The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient



  • Reply 641 of 1615
    Wow, that’s quite a significant difference in threshold between the UK and US.  It’s good to be aware that it’s become that hair-trigger now.

    Since any person can experience a muscle spasm, to make it something that can’t even be spoken at all is pretty significant.

    It seems like we’re on the natural pendulum swing from a period of blatant insensitivity, to a time now where there may be some hypersensitivity, to hopefully a time where it settles into a good equilibrium of tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

    In addition to varying thresholds for each local culture, any international firm potentially runs the risk of using a word that turns out to be a homonym for some swear-word in Czechoslovakian.

    We’ll all get through this. The sun rises anew, and life goes forward.

    Like Churchill advised - “When you’re going through hell ...keep going.”

    edited May 2019
  • Reply 642 of 1615
    weirdosmurfweirdosmurf Posts: 101member
    weirdosmurf said:

    ...but I’m sure no one here would knowingly use offensive terminology in a way that offence could be taken once they were made aware of it: i.e. I’m absolutely sure you intended no offence when you used the term “spastic” earlier in the thread, but if you were made aware it is considered highly offensive to some, you’d have no problem acknowledging it as entirely unintended and move on rather than dig in and argue for a phyrric victory...
    Normally I've used that to describe my problem early on when switching between the TB and a regular keyboard.

    That not only doesn't refer to someone else, it specifically referred to me - and an accurate description of what I was having trouble with.

    Sometimes it is the other person who needs to get over themselves if they are offended by a legitimate use of a word that isn't even referring to them.
    Just as Weirdosmurf enlightened me, if I may you. That word is sufficiently offensive in the UK that were I to use it, even in reference to myself, publicly at work I could expect a formal warning on my record at the very least. 

    There was an episode of Friends where Rachel referred to herself as a “spazz” in relation to something or other (so, the same scenario as here: self-description). If memory serves, the episode’s broadcast was initially delayed in the UK, and eventually went out at a later time in the evening with a language warning after much discussion on the news etc and consultation with representatives of those with Cerebral Palsy. I accept that the word is not considered to be quite as offensive in other parts of the world, but I do not think it appropriate to suggest people need to “get over themselves”.  
    100%. I told my story of having said “spastic” in an online forum to some colleagues at work who were pretty shocked - especially since I work in the medical profession and they were absolutely correct; I was entirely wrong... unintentionally wrong, but wrong nevertheless. The apology I gave was entirely sincere (and accepted) and I’ll know never to repeat it and just how strongly people take it. I’m better for it and the offended party was all the better for my apology...

    I entirely give credit for Waytools apparent genuine effort to allay any offence which may have been unintentionally caused; it’s a pretty simple thing to do and avoids a great deal of harm, friction and distress. People all over the world should be comfortable in saying “geez, I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t realise and I’m mortified I’ve caused offence... it was absolutely not my intention. Thanks for setting me straight; message received...”

    We all unintentionally commit faux pas from time to time and it doesn’t hurt us in the least to demonstrate some humility; far from it, it actually demonstrates far greater character to do so rather than digging in to a grave of our own making...

    I’m from Australia and there would be very few people who had any inkling of how offensive it might be for a white person to use the term “boy” in reference to a person of colour. That terminology was not used over here (although our history with our indigenous and immigrant population is littered with our own share of terrible, terrible things...) so it wouldn’t remotely occur to people that they were being highly offensive to Americans; that doesn’t give them carte blanche to continue offending Americans once they’ve been made aware...  ;) 
    (sermon over)
    edited May 2019 poisednoise
  • Reply 643 of 1615
    RolanbekRolanbek Posts: 81member
    Erm, is this the right thread for Textblade discussion?  

    Because I distinctly remember about a 100 so so post back...
    Only if incomplete protoypes = product. To claim unfinished work as work is fine, but it is somewhat ambiguous. 

