Apple developing iPhone and iCloud encryption that counters FBI-requested workaround, reports say

in General Discussion edited February 2016
Amid government pressure on Apple to build an iOS encryption workaround, the company is said to be developing stronger iPhone and iCloud safeguards that would render obsolete any exploit it might be compelled to create.

Source: ABC News

A pair of reports on Friday cite unnamed sources as saying Apple is in the process of designing next-generation encryption technology that would nullify government-requested decryption methods at the heart of a court case against involving the FBI.

It is unclear what, exactly, is being developed to thwart future incursions, but The New York Times reports Apple is working to negate a workaround requested by the FBI in its investigation of an iPhone used by San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook. Law enforcement officials are asking Apple to design and install a custom operating system on Farook's iPhone 5c designed to bypass iOS' passcode counter, leaving the device open to a brute-force attack.

A separate report from the Financial Times claims the company is also looking to shore up its cloud service security, a task potentially more complex than devising viable on-device encryption. According to sources, Apple plans to restrict access to iCloud passkeys in much the same manner as the on-device encryption method introduced with iOS 8.

In the case of Farook's iPhone, for example, Apple suggested law enforcement agents attempt an automated iCloud backup by connecting the device to a known Wi-Fi network. Unfortunately, the FBI changed the Apple ID password Farook used to sync up the device, but if it hadn't -- and Farook left automated iCloud backups enabled -- Apple could have downloaded the resulting backup file from its servers. Apple's planned security upgrade addresses such vulnerabilities.

Without an iCloud account's encryption key, the company is technically unable to access backup data, meaning it is also incapable of handing over said data to authorities. Implementing such unforgiving security runs the risk of creating zombie iCloud accounts, however, as customers who forget their passcode likely can't ask Apple for a reset.

For Apple, a company embroiled in a high-stakes fight it claims has implications far beyond iPhone, the extra assurance might be worth the frustration.

When Apple CEO Tim Cook spoke with ABC News anchor David Muir on Wednesday, he likened the FBI's requested workaround to the "software equivalent of cancer." What Cook didn't mention is that Apple is developing a cure for that cancer, one that would effectively knock the FBI back to square one even if the agency manages to compel a workaround for Farook's phone.

That Apple is working on a contingency plan for its upcoming legal battle is unsurprising -- iOS has for years been touted as incredibly secure. Apple's focus on data privacy is commensurate with iPhone's proliferation, a smartphone now in the hands of hundreds of millions of customers worldwide. End-to-end encryption was introduced with iOS 8, while the latest Apple gadgets feature biometric Touch ID protection and built-in secure data enclaves.

"Our job is to protect our customers, and our customers have incredibly detailed information on their phones. There's probably more information about you on your phone than there is in your house," Cook said in Friday's ABC interview, noting many people keep contact information, health records, private communications and more on their smartphones. "So it's not just about privacy, but it's also about public safety."
MatchesMaloneBritney Tallspalomineewtheckmanbrian green


  • Reply 1 of 94
    Excellent!  Every company should takes customer data and privacy as seriously as Apple. 
  • Reply 2 of 94
    Their leadership on this issue and their proactive stance on improving security BEFORE it ever goes to court is absolutely the future of Apple and all hands must be on deck.
  • Reply 3 of 94
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    I really like this proactive approach.  By the time this works its way through the legal system, Apple (hopefully) would have upgraded iOS to a point where it can just give the US government (and any others) a big "F**k You, good luck with that!".

    I'm ashamed that my government is attempting to play on the ignorance of its citizens to flat-out violate my right to privacy.  I would totally expect it in China, or in Iran, but in my country?  Shameful.

    Keep up the good work Apple!  If anything, all the press about the iPhone being so secure, it's pissing-off the FBI has got to be good!
    edited February 2016 fotoformatpulseimagescaliMatchesMalone6Sgoldfishlymfjdwgtrcincymacpscooter63
  • Reply 4 of 94
    It's also sad/scary that the so called best and brightest minds of the U.S. intelligence community can't crack a cell phone. 
  • Reply 5 of 94
    Digging this.  Seriously, Apple has gone leaps and bounds with customer service.  This is one of the few companies that put the customer first.  
    caliMatchesMalone6SgoldfishgtrlatifbpjahbladeMacsAlwaysjbdragonbrian greenicoco3
  • Reply 6 of 94
    When, not if, Apple's attitude protects a deadly attack, please remember your support of privacy over safety. Apple's attitude is misleading if not outright dishonest.

  • Reply 7 of 94
    When, not if, Apple's attitude protects a deadly attack, please remember your support of privacy over safety. Apple's attitude is misleading if not outright dishonest.

    I agree,looks like if apple isn't careful , the us government will ban sales, and ban apple. So apple will win, and so will the us government. 
  • Reply 8 of 94

    tonester said:
    Excellent!  Every company should takes customer data and privacy as seriously as Apple. 
    Yeah even terrorists that kill people in a mental hospital, great idea. 
  • Reply 9 of 94
     What I'd like to know  does Apple plan on dealing with that pesky little thing called a Federal Court Order to help the FBI. Their plan of throwing OS software under the 1st Amendment is delusional at best.
  • Reply 10 of 94
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    Attack of the Idiot One-Posters part II
  • Reply 11 of 94
    So presumably this would be Apple creating the software equivalent of a cure for cancer?
    edited February 2016 cornchip
  • Reply 12 of 94
    When, not if, Apple's attitude protects a deadly attack, please remember your support of privacy over safety. Apple's attitude is misleading if not outright dishonest.

