Beyonce seen sporting Apple Watch Edition with gold link bracelet



  • Reply 121 of 162
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    I'm no troll, but I would agree with any troll who uses that argument, because if the celebrities have to be given one for free, then they're not exactly honestly endorsing the product.

    I beg to differ! Artists were given Samesung phones and were paid to endorse them but still continued to use their iPhones. These people are not about to do the same with the watch regardless of the circumstances of how or why they received it. You should really give it a rest as it is a well know practice to give celebrities free "gifts" as a marketing ploy, and your statement about it being a "desperate" move on Apple's part is ridiculous.
  • Reply 122 of 162
    inklinginkling Posts: 773member

     If it was a terrible product that they were pushing it would be one thing, but it's the best in class.


    And what is that class? Tiny, clumsy screens that are accessories to a smartphone that's easier to use.


    What actual use has either the Apple Phone or any of it's kin? It lets those who rather neurotically check their iPhone screen every few minutes look at their watch instead. Apple's claiming that'll be better in a social setting, that others will find it less irritating.


    Not so, when others see someone looking at their smartphone, they assume they're waiting for an important message. When that person keeps looking at their watch, they assume, "This person is so bored with me. He keeps checking watch for the time when he can leave."


    There are actually some good ideas behind this, including a wrist or ankle device that signals specific events with a silent, selective vibration that others aren't aware of. That'll be a handy product but it's isn't one that has to sell for hundreds or thousands of dollars.

  • Reply 123 of 162

    Originally Posted by daveinpublic View Post

    Nobody wants to see Apple products in the hands of celebrities first, but you have to admit that it's a good business move. 

    Must be just me, but I am having trouble following this sentence....

  • Reply 124 of 162

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    I'm saying this because you are offended when rich people get gifts.


    Its all about capitalism.  If you can't handle it go live in a communist country.

    Did someone appoint you ruler of this Forum?


    Grow up.

  • Reply 125 of 162
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    Afford them? They are getting paid to wear them.
    Trust me.

    "Trust me"? Why would be trust you? How about you supply a shred of evidence for your confident claim, instead of asking people to take it on faith from a random internet poster? You stated that they're being paid to wear them as FACT. Supply evidence, or STFU.
  • Reply 126 of 162
    formosa wrote: »

    Whether Apple paid them or not, this kind of attention is staggering in the caliber of celebrities and designers seen with the Apple Watch as well as the (high end) fashion market - a new target of Apple. Can you see Google or Samsung getting this attention? Maybe Google can pay them, but as leighr said, the celebrities will continue to wear Apple Watch personally.

    I doubt Creepy Guy is still wearing his Gear.

    <img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="58180" data-type="61" src="" style="; width: 350px; height: 201px">

    The brilliance of Apple's design and fashion-savvy marketing is that they've designed a watch that the "cute girl" in that dork-fantasy Samsung ad would wear.
  • Reply 127 of 162
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    slurpy wrote: »
    "Trust me"? Why would be trust you? How about you supply a shred of evidence for your confident claim, instead of asking people to take it on faith from a random internet poster? You stated that they're being paid to wear them as FACT. Supply evidence, or STFU.

    They probably got them for free, but they don't get paid to wear it. There was an episode of The Real Husbands of Hollywood in which Chris Rock would just walk into a store, try something on, and walk out with it. Kevin Hart asked him "did you just steal that?" CR replied "no, I'm endorsing it" :lol: Celebrities live a lifestyle that's very different from ours.
  • Reply 128 of 162
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    Apple has always given certain people early access to their products before the general public.  How the hell did the Verge, Bloomburg, CNET, ect release Watch reviews weeks ago?  Cause they got the Watch early.  The same thing happens EVERY SINGLE FRIKEN YEAR for the new iPad, iPhones, and Mac's.


    Now let Apple do what they do.  If you don't like it go ahead take your money somewhere else.

    I'm not talking about any review units of course.


    You seem to have a problem with handling differing opinions. You should go and join ISIS.


    And it is fully possible for me to not take my money elsewhere, and to also criticize Apple if I wish. The two are not mutually exclusive. 

  • Reply 129 of 162
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    Must be just me, but I am having trouble following this sentence....

    It's not just you.