    Somewhere in the long list of bickering you mentioned a chain of definitions for the stages of development. 

    Have you got a link to a source for that? Because you have claimed "term of art" before and not sourced them for us. 

    but then your defence only works if you strip the modifier 'incomplete' away. You went berserk when someone did that to you earlier so how about that link so we can see. 

    I get that you truly believe that using production moulds == product, but would like to point out that those moulds that are being used now for the butterfly springs have been changed since Jan 2015 and the moulds for the keycaps have changed at a least once since Jan 2015 (twice I think but as you have wade a but to see the detail 'a least once' is good enough here). So the production moulds on the production line: 

    1. Have produced models of the Textblade not the same as the current model with testers. 
    2. Have produced models of Textblade the same as the current model with testers.
    3. The designation production mould is not irrevocable, meaning that today's model, on discovering any further issue requiring a mould change will either be described by you as a "production unit" so that the meaning now covers two different models that both fit your definition, or that you modify your label for those instances for example "Previous production units, older version units" meaning that the designation production unit is not irrevocable
    The imprecision of using a term that is defined by current circumstance rather then absolute term shows. 

    for example.... again 
    prototype is an early sample, model, or release of a product built to test a 
    concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from: 
    Encyclopedia of Science (3rd ed.)

    Is the current TREG model early? well it's pre-release so yes. 

    Is the current TREG model a sample? well is is not being released to the general public, just a smaller test release group. 

    Is the current TREG model a model? Yes a functional one, WT might even argue a production one. 

    Has the current TREG model been released? Yes for user evaluation in the Test Release group. It remain property of WT.

    Is the current TREG model a product? Well, Yes it has been made and it is a result of a process? 

    Was the current TREG model need to prove a concept or process? WT explained that purpose of TREG was to evaluate the model and required features.

    Saying that units provide to TREG are not prototype is counter to the definition of the term. 

    Your definition of "production unit" is not actually exclusive of the definition of prototype. You cannot argue successfully against calling TREG units prototypes by argueing in favour of a term that does not exclude the definition of prototype. 

    Test units have been shipped to testers (or TREG if you like) != Completed, purchased units are now the property of our customers. 

    As I said, "Product has been shipped" could be argued to describe either of those positions severally. So the positive statement is ambiguous, rendering the negative also ambiguous. 

    You still don't gain anything with line of reasoning. 

    One last example this post: 

    I can call the current Textblade model with TREG "Dave". Because my definition of "Dave" is Any item, person or object, real or intangible that I call Dave. Such a definition is utterly useless for any attempt to understand an object so labelled. All it tells you is that I wanted to call it "Dave".

    I am not a colleague of TBD and their arguments are their own. You keep linking our names as if we are the same, but then I suppose it gets you out of actually responding doesn't it. 

    You need to sort out in your collective heads, that people might be annoyed with your antics severally. 

    If memory serves, the episode’s broadcast was initially delayed in the UK, and eventually went out at a later time in the evening with a language warning after much discussion on the news etc and consultation with representatives of those with Cerebral Palsy. 

    That was the same year the charity 'The Spastics Society' changed it's name to 'Scope'. They were trying to take the word out of common usage, and this episode came out just at the wrong time. Can confirm that in usage here since the 1990's is moved down in acceptability form 'playground insult' to 'keeps company with the F-bomb'. Across the water I have heard it used almost playfully, but I just file it in the stack with 'fanny' and other words that carry a different value in the US and get over it.

  • Reply 644 of 1615
    weirdosmurfweirdosmurf Posts: 101member
    Why should some people get to decide what legitimate words will suddenly not be allowed? I just gave an example of a group attacking others who were using a term the referenced group had previously insisted must be used. - until they decided to change it again. That’s ridiculous.

    Why should we have to abandon a word which very clearly expresses what I’m trying to describe because someone else says they are offended?  
    I don’t think most reasonable people around the world would begrudge sufferers of cerebral palsy deciding that they find the use of the word “spastic” offensive - sure, they may be a huge minority, but I think everyone would agree they have a little more skin in that game than the rest of us majority...