    It's not Apple's job to protect us from "a deadly attack." They make phones and computers.  And last I checked, people in San Bernadino were killed by guns not Apple's iPhone. 
    mwhitehydrogenduervoSuzanneCordiercornchiptoysandmelatifbpewtheckmanbrian greentdknox
  • Reply 13 of 94
    Mr. Cook is being a bit misleading if not downright dishonest here. The implications for Apple stretch beyond the United States. If the FBI prevails what's to stop China or another government from asking for something similar. That's what Mr. Cook is really worried about.  Mr. Cook is gambling on the fact that his customer's addictions to their cellphone will override common sense. His flag waving about Privacy rings hollow. He apparently wasn't worried about it when Apple loaded U2's last album onto my iTunes account without my permission. Apple's next tact will be to get this issue out of the courts. There has already been suggestions that Congress should debate the issue. This the same Congressional group that is one of the worst in history. That would be fine for Apple has they've lobbied hard at Congress to around 5 million dollars. I'm sure they have support there.
    If you are going to put your whole life in your cellphone then your are asking for trouble. I don't think Apple or any other Tech company should be the guarantor of privacy. That should be my choice on how i want to do that. Nor do I want the FBI running roughshod over the country either.
    I have to wonder why this wasn't worked out behind closed doors. A mass murder was committed let's not forget. Both sides by exploiting this are now potentially putting people at risk.  
    edited February 2016 ejkr
  • Reply 14 of 94
    When, not if, Apple's attitude protects a deadly attack, please remember your support of privacy over safety. Apple's attitude is misleading if not outright dishonest.

    It's not Apple's job to protect us from "a deadly attack." They make phones and computers.  And last I checked, people in San Bernadino were killed by guns not Apple's iPhone. 
    And by accessing the iPhone in question they might be stopping a future attack by those Guns. You are right that it's not Apple's job to protect us from attack. But is it right for Apple to shield the FBI from trying to stop the next one?
  • Reply 15 of 94
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Screw all terrorists. What's important here is me knowing that I can trust my iPhone and being aware that the valuable data that I keep on my phone is safe, and the same applies to the hundreds of millions of other Apple customers also. Some people have many millions of dollars accessible to them through their phones, not to mention tons of personal data. Security and privacy are of the upmost concerns.

    If the govt is so worried about terrorists, then here's a novel idea, secure the damn borders and don't just let any old riffraff into the country. Send all terrorist sympathizers to Guantanamo. And most important of all, quit being so damn PC, a most despicable and cowardly behavioral trait which infects a certain percentage of the population and ends up being extremely benefical to all terrorists. Yeah, I know, what a crazy and outrageous idea.

    It seems like detective work has increasingly been getting easier and easier, because of the digital and internet age. How did people like Sherlock Holmes ever get any crimes solved before? This is the same govt that would like nothing better than to disarm American citizens, so that they wouldn't even stand a chance at defending themselves, should they find themselves under attack by terrorists. 

    mwhitecincymaccornchipewtheckmanbrian greenicoco3
  • Reply 16 of 94
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    then you side with the people that say everybody should have another tool, a gun at all time, everywhere and have the right to kill to protect their privacy and rights. 
    Every sane person should have a gun, if they so desire. It's their right. And they should definitely use it too, should the situation warrant it.
    cornchippmzMacsAlwaysemig647ewtheckmanbrian greenicoco3ejkr
  • Reply 17 of 94
    sflocal said:

    I'm ashamed that my government is attempting to play on the ignorance of its citizens to flat-out violate my right to privacy.  I would totally expect it in China, or in Iran, but in my country?  Shameful.

    If you knew what the NSA really has access to, you would wish your data was stored in China or Iran... Hoover and the Stasi's of George Orwell are thriving in the US. Don't be fooled! The great USA may proudly boast about their founding fathers and all their civil liberties... but those rights are gone long ago, while only the most educated noticed...
  • Reply 18 of 94

    apple ][ said:
    then you side with the people that say everybody should have another tool, a gun at all time, everywhere and have the right to kill to protect their privacy and rights. 
    Every sane person should have a gun, if they so desire. It's their right. And they should definitely use it too, should the situation warrant it.
    Those who are fearful of a gunless society, just look at chrime and homicide rates in developed countries with strict gun regulation. USA have 10 times more gun related homicides per capita than Germany...Why? Because of an almighty weapons industry with a huge economical incentive to continue the ongoing civil war...

    Seriously, we cannot continue to pretend that we live in the wild west and allow underaged gunslingers to roam the streets... Let's evolve as a species like the rest of the world.
  • Reply 19 of 94
    LOL from a co (like Google and FB) that tracks your location, your contacts, everything you do on that phone then sells that info to 3rd parties while professing how concerned they are for your "privacy". LOL. Pure marketing
  • Reply 20 of 94
    JamesBB said:
    sflocal said:

    I'm ashamed that my government is attempting to play on the ignorance of its citizens to flat-out violate my right to privacy.  I would totally expect it in China, or in Iran, but in my country?  Shameful.

    If you knew what the NSA really has access to, you would wish your data was stored in China or Iran... Hoover and the Stasi's of George Orwell are thriving in the US. Don't be fooled! The great USA may proudly boast about their founding fathers and all their civil liberties... but those rights are gone long ago, while only the most educated noticed...
    LOL. Each time you turn on your smart phone phone its tracking your location and everything you do including your contacts etc allowing Apple to resell your info to 3rd parties who pay big bucks for it. Its called data mining
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