Beyonce seen sporting Apple Watch Edition with gold link bracelet



  • Reply 61 of 162
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    apple ][ wrote: »

    I am sitting.

    You're right about one thing at least. I don't know much about marketing, and I've never claimed to know much about marketing. It's not my field.

    What I do know is perception, and I'm just stating my thoughts on the topic. I hope that this is not the beginning of some new trend, or a shift in Apple, where a certain crowd will be given early access or even free access to many other Apple products in the future. I don't give a crap who they are. Beyonce, Karl Lagerfeld or any other weird people who wear sunglasses 24-7. 

    When I buy my next iPad, I had better not see anybody with it, before I have it. I don't give a crap how famous they are or how much money they have. All Apple customers should be equal. First come, first serve.

    So when you're not first in line you don't buy?

    What an interesting approach. That's gotta save you boatloads of money. At the price of an awful load of angst but hey, hyoh.

    Oh and about that iPad? Bad news, Steve spoiled your party.,2817,2394091,00.asp
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  • Reply 62 of 162
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by portcity View Post

    Apple is doing a great job marketing the Watch. With that said I don't care for seeing all these celebrity pics of custom made watch bands that are not available to the general public. Companies that sale high end products such as Rolex, Bentley, Rolls Royce, etc don't even do this. Those companies make there products available to anyone who can afford it, celebrity or not.


    I agree. It's a douchebag move.


    I don't even care that much about the Apple Watch, since I haven't ordered one, but I don't like the negative trend and douchebaggyness that I'm seeing here with this launch, and I just hope that mentality wont spread and infect other Apple products also.

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  • Reply 63 of 162
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by jfc1138 View Post

    So when you're not first in line you don't buy?

    What an interesting approach. That's gotta save you boatloads of money. At the price of an awful load of angst but hey, hyoh.

    I don't do lines anymore. I've done that before, so no need to do that anymore.


    If there's any product that I would want, then I would just preorder it online as soon as it were available.

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  • Reply 64 of 162
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    apple ][ wrote: »

    I don't do lines anymore. I've done that before, so no need to do that anymore.

    If there's any product that I would want, then I would just preorder it online as soon as it were available.
    And then when you see someone else with it you cancel right? Because that's offensive. Like I said, somewhat odd approach to tech, but very frugal I must admit.
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  • Reply 65 of 162
    portcity wrote: »
    Apple is doing a great job marketing the Watch. With that said I don't care for seeing all these celebrity pics of custom made watch bands that are not available to the general public. Companies that sale high end products such as Rolex, Bentley, Rolls Royce, etc don't even do this. Those companies make there products available to anyone who can afford it, celebrity or not.

    Not an appropriate comparison. Those are 100+ year old brands in established markets. Apple is doing what it has proven to do best in tech and now in fashion-create a whole new market for its newly-created product. The difference is like docking a boat versus parting deep waters.
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  • Reply 66 of 162
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by jfc1138 View Post

    And then when you see someone else with it you cancel right? Because that's offensive. Like I said, somewhat odd approach to tech, but very frugal I must admit.

    I don't mean that I would cancel it if my next door neighbor got theirs delivered 10 minutes before mine. <img class=" src="" />


    But if I noticed some "celebrity", smiling and posing on twitter with one months before I could even pre-order it, then hell yeah, that would definitely factor in to my decision, because the Apple that I once knew, would exist no longer, and Apple would be giving the finger to all loyal customers such as myself.


    Like I said earlier, this watch is not even a big deal to me. But if I had ordered one, I'd probably be pissed to see all sorts of exclusive bands and whatnot that are not available to the general public. That is the height of douchebaggyness.

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  • Reply 67 of 162
    eightzero wrote: »
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  • Reply 68 of 162
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    To me it seems like a desperate and unnecessary move on Apple's part, not to mention the potential negative implications that it has for their image.

    Do you have a link to this desperate attempt by Apple?


