KGI: Apple likely to launch simple stylus to enhance upcoming 12.9-inch iPad user experience; advanc



  • Reply 161 of 282
    hillstones wrote: »
    brlawyer wrote: »
    In case of doubt, go check the Macs IIvx and IIvi - they were also great successes. And no, this is no trolling - just a reality check from a guy who has converted more than 25 people to Macs over the last five years.
    You are so misinformed.  You were only able to convert 25 people to Macs in the last five years?  Wow, 5 people per year.  If they believe your crap about the Mac IIvx and IIvi being great successes, they are complete idiots.  The Mac IIvx/vi was NOT successful, in fact, they were quickly replaced four months after their initial release.  The IIvx was crippled when Spindler promised a CD-ROM equipped Mac.  Its 32-MHz 68030 was slower than the 25-MHz IIci because the data bus was only 16-MHz instead of 32 MHz.  The serial port was sub-standard and caused problems, and the memory limit was 68 MB compared to the IIci's 128 MB limit.  The biggest joke was that the IIvi was a "slower" version of the IIvx, but the IIvx was already slower than the older IIci.  The IIvx was replaced four months later by the Centris 650 which was 3-5x faster with it's 68040 CPU, and cost less than the IIvx.  People who made the mistake of buying the crippled IIvx were pretty pissed when Apple slashed the price from $2949 to $1899, overnight, at the release of the Centris 650.  People who got burned by the IIvx were known as getting "IIvx-ed".  I know first hand, because I sold both the IIvx and Centris 650 back in my college days.  The IIvx buyers were pissed when the Centris rolled out four months later, and was a far superior machine.

    Good lord.

    That's twenty five more people than I've converted.

    I humbly suggest that you take a cold shower and ponder the error of your ways.
  • Reply 162 of 282
    Good lord.

    That's twenty five more people than I've converted.

    I humbly suggest that you take a cold shower and ponder the error of your ways.

    I stopped counting the people I've converted in businesses, and amongst friends years ago. The best part is they are still OS X and iOS loyalists.
  • Reply 163 of 282
    Good lord.

    That's twenty five more people than I've converted.

    I humbly suggest that you take a cold shower and ponder the error of your ways.

    I stopped counting the people I've converted in businesses, and amongst friends years ago. The best part is they are still OS X and iOS loyalists.

    Then, I thank you.
  • Reply 164 of 282
    The new iPad Pro 12.9 will also do mind reading. So you don't even need a stylus nor even your finger.
  • Reply 165 of 282
    jameskatt2 wrote: »
    The new iPad Pro 12.9 will also do mind reading. So you don't even need a stylus nor even your finger.

    Well, that would be revolutionary, I’ll grant you that.

    Seeing as Siri still struggles with basic language, I have my doubts that this will come to pass any time soon.
  • Reply 166 of 282

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Well, that would be revolutionary, I’ll grant you that.

    Seeing as Siri still struggles with basic language, I have my doubts that this will come to pass any time soon.

    Must be your english accent, Siri understands me about 99% of the time, unless I'm mumbling or she's halfway across the room (I usually use 'Hey, Siri!' to check the weather in the morning).

  • Reply 167 of 282
    morkymorky Posts: 200member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post


    'If you need a stylus, you blew it.' Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple


    Tut tut, Apple.

    He was talking about smartphones. The potential for the iPad as a creative input tool would be greatly enhanced by a precision stylus.

  • Reply 168 of 282
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    If you're saying Jobs was vehemently opposed to any non-finger-based interaction by an accessory for specific needs in the iPad when a digitizer or other technologies became viable then, yes, you are.

    You were the one that mentioned a paintbrush, and a pen which have nothing to do with the interface of a touch screen device. A quote can't be used to ridicule a competitor's device, and then say it doesn't pertain if and when Apple does the same
  • Reply 169 of 282
    mejsricmejsric Posts: 153member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post


    'If you need a stylus, you blew it.' Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple


    Tut tut, Apple.

    This is different stylus. this is not the stylus just to point icons/keys.

    I'll will call this iPen/Pencil...

  • Reply 170 of 282
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    morky wrote: »

    He was talking about smartphones. The potential for the iPad as a creative input tool would be greatly enhanced by a precision stylus.

    Wrong. That quote was indeed about the iPad.
    (Steve Jobs) It's like we said on the iPad, if you see a stylus, they blew it. Users shouldn't ever have to think about it.
  • Reply 171 of 282
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    mejsric wrote: »

    This is different stylus. this is not the stylus just to point icons/keys.

    I'll will call this iPen/Pencil...

    Don't embarrass yourself.
  • Reply 172 of 282
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Wrong. That quote was indeed about the iPad.

    Well Steve as wrong. But he's no longer here so it doesn't much matter.
  • Reply 173 of 282
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    You were the one that mentioned a paintbrush, and a pen which have nothing to do with the interface of a touch screen device. A quote can't be used to ridicule a competitor's device, and then say it doesn't pertain if and when Apple does the same

    1) Sure they do. Each are used by digital designers and artists today with many of Wacom's products.

    2) The competitors had previously spent decades with desktop OSes on a tablet with a resistive touchscreen. You needed a stylus to do basic functions.

    3) Samsung Galaxy Note comes with a digitizer and, to Samsung's credit, they created their own frameworks and APIs for apps since this wasn't a part of Android. There is a lot to ridicule Samsung about but a digitizer in a Galaxy Note for niche application use when the finger isn't the best option is not one of them.
  • Reply 174 of 282
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Sure they do. Each are used by digital designers and artists today with many of Wacom's products.

    Of which the iPad currently is not.
  • Reply 175 of 282
    rogifan wrote: »
    Well Steve as wrong. But he's no longer here so it doesn't much matter.

    solipsismy wrote: »
    1) Sure they do. Each are used by digital designers and artists today with many of Wacom's products.