    You wanna keep using it after discovering how offensive it is to those affected and why...? Well that’s entirely up to you. I’d say it would be pretty mean spirited to continue doing so after having been educated on a point...

    (Just because a point comes from my account doesn’t automatically mean it must be automatically attacked dbk... as an example, you can clearly see I’m not the biggest fan of Waytools/Mark’s conduct over the whole TextBlade saga, but just a few posts ago was more than happy to applaud, unreservedly, a genuine gesture made by them in apologising should anyone have been offended by something they said with no knowledge it would offend... try to human once in a while champ...)
  • Reply 645 of 1615
    ericpeetsericpeets Posts: 99member
    Hi all,

    I wake up after two days of downtime and I see there's been hundreds of posts since my last.
    I read through a few before I thought TL;DR. It's a lot, at least before coffee.
    Can some kind soul fill me in as to what happened?

    The last I post I read was Waytools_Support saying something about enjoying the weather and they're gonna lay off their BS grinder for a day (page #27).
    And I thought: "Great! I too should get back to work". But it seems they quickly jumped back in the fray (sneaky, sneaky).

    So, two questions:

    1. Is Kahuna still redefining the word "Yes"? Is he using any real, factual dictionary for his (re)definitions or is he pulling stuff out of his behind, as he is wont?

      If so, can someone kindly ask him for a link for the dictionary he's using? I fancy myself a polyglot and I have Amazon Prime so I can get it within 2 days. Just to make sure we're on the same page from now on and he's not "hogging" this definitive English language reference only for himself, you see. I'd ask him myself, but he'd take it as an "attack" or "verbal violence".

      Last I read, he was clinging onto some notion that either getting "raped" (horrors) or getting beat up and ending up in the hospital would nullify anything you said "Yes" to. I hope his dictionary will finally shed some light on this, since English is not my first language -- more like 2.5, and so I thought he was trying to curry sympathy by playing the "victimized" card before I realized that that's uniquely Waytools' game.

    2. Speaking of which, is Waytools_Support still back-pedaling their "Yes" and "It is" statements? Seems they're overclocking their PR damage-control doing some serious overtime, even neglecting their own forums. Hope the intern(s) are getting paid. For context, this was regarding a dialogue  that tooks place on Feb 20, 2019 on the Waytools forum:

    AdamRoxby: "Will 2019 finally be when we see the Textblade after all these years?" 

    Waiting: how has the WayTools post saying it will be released in 2019 not breaking the forums? Sure, we get the updated release timeframe on the order page, but I don't think anyone believes those. This post by WT seems very different to me.
    waytoolsIt is.

    After webscraping the forum and grepping the bejesus out of it, I can't find any supporting statement confirming that "Yes. It (textblade) is indeed going to ship in 2019." I had my Amex out to put in an order for me and my gal, or even create a gofundme and donate that money. But since they apparently object to that and find it as a joke, I guess they can gofundyourself. 

    So is their "Yes" indeed a Yes? If not, did they say why they so assuredly said "Yes" when there are plenty of other affirmative words in the English language. Or are they planning on getting beat up at some point, and be absolved by their "customers" and could play the victim game some more?

    Or are they just still blaming everything on fairies, goblins, alter-egos, anonymous pseudonyms? Maybe they forced them to say "Yes" because they threatened to beat them up? Who knows in the WWW (Whacky World of Waytools).

    So please someone please fill me in? Doesn't have to be a wall of text, but a little more than a string of fortune cookie sound bites. Quick, executive style summary will do.

    I'll try to get caught up by this weekend, after I clear off some (actual) milestones at work. I'm free on Sunday because a guy whose turn it was to host the "Game of Thrones" party cancelled suddenly. His reason is that this final 8th season is crap because it's not following George Martin's books. And I said: "Dude, they ran out of the original book material after season 4. It took you 4+ years to realize that? Really?"

