The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient



  • Reply 601 of 1615
    Anyone who brags about keeping folks up at night gives definition to creepy.
    I had no expectation that you would engage anyone here, but you have outdone yourself. Amongst all the points raised, you have dodged every single opportunity to act like a professional and give factual responses to legitimate inquiries, instead responding with rants and threats and accusations and retaliatory language. A few posts back, you seemed to resort to outright racism. At least that was my impression. Pretty offensive.

    What were saying about damage control?
    A person who actually wants the product, doesn’t hope to say “I told you so”.
    I didn't say I 'hope' to say it. I said you will not ship in 2019 or 2020. Thats just a fact. Consequently, I will say 'I told you so.'
    That fact that you’re working against success is woven throughout the tone of your posts.
    Who is working harder against your success?

    A - The guy who has lied to customers for 4+ years, pissed them off, banned them, force refunded them, who bickers relentlessly with them on the internet, insults them with little troll remarks about 'Oppo-PR' illuminati and other unfounded conspiracy accusations, and all the while fails to produce and ship a working product to all of his customers, or.........

    B - Any random person who criticizes that guy for all of the above?

    The correct answer is pretty obvious. To everyone. Except you.
    You’re not doing customers any favors.
    I am one of your customers. You certainly didnt doing me any favors by taking my money over 4 years ago while lying to me about when I would receive the product I paid for.

    I am helping the people who have not heard of your little scam until now. I have done a big favor for anyone who decides against giving you their money because of the issues I have raised awareness about.

    Two pallets of aging Textblades with expired batteries.  Millions of dollars collected from 100,000+ customers? $95,419.84 in revenue per prototype test units (131) supplied? 2 unfinished test units provided to journalists. 4+ years of waiting. No product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

    edited May 2019
  • Reply 602 of 1615
    Poisednose - 

    “Product Shipped” as a headline, in quotes, without qualification as to limited quantity - this was contrived by weirdosmurf to suggest us claiming general release when we haven’t said that at all.  It’s not our headline, it’s weirdosmurf’s whole cloth.  We’ve explicitly said it’s not in general release. Emphatically.

    But conversely, every one of the hundreds of treg units shipped indeed has come from production tools, processes and tests. That defines a production built unit vs. a prototype.  These are explicitly production units.

    Those facts are mutually consistent, 

    weirdosmurf’s wordplay was contrived precisely for the purpose of conflating the two, to sow confusion, as demonstrated in your question.

    Hope that the distinction is clear now.

    edited May 2019
  • Reply 603 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
    Clearly, once we’ve started mass shipping, we’ll be able to promise individual customers more specific timing.  Before that, we provide an estimate based on our current knowledge.

    However, the reason for the observable change in tone, is increased confidence based on two significant milestones that are now achieved -

    1. We now have a large number of users that have validated and confirmed that the current software release functionality is indeed sufficient to ship.

    2. We’ve now gotten through the majority of the firmware infrastructure migration that’s needed for general release.

    These two milestones are very big things, and we couldn’t say them until just recently.

    So we’ll switch over from estimates to more concrete dates once units begin going out in high volume, but the confidence is definitely going up that 2019 is viable because of the results we already have in hand right now.

    i.e. it looks to us that the great majority of the work is now in the rear view mirror.  Any time needed from this point forward is likely to be much shorter and quicker than what we’ve already worked through.

    Thanks for the confirmation that 2019 looks to be the year. Good stuff. Sounds encouraging and looking forward to your detailed post at WTF.
    In similar broad terms: can you list the rest of major hurdles until GR beyond firmware ?
  • Reply 604 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member

    Production vs Protoype

    weirdosmurf post 568 and tbd posts 563, 569 -

    The terms used in industry for physical hardware products work like this, sequentially  -

    Mock-up —> Breadboard —>  Prototype —>  Test Samples —> Pre-Production —> Pilot Production —> Production

    - Mock-ups through Test Samples are all made without production tools, by hand fabrication, 3D printing, machining, or temporary castings.

    - Pre-production uses some test shots from some of the tools together with improvised parts for testing.

    - Pilot production uses the tooled parts, before all the volume assembly processes are sorted out.

    - Production - is from the actual molds, dies, and assembly processes.

