Apple Watch Edition to start at $10,000, availability will be limited



  • Reply 61 of 255

    Have any of you actually owned a luxury watch like a Rolex?

    This is built at least as well as a Rolex.

    All this talk about it won't last as long... Rolex watches need upkeep. Very expensive upkeep. It's not like you buy one and it lasts forever.

    Someone in the market for this kind of watch already owns a Rolex anyways. It is an accessory to those with the dough.





    /Watch for the lucrative market of buying the aluminum one and anodizing it gold for a big markup!

  • Reply 62 of 255

    I think this is laughable. yea it has 2 yr warranty, but if I paid 10K for something, I expect atleast 5 yrs of coverage...js.
  • Reply 63 of 255
    danielswdanielsw Posts: 906member

    Originally Posted by iZENstein View Post

    I really think some kind of upgrade program should be included on a $10,000 electronic device. I love Apple but $10,000 is absurd especially if it doesn't include some upgrade program.

    Forget upgrades. What a pipe dream. How '80s of you!

  • Reply 64 of 255
    konqerrorkonqerror Posts: 685member

    Originally Posted by Blitz1 View Post


    A watch with that price is an investment. In a typical 10000 USD watch, you buy the hours someone spent to create the (hand-made) mechanics.



    That's what they make you think. 60 years ago, that would be mostly true. Today, your Rolex is all CNC micromachined, even movement parts. The cheaper ones are laser cut, or chem-milled. Then somebody screws the pieces together, and watch finished. No different at all from a MacBook.

  • Reply 65 of 255
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    izenstein wrote: »
    I really think some kind of upgrade program should be included on a $10,000 electronic device. I love Apple but $10,000 is absurd especially if it doesn't include some upgrade program.

    If you're worried about such things, you aren't the person they're selling to.
  • Reply 66 of 255
    danielswdanielsw Posts: 906member

    Originally Posted by boomer0001 View Post


    I think this is laughable. yea it has 2 yr warranty, but if I paid 10K for something, I expect atleast 5 yrs of coverage...js.

    You sound like you're already too "wise" to squander your precious $$$ on one.

  • Reply 67 of 255
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Gold Rolex are NOT an investment.  Unless its a super limited edition (like $100k versions) they depreciate in value.  A 10 year old gold Rolex is probably worth 30% of its original value.

    Not every investment is monetary. It's an investment in longevity.
  • Reply 68 of 255
    iaeeniaeen Posts: 588member

    Originally Posted by Mac_128 View Post


    Good luck with that. People who buy Rolexes are probably not the same people interested in spending a premium on a smart watch that looks no different than any other. There's a big difference between these two watches and why people will buy them.



    Honestly the Apple Watch looks better. The Rolex has too much writing on the face, and the date magnifier is ugly.

  • Reply 69 of 255
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member

    Just as a point of interest and comparison - when the SE30 came out in 1989 it cast $6,500.- or approx $ 12,500 today. 

  • Reply 70 of 255
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member

    You can buy a gold Rolex and will it to your grandkids. It's a timeless item (pun intended). A gold Apple Watch is not gonna be functional and useful after a few years. It'll be like my original iPhone. That sucker still "works" but it has lost 90% of its compatibility and functionality.


    Tech is disposable but Apple is making it a luxury item --- very interesting.


    Solid gold Macbook Airs, anyone?

  • Reply 71 of 255
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    Originally Posted by iZENstein View Post

    I really think some kind of upgrade program should be included on a $10,000 electronic device. I love Apple but $10,000 is absurd especially if it doesn't include some upgrade program.

    Shrug: do any 10K dresses come with an "upgrade" program where the designer house will come out and recut the dress to an updated style?



    But. of course, it's not a $10,000 electronic device. It's a $349 electronic device in a $9,651 case. So maybe they will offer drop-in upgrades? Shrug.