    Similar to what AI mentioned


    "While Apple is supplying Apple Watch to big names in entertainment and fashion, only Beyonce and Lagerfeld are known to have gold link bracelets. Exclusive band options extend beyond materials, however, as Apple handed out Apple Watch Sport Bands in custom colors to fashionistas attending a launch party in Milan over the weekend."


    Would love to see a link to this desperate attempt by Apple too.

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  • Reply 69 of 162
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by jfc1138 View Post

    Oh and about that iPad? Bad news, Steve spoiled your party.,2817,2394091,00.asp


    Yes, I know all about that. That's old news.


    Apple has done this in the past, on a few very rare occasions, with the Macintosh also I remember. That was in the Steve Jobs book.


    I don't find that to be comparable at all to the current level that we're currently seeing with the Apple Watch.

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  • Reply 70 of 162
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by AdamC View Post


    Do you have a link to this desperate attempt by Apple?


    Similar to what AI mentioned


    "While Apple is supplying Apple Watch to big names in entertainment and fashion, only Beyonce and Lagerfeld are known to have gold link bracelets. Exclusive band options extend beyond materials, however, as Apple handed out Apple Watch Sport Bands in custom colors to fashionistas attending a launch party in Milan over the weekend."


    Would love to see a link to this desperate attempt by Apple too.


    The link is my post.

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  • Reply 71 of 162
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    No they're not. Will Carling was asked that on Twitter and he replied something like 'ha, I wish'.


    Originally Posted by Krawall View Post


    I see a lot of naivety here. Sorry to come across like this, but EVERYTHING in a celebrities life (the big ones, like Beyonce anyway) is planned and staged. Do you really think she would wear that watch without getting paid? No way. She probably has a lot of other things lined up that she needs to wear per contract Sure, she _could_ wear and refuse to wear whatever she wants, but then she wouldn't make sure that the watch was presented in her blog as she did.


    Of course she has the means to buy it, but would she? They're ambassadors, they're doing advertisement. Have you heard of commercials? This is what they are doing, this is what they get paid for.  Clooney is an actor, perhaps, but he's (here) much more well know for his commercial activies (nespresso). I forgot which hollywood star is all over Japan with coffee, ah now I came across this one




    It's BUSINESS. 


    So, Will Carling has officially stated that he doesn't get paid wearing the watch. Great deal,... I didn't even know this guy, he can hardly be compared with Beyonce (who even I have heard of) under my secluded rock.



    Yeah I saw a lot in your post (full of conjectures and opinions stated as facts). roll eyes.

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  • Reply 72 of 162
    chadbagchadbag Posts: 2,029member

    You guys are funny.   This is entertaining to read.   Especially all the complainers.


    I ain't got a problem with Apple providing pre-release watches to celebrities.   I understand marketing, at least a little.   I'll wait until June for my own watch... 


    Thanks for the entertainment tonight guys!


    (for the English majors:   I  don't have a problem with Apple...)

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  • Reply 73 of 162
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member

    Originally Posted by idrey View Post

    That would be genius! They just take the picture and had to give it back. Sorry buy your own! ????

    Don't let Putin try one on.

    He'll try to walk off with (like it's a Superbowl ring!)

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  • Reply 74 of 162
    jonljonl Posts: 210member

    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post


    Isn't Beyonce wearing the watch upside down? Wouldn't it be awkward to use the crown in that position? Your hand would be covering the face of the watch :???: 

    I know. Someone needs to caption it, "Sh*t, Beyonce. Get it together."

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  • Reply 75 of 162
    krawallkrawall Posts: 165member

    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post


    Isn't Beyonce wearing the watch upside down? Wouldn't it be awkward to use the crown in that position? Your hand would be covering the face of the watch :???: 


    IMHO more of a reason she's not wearing it because she loves it, but because she's ,... well... paid to wear it ;-)



    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post




    Yeah I saw a lot in your post (full of conjectures and opinions stated as facts). roll eyes.


