KGI: Apple likely to launch simple stylus to enhance upcoming 12.9-inch iPad user experience; advanc



  • Reply 201 of 282
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Incorrect, SJ said "nobody wants a stylus" and "if you see a stylus". Want, and need are 2 very different things.

    Picking nits to the bitter end. You are very patient for a guy who works outside. Too bad we have to suffer for it.
  • Reply 202 of 282
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    I do think including a stylus that slides into the device as gimmicky and foolish, because it's an option tool for niche needs, but I have commended Samsung for including a digitizer and SW on the Note from day one.

    The best stylus is the one you have on you. ;) It's always better to have it, and not need it, than to need it, and not have it. Your opinion is fair though.
  • Reply 203 of 282
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    The real thing we should scorn is handwriting. Thats a gimmick. It will never be more than 80% accurate for neat writers and about 50% for the rest of us, and most people - even peckers - can type faster.

    I agree, almost completely. I can think of some minor applications where handwritten text may be better in practice than typing. For instance, jotting down notes on a virtual blueprint.

    I think it is worth mentioning that iOS has some of the best handwriting recognition available specifically for asian languages. It is not necessary for western languages because the regular virtual keyboard is an adequate input method, but asian languages have thousands of characters so handwriting recognition is actually faster than swiping through hundreds of screens of virtual keyboards.

  • Reply 204 of 282
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    mstone wrote: »
    I think it is worth mentioning that iOS has some of the best handwriting recognition available specifically for asian languages. It is not necessary for western languages because the regular virtual keyboard is an adequate input method, but asian languages have thousands of characters so handwriting recognition is actually faster than swiping through hundreds of screens of virtual keyboards.

    Finally! Insight! Sanity!
  • Reply 205 of 282
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    flaneur wrote: »
    Picking nits to the bitter end. You are very patient for a guy who works outside. Too bad we have to suffer for it.

    Wants, and needs are not semantics. They're 2 different things. It's hypocritical to use a quote to ridicule a competitor for having a stylus, and then say that quote means something entirely different when Apple considers using one.
  • Reply 206 of 282
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    The best stylus is the one you have on you. ;)

    This I 100% agree.
  • Reply 207 of 282
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Wants, and needs are not semantics. They're 2 different things. It's hypocritical to use a quote to ridicule a competitor for having a stylus, and then say that quote means something entirely different when Apple considers using one.

    You pay attention to the petty hypocrisies of the loose talkers here who ragged on the Note's stylus. I don't remember them, and I pass over them and others like them as junk postings when they occur. They are litter in the thread.

    More intrusive to me is your role as policeman of hypocrisy here. You start or prolong arguments over these petty parsings of who meant what. What really motivates you to be the cop? Cops don't usually work for free. Who's the hypocrite?
  • Reply 208 of 282
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    flaneur wrote: »
    You pay attention to the petty hypocrisies of the loose talkers here who ragged on the Note's stylus. I don't remember them, and I pass over them and others like them as junk postings when they occur. They are litter in the thread.

    More intrusive to me is your role as policeman of hypocrisy here. You start or prolong arguments over these petty parsings of who meant what. What really motivates you to be the cop? Cops don't usually work for free. Who's the hypocrite?

    I'm a respectful kind of guy, so I pay attention to everyone. A cop? Nah, I just enjoy seeing how many different interpretations there are for a single simple quote. Btw there's a really quick way to end the argument, but rarely does anyone take that route.
  • Reply 209 of 282
    solipsismy wrote: »
    irnchriz wrote: »
    Apple files a lot of patents for a lot of things that never see the light of day. Im not sure that these are any different tbh.

    I sure hope that's not the case. Even though I have no current use for a digitizer in an iPad (I don't even have a need for an iPad), I would like to see what apps would come from Apple offering the previously stated HW, and APIs and Franeworks to make this a wonderful experience for those niche users.

    asdasd wrote: »
    The real thing we should scorn is handwriting. Thats a gimmick. It will never be more than 80% accurate for neat writers and about 50% for the rest of us, and most people - even peckers - can type faster.

    I agree, almost completely. I can think of some minor applications where handwritten text may be better in practice than typing. For instance, jotting down notes on a virtual blueprint.

    Yes! Annotation ... Everything from blueprints, drawings, textbooks, photos, videos ...

    I've always felt that Apple should supply an annotation capability at the system level on iOS devices -- finger, stylus, voice over, signatures, kb entry ... That way you could easily annotate anything that appears on the iDevice display. Optionally, the app could incorporate the annotated layer into the app's data presentation -- similar to optionally showing notes you made to a book or a text document! For some apps, handwriting to text conversion might make sense.
  • Reply 210 of 282

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post


    Sometimes, the truth is in front of our noses, yet we miss it.

    As a shareholder, it's in my interests for the share price to rise, so if the Apple Watch was a huge hit, I would only benefit. Alas, it will be Apple's Glass. The best one can say is that, at least, Apple can afford for it to fail.

