Donald Trump promises to make Apple manufacture in US instead of China
In a campaign speech at Virginia's fundamentalist Liberty University on Monday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump tangentially promised that he would force Apple to manufacture its hardware in the US instead of looking to overseas labor.
"We're going to get Apple to build their damn computers in this country instead of other countries," Trump said towards end of the speech, according to Gizmodo. Earlier, he proposed a 35 percent tax on businesses making goods overseas, while still insisting that he supported free trade.
Only one Mac -- the Mac Pro -- is currently assembled in the U.S., by way of a factory located in Austin, Texas. Apple otherwise relies on Chinese manufacturers for most of its products, both because of the cheap labor and because decades of previous outsourcing has allowed the American manufacturing industry to shrink.
Trump has been a leading figure in polls for the Republican primary elections, the first of which start next month. These will decide the party's official candidate for U.S. presidential elections in November.
Trump's run has been marked by a number of controversial statements, most notably a claim that he would ban any Muslims from entering the U.S., regardless of crimes, political views, or even national origin.
"We're going to get Apple to build their damn computers in this country instead of other countries," Trump said towards end of the speech, according to Gizmodo. Earlier, he proposed a 35 percent tax on businesses making goods overseas, while still insisting that he supported free trade.
Only one Mac -- the Mac Pro -- is currently assembled in the U.S., by way of a factory located in Austin, Texas. Apple otherwise relies on Chinese manufacturers for most of its products, both because of the cheap labor and because decades of previous outsourcing has allowed the American manufacturing industry to shrink.
Trump has been a leading figure in polls for the Republican primary elections, the first of which start next month. These will decide the party's official candidate for U.S. presidential elections in November.
Trump's run has been marked by a number of controversial statements, most notably a claim that he would ban any Muslims from entering the U.S., regardless of crimes, political views, or even national origin.
No you won't turd brain; take care of your own god damn outsourcing first and then you can spew your crud everywhere.
He is one the biggest narcissistic moron in history (he was a good candidate for decades, but he's clinched it lately); just having to hear with his kind of crap and all the syncophant trained seal that clap around him is beyond revolting.
Old Chinese proverb.
He'll have to convince FoxConn to build a factory in the States.
Apple already builds some stuff in the US.
Tim Cook said that the workers with the specific skills needed are not in the US.
Democrats who see this guy as a pariah, look in the mirror. You're to blame right along with your Republican friends. Your team has been whining about corporate's foreign income for years, and created this whole stupid notion as some sort of foil for your union parasite allies. Trump is now pandering the same idea back to your stupid political base.
Why is the issue of repatriation of overseas moneys by US corporations so willfully misrepresented to make it seem as if it's a huge impost on companies when it's not? There should be no need for talk of a tax holiday or special deal. The last time corporations were given a holiday on repatriating overseas income with the supposed promise of greater investment in the US, they did no such thing.
Trump is a very dangerous buffoon.
What a maroon.