    Dunno if he's going to refund all the money we pitched in for dinner and snacks. He's a kinda shady-looking guy who's apparently a neighbor to a friend of a friend, so I doubt it. It wasn't much anyways, but it just ticks me off, mainly because my girlfriend loves those kinds of events, and she's like the nicest person in the world.

  • Reply 646 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
    Is this still the thread on the TB ? 

    I was encouraged as some info started trickling (posts 604 and 605), but there have been dozens of posts on semantics and etymology, racism and class clashes and a lot of bickering too...

    Can be get back on topic ?

    @WayTools_Support: can you please share in broad strokes what other significant hurdles remain on top of the firmware update ?
  • Reply 647 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    Have a close relative via marriage who has that affliction so I’m well aware of what is truly offensive. 

    Like many things, it depends on how - and when - you use it. A bunch of women at work may well talk about the great things their kids are doing - but NOT do that if another woman present has recently lost their child. There is nothing inherently wrong with the subject matter, but in that situation at that time it is simply best to avoid it. However, even saying that, if the woman who lost a child is constantly going to events where it is natural to talk about kids, she would be wrong to insist everyone must stop talking about their kids whether it hurts them or not. 

    As for EricPeets, he can talk about the definition of “yes” all he wants. The problem is that he wants to ignore other factors so he can say someone lied when they haven’t. 

    The ussue of word usage actually comes comes into play a lot in discussions. Because people want to say the opposition “lied” about shipping, rather than say they were wrong. Or say something was promised rather than it was estimated poorly. Or, in the political world, it is so much easier to label someone a hater, racist, communist, Nazi, etc rather than discuss rationally. 

    But id rather talk about the Tb without the other stuff. 
  • Reply 648 of 1615

    But id rather talk about the Tb without the other stuff. 
    Indeed. I apologise for my part in the off topic conversation over the last couple of pages. I should have known better.
  • Reply 649 of 1615
    Back to topic - I am afraid that the people who bought into the TextBlade 4 years ago are guinea pigs for version 2 that will come out soon after. 

    Even if everything works perfectly, I think lot of the components are already getting outdated. I don’t have a single device that has USB-A anymore. They are all USB-Cs. Also isn’t the Bluetooth 4 getting old? 

    If they do upgrade to a version 2 soon after, they give a hefty discount to the early adopters. 
  • Reply 650 of 1615
    gmaddengmadden Posts: 26member
    @Halo_Light even better than a hefty discount is the FutureProof Guarantee as listed on the WayTools site:

    Every customer who pre-orders TextBlade is guaranteed the right to any hardware upgrades we make in the first year. If we materially change it, we'll swap your TextBlade for a new one, for free.(Limit: 1 swap per TextBlade)”
  • Reply 651 of 1615
    gmadden said:
    @Halo_Light even better than a hefty discount is the FutureProof Guarantee as listed on the WayTools site:

    “ Every customer who pre-orders TextBlade is guaranteed the right to any hardware upgrades we make in the first year. If we materially change it, we'll swap your TextBlade for a new one, for free.(Limit: 1 swap per TextBlade)”
    Any wiggle words in that sentence? Of course we all know that whatever WayTools says, WayTools means. So absolutely no worries there.

    Two pallets of aging Textblades with expired batteries.  Millions of dollars collected from 100,000+ customers? $95,419.84 in revenue per prototype test units (131) supplied? 4+ years. No final product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

  • Reply 652 of 1615
    ericpeetsericpeets Posts: 99member
    To TextBladeDenier post 563 above -

    These serial hit-posts are just part of his job. Oppo-PR must belittle and denigrate the work as part of the fud campaign.

