KGI: Apple likely to launch simple stylus to enhance upcoming 12.9-inch iPad user experience; advanc



  • Reply 61 of 282
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member

    Okay, nobody with a brain wants a stylus. :lol:

    Not like it needs to be said, but there's plenty of people here without a brain. ;)
  • Reply 62 of 282
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Here's the iPad quote
    (Steve Jobs) It's like we said on the iPad, if you see a stylus, they blew it. In multitasking, if you see a task manager... they blew it. Users shouldn't ever have to think about it.

    1) And you take that to literally mean that a paintbrush is inferior to your finger?

    2) Does it need pointing out again that A) Jobs is not Apple, and B) Jobs is dead?
  • Reply 63 of 282

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    And you take that to literally mean that a paintbrush is inferior to your finger?

    Of course. This is why finger paintings outvalue the Mona Lisa every day. :rolleyes:

  • Reply 64 of 282
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Quite true. :D
    Spindler was also responsible for a little product called the PowerBook...yeah, I guess that was a flop too. 8-)

    And Jobs never had failures. Ever.

    Jobs never introduced products to compete in different market segments. Ever.

    Jobs never increased the size of his product line. Ever.

    Cook has never cut back on products to simplify the line. Ever.

    As for the stylus, guess what? You know what product Jobs really loved? The eMate 300...which used a stylus. And a keyboard! (With a touch screen, the horror!). As for the Newton, he actually thought there was good technology there, but that it was hampered by bad management. But because Apple didn't have the cash for hobbies, and because it was Scully's (who launched the Newton, in case you didn't know) brainchild, it was doomed.

    There is a difference between a dumb stick and an active stylus for artists. Jobs would be fine with the latter.

    Have people forgotten that Jony Ive worked on the Newton? So did Michael Tchao, who now works for Phil Schiller as an iPad marketing VP. The Newton could be considered a product ahead of it's time.

    iPad sales are basically flat to declining. YOY growth is non existent now. Of course the iPad initially grew faster than any other Apple product in history. But Apple needs to do something to revive this product line. They're to the point where it's almost impossible to make the device any thinner or lighter. So then what? IMO stylus and split screen multitasking (along with the MacBook Air) will keep Microsoft's surface from ever taking off in a meaningful way.
  • Reply 65 of 282

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Have people forgotten that Jony Ive worked on the Newton? So did Michael Tchao, who now works for Phil Schiller as an iPad marketing VP. The Newton could be considered a product ahead of it's time.

    iPad sales are basically flat to declining. YOY growth is non existent now. Of course the iPad initially grew faster than any other Apple product in history. But Apple needs to do something to revive this product line. They're to the point where it's almost impossible to make the device any thinner or lighter. So then what? IMO stylus and split screen multitasking (along with the MacBook Air) will keep Microsoft's surface from ever taking off in a meaningful way.

    But why does everyone think that sales must continue to increase every year? No one has any idea what a stable market number for the iPad is.


    Jony worked on the design for the 110, the Newton as a product had already shipped when they had him work on a redesign.

  • Reply 66 of 282
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    'If you need a stylus, you blew it.' Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple

    Tut tut, Apple.

    Tell that to graphic designers. Apple not having decent stylus options for them is a 'blow it' moment.
  • Reply 67 of 282
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    1) And you take that to literally mean that a paintbrush is inferior to your finger?

    2) Does it need pointing out again that A) Jobs is not Apple, and B) Jobs is dead?

    You forgot; C) Jobs was wrong
  • Reply 68 of 282
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member

    But why does everyone think that sales must continue to increase every year?

    Business 101
  • Reply 69 of 282
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member

    But why does everyone think that sales must continue to increase every year? No one has any idea what a stable market number for the iPad is.

    Jony worked on the design for the 110, the Newton as a product had already shipped when they had him work on a redesign.

    You're right maybe the current iPad sales are the new normal for the device. Still I don't think it has to be that way. I think split screen multitasking and proper digitizer support is a no brainer with a larger iPad. And if Apple is really trying to make a push into enterprise a device like this could be a big seller.
  • Reply 70 of 282

    A bigger iPad is likely to be positioned for corporate users.  A proper stand and a good keyboard, designed in a neat package, make more business sense.

  • Reply 71 of 282
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member

    Perfect for a new touch screen iMac. lol  though the Surface led the way on this feature. 

  • Reply 72 of 282
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Tell that to graphic designers. Apple not having decent stylus options for them is a 'blow it' moment.

    That's what? 5% of the market?
  • Reply 73 of 282
    misamisa Posts: 827member
    'If you need a stylus, you blew it.' Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple

    Tut tut, Apple.

    That's because up until the iPhone, all the devices that were out were restive touch screens only capable of accuracy of around 8-pixels, and weren't multi-touch, pressure sensitive or able to tell angles. The styluses were just plastic sticks like what's on the 3DS and Wii U. You can use your fingers on resistive screens, but it extremely fat-fingers the input, most people end up poking it with their fingernails, causing small dents in the screen on some cheapo devices. Palm's devices and all Windows CE devices were like this.

    The irony is that the stylus in all these old devices was never meant for drawing, they were ment for handwriting input, something that a lot of people never use anymore in day-to-day life except to sign legal documents.

    Where the iPad somewhat failed was as being a drawing device, sure there are Stylus input devices that work on the iPad that offer pressure sensitivity, but they're not terribly accurate, and suffer from latency. After all a 99$ stylus on a 600$ iPad doesn't replace a $1100-$2000 Cintiq.
    jungmark wrote: »
    That's what? 5% of the market?

    A lot more than that. All the art people I know were disappointed that it couldn't do it, but still found it more useful than carrying around a laptop to convention floors.
  • Reply 74 of 282

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Here's the iPad quote

    (Steve Jobs) It's like we said on the iPad, if you see a stylus, they blew it. In multitasking, if you see a task manager... they blew it. Users shouldn't ever have to think about it.

    1) And you take that to literally mean that a paintbrush is inferior to your finger?

    2) Does it need pointing out again that A) Jobs is not Apple, and B) Jobs is dead?


    Re 2: no, but you kindly pointed it out for us anyway. ????

  • Reply 75 of 282

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    And you take that to literally mean that a paintbrush is inferior to your finger?

    Of course. This is why finger paintings outvalue the Mona Lisa every day. :rolleyes:



    Wait...the Mona Lisa wasn't painted with a finger? He used a stylus?


    Well blow me.

  • Reply 76 of 282
    iOS will need to support stylus with pressure natively..
  • Reply 77 of 282

    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    iOS will need to support stylus with pressure natively..



    Oh, just in the States, huh? Okay.

  • Reply 78 of 282
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,094member


  • Reply 79 of 282

    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post


    Yet more evidence of Mr Cook as the new Michael Spindler - too bad most people can't see the long-term obviousness of that:


    - "Follow the analyst", me-too failed products: iPad mini and iPhone 5C, already to be discontinued;


    - Another failure in the making: Apple Watch:


    - Increasingly bloated product line (remember the Performa/LC/Quadra mess?);


    - and now this stylus BS: why simplify if you can complicate it? 


    Go back to being a COO, Cook - and nothing else.

    what nonsense. the iPhone 5C was the second or third best-selling smartphone for the US carriers. if that s a failure, sign me up -- my company would love to fail so spectacularly.


    nope, you're just trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole -- your DOOOOOMED narrative. get real.

  • Reply 80 of 282

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post


    'If you need a stylus, you blew it.' Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple


    Tut tut, Apple.

    man, don't you get tired of having such a narrow world view? read the above reasons for why that need not apply in this context.

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