any event, paper, and the wood that most papers made up as taken a big hit, too.
As for Nokia – well, I guess they just could not compete against Apple's iPhone. I wonder why they did not adapt Android, sooner.
You don't help your arguments when you post complete bull crap. The NRA isn't in the game of blaming victims. The NRA simply points out that you as a person are responsible for your own safety. In the end cops can do little for you when somebody enters your home or tries to hijac your car.
You know what killed Nokia? Letting Ballmer sneak Elop in as Nokia CEO. Oops.
Xerox saved paper industry by making computers smart typewriter instead of real computers.
South Korea can survive Samsung crashing. They've still got Hyundai which is bigger and stronger.
This is true and seems to be getting far worst. It really looks like the majority of the reporters out there have an education that stopped in middle school. Very few seem to be well informed as to what they are reporting on.
I'm not to sure what his aim was. However it does have the flavor of trying to attach blame.
Actually how many jet engine manufactures are there at the moment?
You don't help your arguments when you post complete bull crap. The NRA isn't in the game of blaming victims. The NRA simply points out that you as a person are responsible for your own safety. In the end cops can do little for you when somebody enters your home or tries to hijac your car.
Oh, please you really want to go to but for the NRA, seriously, when they don't even want the federal government to examine gun use... Look it up. They're afraid of the truth that guns are useless in self defense, but dangerous to have around for everyone involved.
I'm not going to talk about their political BS here beyond that because I know I'll get mad about it. Anyone who spouts any of their lines need to go see the real info, and science.
Can't blame Apple for killing the paper industry. I can print my emails from my iPhone and iPad. My android phone however does not let me print from the email app so does reduce the amount of paper used. /s
Lot of insecurity round here.
This I don't buy at all. If you took Steve literally (not a good thing to do) he didn't expect a run away success that Apple eventually had with iPhone. Even then it took a couple of years for iPhone to really get going as "the" product.
I agree that the iPhone was successful beyond Steve's expectations. But don't you think it was because he also expected MS, Palm, Nokia, and RIMM to see what the iPhone was going to do; that it represented serious competition? They all laughed at the iPhone, and in their various ways didn't react as seriously and aggressively as they should have.
I don't think anyone outside of Apple knew what a house-of-cards the original iPhone was, but Apple was able to identify quickly where there were enterprise weaknesses in the iOS and hardware, and did move relatively quickly to plug the holes. SO, in defense of the established players, Apple did keep them slightly off their game by upgrading the iOS faster then the establishment was used to seeing things happen. Apple also saw the upheaval that was going to happen once the cellular systems upgraded their digital side of their towers and infra-systems. By moving when they did, they actually sped up the upgrades by AT&T, Verizon and others. The handset makers just didn't seem to have a plan on how to take advantage of the projected improvements by the providers.
I'd love to have heard Steve's pitch to Quest (which became part of AT&T) and could detect what Quest saw that made them move on Steve's offer... They saw something that the other cell providers didn't see... I wonder what it was?
In other news: Austria blames Exxon for lack of snow
Can we sue them?
If anyone is interested, Stubb never blamed Apple for anything!
Best watch the interview folks: http://www.cnbc.com/id/102081405
Yeah he didn't to it in a negative way. He did one of those passive aggressive things people like to do where they try to shade someone on the sly...
It will get better, someday. And then, it will get worse.