YouTube app vanishes from older Apple TV models, latest version unaffected
The YouTube app has disappeared from many second-generation Apple TV units, users noted on Monday, with both the home screen icon and references to the app in Settings vanishing overnight.
No warning was given for the removal, and many users have expressed frustration with the change. The app remains fully functional on third-generation Apple TVs.
Late last month, Google updated the YouTube Data API to enable newer features and announced that older devices, including the second-generation Apple TV, would no longer be supported. This had the consequence of breaking the existing YouTube apps on a number of devices, including an assortment of HDTVs, Blu-ray players, and game consoles as well as iPhones, iPads, and iPod touch units running iOS 6 or earlier.
Apple released the third-generation Apple TV in early 2012, but many second-generation models are still in use. While both versions were at feature parity for years, Apple has apparently moved second-generation units toward end-of-life status, as only more recent boxes received popular updates like the new iOS 8-style user interface and the Beats Music app.
Apple is believed to be working on a fourth-generation set-top that could be announced at the Worldwide Developers Conference on June 8. The new model is expected to support Siri and an App Store, and accordingly feature more internal storage. A rumored A8 processor could enable 4K video, although there has been no indication that 4K videos will be sold or rented through the iTunes Store.
No warning was given for the removal, and many users have expressed frustration with the change. The app remains fully functional on third-generation Apple TVs.
Late last month, Google updated the YouTube Data API to enable newer features and announced that older devices, including the second-generation Apple TV, would no longer be supported. This had the consequence of breaking the existing YouTube apps on a number of devices, including an assortment of HDTVs, Blu-ray players, and game consoles as well as iPhones, iPads, and iPod touch units running iOS 6 or earlier.
Apple released the third-generation Apple TV in early 2012, but many second-generation models are still in use. While both versions were at feature parity for years, Apple has apparently moved second-generation units toward end-of-life status, as only more recent boxes received popular updates like the new iOS 8-style user interface and the Beats Music app.
Apple is believed to be working on a fourth-generation set-top that could be announced at the Worldwide Developers Conference on June 8. The new model is expected to support Siri and an App Store, and accordingly feature more internal storage. A rumored A8 processor could enable 4K video, although there has been no indication that 4K videos will be sold or rented through the iTunes Store.
Enjoy the ads.
First what is the problem with leaving an oder version of the app out there and like work on old content so what new feature are not available to older version.
Second, time for a class action lawsuit, Google should not be removing software from a device they do not own in the first place. Talk about invasion of privacy. Did Google engineers actually think it was okay to reach out and remove software from people's hardware. This is the kind of people working at Google they have no ethics.
How does google remove software from your own device without your permission. Is sounds like Google decided on their own to go into people ATV 2 and just delete and app.
First what is the problem with leaving an oder version of the app out there and like work on old content so what new feature are not available to older version.
Second, time for a class action lawsuit, Google should not be removing software from a device they do not own in the first place. Talk about invasion of privacy. Did Google engineers actually think it was okay to reach out and remove software from people's hardware. This is the kind of people working at Google they have no ethics.
Slow down. Apple removed the app not Google.
Slow down. Apple removed the app not Google.
No, not entirely accurate either.
"YouTube today announced changes to its YouTube Data API, causing many older apps on various devices to stop functioning. On the second-generation Apple TV or older, the YouTube channel will no longer be accessible, and on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, iOS 7 or later is required for the YouTube app to function. "
I wouldn't call a notice a month ago that the app was broken "no warning." IT was either Apple remove the broken thing or everyone hide it and stream from another device to their ATV2.
No, not entirely accurate either.
"YouTube today announced changes to its YouTube Data API, causing many older apps on various devices to stop functioning. On the second-generation Apple TV or older, the YouTube channel will no longer be accessible, and on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, iOS 7 or later is required for the YouTube app to function. "
Google changed the API to force ads. Whoever wrote the app (Google or Apple) didn't want to (money) or couldn't (CPU or RAM) update the 2nd gen version. Therefore, Apple removed the now-broken app from the second gen.