    2) The competitors had previously spent decades with desktop OSes on a tablet with a resistive touchscreen. You needed a stylus to do basic functions.

    3) Samsung Galaxy Note comes with a digitizer and, to Samsung's credit, they created their own frameworks and APIs for apps since this wasn't a part of Android. There is a lot to ridicule Samsung about but a digitizer in a Galaxy Note for niche application use when the finger isn't the best option is not one of them.


    This might help reduce stress, because there's no winning this argument sadly. :D
  • Reply 176 of 282
    wizard69 wrote: »
    blastdoor wrote: »
    Stylus, eh?

    Well... I guess people will probably quote Jobs' opinion about the merits of a stylus (he was against it).
    Jobs wasn't for or against anything, he was a marketing specialist and sold the product he had. It is a fundamental piece of his personality which apparently many people can't grasp but Steve was a natural when it came to marketing.
    But a few thoughts:

    1. adding a stylus at this stage of the game as an optional accessory is quite a different thing from having the UI built around the assumption that a stylus is necessary from day one
    2. I can imagine that enterprise/pro customers want something more than fingers as the basis for interaction with an iPad. A stylus might be a more attractive option (in terms of mobility) than going the keyboard route. 
    Only if they can get very good handwriting recognition. It is interesting that Apple kept all of the technology Newton offered. In any event for the corporate types hand writing recognition would have to be very good indeed. For others though a good stylus has other uses where handwriting recognition doesn't matter. It will be interesting to see which user Apple targets here.
    3. Jobs changed his mind all the time. People shouldn't assume he would be against something now just because he was against it in 2010. 

    No the problem is people confuse marketing and selling a product with an executives personal opinions on a subject. Jobs comments about styluses are directly related to delivering a product that didn't have one and didn't need one to be functional.

    There are quite a few creative disciplines other than drawing/painting that can use a stylus to great advantage -- CADD, Photography Masking and effects, Video Masking/Tracking, Rotoscoping * ... e.g., any place that you use a mouse to draw a Bezier curve to isolate a complex image from the background. Instead of click/drag/correct -- you just trace the outline of the complex object.

    There are Mac apps costing thousands of $ to do this ...

    There is an iPad app called Duet that allows an iPad connected to a Mac to be used as an additional display ... one with some touch input capability ... I wonder what that would be like with an Apple Stylus.

    * to illustrate video masking/rotoscoping -- here's a short video I downloaded and modified a while ago ...

    In the original, Ana Ayora is wearing red shorts. I used SilhouetteFX to mask/tween/rotoscope/colorize her shorts as shown ...

    There are other apps that would have been easier/faster -- but I wanted to get the detail just right and give it my personal touch :D


    This is more difficult than first appears ... at about 6-7 seconds, her shorts are occluded by her hand as it swings back and forth.
  • Reply 177 of 282
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    brlawyer wrote: »
    Yet more evidence of Mr Cook as the new Michael Spindler - too bad most people can't see the long-term obviousness of that:

    - "Follow the analyst", me-too failed products: iPad mini and iPhone 5C, already to be discontinued;

    - Another failure in the making: Apple Watch:

    - Increasingly bloated product line (remember the Performa/LC/Quadra mess?);

    - and now this stylus BS: why simplify if you can complicate it? 

    Go back to being a COO, Cook - and nothing else.

    How is your portfolio doing? Under Tim Cook my AAPL up dramatically plus I get dividends.
  • Reply 178 of 282
    brlawyer wrote: »
    Yet more evidence of Mr Cook as the new Michael Spindler - too bad most people can't see the long-term obviousness of that:

    - "Follow the analyst", me-too failed products: iPad mini and iPhone 5C, already to be discontinued;

    - Another failure in the making: Apple Watch:

    - Increasingly bloated product line (remember the Performa/LC/Quadra mess?);

    - and now this stylus BS: why simplify if you can complicate it? 

    Go back to being a COO, Cook - and nothing else.

    How is your portfolio doing? Under Tim Cook my AAPL up dramatically plus I get dividends.

    Me too ... And I buy most of the new toys ... just to support (cough, cough) Apple ...
  • Reply 179 of 282
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    brlawyer wrote: »
    Yet more evidence of Mr Cook as the new Michael Spindler - too bad most people can't see the long-term obviousness of that:

    - "Follow the analyst", me-too failed products: iPad mini and iPhone 5C, already to be discontinued;
    The 5C was for a. Long time the #3 selling cell phone behind Apples leading products that is a successful product.
    - Another failure in the making: Apple Watch:
    ThIs I tend to agree with. The technology just isn't there for a truly useful product. On the other hand I can see watches replacing cell phones in a few years.
    - Increasingly bloated product line (remember the Performa/LC/Quadra mess?);
    Baloney. The Mac line up has not changed significantly in years, that is actually a problem as the line up is a bit thin. Considering the volumes seen in cell phones the IOS product line actually needs to be expanded.
    - and now this stylus BS: why simplify if you can complicate it? 
    The fact that I might not need it doesn't diminish the fact that some could actually make use of such an extension.
    Go back to being a COO, Cook - and nothing else.

    Yet Apple is by far the most successful it has ever been but that isn't good enough for you.
  • Reply 180 of 282
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    "We believe, if you need a stylus, you already failed"
    "Hand-writing is probably the slowest input method ever invented"
    "Who wants a Stylus?"

    - Steve

    Do you even have a hint of what is involved in running a business? One fundamental is that you sell what you have not what you wish you had and certainly not what the competition has.

    Steve was effectively a master at selling what he had even if what he had sucked (PPC).
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