    Just curious - does anybody have any idea or theory as to what 'Oppo-PR' campaign this lunatic might be referring to? Is there any known individual, or group, or company, that is actually producing a similar competing product and is known to have spoken negatively about the Textblade in the context of a competitor, and thus planted these seeds of paranoia in Mark Knighton's delusional mind? I am aware of none.

    I think I can shed some light on this. There is a company called Oppo that, AFAIK, makes headphone equipments... for now, at least. In fact, I own a few of their products: Oppo PM3 headphone and Oppo HA-SE2 DACs. Maybe they're secretly working on a portable keyboard to be called Oppo PR? I don't know, but an odd product name.

    I have no idea how Waytools found out I have their products, and that I'm affiliated with the company (though only as a happy customer -- their headphone and DACs are superb and I only had to wait 2 days for them to be delivered, thanks to Amazon). I did communicate with Oppo directly after losing the iPhone adapter cable, and they sent me a replacement no questions asked. They even included a bar of chocolate with a note that said they were glad I was happy with their headphone. At no point was I berated, questioned, called a liar/saboteur/spy/shill or anything like that.

    I also don't know how this incriminates me as anonymous shill, but it's kinda "creepy" they found out.

    edited: to clarify some things that could be construed at misrepresentation
    edited May 2019
  • Reply 653 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    Back to topic - I am afraid that the people who bought into the TextBlade 4 years ago are guinea pigs for version 2 that will come out soon after. 

    Even if everything works perfectly, I think lot of the components are already getting outdated. I don’t have a single device that has USB-A anymore. They are all USB-Cs. Also isn’t the Bluetooth 4 getting old? 

    If they do upgrade to a version 2 soon after, they give a hefty discount to the early adopters. 
    Hmmm, if anything, I'd say they are making this one so much better that it would count as most company's version 2. Of course, that's just opinion but it sure is a lot better than the mediocre stuff many have for a version 1.

    As for USB, well, I believe those are all backwards compatible. Of course, USB-C has a different connector, but, at worse, that would mean an adapter for whose who aren't using BT. Also, I believe even the old USB 1.0 was more than fast enough to handle any keyboard requirements.

    I suspect some similar things apply to BT 4. Besides, I believe there are a lot of BT devices still on older versions. So I think the question becomes one of exactly what a BT 5 would offer. Well, I think it is even lower power so that would logically make the TB last longer. But it already lasts long enough (more is always better, of course). You certainly don't have to worry about running out of battery life in the middle of the day. It already a matter of how many DAYS it lasts (even if using 24/7) rather than how many hours. Maybe there is greater range - but just how far are you going to be from a computer screen where you need more than what is already available? Better speed? You really don't need more. While any of those improvements might be of some small value, the only thing I can think of that moving up to BT 5 MAY affect would be if it was more dependable. I don't know if it is or not.

    And, as already pointed out, for the first year after you receive a TB, you are future-proofed so that's a darn good deal. Sure, they could release an new version in 366 days and you don't get it, but so what? You still have this great keyboard.
  • Reply 654 of 1615

    And, as already pointed out, for the first year after you receive a TB, you are future-proofed so that's a darn good deal. 
    Right, because there is absolutely no parsing the meaning of WayTools words when it serves your narrative, even if you are the propagandist Kahuna, who can parse the meaning of 'Yes' until the universe expires.  The meaning of 'materially change it' is certainly etched into stone.

    All moot points of course, since no one has ever received a finished Textblade.

    Two pallets of aging Textblades with expired batteries.  Millions of dollars collected from 100,000+ customers? $95,419.84 in revenue per prototype test units (131) supplied? 4+ years. No final product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

  • Reply 655 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    You can always show your confidence in your own rhetoric by agreeing to cancel you order if they do ship before 2021.

    Now, I sure wouldn't be at all confident about such a claim. Which is why I don't make them. But you said it was a fact!
  • Reply 656 of 1615
    TextBladeDenied said:

    Right, because there is absolutely no parsing the meaning of WayTools words when it serves your narrative, even if you are the propagandist Kahuna, who can parse the meaning of 'Yes' until the universe expires.  The meaning of 'materially change it' is certainly etched into stone.