Probably a combination of the hardware and now the software differences between the platforms.
No, not entirely accurate either.
"YouTube today announced changes to its YouTube Data API, causing many older apps on various devices to stop functioning. On the second-generation Apple TV or older, the YouTube channel will no longer be accessible, and on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, iOS 7 or later is required for the YouTube app to function. "
I find it strange that I am actually defending Google today. In April, Google announced the API change was coming. With the API change going live today, Apple removed the apps from its devices.
Given how many hand-me-down Apple TVs are in the hands of kids, this seems like a colossal mistake.
This is the correct answer. But you aren't "defending Google," just stating what happened. Apple wasn't going to leave a broken AppleTV app and deal with the support hassle.
It also affects a few iOS 4 & 5 hold outs who enjoyed (past tense) ad-free YouTube on their iPad 2 or iPhone 4. The party's over.
How does google remove software from your own device without your permission. Is sounds like Google decided on their own to go into people ATV 2 and just delete and app.
First what is the problem with leaving an oder version of the app out there and like work on old content so what new feature are not available to older version.
Second, time for a class action lawsuit, Google should not be removing software from a device they do not own in the first place. Talk about invasion of privacy. Did Google engineers actually think it was okay to reach out and remove software from people's hardware. This is the kind of people working at Google they have no ethics.
When will you "software ownership" people get the message? EULAs have been around since the very beginning of personal computers in the late '70s, and if you ever care to read them, the "L" in EULA stands for "licensing." You pay for a license and you agree (the "A" in EULA) to the terms of that use (the "U" in EULA). You never really own the software.
With the YouTube/Google stuff, you're not even paying for anything, so there's especially no user ownership in the traditional sense of the word.
So if you like and want to keep using YouTube on Apple TV, you simply pony up another $99 for a new Apple TV. Simple.
Enjoy the ads.
Ah, progress! I love the smell of progress in the morning!
Google's APIs are some of the most confusing that I've ever worked with. I haven't looked at their newest stuff. Let's hope they are moving away from the mind-numbing XML garbage that they had, and adopting more cleanly-designed JSON-encoded data. I doubt it, though.
I wouldn't be surprised if the stink from this power play by Google raises the ire of regulators who are currently scrutizing the Google monopoly.
Boo to Apple for creating more landfill fodder.
I'll wait to see what Apple offers next month as a next gen Apple TV before shelling out cash for a third generation Apple TV that's now next in line for planned obsolescence.
At least Apple was nice enough to remove the stinking carcass of the dead YouTube app from AppleTV. Now will they do the same for older iOS devices like iPod Touch 4 and iPad 1? I doubt it.
"No warning was given for the removal.... Late last month, Google updated the YouTube Data API... and announced that older devices, including the second-generation Apple TV, would no longer be supported."
There could have been more warning I suppose, but there was warning. I don't blame Google--eventually technology has to march forward. And when it does, if it's Google technology, Apple alone can't make it work on legacy devices.
Boo to Apple for creating more landfill fodder.
I'll wait to see what Apple offers next month as a next gen Apple TV before shelling out cash for a third generation Apple TV that's now next in line for planned obsolescence.
At least Apple was nice enough to remove the stinking carcass of the dead YouTube app from AppleTV. Now will they do the same for older iOS devices like iPod Touch 4 and iPad 1? I doubt it.
Oh, quit your irrational and sensational bitching and whining. Apple is creating "landfill fodder" because ONE APP on a device that was released 5 YEARS AGO is now non-functional, and because of reasons outside their own control?
And yeah, no doubt Apple was rubbing its hands in malicious delight when they released the latest Apple TV in 2012, because of their evil plan of "planned obsolescence" sometime in the future- which I guess is your definition of a new version coming out. If you had to think of an example of "planned obsolescence", the Apple TV (cheapest product Apple makes, and one of the least popular) is probably the worst example one can think of. If the new APIs needed more hardware power to run smoothly than the AppleTV2 could handle, Apple had no choice but to remove the app.