Apple's Jony Ive promoted to Chief Design Officer



  • Reply 81 of 142
    splifsplif Posts: 603member

    Originally Posted by netrox View Post


    And I still use Apple products. It doesn't MEAN that I approve his UX designs. I don't. I absolutely detest iTunes and Photo apps. They don't offer any easy way for me to open a selected file in Photoshop. Nada. It has to be done through complicated steps for exporting. It's a horrible UX on a file management level. 

    You can do a file open in Photoshop and open any photo that is in photos. I don't see any difficulty there. Why do you need to open the photo within photos to then open it in PS?

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  • Reply 82 of 142
    bkkcanuckbkkcanuck Posts: 864member

    Originally Posted by Hoobitron View Post

    So is this a good thing or bad thing for Apple investors?

    It is a good thing since there are a range of individuals under him that get promoted and will gain more experience in similar areas.  Eventually Jony Ive will move on and it is good to get redundancy etc. in important roles.

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  • Reply 83 of 142
    bkkcanuckbkkcanuck Posts: 864member
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    Huh? C-level jobs are THE most powerful positions in a company.

    So much so that CEO/COO/CFO can be held personally liable for fraud of a company where their hold a C-level job


    There are the big "C"-level positions and then other "C" level positions that are more manufactured positions.  CEO, COO/President, CFO are the top three "C"-level positions.  When certain people are deemed important sometimes companies create other "C" level positions for prestige -- as a way of respecting an individual.  


    One of my old companies created a "Chief Scientist" position for Martin Fowler and the company is primarily a consulting company because of his experience and the seniority and respect they have with his abilities when he came on-board full-time....  To me a "Chief Scientist" is for a company doing primary research (Physics, Chemist, etc.)... he has had that position for closing in on 20 years now, still as respected and probably still has as much influence.... "C"-Level titles are not generally given to people that they are moving to a "Window Seat" (Japanese culture - Window seat is given to someone that they want to look for work elsewhere).  


    BTW, sometimes the CFO position is actually more powerful than the CEO..... (especially if it is owned by another company).

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  • Reply 84 of 142
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member
    nolamacguy wrote: »
    why's that?

    Read the 2 titles.

    Senior Vice President
    Chief Design Officer
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  • Reply 85 of 142
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    evilution wrote: »
    Read the 2 titles.

    Senior Vice President
    Chief Design Officer

    The new one is a C-level title. How is that not a step up? Of course we know it is as Tim Cook himself said it was a promotion.
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  • Reply 86 of 142
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member
    rogifan wrote: »
    The new one is a C-level title. How is that not a step up? Of course we know it is as Tim Cook himself said it was a promotion.

    I'm not saying it isn't a promotion, I'm saying it doesn't sound like one.
    Call a job what you like but in real life, who is above "president"? It's certainly not an officer.
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  • Reply 87 of 142
    bkkcanuckbkkcanuck Posts: 864member

    Originally Posted by Evilution View Post

    I'm not saying it isn't a promotion, I'm saying it doesn't sound like one.

    Call a job what you like but in real life, who is above "president"? It's certainly not an officer.

    I agree with you that it is not a promotion in the traditional way - it's goal is probably two-fold.... one is to recognize his importance to Apple through a "C"-level title while both reducing his day-to-day work and giving a little room for others underneath him to shine.   As the number of products have increased - he has maintained the position and likely is severely overloaded.  If they did not reorganize a little - you would have likely burned out Jony Ives in no time...  (if he is not already feeling a little burned out).

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  • Reply 88 of 142
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    wizard69 wrote: »
    Not to mention that the Air actually has real industry standard ports that are accessible easily by programmers/users.

    Do you know what the U in USB-C stands for?
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  • Reply 89 of 142
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    It reminds me of when Bill Gates resigned as CEO of Microsoft to become Chief Software Architect, basically giving up any management responsibilities and just focussing on the software side of things (or in Jony's case the design). I think they are laying the groundwork for him leaving in a couple of years. An article on another Mac site suggests he wants to raise his kids in the UK.