    All moot points of course, since no one has ever received a finished Textblade.
    You can always show your confidence in your own rhetoric by agreeing to cancel you order if they do ship before 2021.

    And you can always show how infantile you are by posting such childish trash. The guy who got a prototype treg keyboard, the Waytools propagandist, chiding other customers who paid over 4 years ago and received nothing. You are really beneath contempt, right alongside your buddy Mark Knighton.

    All we have to do is wait for 2021. When it comes, and there is still no Textblade (which there will not be), of course you will be back here explaining to everyone how foolish and mistaken you were, and apologizing profusely to everyone. Correct? I thought so.

    Two pallets of aging Textblades with expired batteries.  Millions of dollars collected from 100,000+ customers? $95,419.84 in revenue per prototype test units (131) supplied? 4+ years. No final product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

    edited May 2019
  • Reply 657 of 1615
    ericpeetsericpeets Posts: 99member
    Back to topic - I am afraid that the people who bought into the TextBlade 4 years ago are guinea pigs for version 2 that will come out soon after. 

    Even if everything works perfectly, I think lot of the components are already getting outdated. I don’t have a single device that has USB-A anymore. They are all USB-Cs. Also isn’t the Bluetooth 4 getting old? 

    If they do upgrade to a version 2 soon after, they give a hefty discount to the early adopters. 
    To be fair, I think most people who ordered early knew they were guinea pigs (I prefer early adopters). They knew the risks, and even probably relished it.

    I don't think any one of the early adopters has migrated completely to all USB C. It would be impractical and an overkill if you ask me -- for a keyboard. I myself have the whole range of USB connector types. The keyboard I'm using now uses USB mini. I may still have a kb that uses USB 1.1... remember those? If nothing else, cables and adapters are so cheap and readily available. Same thing with Bluetooth. My Logitech uses BT version 2.0 or thereabouts, and a charge on that still lasts about 6 months, so even BLE 4.0 might be overkill

    If the textblade ships as is, I'm sure it will have a long life. The problem is not that version 2 will quickly follow, but that there's yet to be version 1.
  • Reply 658 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    And you can always show how infantile you are by posting such childish nonsense.

    The guy...chiding other customers who paid over 4 years ago and received nothing.

    All we have to do is wait for 2021. When it comes, and there is still no Textblade (which there will not be), of course you will be back here explaining to everyone how foolish and mistaken you were, and apologizing profusely to everyone.
    1. You were the one who said it was a FACT it wouldn't ship in 2019 or 2020. But won't stand by it. Let me show how this is done - with actual facts. I'll say it didn't have GR in 2015, 2016, 2017, or 2018. I'll say that is a fact. And I'll stand by it by promising to cancel my own order and return my Treg unit if it turns out they did have GR in any of those years. I guess my facts are just better than yours.

    2. I've never chided anyone for making their own decision. Or for just expressing frustration with the delays or lack of communication. In fact, I've generally agreed with them. Guess that is another of your non-facts. But you have ridiculed someone who ordered.

    3. LOL! And exactly how would I be wrong? I never said when it would ship. Unlike you, I don't have a time machine.
    ericpeets said:

    The problem is not that version 2 will quickly follow, but that there's yet to be version 1.
    Yep. Can't disagree with that. At least as regards GR.
    edited May 2019
  • Reply 659 of 1615
    alexonlinealexonline Posts: 241member
    DaBlahKablahblah: Reading your attempts to redefine "yes" and "it is" and your extreme wordiness over the simplest of things (i.e. Waytools shipping or not shipping), I want to humorously point out that you seem to be a relative of Jabba the Hutt (thanks to his interminable sliminess), thus making you a perfect companion to Waytools_Slapport, who slap us all in the face with their sliminess.

