iPhone 6 outselling iPhone 6 Plus by 3-to-1 margin in US - report



  • Reply 161 of 201
    solipsismy wrote: »
    One that I find particularly annoying is the Home Screen can be turned in all 4 directions but if you click on an app, even default apps, they be upside down, which is unlike iOS for iPad apps.

    Upside down? That doesn't happen on my iPhone 6 plus. All my apps open however the phone is oriented.
  • Reply 162 of 201

    The problem with 6 Plus is you can't get them. It is easy to pick up an iPhone 6. 

  • Reply 163 of 201
    Originally Posted by bayTed View Post

    It is easy to pick up an iPhone 6. 


    Equally easy to hold. The Plus, on the other hand*...


    *these unintentional puns are the only thing keeping me alive

  • Reply 164 of 201
    *these unintentional puns are the only thing keeping me alive

    And, ironically, what makes me want to kill you. :p
  • Reply 165 of 201
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,649member
    First 30 days of sales during constrained 6 availability. I expect when the constraints are lifted and all global regions are factored into the equation the breakdown will be 60% regular to 40% plus. No matter how you slice it this is a win-win for Apple customers. As a 6 plus customer I find that using my old 4S or iPod Touch 5 very constraining, like peering through a tiny porthole. My iPad Mini misses me and is wondering why we don't spend as much time together as we used to.
  • Reply 166 of 201

    I think it might be true because a lot of people after the release wanted the + but it was not available and settled upon the 4.7" model.  Also, a lot of people thought the + was too big and purchase the 4.7" because they had a 4" or smaller iPhone.   But many people have reconsidered and now want the + size; especially after they had a talk with a friend or two that been using Phablets for a while.  


    I know I was taken a back by it all until I say what people were using 5.5" or bigger smartphones more and more.  I think the trend is going that way!  


    I going to order a 5.5" around Thanksgiving.   I like my 5S but I want to have something that is a bigger and higher resolution for reading and watching videos. I already have an Ipad Mini Retna.

  • Reply 167 of 201
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,649member
    People claiming the iPhone 6+ is a flop are living in a self imposed state of denial and delusion. If the 6+ were pulling in 90% of the product line sales these same denialists would still claim it was a failure. Whatever floats your boat inside "your world" is fine if that's what it takes to get you through the day but in the greater realm of reality and reason the 6+ is delivering exactly the kind of numbers that Apple needed to solidify its grip on the handset market. Even if the 6+ were only pulling in 25% of the iPhone 6 sales that not only represents customers that would conceivably move to a non Apple products BUT these customers are also being retained with a HIGHER MARGIN product.

    So anyone who truly believes that retaining customers through a higher margin product offering represents a flop seriously needs to have their head examined. The 6+ is a win-win for Apple and the Apple ecosystem.
  • Reply 168 of 201
    dewme wrote: »
    People claiming the iPhone 6+ is a flop are living in a self imposed state of denial and delusion. If the 6+ were pulling in 90% of the product line sales these same denialists would still claim it was a failure. Whatever floats your boat inside "your world" is fine if that's what it takes to get you through the day but in the greater realm of reality and reason the 6+ is delivering exactly the kind of numbers that Apple needed to solidify its grip on the handset market. Even if the 6+ were only pulling in 25% of the iPhone 6 sales that not only represents customers that would conceivably move to a non Apple products BUT these customers are also being retained with a HIGHER MARGIN product.

    So anyone who truly believes that retaining customers through a higher margin product offering represents a flop seriously needs to have their head examined. The 6+ is a win-win for Apple and the Apple ecosystem.

    Possibly intimidated by something that is 5.5".
  • Reply 169 of 201
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member

    Originally Posted by MacVicta View Post

    Co-sign. Give me an iPhone mini and an iPad Pro. The iPhone 6 Plus is a poor excuse for a phone and an even poorer excuse for a tablet.

    I do believe it is the way to go if Apple is serious about "Continuity".


    The 6+ feels like an anomaly to me.

  • Reply 170 of 201
    Considering most carrier stores STILL haven't gotten 6 Plus stock, this isn't surprising. Too bad they didn't take that into consideration when they threw out these numbers. MANY customers prefer to upgrade through their carrier stores, or have to (Sprint Framily Plan members have to upgrade in-store).