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  • Reply 90 of 142
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,697member

    Originally Posted by Lord Amhran View Post


    Ugh. He needs to be relieved of UI Design duties. UI is clearly not his forté.

    The only thing "clear" here is that you have an opinion - nothing more.


    The changes in iOS 7 make all previous versions look down right archaic - not to mention all the methods of interaction made possible by those changes.

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  • Reply 91 of 142
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Is it worrisome that Jeff Williams hasn't been given that title...e.g. he's not up to the task? You'd think by now Cook would have divested his COO role to Williams.

    Why could it be worrisome - Who is worried, for whom, and why?
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  • Reply 92 of 142
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    evilution wrote: »
    Read the 2 titles.

    Senior Vice President
    Chief Design Officer

    You haven't explained your argument. As noted by others, c-titles generally have more rank than VPs. And in Ive's position, we already know how powerful he is within Apple so there's absolutely no reason to doubt that this is a promotion and these two report to him, as they said.

    Explain your argument.
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  • Reply 93 of 142
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    ascii wrote: »
    It reminds me of when Bill Gates resigned as CEO of Microsoft to become Chief Software Architect, basically giving up any management responsibilities and just focussing on the software side of things (or in Jony's case the design). I think they are laying the groundwork for him leaving in a couple of years. An article on another Mac site suggests he wants to raise his kids in the UK.

    Except going from CEO to any other c-title is a decrease because ceo is already at the top. This this is not the same as that, if that's what you're suggesting.
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  • Reply 94 of 142
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    evilution wrote: »
    I'm not saying it isn't a promotion, I'm saying it doesn't sound like one.
    Call a job what you like but in real life, who is above "president"? It's certainly not an officer.

    Yes but a C-level title is usually above Senior Vice President in the ranks. Right now there are only three c-level employees at Apple: the CEO, CFO and now Ive. Of course we don't know his exact rank but he was a SVP and Cook called his new title a "promotion" so it sure seems to me that Chief Design Officer is a step above Senior Vice President.
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  • Reply 95 of 142
    conrailconrail Posts: 489member

    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    Jony wasn't happy being like the other SVPs. With Great Responsibility comes Great Hear Gear...

    Hear you go, Chief...

    More like this


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  • Reply 96 of 142
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    Another Brit. Apple needs to start paying its fair share of UK tax so that we can afford to educate the next generation of designers for you. :p

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  • Reply 97 of 142
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member

    Originally Posted by cali View Post

    I thought he held the highest design position?


    He did. Now he's just higher than the highest. :)

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  • Reply 98 of 142
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    evilution wrote: »
    I'm not saying it isn't a promotion, I'm saying it doesn't sound like one.
    Call a job what you like but in real life, who is above "president"? It's certainly not an officer.

    Not saying you think this but I think some times US titles confuse when viewed by folks in different countries, especially the UK, are looking at American companies, for those not into corporate structures. In the US a VP is not a particularly high level, they often have tons of them. In the UK where a Managing Director is the boss, not a President, it is often perceived that the President and Vice President roles mirror American politics where the VP is next in line, whereas they are more like department heads in fact, or Managers in the UK model.
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  • Reply 99 of 142
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    richl wrote: »
    Another Brit. Apple needs to start paying its fair share of UK tax so that we can afford to educate the next generation of designers for you. :p

    Come on over and help bolster those of us in the new secret take over back plans ;)
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  • Reply 100 of 142
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Ben Thompson wrote over at his Stratechery blog that this is signaling Ive is on his way out. He even thinks this is bearish news for an Apple car.

    Personally I think the exact opposite. If Ive had one foot out the door and was thinking about retirement there would be no reason for Apple to promote him and create a new C-level position within the company. What's the point of creating a Chief Design Officer role if Ive is going to be gone in a year or two?
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