    Waytools like to say that "readers" will make up their own minds, well, the readers surely have, and Waytools looks very, very slimy indeed.  

    Here are the posts that got me shadow banned at the Waytools Forum for "noise":


    November 2016: 

    When I first purchased my Waytools device, George Bush was president.

    Ok, ok, I kid, I kid.

    But here we are. 2nd-gen MacBook ultra-thin keyboard now in the MacBook Pro.

    We now have Donald Trump as President.

    But my Waytools keyboard hasn't arrived yet!

    C'mon people! At this rate, the iPhone 8 will launch to global worldwide sales before my Waytools keyboard arrives!

    If you want to make keyboards great again, you have to get one in my hands first. Hurry up!

    Otherwise - you are making America wait again. Like someone said - 19 or more months. I was one among the first to order after I saw a news article for Waytools online, and like everyone else except Treggers, I'm still waiting!

    Maybe we need to send Donald Trump over to Waytools to seriously kick some a$s.

    Cheers, and like others, still patiently waiting.


    Discokvn replied: "making America wait again!" that's funny!

    Rob said: 
    Not quite. President-elect, but not yet President.

    I replied: 
    @Rob - I see. You're a wise guy, huh? I see what you did there. I see it!!!!

    What you're telling me and EVERYONE ELSE here is that UNTIL I get a Waytools keyboard sworn into my home office...

    I'm supposed to call the it the Waytools-elect?




    (What I really meant was "Textblade-elect").

    Then in January 2017, I posted:

    A fail of two cities - with sincere apologies to Charles Clickens

    alexonline Jan '17

    It was the best of keyboards, it was the worst of keyboards, it was the age of wisdom in hindsight, it was the age of foolishness with availability predictions, it was the epoch of belief in Waytools, it was the epoch of incredulity in optimistic progress reports, it was the season of keyboard backLights, it was the season of Darkness when no backlights were forthcoming, it was the spring of hope in 2015 and 2016, it was the winter of despair in Q4 2016, we had everything before us in Q4 2016, we had nothing before us in Q4 2016, we were all going direct to Heavenly next-gen multi-touch keyboarding, we were all going direct the other way when no-one but Treggers got the goods – in short, the period key was so far like the present period key, that some of its noisiest butterfly mechanisms insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparative key-clicks only. 

    On a roll as I was, in Jan 17 I also posted:

    June - with apologies to Frank Herbert

    alexonlineJan '17

    A beginning is a very delicate time. Know then, that is is the year 2017. The known universe is soon to be ruled by the makers of the WayTools Textblade, fathers of next-gen multi-touch keyboards.

    In this time, the most precious substance in the universe is belief that TextBlades will one day come.

    TextBlades promise to extend the life of keyboarding, before voice control is perfected.

    Typing with your fingers expands consciousness.

    A product of Waytools, the Nano juice boosters energises the fingers to TextBlade Treg typists, practically allowing them to be human computers, as thinking the TextBlade isn’t coming has been outlawed.

    TextBlades will be vital to eliminating keycap travel.

    The typing Guild and its typographers, who have waited for TextBlades to arrive over 4000 years, use laughing gas, which gives them the ability to fold the spacebar, and numb the pain of thousands of years of delay.

    That is, travel to any part of the keyboard without moving fingers very much.

    Because the Guild controls all keycap travel, they are the highest power in the Universe - which Waytools hopes to usurp with its minimalist keyboard.

    The TextBlade also plays a very secret role in the Waytools Treggerhood, of which I am not a part.

    The Treggerhood has been interfering with the WPM, and the speed thereof, of the great butterfly mechanisms of the Universe, cleverly intermixing one re-cast keycap with another to form the Qwersatz Bladerach, a super TextBlade.

    They plan to control this super keyboard and use its powers for their own selfish purposes.

    The remanufacturing plan has been carried out in a strict manner for 90 generations.