    I was trying to hold out for the 6 Plus, but eventually just got the 6 since my Sprint store still has no clue when they'll get the Plus.
  • Reply 171 of 201
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of that aestheti but I can't say it's an issue in practice.
    Which 6" smartphones are smaller than the iPhone 6 Plus?
    Why not? I've been carrying headphones with me pretty much everywhere since I got my first iPod and the headset is the best way to make a call whilst not in the car since you can either have two hands free or use the iPhone for other tasks whilst on a call. If I'm in the car I then use the hands-free connection. None of those solution seem any less practical or idiotic on any device with the iPhone moniker.
    solipsismy wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of that aestheti but I can't say it's an issue in practice.
    Which 6" smartphones are smaller than the iPhone 6 Plus?
    Why not? I've been carrying headphones with me pretty much everywhere since I got my first iPod and the headset is the best way to make a call whilst not in the car since you can either have two hands free or use the iPhone for other tasks whilst on a call. If I'm in the car I then use the hands-free connection. None of those solution seem any less practical or idiotic on any device with the iPhone moniker.

    You are right, if you always have headphones with you, I think it's acceptable.

    The Nexus 6 is less tall than the 6Plus.

    And I am surprised that no one, even the anti-Apple crowd (probably because most of them lack a sense of esthetics) talked about the quality of the plastic bands. The appearance in itself doesn't bother me, I like it, but I wasn't expecting the plastic to be almost translucent, and that grey translucent I don't like. The general idea of the phone design (the one we see on the website, not in reality) is great and a logical direction to take iPhone design (I even guessed the curved glass borders two years ago), but the end result is far from the quality of the iPhone 5S imo. At the very least, if next year they remove the protrusion of the camera, I'll buy it.
  • Reply 172 of 201
    clemynx wrote: »
    solipsismy wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of that aestheti but I can't say it's an issue in practice.
    Which 6" smartphones are smaller than the iPhone 6 Plus?
    Why not? I've been carrying headphones with me pretty much everywhere since I got my first iPod and the headset is the best way to make a call whilst not in the car since you can either have two hands free or use the iPhone for other tasks whilst on a call. If I'm in the car I then use the hands-free connection. None of those solution seem any less practical or idiotic on any device with the iPhone moniker.
    solipsismy wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of that aestheti but I can't say it's an issue in practice.
    Which 6" smartphones are smaller than the iPhone 6 Plus?
    Why not? I've been carrying headphones with me pretty much everywhere since I got my first iPod and the headset is the best way to make a call whilst not in the car since you can either have two hands free or use the iPhone for other tasks whilst on a call. If I'm in the car I then use the hands-free connection. None of those solution seem any less practical or idiotic on any device with the iPhone moniker.

    You are right, if you always have headphones with you, I think it's acceptable.

    The Nexus 6 is less tall than the 6Plus.

    And I am surprised that no one, even the anti-Apple crowd (probably because most of them lack a sense of esthetics) talked about the quality of the plastic bands. The appearance in itself doesn't bother me, I like it, but I wasn't expecting the plastic to be almost translucent, and that grey translucent I don't like. The general idea of the phone design (the one we see on the website, not in reality) is great and a logical direction to take iPhone design (I even guessed the curved glass borders two years ago), but the end result is far from the quality of the iPhone 5S imo. At the very least, if next year they remove the protrusion of the camera, I'll buy it.

    It's interesting to hear from someone else who also can't stand the protruding camera.

    It was, for me, the tipping point. It seems so un-Apple, particularly when my glorious iPad Air 2 is thinner than the iPhone 6, yet has a flush camera. I spent some while in an Apple shop trying out the 6 and 6 Plus, yet couldn't get enthusiastic for them. There's a lack of finish to them which hints of the problems Apple had with the sapphire screens. I get the feeling they had to hastily change the design at a relatively late stage in the process. The actual shape is fine. They need to apply the finish of the iPhone 4 to the form of the 6—with a flush camera—and with a smaller screen and overall form.
  • Reply 173 of 201
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member

    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post



    He was 75% right.

    It would seem that 1 in 4 people are idiots and/or ex Android users. 

  • Reply 174 of 201
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    It's interesting to hear from someone else who also can't stand the protruding camera.

    It was, for me, the tipping point. It seems so un-Apple, particularly when my glorious iPad Air 2 is thinner than the iPhone 6, yet has a flush camera. I spent some while in an Apple shop trying out the 6 and 6 Plus, yet couldn't get enthusiastic for them. There's a lack of finish to them which hints of the problems Apple had with the sapphire screens. I get the feeling they had to hastily change the design at a relatively late stage in the process. The actual shape is fine. They need to apply the finish of the iPhone 4 to the form of the 6—with a flush camera—and with a smaller screen and overall form.