  • Reply 72 of 255
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,029member
    The Sport and Steel edition seem rightly priced, and will likely comprise 90% of the revenue.

    I too thought the Gold would range from $5-8k and up, depending upon band (i.e. a gold band as well would drastically increase the cost, as it would any watch)

    Given the guts of the watch are identical from low end to high end, and without having a video describing the manufacturing process of the Edition that might explain its increased cost, it does seem high to me.

    There are many well-known, handcrafted watches with intricate moving parts, who's labor intensity partly commands 10-20k or more...The core Apple Watch component is the same in the $399 vs. the $10k watch, so this is pure metal it seems. Based on that, and no additional cost components or increased intensive design/manufacturing costs, the Edition is priced high.

    Of course, I'm sure Apple anticipates a large segment of high income people who will buy it at these levels. In fact, they may expect it to cost 5 figures. Less costly, its not as desired.

    (Please, save your comments about this is what's wrong with the world. There will always be large gaps in income, as there should be, and different people can afford different things).

    Finally, I thought the event and Tim were overall strong, but he seemed his most hesitant during the portions of the Watch demo.
  • Reply 73 of 255
    If you're worried about such things, you aren't the person they're selling to.
    Oh they aren't selling to me on this I know. But even if I had a million bucks knowing how antiquated hardware becomes in tech so quickly I'd want to know I could upgrade or simply wait a few generations for the watch to be fully established and functional.
  • Reply 74 of 255
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,132member
    This part of the event didn't surprise me at all. $10k was widely discussed. I am surprised at a general lack of discussion about it. Tim seemed to just brush by. No discussion about gold bands; upgrade or trade in; metallurgy.

    I've had to conclude that Apple still doesn't know themselves, and are remaining silent about as many details as they can. But 6 months after the reveal?

    Like the movie "Apollo 13 when Tom Hanks/Jim Lovell concludes MCC still hasn't figured out how to restart the CSM: silence often means lack of a decision.

    The Edition is clearly way, way different than anything Apple has ever made. It is only tangentally an electronics device.
  • Reply 75 of 255
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    To get the very best it cost $$$.  And the Edition Apple Watch is the very best.

    I get your point.... but....


    the Apple edition is 'the best' insofar as gold is 'better' than steel, and steel is 'better' than aluminum. It is probably more accurate to call the Edition Apple Watch the very 'nicest'. Both are subjective but 'best' implies technical or performance superiority. 

  • Reply 76 of 255
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,132member
    izenstein wrote: »
    Oh they aren't selling to me on this I know. But even if I had a million bucks knowing how antiquated hardware becomes in tech so quickly I'd want to know I could upgrade or simply wait a few generations for the watch to be fully established and functional.

    I honestly dont know how I'd act or think if I had a million dollars. But I do hope Apple stops to think about that question.
  • Reply 77 of 255
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I think they'll sell a ton of them in China.

    yes, if supplies are tight they'll be re-selling the Limited for $25k or more there. and if they sell first-come at stores, there will be riots outside. so probably will be done some other way.

  • Reply 78 of 255
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Which drops the number willing to do so considerably. A gold Rolex is an investment, the Watch is not.

    The Watch is $349.
    Edition is an investment, unless you think gold might lose value.
  • Reply 79 of 255
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,029member

    The other part of this is Apple is also defining a new market with the Watch, as a high tech branch of the traditional watch market.


    Yes, Apple Watch tells time and shows you the date. But everything else it does, and how it does it, is really forging a new definition of luxurytech that differs so greatly from the traditional watch, that the definitions of form, function, value, and prestige are being challenged to change.


    If Apple succeeds, and I believe they will as they are in almost every other category. they will see massive success in this and other future market categories.

  • Reply 80 of 255
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    A gold watch just looks tacky to me these days. I have one from the 90s. Never wear it. I also have a stainless dive chronometer. Never wear that either. If I were to buy one of these it would be the Sport, just to check it out. It will be obsolete in one year.

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