Apple obliterates expectations, selling 74.5M iPhones & earning $18B in profit



  • Reply 201 of 253
    waltgwaltg Posts: 90member
    And the Wall Street idiots keep bashing apple! I wish I could have bought 1000 more shares yesterday as the bashers made it loose another $4!! Guess we will see what happens today.. Way to go Apple, a big congrats to you!! Now we will see what the watch and the New iPad bring in the next few months!!
  • Reply 202 of 253
    jmc54jmc54 Posts: 207member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Do you remember when the Apple share price was at $10? I bet when they reached $74, a few wondered how much further it could rise.

    I remember those days well and curse myself for being a coward and not loading up then! I bought in much later and did ok......oh well, water under the bridge!

  • Reply 203 of 253
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I've seen rumors this year that new iPhones will have 2GB RAM and base storage starting at 32GB. I will not be surprised at all if that happens.

    Nor should you be, but don't think because Apple does something different the next year it somehow proves some absurd theory that Apple must have made mistake all the previous years.

    Personally, I like the $100 price difference to be 48GB and 64GB apart instead of 16GB and 32GB, or 32GB and 64GB apart, because the stepping is more even, and unless iOS jumps to become a 5GiB OS I know plenty of people and businesses that will be fine with 16GB iPhones for the foreseeable future, even if Apple adds 4K video in 2015.

    But I also expect that 32GB will be the standard low-end at some point just as I also expect 256GB to be the standard high-end at some point.

    That said, my future expectations and empty wishes have absolutely no bearing on the reality of what is available. No amount of money in the world will make limited resources unlimited, so to not consider that aspect of business is myopia^2.
  • Reply 204 of 253
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    [@]Benjamin Frost[/@], I know my previous statement had a flippant and jokey tone, but I am genuinely interested in how you feel about these record breaking unit sales for the iPhone. Do you still think Apple will dump these new sizes for the 4" model?
  • Reply 205 of 253
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    jmc54 wrote: »
    Do you remember when the Apple share price was at $10? I bet when they reached $74, a few wondered how much further it could rise.

    I remember those days well and curse myself for being a coward and not loading up then! I bought in much later and did ok......oh well, water under the bridge!

    Now the psychological ceiling is seeing Apple become (and maintain) as a trillion dollar company. I'd like to say these BASE-10 milestones we attribute to things mean nothing to the stock market, but these things do have an effect on investors. My guess is that in a decade or two we'll have several such companies tipping the trillion dollar point.
  • Reply 206 of 253
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member

    Originally Posted by Sierrajeff View Post


    Amazing the number of people that lack sarcasm and humor genes.

    He he. My bad. I was ¾ of a bottle down on an amazing bottle of Chianti when I posted that.

  • Reply 207 of 253
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    rogifan wrote: »
    muppetry wrote: »

    Fair enough - but now you just appear to be saying that you and Gruber know better than Apple management how to make their business work. On the face of it, that would appear to be an extraordinarily arrogant assumption in a market where Apple has, to put it mildly, demonstrated substantial success. And, to be clear, I'm sure that their goal is not to stop at "making more money than any publicly traded company in the world", but rather to continue to make as much as they can.

    Oh, I thought goal was making the best products in the world.

    Here's Tim Cook from a Businessweek interview in 2012:
    You know, we want to really enrich people’s lives at the end of the day, not just make money. Making money might be a byproduct, but it’s not our North Star.

    And Jony Ive at the British Embassy's Creative Summit in 2012:
    "We are really pleased with our revenues but our goal isn't to make money. It sounds a little flippant, but it's the truth. Our goal and what makes us excited is to make great products. If we are successful people will like them and if we are operationally competent, we will make money,"

    Obviously the numbers show fhaf Apple is making projects people want. I just don't want to see them get greedy thinking people will buy their stuff no matter what. I've seen rumors this year that new iPhones will have 2GB RAM and base storage starting at 32GB. I will not be surprised at all if that happens.

    I can't tell whether you are just being argumentative or you really don't understand the overriding goals of a publicly traded company, but I'll make one last observation. Maximizing long-term performance does not preclude trying to make the best possible products, within certain constraints, but it obviously does not include reducing profits just because one can afford to. You are taking Cook and Ive way too literally in those statements. I think you know that, though.
  • Reply 208 of 253
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member

    Okay...the problem is you're not looking at this properly. It's not that the iPhone is consuming a larger chunk of the same pie. The pie is also getting bigger as the iPhone gets bigger. And this was likely a bit of an outsized quarter due to pent-up iPhone demand.