    Objectively and Unequivocally  - the TextBlades shipped to treg customers are Production

    Another piece of good info. This is another confirmation I had not read stated so unequivocally. 
    When you state info and facts like this is so much better. Good stuff. Keep it coming. Thanks
    It would be ideal if you can post in your update all the major outstanding milestones besides the firmware rewrite.
  • Reply 605 of 1615
    Poisednose - 

    “Product Shipped” as a headline, in quotes, without qualification as to limited quantity - this was contrived by weirdosmurf to suggest us claiming general release when we haven’t said that at all.  It’s not our headline, it’s weirdosmurf’s whole cloth.  We’ve explicitly said it’s not in general release. Emphatically.

    But conversely, every one of the hundreds of treg units shipped indeed has come from production tools, processes and tests. That defines a production built unit vs. a prototype.  These are explicitly production units.

    Those facts are mutually consistent, 

    weirdosmurf’s wordplay was contrived precisely for the purpose of conflating the two, to sow confusion, as demonstrated in your question.

    Hope that the distinction is clear now.
    The distinction, as you describe it, is perfectly clear.

    I don't however read Weirdosmurf's post as you do: he was simply pointing out in 568 and 595 that to say that you have shipped product, while perfectly true by your definition, could be misread by the general public, who are likely to read a claim that you have shipped product as being equivalent to GR. I understand, as he clearly does, that that is not how you interpret those words. I felt he was simply trying to caution you against saying something that could be misinterpreted by others. Subsequently in 599 you seem to take offence at him quoting your words back at you, and you deny that you said it. I don't think it was wordplay - indeed, I think he was specifically warning you against falling into the trap you then fell into.

    You have shipped production units - I understand that, as did Weirdosmurf. And I also understand that you now object to that being described as "product shipped". Great - in that case we all agree.

  • Reply 606 of 1615

    When you screwed up, and are out of bullets, you make up a racism diversion.

    If you read your own article citation, it makes clear that a racist connotation only occurs in specific contexts, none of which exist here. No anon’s race is even known or discussed.  You pushed race, to pick a fight where none exists. We didn’t.

    The dictionary definition is ‘presumptive arrogance’ which is very on point with your record of behaviour here.  The straight ahead dictionary definition was omitted, and instead a highly politically charged article of partisan debate on specific acts with certain persons was offered up as defining, rather than first going to the dictionary default definition.

    Any innocuous word can be weaponized by anyone who wants start a fight when there is none.

    ‘People’ is a benign word, used constantly, but you can make it hurtful by saying “you people” to an enthnic group. That is an intentional choice, not a spontaneous outcome any time people is spoken.  Anyone can taunt a fight, but others can simply walk away from it. We did.

    When you resort to asserting racism when it’s so non sequitur, your grasping for a diversion from the revisionism you admitted.

    The rest is more of same.  Making rhetorical arguments without substance.  Not of value to engage.

  • Reply 607 of 1615
    weirdosmurfweirdosmurf Posts: 101member
    Poisednose - 

    “Product Shipped” as a headline, in quotes, without qualification as to limited quantity - this was contrived by weirdosmurf to suggest us claiming general release when we haven’t said that at all.  It’s not our headline, it’s weirdosmurf’s whole cloth.  We’ve explicitly said it’s not in general release. Emphatically.

    But conversely, every one of the hundreds of treg units shipped indeed has come from production tools, processes and tests. That defines a production built unit vs. a prototype.  These are explicitly production units.

    Those facts are mutually consistent, 

    weirdosmurf’s wordplay was contrived precisely for the purpose of conflating the two, to sow confusion, as demonstrated in your question.

    Hope that the distinction is clear now.
    The distinction, as you describe it, is perfectly clear.

    I don't however read Weirdosmurf's post as you do: he was simply pointing out in 568 and 595 that to say that you have shipped product, while perfectly true by your definition, could be misread by the general public, who are likely to read a claim that you have shipped product as being equivalent to GR. I understand, as he clearly does, that that is not how you interpret those words. I felt he was simply trying to caution you against saying something that could be misinterpreted by others. Subsequently in 599 you seem to take offence at him quoting your words back at you, and you deny that you said it. I don't think it was wordplay - indeed, I think he was specifically warning you against falling into the trap you then fell into.

    You have shipped production units - I understand that, as did Weirdosmurf. And I also understand that you now object to that being described as "product shipped". Great - in that case we all agree.