    Yes true, I can't prove it. Of course it's my opinion, but it's like... well... one has to be blind to not see that actors & artists do earn a lot of money on advertising and why should it be different here.


    Or to quote Churchill, out of context "In politics nothing happens by chance".  I'm sure it's hard work to be (most) celebrities and they have a PLAN otherwise they wouldn't be where they are. Or somebody makes a  PLAN for them. And that plan includes earn money.


    But, Matrix, as you say it comes down to what you like to believe :-)

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  • Reply 76 of 162
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member
    Originally Posted by Krawall View Post


    I see a lot of naivety here. Sorry to come across like this, but EVERYTHING in a celebrities life (the big ones, like Beyonce anyway) is planned and staged. Do you really think she would wear that watch without getting paid? No way. She probably has a lot of other things lined up that she needs to wear per contract Sure, she _could_ wear and refuse to wear whatever she wants, but then she wouldn't make sure that the watch was presented in her blog as she did.


    Of course she has the means to buy it, but would she? They're ambassadors, they're doing advertisement. Have you heard of commercials? This is what they are doing, this is what they get paid for.  Clooney is an actor, perhaps, but he's (here) much more well know for his commercial activies (nespresso). I forgot which hollywood star is all over Japan with coffee, ah now I came across this one




    It's BUSINESS. 


    So, Will Carling has officially stated that he doesn't get paid wearing the watch. Great deal,... I didn't even know this guy, he can hardly be compared with Beyonce (who even I have heard of) under my secluded rock.

    Please get a grip - celebrities will not buy Apple Gold watches, they have no reason to do this. You can't even buy that one anyway, and yes, it looks nice with the gold bracelet and all, I do like it, those guys that we see now wearing them have no need to BUY them  (they can't anyway as such an option doesn't exist, unless there's a fourth "Celebrity-"-Edition available that you can only reach if you have a login for but I don't have a login for that)


    Is it clever marketing from Apple? Yes I believe so. Is it annoying seeing this while we are waiting for our watch to come? Clearly very annoying. Is it un-Apple? Yes in a way, because while Apple did use celebrities in the past, this massive rollout is a bit ... hmm ... too much ... for my taste... especially while I'm still waiting for any update on my order ... I feel slightly slapped in the face by all this.

    You are correct, . . .  for most product placements.

    You would have to pay people to wear many of the products out there.


    I'm sure Apple makes some deals with some folks for some things, but why buy the cow when the milk is free? Apple has a long history of having fantastic "product placements" that are not "placements" at all. If you are a set designer, you want a beautiful computer on the desk. You want a beautiful interface on the computer. What happens? Apple products are used (and Apple might even loan them out, but not likely.) No celebrity had to be paid to use an iPod, or later an iPhone. OTOH nany celebrities who were paid to use Android products ended up praising their Android phones in Tweets originating from their iPhones. Gifts are given away, and endorsement deals are made, but Apple doesn't need to pay for for product placement. When that becomes the norm, we will all know it's time to sell our Apple stock.


    [Just an additional note. A lot of the talent Apple has worked with have a great relationship with and feel very grateful to Apple. I'm sure if Apple gave them a nice item that they liked they would gladly use it without a thought. As an example, I heard Feist being interviewed (perhaps it was on Colbert) and she mentioned that Apple asked her if she would like them to get her American citizenship! Since 911 it has become a serious hassle for Canadian and European performers to come to the US and dual citizenship is a great luxury for them. I believe she said she took all of about a tenth of a second to say yes. I thought this was rather a weird thing for Apple to do at first, but it shows they are thinking about how to please the talent they work with (plus, now if they invite her in for an event, they know that barring a conflict, she can make it.]

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  • Reply 77 of 162
    krawallkrawall Posts: 165member

    Originally Posted by DESuserIGN View Post


    You are correct, . . .  for most product placements.

    You would have to pay people to wear many of the products out there.


