Lets count NEW iPods



  • Reply 101 of 136
    68 (40) This will be my 4th iPod. I have a habit of gifting them to family after they borrow and never return them.
  • Reply 102 of 136
    69! (why do i have to be that number?)

    my 20GB iPod shipped from apple this morning. yahoo!
  • Reply 103 of 136
    zozo Posts: 3,117member

    My first iPod! 40GB nontheless!

    I'm sooooooooooo happpppyyy!!!! 8) 8)
  • Reply 104 of 136
    666666 Posts: 134member
    i can't count in yet, but soon my first ipod 40 gig will arrive with my 15" 1.25ghz powerbook..
  • Reply 105 of 136
    71 - 30 for my son--High School Graduation gift

    72- 30 for me after I saw how cool it was

    Will be buying a 40 GB soon for myself and giving the 30 GB to my daughter
  • Reply 106 of 136
    73 Got a 10 gig for myself and 74 ordered a 30 gig for my boss with his amex points.
  • Reply 107 of 136
    75. My dads new 40gb ipod for his birthday
  • Reply 108 of 136
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member
    What happened to 74?
  • Reply 109 of 136
    He said he got 73 for himself and 74 for his boss.
  • Reply 110 of 136
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member
    76 here... 40GB iPod that got dropped off at the wrong apartment complex initially by Airborne , but got fixed as they picked it up and dropped it off here today.
  • Reply 111 of 136

    Originally posted by murbot

    I'm going to sleep with this thing in my underwear.


    Don't do that while it's mounted on your desktop - it gets pretty hot!
  • Reply 112 of 136
    77 - 40gb delivered last week
  • Reply 113 of 136
    78 refurbished 30 gig i got from the Apple Special Deals section for $349...

    good price, nice ipod!!!
  • Reply 114 of 136
    79, i "killed" my orig. 10 giger and took it into best buy for a replacement. they didnt have anything but an open box 30gig so i paid the 35$ diff and walked out happy
  • Reply 115 of 136
    80 and 80.1 (?)

    i bought a 30GB on the Saturday before they announced the new ones, learned of the announcment, then returned it and got the 40GB! and this was at the edu. discounted price, plus i qualified for the "buy a bundle and get a bundle back" $200 rebate... because i bought a 12" PowerBooklet with it. (and i couldn't have waited 'til Paris because i needed the laptop for schooooooooool.)

    anyhow, has anyone ever mentioned how touched they were when they opened up the packaging and saw the "Enjoy" in the left compartment? i then laughed when the plastic covering the iPod said "Don't steal music!"

  • Reply 116 of 136
    81 bought a 10 gb tonight. Should be here Thursday! Yay. This will be fun.
  • Reply 117 of 136
    just got mine... was there anything i should to do calibrate the battery, or is that even necessary?
  • Reply 118 of 136
    82 - 20 Gig

    My first iPod. The unpacking was really exciting. It was even more exciting than the unpacking of my iBook (Dual USB) because of all the nifftyly packed accessories and small parts that were in the box. I kind of reminded me of steril packed surgery equipment or really expensive Prada cosmetics. I wanted to wait and unpack it with my girlfriend but could not resist the temptation - after 2 days.

    Playing around with it since an hour or so I am still totaly thrilled.

    But how do you keep the metal parts nice and shiny? How do you clean it from fingerprints?
  • Reply 119 of 136
    83-10 gig. yippee.
  • Reply 120 of 136
    ericgericg Posts: 135member
    84- 20 gig bought last saturday
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