    Enough negativity. Here's to Apple's next triumph, whenever it may be.

    Absolutely. Preferably the next Mac Pro or at least the fabled headless xMac.

  • Reply 211 of 282

    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post


    You are so misinformed.  You were only able to convert 25 people to Macs in the last five years?  Wow, 5 people per year.  If they believe your crap about the Mac IIvx and IIvi being great successes, they are complete idiots.  The Mac IIvx/vi was NOT successful, in fact, they were quickly replaced four months after their initial release.  The IIvx was crippled when Spindler promised a CD-ROM equipped Mac.  Its 32-MHz 68030 was slower than the 25-MHz IIci because the data bus was only 16-MHz instead of 32 MHz.  The serial port was sub-standard and caused problems, and the memory limit was 68 MB compared to the IIci's 128 MB limit.  The biggest joke was that the IIvi was a "slower" version of the IIvx, but the IIvx was already slower than the older IIci.  The IIvx was replaced four months later by the Centris 650 which was 3-5x faster with it's 68040 CPU, and cost less than the IIvx.  People who made the mistake of buying the crippled IIvx were pretty pissed when Apple slashed the price from $2949 to $1899, overnight, at the release of the Centris 650.  People who got burned by the IIvx were known as getting "IIvx-ed".  I know first hand, because I sold both the IIvx and Centris 650 back in my college days.  The IIvx buyers were pissed when the Centris rolled out four months later, and was a far superior machine.

    Gosh, can't you get a little sarcasm? Of course the IIvx and IIvi were failures; my fault, as I forgot to add the /s tag... ;)

  • Reply 212 of 282
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    The stylus is optional. It isn't "needed".


    Better be the case.

  • Reply 213 of 282
    rogifan wrote: »
    But Apple needs to do something to revive this product line.

    People aim that criticism at whatever arbitrary Apple product line is not selling or not being updated fast enough. The Mac Pro. The iPod. Thunderbolt monitors. The MacBook Air. Your criticism belongs in the same bucket. Arbitrary sky-is-falling hand-wringing over Apple's future. Why?
  • Reply 214 of 282
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Better be the case.

    Unless they plan on putting the current Mac OS X on a tablet and/or move to a non-capacitive touchscreen I don't see how it would be required.

    Now, with a 12"-13" tablet and seeing the internal edge room in previous 9.7" iPads I could see them considering a cavity for an included stylus, but I honestly don't think that will happen for a variety of reasons.
  • Reply 215 of 282
    Wow. Such stupid controversy over a trivial accessory. For god's sake, it's an optional stylus. All I can figure is that the rabid anti-stylus, "but Steve said blah blah.." types are really trying hard to imply that Apple is being hypocritical, but they don't have the guts to come right out and say it.

    And if Apple is, so frickin' what!?

    Gloating about Apple's supposed hypocrisy brings delight and joy into their miserable lives. I say, they can gloat when this is breaking news, not a breaking rumor. A well-loved analyst mass mailing a research note isn't equal to Phil Schiller announcing it on stage at Moscone Center.
  • Reply 216 of 282
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Better be the case.

    Unless they plan on putting the current Mac OS X on a tablet and/or move to a non-capacitive touchscreen I don't see how it would be required.

    Now, with a 12"-13" tablet and seeing the internal edge room in previous 9.7" iPads I could see them considering a cavity for an included stylus, but I honestly don't think that will happen for a variety of reasons.

    The natural place to store a stylus, IMO, is in the case -- not the device.
  • Reply 217 of 282
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Gloating about Apple's supposed hypocrisy brings delight and joy into their miserable lives. I say, they can gloat when this is breaking news, not a breaking rumor. A well-loved analyst mass mailing a research note isn't equal to Phil Schiller announcing it on stage at Moscone Center.

    If that in any way includes [@]dasanman69[/@] I have to disagree. I disagree with his literal and all encompassing interpretation of what I think is a clear statement by Jobs, but I dont believe he's gloating or getting joy from the perceived hypocrysy.
  • Reply 218 of 282

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Better be the case.

    Exactly. In fact, we wouldn't be having this discussion if the rumor simply referred to an "optional" input device. And if that was the case, it wouldn't even come with the iPad in the first place. 

  • Reply 219 of 282
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    brlawyer wrote: »

    Exactly. In fact, we wouldn't be having this discussion if the rumor simply referred to an "optional" input device. And if that was the case, it wouldn't even come with the iPad in the first place. 

    Apple has a long history of creating accessories, especially if the current lot of accessories don't exist in a way that matches theiir idea of the market.

    On top of that we're also talking about a lot of tech that has be included in the iPad for a stylus to advance the iPad' usability in this regard
  • Reply 220 of 282
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member

    Kuo love:


    From AI site articles you'd think this guy's officially changed his name to "well-regarded analyst Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities" - it's almost always boiler-plated that way...

    Oh well. It's nice to be "well-regarded"....



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