    Thank you for making the point. Mark doesn’t seem to be able to read anything in a criticism as anything other than an attack and responds as you’ve seen... one person’s definition of “production” is quite clearly different from other people and it’s quite easy to confuse. I find it disturbing that Mark has chosen to flip the script and suggest I am in the business of sowing fud when he is (and was...) the one using these vague and easily confusing terms which could be viewed as deliberately misleading (not only could they be, but they have been interpreted that way...). Mark, you can clearly see that your use of the word “production” isn’t as clear to other people as you may have believed - with that message coming from someone other than me, perhaps you might consider the point itself rather than dreaming up ways to attack someone who dared criticise something you did or said. I maintain that use of the term “production” was deliberately used to confuse people so that they may believe full production (general release) had occurred... and people were in fact confused by it so it was an objectively poor comms choice of terminology... that is a simple, historically accurate fact... it was “clever wordplay” which confused and distorted the real situation and having the temerity to accuse me of “wordplay” in pointing it out simply paints you in a poor light.

    Attacking the messenger who is simply pointing out the reasons why your customers (which includes me btw...) get pissed off and angry is pretty un-cool...

    Criticism is simply data, it’s like any tool, you can use it constructively or disregard it - your call... All I’ve ever done is tell you how you might be shooting yourself in the foot by communicating poorly - if you believe I’m therefore part of some Illuminati conspiracy to damn your righteous soul to Hell... well that’s a pretty craven, paranoid and brittle way to consider a customer who, despite your attack, CONTINUES to remain as a paying (but impatient and frustrated) customer... if you don’t like me pointing out a growing list of flaws and problems, then please shut me up by getting your product out and in to my hands - sooner would be better as it would obviously help avoid the list growing longer with time...

    For the record, I think the TextBlade was a wonderful concept, so much so I purchased two. I dearly hope to get my order fulfilled someday soon. Sadly, based on history, I see no evidence of it occurring any time soon although I hope to be surprised - I’m just not holding my breath.. I hope you’ll forgive me...
  • Reply 608 of 1615

    When you screwed up, and are out of bullets, you make up a racism diversion.

    If you read your own article citation, it makes clear that a racist connotation only occurs in specific contexts, none of which exist here. No anon’s race is even known or discussed.  You pushed race, to pick a fight where none exists. We didn’t.

    I've called out WTS a lot, and I think perhaps it's only fair that I support them here - while I found the use of the term "uppity" slightly odd, it certainly could not have been interpreted as being racist. Communication on the internet is rife with issues in terms of reading tone etc, and the anonymous nature of posting can have problems, but one of the great things about it is that it is colour and gender agnostic. You can probably work out from the times of my posting history that I'm not resident in North America, but beyond that none of us have any idea who the others are beyond what they post. Can you be racist towards someone else without any knowledge of their race? I don't think so - I'm not sure how one could. It wasn't the appropriate word to use perhaps - and that's something many people have commented on here as being part of WTS's style - but that doesn't mean it was racist.
  • Reply 609 of 1615
    No anon’s race is even known or discussed.  You pushed race, to pick a fight where none exists. We didn’t.
    You have repeatedly insinuated threats of legal action in response to criticism, which would require identification. It has been apparent to all that you desire to know the identity of critics so you can cancel their orders for years now. The implication I took from your remark was that you had somehow identified me, and because you have all of my personal info and thus its probably easy to find out what I look like, you then made a racist remark directed at me. If thats not the case, then I would acknowledge the remark was not intended as racist, but it was still very peculiar, as it is not a commonly used term except in the racial context. (Who says 'uppity' in 2019? I have not heard that word spoken in a long time except maybe in a Quentin Tarantino movie. Its an offensive word and people just dont say it anymore.)

    You have created so much negativity with the way you have handled everything. You are an extremely toxic personality.  If it was only me expressing this and someone pushed back, I would introspect and question my perception, but there are so many threads spanning so many years, long before I ever lost patience and spoke out. Criticism on your own forum, Macrumors, Appleinsider, Reddit, and many other places, some linked to earlier in this thread. Strip away the Kahuna shill posts, and almost everything about Waytools is criticism. Bitter criticism. Disgusted criticism. Angry criticism. Valid criticism. Many people cant stand your behavior. Most have washed their hands of you entirely.

    Every specific question asked of you that would involve any kind of financial declaration, you have blatantly dodged. How old are the batteries Mark? Are you going to ship Textblades in 2020 with 5 year old batteries, or replace them?  Those are easy questions to answer, but you clearly do not want to engage at that level, or any level that involves a give and take of real information. You want to bicker about the motivations of your critics to deflect and obfuscate the lies. The economics of the situation you have created require that you lie to everyone.