    Exactly. As I said earlier, the divisions of Apple people are concerned about are all gigantic and successful by any metric in of themselves even if dwarfed by iPhone.
  • Reply 209 of 253

    Can we finally lay to rest these stupid statements that say that AAPL only goes down after an earnings announcement.

  • Reply 210 of 253
    tonton wrote: »
    So... Show us an example of limited government that works. Anywhere.

    Do you seriously want us to make the U.S. a fucking experiment, when there are mountains of research that contradicts the Ayn Rand moronic view that "the free market fixes itself", which it never has?

    Somalia dissolved the "failed government" of which you speak in 1992 FFS.

    What, 23 years is not enough time for "small government" to do its Randian magic?




  • Reply 211 of 253
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,150member

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Where is brlawyer to bitch about how crappy Tim Cook is doing as CEO?

    Probably having a drink with Constable Odo.



  • Reply 212 of 253
    mpantone wrote: »

    Probably having a drink with Constable Odo.


    Don't remind me. ????
  • Reply 213 of 253
    mrboba1mrboba1 Posts: 276member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    A government employee disagrees because his livelihood is completely dependent on taxation? Shocker.


    That's about the most obtuse thing I've ever read here (and that's saying a lot), referring to one of the most renowned Supreme Court Justices in history as such.


    Oliver Wendell Holmes vs SpamSandwich. Yeah, that's one for the ages /s

  • Reply 214 of 253
    mrboba1 wrote: »
    That's about the most obtuse thing I've ever read here (and that's saying a lot), referring to one of the most renowned Supreme Court Justices in history as such.

    Oliver Wendell Holmes vs SpamSandwich. Yeah, that's one for the ages /s

    The statement is factually correct.
  • Reply 215 of 253
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    mrboba1 wrote: »
    That's about the most obtuse thing I've ever read here (and that's saying a lot), referring to one of the most renowned Supreme Court Justices in history as such.

    Oliver Wendell Holmes vs SpamSandwich. Yeah, that's one for the ages /s

    The statement is factually correct.

    Actually it isn't. It is only your assertion (and a pretty stupid one) that his disagreement arises from his employment by the U.S. Government.
  • Reply 216 of 253
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    beltsbear wrote: »

    I agree.  It could create customer dissatisfaction for a customer who has paid Apple a lot of money.  Apple needs to make sure they are selling products that work well.  16GB is starting to be a bad product. 
    How is it a bad product? Because it's not for you?
  • Reply 217 of 253
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member

    Now that you've linked to people who agree with you there's no real comeback is there. I suppose we could link to people who disagree with you though. Let me think on that.
  • Reply 218 of 253
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Let's all agree that.

    1) the people on here who rubbished big screens -- many making the argument that Apple is always right -- were wrong.
    2) the excuses for the 5C were incorrect. Cook said that the 6, not the 6+ was top seller this year. it looks like there wasn't a plan to sell fewer 5Cs last year. They miscalculated. Maybe on price.
  • Reply 219 of 253
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I think it's a fair question. Plenty of people here ding Google for being 90% advertising. Well this quarter Apple was 70% iPhone.

    Apple will be fine. But I was really commenting on your "what's next" comment.

    asdasd wrote: »
    Childish. ( Also something you probably said when Apple was not producing big screens and people here opined it should).

    Not really childish. "What's next" is a useless question. You can ask that every year. Apple has a lot of people thinking about and designing "what's next".

    I don't believe I ever said Apple shouldn't do a big phone. I hoped it wouldn't do a Phablet. I was ok with the <5" iPhone.
  • Reply 220 of 253

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    I'm fucking blown away they were even able to MANUFACTURE, ship, and sell this many phones in a quarter- I was worried about the supply. Tim Cook is truly a supply chain God. This sin't some plastic piece of shit either- it's an insanely well crafted, complex piece of electronics with extremely low tolerances.

    I'm often mesmerized by my iP6+. It's simply the most amazing hardware ever. Expect to see a lot more improvements in the future.

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