Beyonce seen sporting Apple Watch Edition with gold link bracelet



  • Reply 101 of 162
    I think the celebrities buy their Apple Watch, just like how they buy their iPhones (and its cases/accessories).
  • Reply 102 of 162
    rogifan wrote: »
    Android Wear OEMs are screwed. Just like with phones it will be a race to the bottom. They'll be like Android tablets...something carriers give away when you buy a phone.

    Agreed. I get emails from AT&T offering a tablet with a phone even though it's computer systems contain more than enough data to know I have not purchased anything other than Apple products from it. Maybe AT&T thinks I will switch to Android before my contracts expire and I move to T-Mobile. ????
  • Reply 103 of 162
    eat@me wrote: »
    Who cares.....lame lame marketing on Apple's part...paying celebrities to wear a watch they would normally never wear.

    Yeah, like celebrities would really be caught wearing or using anything from Samsung without being paid and then notifying the world from their iPhones how much the love, love, love their shiny new Samsung device instead of from that shiny new Samsung device.
  • Reply 104 of 162
    vtwovtwo Posts: 14member

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    I am sitting.


    You're right about one thing at least. I don't know much about marketing, and I've never claimed to know much about marketing. It's not my field.


    What I do know is perception, and I'm just stating my thoughts on the topic. I hope that this is not the beginning of some new trend, or a shift in Apple, where a certain crowd will be given early access or even free access to many other Apple products in the future. I don't give a crap who they are. Beyonce, Karl Lagerfeld or any other weird people who wear sunglasses 24-7. 


    When I buy my next iPad, I had better not see anybody with it, before I have it. I don't give a crap how famous they are or how much money they have. All Apple customers should be equal. First come, first serve.


    How is it a new trend? You don't think tech websites and tech blogger and big developers got early access on new Apple hardware before?  Or are you just naïve?  Tech blogger post reviews the day the product is release, do you think that is only based on a few hours of usage?


    As for all Apple customers being equal?  Sure, so for the next Apple product, they need to make it available worldwide at the same time online with EVERYONE competing equally for inventory.  None of this release in US and a few selected countries first.  Sorry, this just aint going to happen.  Life aint fair.

  • Reply 105 of 162
    foggyhill wrote: »
    The Samsung CEO wouldn't be caught dead wearing a Samsung watch, just like you need to wear clean underwear in case your die somehow that day...

    That of course if you wear underwear.

    It is interesting that I do not recall ever seeing a Samsung executive wearing or actively promoting a Gear watch similarly to Tim Cook with Apple Watch.

    I have read quips Samsung CEOs supposedly said though. Oh well. Go, Apple!
  • Reply 106 of 162
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member

    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post


    Isn't Beyonce wearing the watch upside down? :???:



    Originally Posted by dbolander View Post

    There is no upside down. You can wear it in either orientation.

    The way Beyonce is wearing the Apple Watch, how do you use the digital crown without blocking the screen with your hand? Seems like a classic case of doing-it-wrong unless I'm missing something here.


    Yes, you can wear it on either wrist, but the proper orientation is to have the digital crown always facing your wrist unless you magically grow a third hand.

  • Reply 107 of 162
    mejsricmejsric Posts: 152member
    I think the celebrities buy their Apple Watch, just like how they buy their iPhones (and its cases/accessories).

    No no no... They give it to them... Just like Justin Beiber Ferraries... Ferrari give it for marketing purpose.
  • Reply 108 of 162
    apple ][ wrote: »
    That's precisely my point too!

    I don't care if somebody is the most famous celebrity in the world, or if somebody is the poorest person in the world, if they want the best consumer tech product, then there's only one choice, and that's Apple! Apple doesn't need to buy favor from anybody!

    This is beneath them, IMO. And the sad part is that they don't even need to do it! I could understand Samsung or any other countless number of companies doing this to promote their crap products, but not Apple!

    apple ][ wrote: »

    I can definitely be a douchebag when required. I think that it's an important skill to have. Many people lack that particular skill.

    Perhaps that's why I can also easily identify other things that might be douchebaggish in nature.