    I'm sure Apple makes some deals with some folks for some things, but why buy the cow when the milk is free? Apple has a long history of having fantastic "product placements" that are not "placements" at all. If you are a set designer, you want a beautiful computer on the desk. You want a beautiful interface on the computer. What happens? Apple products are used (and Apple might even loan them out, but not likely.) No celebrity had to be paid to use an iPod, or later an iPhone. OTOH nany celebrities who were paid to use Android products ended up praising their Android phones in Tweets originating from their iPhones. Gifts are given away, and endorsement deals are made, but Apple doesn't need to pay for for product placement. When that becomes the norm, we will all know it's time to sell our Apple stock.

    Yeah, I guess I'm not against all that iMac / Laptop placement on movies, that was paid for as well - simply because you can buy those machines. I think it's cool if these crop up in movies and, as an Apple fan, I'm delighted by this. But here we're in different territory.


    For sure there are celebrities who love their Apple watch, I'm not denying that. But there for sure are many more that wouldn't give a shit and still wear them. (yes Matrix, conjecture again ;-)  ). Those would be much better in the hands of fans. Just sayin'.


    And no, I don't have a problem with Apple. It's just annoying we can't get ours earlier. And I wouldn't wear it the wrong way 'round too ! :-P

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  • Reply 78 of 162
    krawallkrawall Posts: 165member

    A quick google brought this up (first link I've clicked)



    ?The tagline is: Apple doesn't pay for product placement in movies. 


    So you can believe that because it says that. But if you read a bit further, it says they're giving out "endless amount of computers". Isn't that pay?


    “Apple won’t pay to have their products featured, but they are more than willing to hand out an endless amount of computers, iPads, and iPhones,” Gavin Polone, who produced Zombieland, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and more, told Businessweek “It’s kind of a graft situation.”


    Nothing's of free and I do guess that again some directors are more than happy to show Apple computers free of charge, the majority will try to get something out of it (conjecture again).

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  • Reply 79 of 162
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member
    Originally Posted by Krawall View Post


    A quick google brought this up (first link I've clicked)



    ?The tagline is: Apple doesn't pay for product placement in movies. 


    So you can believe that because it says that. But if you read a bit further, it says they're giving out "endless amount of computers". Isn't that pay?


    “Apple won’t pay to have their products featured, but they are more than willing to hand out an endless amount of computers, iPads, and iPhones,” Gavin Polone, who produced Zombieland, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and more, told Businessweek “It’s kind of a graft situation.”


    Nothing's of free and I do guess that again some directors are more than happy to show Apple computers free of charge, the majority will try to get something out of it (conjecture again).

    Well I have seen, more and more in movies and television, Apple computers used, but with the logo obscured. This tells me that they hit Apple up for placement fees and Apple refused to pay. Do you think they'll be getting more free computers from Apple? [maybe, I suppose. But Apple has probably drawn the line at paying for it, or maybe they have a nuanced strategy about what they will actually pay for.]

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  • Reply 80 of 162
    formosaformosa Posts: 261member
    Originally Posted by leighr View Post


    You don't get it. Apple gives the celebrities the watch, yes, but they don't then keep paying them to wear it.


    Originally Posted by RadarTheKat View Post

    Thus... it's not much of a leap to suggest that the value of the celebrity endorsement given in these cases is so much beyond the value of a free pre-release Apple Watch that we can safely infer that the celebrities are stoked about the product, that they believe it is something that represents them well, and that they are happy to be associated with Apple and to have access, whether free or if they had to pay for the Watch, prior to its general availability.


    Whether Apple paid them or not, this kind of attention is staggering in the caliber of celebrities and designers seen with the Apple Watch as well as the (high end) fashion market - a new target of Apple. Can you see Google or Samsung getting this attention? Maybe Google can pay them, but as leighr said, the celebrities will continue to wear Apple Watch personally.


    I doubt Creepy Guy is still wearing his Gear.


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