    Ultimately, you are going to walk away with a lot of money that is not rightfully yours to keep, unless you are very soon coerced by some legal action to refund everyone. No keyboards will be delivered, and you will make excuses for all of it, as you have for the past 4+ years. There is nothing revealed about your personality in this thread that would convince me otherwise. Nothing you say can be relied upon, not even 'Yes. It is.'

    Actions are the bottom line. You have taken the money, and none of your customers have the product they paid for, after 4+ years of waiting.

    Time will tell. Soon, I think.

    Two pallets of aging Textblades with expired batteries.  Millions of dollars collected from 100,000+ customers? $95,419.84 in revenue per prototype test units (131) supplied? 2 unfinished test units provided to journalists. 4+ years of waiting. No product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

    edited May 2019
  • Reply 610 of 1615
    Above comments are just part of the gig.

    Spout a bunch of negative, voluminous, toxic posts, and then complain about how negative it all is.

    Shazam.  We’re shocked.

    Your fresh ID  already has enough rap sheet here to show who’s doing this.

    It’s the same on Tesla forums.  A bunch of short sellers go on and on about the Model 3 ‘debacle’.

    Meanwhile it’s outselling all the old legacy competition, and they’re scrambling for what to do.

    edited May 2019
  • Reply 611 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member

    So my opinion is anyone thinking about ordering one should simply weigh things out and MAKE THEIR OWN DECISION 
    Who are you speaking to? Do you actually think someone exists in this world that needs to be admonished by you to make their own decision? Seriously?
    I see you still lack the confidence to take an action that actually shows you believe they won't ship in 2019 and 2020.

    > By your own admission, you have received more than one unfinished prototype test unit, which is the best Waytools is ever going to deliver, so you have risked nothing. 

    EVERYONE who ordered a TB was taking a risk. Just because I got one eventually in Treg doesn't mean I never took the risk. To put it another way, a person may take a risk and start their own business. If that business turns out to be successful, you would declare they didn't take a risk. 

    > Do you actually think someone exists in this world that needs to be admonished by you to make their own decision? Seriously?

    Quite serious. After all, you have publicly ridiculed anyone who has said they ordered. You apparently think they need help with their decision. I don't.
  • Reply 612 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    TextBladeDenied said:

    I said you will not ship in 2019 or 2020. Thats just a fact. Consequently, I will say 'I told you so.'
    A future situation is now a "fact"? That describes much of what you say. But if you truly thought it was a fact, you would be willing to declare you would cancel your order IF WT does ship before 2021.

    After all, if it is a FACT that they won't, you would not be taking any risk at all by saying you would cancel if they do ship. You are just confirming that you don't really think it is a fact.
  • Reply 613 of 1615

    So we’ll switch over from estimates to more concrete dates once units begin going out in high volume, but the confidence is definitely going up that 2019 is viable because of the results we already have in hand right now.

    Having slept on it, I am still discouraged about this post. As I said before, I was hoping that @WayTools_Support ;would reassure me that they would ship in 2019. I was looking for my fears to be allayed, but instead my fears have sharply increased. Here is how much confidence is inspired in me by various answers measured by how much wiggle room the words leave.

    Regarding the question: "Will 2019 finally be when we see the Textblade after all these years?"
    * Reassurance: A simple, unqualified "Yes."
    * Expectation: We expect that we will ship in 2019.
    * Definitely Possible: 100% confidence that shipping in 2019 is viable
    * Might be possible, but might not: "the confidence is definitely going up that 2019 is viable"

    Simply put, that was not what I was hoping to hear. Can you please give me something with less wiggle room than that? While being honest of course--if this is already the best you can offer, then that's scary but I guess it is what it is.

    (I look forward to DBK telling me that all of those things are mere expectation and thus they mean the same thing and therefore I should not be discouraged. [Note: I am actually not looking forward to that.])
  • Reply 614 of 1615

    When you screwed up, and are out of bullets, you make up a racism diversion.

    If you read your own article citation, it makes clear that a racist connotation only occurs in specific contexts, none of which exist here. No anon’s race is even known or discussed.  You pushed race, to pick a fight where none exists. We didn’t.