    Nobody wants to see Apple products in the hands of celebrities first, but you have to admit that it's a good business move. And it's not the first time they've done it. Apple isn't a charity, they're a publicly traded company trying to make money off of you and I. the difference between Apple and the rest is they they have principles - what kind? Not moral principles. Design principles.

    In a sense, you should be thanking Apple. Not only are they designing and producing technologically advanced products at mass market prices, but they're going the extra step and making it socially acceptable for you to put it on. Think off how many different scenarios Apple must have thought through to create this whole experience?

    This is nothing new really. It's called product placement. Some here say the celebs are getting paid to wear it.. Without proof. I say, if they're getting paid than good job by Apple. Put some of that cash to work. I don't think they are though. And although I don't see many people giving Apple credit, I have to say that Apple is doing something new here. They're making an actual fashion product with best in class software and technology. A watch is a fashion accessory. Obviously the rules are different in the fashion world than the desktop PC world. The phone got us closer, but it wasn't there. Apple made the computer famous by coming up with ways to make it relevant for everyday people, and they've finally made it possible to fit in our everyday lives. I think it's a huge deal. And I think Apple has officially succeeded.
  • Reply 109 of 162
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,778member
    I'm tellin' ya... Apple should go ahead and make that gold link band an option. It looks better than the current version without the gold.

    Or a gold and stainless steel. The nicest watch and bracelet Rolex make IMHO is the one with both. The all gold Rolex always looks OTT to me.
  • Reply 110 of 162
    ronstark wrote: »
    When your're rich they think you really know!

    It's not wealth that is the factor here, it's being a "name."

    I don't know when this began, but I do remember the influence the Beatles had at the peak of their debute. The boots they wore, the jackets they were seen in, even their choice of haircuts made an impact on the public's choices. This is still going on but in a more defused way. Famous icons drive markets.
  • Reply 111 of 162
    inklinginkling Posts: 773member
    Obvious points:

    1. What's Apple doing giving free products to very rich people? That's tacky and tasteless.

    2. Who gives who rip what these celebrities are doing? All too many fans are shallow people with lives so empty that they have to live through surrogates. They need to build healthy lives of their own.
  • Reply 112 of 162
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member

    Rich people get more stuff free than the rest of us can afford. Something is wrong with that. I don't like the optics of it....especially coming from a company like Apple who prides itself on social responsibility and what not....and yes I have already purchased an Apple Watch. 

  • Reply 113 of 162
    inkling wrote: »
    Obvious points:

    1. What's Apple doing giving free products to very rich people? That's tacky and tasteless.

    2. Who gives who rip what these celebrities are doing? All too many fans are shallow people with lives so empty that they have to live through surrogates. They need to build healthy lives of their own.

    1. LOL - Someone who is more honorable and classy than Apple. That's a new one. I'm debating whether to honor more people's time who rant like this. Simply put, this helps more people see it. If it was a terrible product that they were pushing it would be one thing, but it's the best in class. There may be a store down the street from you that sells watches better than anything Apple has ever imagined, but you'll never know because you haven't seen it. That company will be bankrupt if they don't market their product. This is just another marketing technique.

    2. It's true that people care about celebrities too much obviously. But, you speak like the people around you. You may even have a thick accent. You wear the same kind of clothes as your neighbors do. You drive the same kind of car. It's not that your life is an imitation of those around you, it just informs your taste. If you were aware of the clothing styles of Zimbabwe, you may start dressing like them. But, you think what is nearest to you is 'normal'. Apple is just trying to insert themselves into the culture at everyone's level. The sooner the watch gets near to you, the sooner you'll know and consider it.
  • Reply 114 of 162
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    Or a gold and stainless steel. The nicest watch and bracelet Rolex make IMHO is the one with both. The all gold Rolex always looks OTT to me.

    You can have that now. Just strap on the stainless link band to the edition. ;-)

    Apple will eventually do all of this. They are a fashion company now and will have designers creating a new collection of bands every season. Jony Ive has already told us this with his 'customer's expectation of choice' statement. There's only so much Apple can do with a black glass-faced watch -- square and round, and that's about it. So the bands will become the means of individual customer expression of style.
  • Reply 115 of 162
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    adonissmu wrote: »
    Rich people get more stuff free than the rest of us can afford. Something is wrong with that. I don't like the optics of it....especially coming from a company like Apple who prides itself on social responsibility and what not....and yes I have already purchased an Apple Watch. 

