Google to resurrect Bump app as "Copresence," like Apple's AirDrop without privacy



  • Reply 21 of 136

    Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire couldn't conquer the Blue Sky....


  • Reply 22 of 136

    "Just bump."



  • Reply 23 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Gotta start the FUD early, nip this stuff in the bud. No sense waiting for facts to get in the way of a good ol' Sunday click-bait opportunity .

    We've seen all this before. ;)

    Why don't you start your own web site where people that give a shit about Google can go and all chat together?
  • Reply 24 of 136
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    Why don't you start your own web site where people that give a shit about Google can go and all chat together?

    We've already got DED doing that. You don't think he's doing a good enough job?

    Crazy stuff huh, talking about Google in a thread about Google.
  • Reply 25 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    We've already got DED doing that. You don't think he's doing a good enough job?

    You must be on a different version of AI that I am. The only references to Google I see from DED are those pointing out *Google's failings, hardly the pro Google folks's favorite news. I might add DED has been right all the way for years. Who amongst you Google fans, wasting space here, believed his warnings about all those sales numbers that were being hyped in the media? Apple was doomed according to the Google press corp. DED pointed out it was channel stuffing and low end non profitable crap ... and most importantly a financial disaster waiting to happen to Samsung, Google's only successful acolyte. Even Google could not succeed with an Android phone that's pretty telling (Oh I keep forgetting they didn't want to according to you). PED and DED have been beacons of truth in years of lies. Perhaps it's time you actually started listening and leaning from PED and DED.

    * Hence my OP here, you might want to start one where people give a shit as opposed to wanting to discuss their failings. Think of the time you'd save here and the waste of 0's and 1's on AI.
  • Reply 26 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member

    "Copresence" happens to be an anagram of "Creep cones"

    Or 'Creep-c Ones" Just one look at Eric the Schitt and I think that rings true.

    You know when you think back and remember Steve mentored those two creep-c ones when they were young and put Eric on Apple's board ... makes my stomach turn.
  • Reply 27 of 136
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    You must be on a different version of AI that I am. The only references to Google I see from DED are those pointing out Google's failings, hardly the pro Google folks's favorite news. I might add DED has been right all the way for years. Who amongst you Google fans, wasting space here, believed his warnings about all those sales numbers that were being hyped in the media? Apple was doomed according to the Google press corp. DED pointed out it was channel stuffing and low end non profitable crap ... and most importantly a financial disaster waiting to happen to Samsung, Google's only successful acolyte. Even Google could not succeed with an Android phone that's pretty telling (Oh I keep forgetting they didn't want to according to you). PED and DED have been beacons of truth in years of lies. Perhaps it's time you actually started listening and leaning from PED and DED.
    I've learned a lot from discussions with DED, and months before I discovered AI. As a matter of fact you have Daniel to thank for my membership here.

    Not so much with Philip but I've read his articles here and there.
  • Reply 28 of 136
    You must be on a different version of AI that I am. The only references to Google I see from DED are those pointing out Google's failings, hardly the pro Google folks's favorite news. I might add DED has been right all the way for years. Who amongst you Google fans, wasting space here, believed his warnings about all those sales numbers that were being hyped in the media? Apple was doomed according to the Google press corp. DED pointed out it was channel stuffing and low end non profitable crap ... and most importantly a financial disaster waiting to happen to Samsung, Google's only successful acolyte. Even Google could not succeed with an Android phone that's pretty telling (Oh I keep forgetting they didn't want to according to you). PED and DED have been beacons of truth in years of lies. Perhaps it's time you actually started listening and leaning from PED and DED.

    John Kirk over at Techpinions as well. His piece on "Samsung Schradenfrued" was a delight.
  • Reply 29 of 136
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    John Kirk over at Techpinions as well. His piece on "Samsung Schradenfrued" was a delight.
    Thanks. I'll make sure to read that one. I've long considered Samsung to be a pretender so I'm curious now about how closely we'll agree.