    I've called out WTS a lot, and I think perhaps it's only fair that I support them here - while I found the use of the term "uppity" slightly odd, it certainly could not have been interpreted as being racist. Communication on the internet is rife with issues in terms of reading tone etc, and the anonymous nature of posting can have problems, but one of the great things about it is that it is colour and gender agnostic. You can probably work out from the times of my posting history that I'm not resident in North America, but beyond that none of us have any idea who the others are beyond what they post. Can you be racist towards someone else without any knowledge of their race? I don't think so - I'm not sure how one could. It wasn't the appropriate word to use perhaps - and that's something many people have commented on here as being part of WTS's style - but that doesn't mean it was racist.
    A gentle piece of education here since you don't live here. In the United States (and England too I suppose) the term "uppity" is typically used in a racial context. And when not, it is used in a class context. It is used to put people "back in their place" when they are getting "up" out of their station...hence the term "uppity". Such stations only exist in a race or class context. 
  • Reply 615 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    (I look forward to DBK telling me that all of those things are mere expectation and thus they mean the same thing and therefore I should not be discouraged. [Note: I am actually not looking forward to that.])
    They are all expectation. But there are wide ranges of expectations so they don't all mean the same thing.

    I have a very high degree of expectation that I'll be alive tomorrow. I have a very high degree of expectation that I'll live to be 80 or more (because my ancestors tended to live into their 90s and beyond so 80 would seem to be well in my favor. But it sure isn't something I can be as confident about as being alive tomorrow - and I could be wrong about it anyway.

    At this point, with all the history we know, would anyone assume there is any sure thing about any date estimate? This is why I don't think any date estimate is that important other than to give an idea of how confident WT is. I mean, if they said it may be ready in 3 months, that would imply more confidence that we'll have it this year than if they say it may be ready in 6 months. So I think knowing what things are done, what things are left, that information is better even though it isn't directly related to a specific time frame.

  • Reply 616 of 1615
    Above comments are just part of the gig.
    Spout a bunch of negative, voluminous, toxic posts, and then complain about how negative it all is.
    Your fresh ID  already has enough rap sheet here to show who’s doing this.
    If you know who I am, then you know I have been a customer for over 4 years. Thus all of your accusations of me working for someone under the guise of an 'Oppo-PR' campaign is a blatant lie.

    Unless you seriously believe and intend to promote the notion that I ordered 4+ years ago, as a senior 'Oppo-PR' Illuminati GS-15, with the intent of criticizing you, long before I or you or anyone else knew how much of a debacle you were going to turn this little keyboard purchasing experience into?

    Or perhaps you believe I sought and acquired a job in the 'Oppo-PR' industry - starting at the ground floor, Illuminati GS-1 - after you pissed me off for 4 years, just to get back at you?

    Toxic and totally pointless as usual Mark.

    It’s the same on Tesla forums.  A bunch of short sellers go on and on about the Model 3 ‘debacle’.
    Meanwhile it’s outselling all the old legacy competition, and they’re scrambling for what to do.
    You are not Tesla.
    You are not Elon Musk.
    You are not a publicly traded company.
    (this has surpassed pathetic at this point)

    Two pallets of aging Textblades with expired batteries.  Millions of dollars collected from 100,000+ customers? $95,419.84 in revenue per prototype test units (131) supplied? 2 unfinished test units provided to journalists. 4+ years of waiting. No product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

    edited May 2019
  • Reply 617 of 1615
    dabigkahuna said:
    They are all expectation. But there are wide ranges of expectations so they don't all mean the same thing.
    Let me put it this way: In your terms, they expectation they expressed had the least reassuring of the meanings. Which is why I'm discouraged.

    Don't get me wrong, it is informative--the way they expressed it, not only might they not ship in 2019, it might not even be possible for them to ship in 2019. That is new news that I am glad to know it even if I'm not glad to hear it.
    dabigkahuna said:
    I mean, if they said it may be ready in 3 months, that would imply more confidence that we'll have it this year than if they say it may be ready in 6 months.
    Right. And when they indicate that it might not be viable (i.e. possible) to ship in 6 months, or even 2019 altogether (after all, "rising confidence"* is definitely less than "100% confidence"), that inspires very little confidence at all. Again, which is why I'm discouraged. Ideally, @WayTools_Support will tell me that I've badly misread them and tell me something that is actually reassuring in simple, unambiguous terms like the unqualified "Yes" they told @Waiting before.

    *Yes, I know that they used the phrase "confidence is definitely going up" and not "rising confidence"--that just didn't flow well in the sentence. Hopefully you understand my intent and won't quibble on the meaning between those phrases.
  • Reply 618 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    patientlywaiting said:

    Let me put it this way: In your terms, they expectation they expressed had the least reassuring of the meanings. Which is why I'm discouraged.