    Yes, but you are full of gas and all the fetid vapors of the worst paid troll, and wouldn't be worth listening to even if you weren't a troll.

    5000 useless posts in one year, and you think the lens ring is an aesthetic mistake.
  • Reply 175 of 201
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    I see the 5s migrating to 'free'...  in the current form (cheaper than a new engineering run to get the touchID into a plastic case... for a 'free' phone), a 6'c' coming in (your mini) in plastic at $99 (an iPhone 6 in plastic)
    They may well skip repackaging the 5s into the 5c plastic case, however, I would be surprised if Apple wasn't thinking this way when they designed the 5c in the first place. If they drop the plastic case off the lineup, then they lose an entire year of engineering that all of their other models got. So in the end, the tiny changes to transplant one phone into the other's case may well make up the margins of writing off the plastic design, and may well have been planned for and designed into both phones.

    I feel VERY confident, that Apple will never introduce another mid-tier plastic case again. It was clear when they introduced the 5c that it was destined to be the free phone offering. In fact, I can't see Apple ever offering another plastic case, after the 5s potentially runs its course. If they offer the 5s as is, most likely it will come in one color option.

    The 6 "mini" in the $100 range makes the most sense. It provides a clear and distinct offering from the premium phones, and then the free phones when it bumps down. The 4" form factor then continues to provide the visual distinction between price points. The 7 family will be three sizes of the same design filling the top 3 spots, while the free phone is always last year's "mini".

    These sales numbers show that. The Plus is ebbing now that all the Android fans have jumped, and likely will never have the same demand again until the next model comes out. The contest will be between the 4" (or smaller) & 4.7" all things being equal, with the free phones and phablet phones covering the periphery as they always have.

    The following shows how Apple could make a 4" screen iPhone almost the same size as the original, if they gave up symmetry at the top.

  • Reply 176 of 201
    clemynx wrote: »
    And I am surprised that no one, even the anti-Apple crowd (probably because most of them lack a sense of esthetics) talked about the quality of the plastic bands. The appearance in itself doesn't bother me, I like it, but I wasn't expecting the plastic to be almost translucent, and that grey translucent I don't like. The general idea of the phone design (the one we see on the website, not in reality) is great and a logical direction to take iPhone design (I even guessed the curved glass borders two years ago), but the end result is far from the quality of the iPhone 5S imo. At the very least, if next year they remove the protrusion of the camera, I'll buy it.

    Back when it was just leaks the plastic bands in the back for the NFC antenna was talked about often. I seem to recall it was seen as clearly a fake as Apple would never do that, but it gave me hope that NFC was finally coming to pass (which is something else that wasn't popular with the Apple crowd as of 2 months ago).
  • Reply 177 of 201

    indeed, excellent post. . this post obviously helpful all others. as like as i like iphone six plus . had you the Adequate money i also recommended all  to use iphone six or six plus . if someone interested or anyone will  staying with any kinds of apple product Best of luck for them. www.ishop.lt

  • Reply 178 of 201
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    I decided to do get the iPh6+ as a combination device (sold my Retina iPad mini), but mainly for the extra battery life. I did first go to an Apple Store to make sure it fit in my jeans front pocket whilst sitting down. Adequate room and possibly slides in and out more easily because the curvature compared to 4+ years of a thicker, squared-off design. That said, if I could do it again I think I'd go with the 4.7" model. No real reason for that just thinking that 4.7" would be sufficient.

    I'm also not a fan that the iPh6+ has some iPad-like features that the iPh6 doesn't. One that I find particularly annoying is the Home Screen can be turned in all 4 directions but if you click on an app, even default apps, they be upside down, which is unlike iOS for iPad apps.

    You can turn it off

  • Reply 179 of 201
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member

    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Yes, but you are full of gas and all the fetid vapors of the worst paid troll, and wouldn't be worth listening to even if you weren't a troll.

    5000 useless posts in one year, and you think the lens ring is an aesthetic mistake.

    yes he is trollboy lives in London, is 14 and wanks every hour, what WANKER he IS

  • Reply 180 of 201
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member

    Originally Posted by bayTed View Post


    The problem with 6 Plus is you can't get them. It is easy to pick up an iPhone 6. 

    You can't get them? really, then why do I have one if you can't get them?

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