    EDIT: Like much of DED's writing that article goes on waaay too long and probably loses much of the audience well before Kahlil Gibran (one of my favs from college days) is invoked. Adding quotes from assorted Seeking Alpha articles didn't contribute much either as you can find support for any position you want to argue among the hundreds of opinion pieces there. But yes Kirk and I would be in general agreement. Sammy is a flash in the pan, making a lot of good short term moves but not prepared for the long haul.
  • Reply 30 of 136
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Thanks. I'll make sure to read that one. I've long considered Samsung to be a pretender so I'm curious now about how closely we'll agree.
  • Reply 31 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    John Kirk over at Techpinions as well. His piece on "Samsung Schradenfrued" was a delight.

    Thanks for the name, not one I know. I will check him out.

    EDIT: OK after a quick scan ... what a 'tour de force' as the first post I saw stated. Wow, I will sit back and digest slowly. Oh damn ...You do realize Gatorguy will be posting his pro Google banalities there now ... :D
  • Reply 32 of 136
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member

    Thanks. Already finished the read. Phew! See my edit in my previous post.
  • Reply 33 of 136
    bighypebighype Posts: 148member

    Google Copresence

    Always spying on you because YOU are the product we sell to our customers, the advertisers and gov agencies.

  • Reply 34 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Thanks. I'll make sure to read that one. I've long considered Samsung to be a pretender so I'm curious now about how closely we'll agree.

    So Samsung was a false apostle not a chosen one, Google don't make hardware with the intent of selling it, just guidance ... HTC crashed and burned, rival mobile OSs are on the rise with the sun, so i'm curious ... what's coming we don't know about?
  • Reply 35 of 136
    Thanks for the name, not one I know. I will check him out.

    EDIT: OK after a quick scan ... what a 'tour de force' as the first post I saw stated. Wow, I will sit back and digest slowly. Oh damn ...You do realize Gatorguy will be posting his pro Google banalities there now ... :D

    Oh, he's brilliant.

    I especially like the second piece, because it shows how unmerited the criticism of the Watch is.

    Ben Thompson over at Stratechery is also quite good. Here's a recent piece:
  • Reply 36 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    I've learned a lot from discussions with DED, and months before I discovered AI. As a matter of fact you have Daniel to thank for my membership here.

    Not so much with Philip but I've read his articles here and there.

    I would argue with the assertion you learned' anything from DED, your posts refute that quite clearly.
  • Reply 37 of 136
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    I would argue with the assertion you learned' anything
    Of course you would. I'd expect nothing less.
  • Reply 38 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Oh, he's brilliant.

    I especially like the second piece, because it shows how unmerited the criticism of the Watch is.

    Ben Thompson over at Stratechery is also quite good. Here's a recent piece:

    I might have to hang up my MBP and grab an iPad and go to bed early to read all this new stuff. Thanks so much.
  • Reply 39 of 136
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Of course you would. I'd expect nothing less.

    Stating the obvious isn't something I would normally bother with but occasionally it is necessary.

    Case in point: This from you to DED ... hardly grasshopper speak ... ;) I removed the 'bold' shouty bits.

    "DED, thanks for the heads-up of a rumor and your take on what the rumor might mean, what Google might possibly be able to do with it and how it might work if Google designs it to do so. All according to rumor. Or not. And throw in some half-truths for good measure, ie " collecting and selling user data and user-facing ads.", or "Google demonizing patents."

    Gotta start the FUD early, nip this stuff in the bud. No sense waiting for facts to get in the way of a good ol' Sunday click-bait opportunity .

    We've seen all this before."

    I go back to my first reply ... 'Why don't you start your own web site where people that give a shit about Google can go and all chat together?'
  • Reply 40 of 136
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    Stating the obvious isn't something I would normally bother with but occasionally it is necessary.

    Another instance of you making things way too personal, and unnecessarily so. Not being anti-Google does not equate to being anti-Apple. As I said in an earlier post to you today Apple isn't the underdog anymore and hasn't been for quite a few years now.

    If you can't or would rather not take to time to refute things I've posted or better yet calmly discuss our two viewpoints on various topics fair enough. If you expect a tit-for-tat exchange of trollish posts to fill the space instead I'd defer to you sir. I'd rather not play.
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