  • Reply 130 of 162
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    LOL.  Ironic.  You just appoint yourself as ruler by telling me to grow up.

    Not at all. That was short-hand way of making an observation that your posts in this thread are childish.


    You normally post some pretty insightful stuff, but some -- like most of your rants, admonitions, and expletives in this thread -- are just silly.

  • Reply 131 of 162
    usb-usb- Posts: 22member

    Honestly these things mean nothing to me. So she's wearing an Apple Watch? Big deal. She's no different from Joe down the street. They're all just people. The fact that she's on TV and he isn't doesn't make me more likely to go by her apparent recommendations

  • Reply 132 of 162
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Originally Posted by foggyhill View Post



    They could make it from that platinium / moon dust with Ivory inlays from some near extinct animal, to really move the insane luxury needle ;-)

    Ivory from a near extinct animal would most likely be illegal to sell or possess, but you can buy ivory from a Wooly Mammoth and lunar meteorites are available too, both quite reasonably priced, so no.

  • Reply 133 of 162
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Originally Posted by dbolander View Post

    I reckon a left-handed person could conceivably use their left thumb to interact with the crown and secondary button and not cover the screen too much. It may not be ideal compared to changing the orientation but I could see why one might prefer this. The crown won't poke into your wrist when you move your wrist upwards.

    Beyonce is right handed.

  • Reply 134 of 162
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member

    Are people in this thread that naive, that they can't see through Apple ]['s sudden passion on this issue? Enter literally ANY thread on this board that references a colored person, no matter what the topic, and you will see Apple ][ in there, coincidentally with anger, rage, and criticism towards Apple. It's an absolute guarantee. Doesn't matter if that individual is a civil rights activist, a musician, an artist, or celebrity. So please, stop engaging Apple ][ on this false premise and see him for what he is. 

  • Reply 135 of 162
    While I have no problem with Apple giving them to celebs for marketing I think making them custom bands is not a help to the Apple watch. What it says is Apple's regular offerings don't meet their standards so if Apple wants them to wear it they need a special band.
  • Reply 136 of 162

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    Are people in this thread that naive, that they can't see through Apple ]['s sudden passion on this issue? Enter literally ANY thread on this board that references a colored person, no matter what the topic, and you will see Apple ][ in there, coincidentally with anger, rage, and criticism towards Apple. It's an absolute guarantee. Doesn't matter if that individual is a civil rights activist, a musician, an artist, or celebrity. So please, stop engaging Apple ][ on this false premise and see him for what he is. 

    In fairness, he did rail equally vehemently against Karl Lagerfeld (or whatever his name is).

  • Reply 137 of 162
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    apple ][ wrote: »

    To me it seems like a desperate and unnecessary move on Apple's part, not to mention the potential negative implications that it has for their image.

    huh? there is no negative. a few anti-social whiners on tech sites dont cause any probably for apple. none.

    thats why theve been doing it for decades -- heres Steve Jobs giving out original Macintoshes before its release:
  • Reply 138 of 162
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    Afford them? They are getting paid to wear them.
    Trust me.

    why should we trust you?

    if apple gave them a free pre-release gold watch im sure theyd wear it for that reason alone.
  • Reply 139 of 162
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by NolaMacGuy View Post

    huh? there is no negative. a few anti-social whiners on tech sites dont cause any probably for apple. none.

    thats why theve been doing it for decades -- heres Steve Jobs giving out original Macintoshes before its release:

    Yes, I did mention that Macintosh story earlier in the thread. People keep mentioning that same story, which I think kind of proves that this is rare for Apple, and not something that was widely done.

  • Reply 140 of 162
    Man people are getting so bent out of shape about this it's hilarious. It's not like Apple is giving these celebs/fames a Ferrari while most can only afford a Ford Focus. Those cars have [B]different practicalities[/B] and do completely different things. They're giving a watch that most in the middle class could buy. They're giving them the same exact watch that you or I can buy just with different materials. Beyoncé's/Karl's/Anna Wintour's watches will do the EXACT thing your Sport watch will do.

    People in here are acting like the Edition is readily attainable for most people, complaining that celebs are getting the watch while people are waiting on preorders to come in June. If you ordered an Edition at 3 AM eastern on preorder day then yes complain. If you didn't then take a chill pill. You won't care about this in a year. Let it go.
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