    What does "social responsibility" have to do with marketing? At the end of the day that's all this is. Oh and maybe Jony Ive likes to give gifts to friends.
  • Reply 116 of 162
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    mac_128 wrote: »
    You can have that now. Just strap on the stainless link band to the edition. ;-)

    Apple will eventually do all of this. They are a fashion company now and will have designers creating a new collection of bands every season. Jony Ive has already told us this with his 'customer's expectation of choice' statement. There's only so much Apple can do with a black glass-faced watch -- square and round, and that's about it. So the bands will become the means of individual customer expression of style.

    I think Apple was always about fashion and style. Look at the iPod silhouette ad campaign. That had next to nothing to do with was all about music and those white earbuds.
  • Reply 117 of 162
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    What does "social responsibility" have to do with marketing? At the end of the day that's all this is. Oh and maybe Jony Ive likes to give gifts to friends.

    What Apple marketing? Apple had already sold a ton of watches. People who can't be swayed simply wont want it regardless if Beyonce wears a 17k+ watch or not. I'm slightly offended that they would be reinforcing the rich vs not rich stuff. I quite liked that celebrities would have to get in line at the Apple store to get an iPhone like everyone else. 

  • Reply 118 of 162
    mazda 3s wrote: »
    The way Beyonce is wearing the Apple Watch, how do you use the digital crown without blocking the screen with your hand? Seems like a classic case of doing-it-wrong unless I'm missing something here.

    Yes, you can wear it on either wrist, but the proper orientation is to have the digital crown always facing your wrist unless you magically grow a third hand.
    I reckon a left-handed person could conceivably use their left thumb to interact with the crown and secondary button and not cover the screen too much. It may not be ideal compared to changing the orientation but I could see why one might prefer this. The crown won't poke into your wrist when you move your wrist upwards.
  • Reply 119 of 162
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I think Apple was always about fashion and style. Look at the iPod silhouette ad campaign. That had next to nothing to do with was all about music and those white earbuds.
    Of course ... It's in its DNA going back to Steve Jobs walking around department stores looking at Krups food processors and the like for computer design ideas, to say nothing of wanting to chrome plate the inside of the Apple II. But there's a difference from being fashionable and stylish, and being IN the fashion business, which revolves around seasonal trends and caters to customer's clothing and outfit needs. What I'm saying is that Apple, at least with the watch, is likely dedicated to that new aspect of the business. In the past, Apple released new products with technology bumps, and that's generally what drives customers to buy them and upgrade to them -- the fact they came in beautifully designed packages was definitely a perk, but not the motivation. For the first time, especially in a watch that is battery challenged, major new tech changes will likely not be the driving force behind watch upgrades, so customers may upgrade for tech, but because they wear it, they're going to get excited about the new watch band collection from Apple. And when some of the basic bands cost more than the watch itself, it's a lucrative business for Apple to be in. And assuming Apple keeps the same band connection for a few years, an irresistible way for a watch customer to upgrade their last year's model. For the first time customers are going to opt for a stainless and a gold watch for different outfits. They might buy a round watch to mix it up. All of these are fashion decisions, unlike buying an iPhone for which the only fashion choice is gold, silver, or gray, but otherwise the emphasis is on the technology, not accessorizing with an outfit. For the first time, the watch is at least equal parts of both, and that's where they've crossed over. Designing new watch bands, is so outside of Apple's traditional core business there's no other way to categorize it.
  • Reply 120 of 162
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    Go live in communist Korea if you want everyone to be 'equal' to you

    What does my point have to do with communism? I don't like the optics of what Apple has done here. Get a grip. If you don't like free speech and expression,  you can go live in China where everything is censored OR you can simply ignore my posts which is as much your right as my opinion is my right. Apple doens't need you to be shill for them. They are the most profitable company in the world and they already have shills on the payroll. 

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