Lets count NEW iPods



  • Reply 121 of 136
    85 Uk tv ads working


    (thats at LEAST $25,500.00 in ipod sales to apple just in this thread)
  • Reply 122 of 136
    86, bought one last sept. (got in late sept. or oct.) It is great
  • Reply 123 of 136
    krassykrassy Posts: 595member

    Originally posted by cubs23

    86, bought one last sept. (got in late sept. or oct.) It is great

  • Reply 124 of 136

    I'm back in Podland and loving it.
  • Reply 125 of 136
    89 Mine is currently in a box on a truck somewere betwwen winnipeg and toronto, i'll have it in a few days. im so exited, ive been to future shop at least twice a week for a month admiring there show model.
  • Reply 126 of 136
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    90-Brother 20 gig

    91-roommate 10 gig edu

    92-roommate 20 gig edu
  • Reply 127 of 136
    krassykrassy Posts: 595member
    93 my father
  • Reply 128 of 136
    94 - newly arrived 40gig.
  • Reply 129 of 136
    95 - I got a 20 gig recently.
  • Reply 130 of 136
    96 - 20GB for my Dad for Xmas. Boy is he glad he paid for college 10 years ago
  • Reply 131 of 136
    97, 98, 99, 100!

    My wife and 3 kids all have one. Jeez, I spoil them.

    Funny, I was the first one to get one but gave mine up to one of the kids (I found that I wasn't using it as much as they were).

  • Reply 132 of 136
    donnydonny Posts: 231member
    102 - I got a new 20 GB model last week and gave my original 5 GB model to my gf.
  • Reply 133 of 136
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    Are we still counting?

    I got a 40 gig a couple of hours ago at The Grove and patiently waiting for it to charge.

    It's beautiful.

  • Reply 134 of 136
    Well, my mini is gonna be here this week so...

  • Reply 135 of 136
    Just ordered my 40. god bless apple's 10% discount for the 1st of february...
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