    Right. And when they indicate that it might not be viable (i.e. possible) to ship in 6 months, or even 2019 altogether (after all, "rising confidence"* is definitely less than "100% confidence"), that inspires very little confidence at all.
    Don't know if I'd describe it as the "least reassuring". I can certainly think of many ways they could phrase it which would bother me more. Which is why I've been anxious for the next update.

    Lots of treggers wonder when it will ship too. I tend to try to think of all the possibilities - it MAY take a long time, of course, but I also consider what I think may be the quickest. Trouble is, it's not going to be very definitive because I don't know how things stand now. I know they have done most of the stuff moving to the new firmware, but how much is "most"? And even if it is 99%, what if that last 1% is really important, but isn't done and is particularly hard to do?

    So about all I could say would be things like, "If the transition is just about done and won't take more than a month longer, then I might see it as being possible that they'll continue to test it internally for another couple weeks after that, then sent to Treg members for another month of (hopefully) successful testing. That would bring us to around the end of August leaving a little breathing room to GR before Autumn".

    Of course, I don't think everything is going to fall into place that nicely! The biggest weakness being what is found during Treg testing. Will we find new problems with new firmware?

    Still, that leaves another 3+ months before the end of the year.

    Therefore, I see it as quite possible. But so much depends on what is not transferred yet and how hard the remaining things will be to finished.

    Which means the really biggest progress marker will be when Treg gets it since then it mainly becomes a question of what we find, if anything.
  • Reply 619 of 1615
    Right. And when they indicate that it might not be viable (i.e. possible) to ship in 6 months, or even 2019 altogether (after all, "rising confidence"* is definitely less than "100% confidence"), that inspires very little confidence at all. Again, which is why I'm discouraged. Ideally, @WayTools_Support will tell me that I've badly misread them and tell me something that is actually reassuring in simple, unambiguous terms like the unqualified "Yes" they told @Waiting before.
    Do you feel as if you are slipping into the world of Kahuna crazy talk when you begin to engage the subject like that? 'When they indicate...' 'less than 100% confidence' ' and asking Mark Knighton to tell you if you have badly misread something and reassure you otherwise etc? In normal interactions with normal people you encounter, the vast majority of the time, dont they just tell you what they are going to do, and then do it? If someone isnt clear, you ask them a simple followup question, and they give you a simple direct answer. Or if they dont do what they said they would do, thus stressing the relationship, they make the effort to followup with you ahead of time and explain clearly why, and provide a new statement of certainty that you can rely on?

    To put it another way, how many people do you maintain a positive personal or professional relationship with, on a regular basis, who have told you they would do something which is important to you, and then failed to do it, not once, or twice, or three times, but dozens upon dozens of times, and given you attitude about it on top of everything else?

    Do you really want to play this game of speculating with Kahuna about Mark Knighton riddles, rather then pressing Mark Knighton to simply state a date/month/year certain, and stick to it? This is now several pages of this nonsense dedicated to the task of qualifying, equivocating and decoding a vague interpretation of what was initially received by all clear headed people as a definitive statement. 'Yes. It is.'  2019. Clearly they have backed away from that, which erases the meaning of 'Yes. It is.', which means once again, they lied. (Kahuna: they misspoke).

    The only remarkable thing to note here is that they didnt actually wait until 2019 had passed to back away from their initial statement of certitude about shipping in 2019.

    What you know with almost absolute certainty is that there will be no Textblade in 2019. Anything Mark Knighton or Kahuna say to the contrary after the fact is an attempt to gaslight you by confusing you about what they clearly said vs what you clearly understood. Its a mind trick being played on you. Dont engage with it.

    Two pallets of aging Textblades with expired batteries.  Millions of dollars collected from 100,000+ customers? $95,419.84 in revenue per prototype test units (131) supplied? 2 unfinished test units provided to journalists. 4+ years of waiting. No product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

    edited May 2019
  • Reply 620 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    TextBladeDenied said:

    Mark Knighton to simply state a date/month/year certain, and stick to it?

    What you know with almost absolute certainty is that there will be no Textblade in 2019.
    LOL! If they gave a "date certain" and stick with it no matter what, they would be irresponsible. They were told to do that 3 years ago - and we found out with new testers (Treg) that it was NOT ready. But hey, stick to it NO MATTER WHAT so you ship out something that will have a lot of problems and would overwhelm any product support that is remotely possible to have.

    Glad to know you have ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that there will be no TB in 2019 (before it was 2020 as well - are you backing off?). Oh, wait, you also say ALMOST absolute certain. Probably explains why you wouldn't agree to cancel if you were wrong.
    edited May 2019
This discussion has been closed.