    The goal of the super Textblade is in sight.

    But now, so close to the prize, a new manufacturing defect, the bound concubine of Dabigkahuna Treggo Ctrl-Altreidelies, who has been ordered to type only on TextBlades, has typed on a Logitech.

    Oh, yes. I forgot to tell you. TextBlades exist on only one planet in the entire universe. A desolate, dry planet with vast deserts known as Keyleyfornia.

    Hidden away within the rocks of these deserts are a people known as the TouchTypists, who have long held a prophecy that a final, release-ready TextBlade would come, a messiah, who would lead them to true typographical freedom. The new release date is still between A Rock and a Hard Place, also suspected to be June.

    I could see that Nico_h loved it, and ABQgeek did too. 

    Still on a massive roll, I then came up with the following, also in Jan 17: 

    TYPE BORES: With apologies to George Typecast (and all sci-fi loving peoples everywhere)

    alexonline Jan '17 


    "It is a period of civil behavior on the forum. However, rebellious customers, striking from a hidden forum category, have lost their latest fight for new product release from Galactic Waytools Empire.

    During the battle, Rebel customers failed to steal secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the TEXT BLADE, an armored space keyboard with enough power to destroy an entire century's worth of typewriters.

    Pursued by the Empire's sinister Treg handlers, Princess Leia Kahuna races home aboard her test unit, custodian of a stolen pre-release Text Blade that can save her people and deliver multi-touch typing to the galaxy...."


    "It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Text Blade has still not been released, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden forum category and pursued them across the Internet.

    Evading the dreaded Imperial @Waytools banhammer, a group of freedom fighters led by Joke Typewalker has established a new secret base on the remote keypad of Sloth.

    The evil lord Darth Wayder, obsessed with finding young Typewalker, has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the far reaches of spacebars...."


    "Joke Typewalker has returned to his home planet of Waytooine in an attempt to rescue his friend Han Goslow from the clutches of the vile gangster Blabber and Strutt (A.K.A. Typeon my Gutt).

    Little does Joke know that the WAYTOOLACTIC EMPIRE has secretly begun construction on a new armored space keyboard even more powerful than the first dreaded Text Blade.

    When completed, this ultimate weapon will spell certain doom for the small band of rebels struggling to restore typing to the galaxy..."


    "Joke Typewalker has vanished. In his absence, the sinister FIRST ORDERER has cancelled from the ashes of Early 2015 and will now rest as Typewalker, the last touch typist, has been destroyed.

    With the support of the TREGUBLIC, General Leia Pianola (nee Kahuna) leads a brave magnetic RESISTANCE algorithm. She is desperate to find her brother Joke and gain his help in restoring peace and justice to the galaxy by releasing Text Blade at last.

    Leia has sent her most daring pilot on a secret mission to Typpu, where an old ally has discovered a clue to Joke’s whereabouts…."


    Shortly after this post, I was struck down by the above mentioned dreaded Waytools ban hammer. 

    That was in January 2017. In May 2019, DaBigKablahblah is still blabbing - now more than ever before, Waytools_Support is still insufferably smug and REFUSES TO ANSWER REAL QUESTIONS ABOUT REAL SHIP DATES, and we are but 7 months from 2020, an entirely NEW DECADE that Waytools can continue to fail in. 

    Frak you, Waytools. Shut the eff up with your attacks and excuses, tell us when you will DELIVER to your customers. Despite your smug disgustingness, I'd actually consider buying a Textblade for the SAME REASONS that caused me to order in January 2015, because I can see the value in such a small yet powerful keyboard. 

    When will you deliver, if not for me, then all the people still on your books as customers?
    edited May 2019
  • Reply 660 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    alexonline said:

     Reading your attempts to redefine "yes"
    Except I never redefined it.  I simply pointed out that it isn't the only factor.

    If you think I'm wrong, you merely have to explain how my example doesn't work. I don't think you can do it.
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