When will we see a 15" Albook?



  • Reply 161 of 328
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    Double post.
  • Reply 162 of 328
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    From The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, Robert Payne.

    Yeah I thought it was odd, too, either poor translation, or I copied it wrong. I should look it up again. Obviously Hitler didn't write in English, since he didn't know English beyond a few stunted phrases.

    edit: Damn, I can't find it now. I guess it's time to change my sigfile, anyways. Since you brought up the bad grammar, I'm worried that I botched the quote somehow.
  • Reply 163 of 328
    algolalgol Posts: 833member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    From The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, Robert Payne.

    Yeah I thought it was odd, too, either poor translation, or I copied it wrong. I should look it up again. Obviously Hitler didn't write in English, since he didn't know English beyond a few stunted phrases.

    edit: Damn, I can't find it now. I guess it's time to change my sigfile, anyways. Since you brought up the bad grammar, I'm worried that I botched the quote somehow.

    I like your quote. Reminds me of Bush and the Iraq War.
  • Reply 164 of 328
    musicaltonemusicaltone Posts: 189member
    D'oh. Just checked in to see what the latest gossip as about a 15" AlBook and you lot are discussing Hitler!?

    I'll take that as no news at all on the 15" front!
  • Reply 165 of 328
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member
    To me (and if I was running Apple into the ground... ) I would delay the 15 inch Powerbook further (obviously delayed...) to coincide with a relaunched 17 inch Powerbook (which will have been on the market about six months or more by the time the 15 incher hits.)


    To coincide with an across the board move of the 'Power' line to 970 cpus.

    1.2 970s for the 12inch 15inch Powerbooks.

    Dual 1.2 970s for the 17 incher (C'mon. Loads of room in there...) While in 'portable' mode, the 2nd cpu remains idle or in very low power mode.

    And include that awesome new ATI mobility.

    1.4-1.8 duals for the Towers.

    It's been so long that this would be a logical and perfect move to Panther. The pro' line goes 970.

    And the consumer laptops wait on Faster G3+SIMD etc. G4 is out the picture. So to? Moto!

    Both the 17 inch and 15 and 12 are all due for something really new. Bring on the low-power 970.

    Would they run too hot? IBM say not. Besides...no warmer than the guy who got his d*ck burnt with a DELL. Apple can always sell an i-protect-your-D*CK tea-cosy type thing...free with each Pro-laptop...

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 166 of 328
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    I should have specified: Same MHz. 500 MHz G3 --> 500 MHz G4. Many saw this as a fairly small change, and unless one used altivec-intensive apps, which were more rare at the time, the new Titanium wasn't any faster than the Pismo.

    It would be the same now if Apple updated the Ti without changing the CPU. Performance would get a modest increase from the new mobo, but nothing worth upgrading to from an existing Ti.

    That's the catch-22, though. It's not tremendously worth upgrading from the Ti. But at the same time it seems many Tis are sitting in warehouses because of people expecting its own makeover soon, näive to the fact that it's not a monumental leap in actual performance.

    What's a corporation to do? I'd make those wanting a makeover wait, then offer a nice DISCOUNT on existing TiBooks/AlBooks. Then, a few months later, roll out a 970-powered line.
  • Reply 167 of 328
    fred_lj, I think it's just because the word on the 970 handing the G4 it's ass is more than enough to stop consumers from buying a new Mac when they know full well that they can hold off on purchases (especially in this economy) and get a killer new laptop down the road. If Apple has warehouses full of TiBooks then I wish them the best of luck in getting rid of them. Because when we're watching where every dollar goes, we sure as hell aren't going to watch our money go into a G4 when we all know the 970 is looming. Apple ought to cut their losses and say "Screw it, we're moving to a new platform get rid of the G4's." They can put them down on the warehouse floor, drive over them with a piece of heavy machinery and write them all off on taxes so it's not like they are losing everything. Businesses do that all the time (the publishing world depends on that tactic to survive). The numbers will look grim on ANY new G4 release.
  • Reply 168 of 328
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    well I needed a PowerBook and I really do like the Ti design more. It looks more expensive and stronger. The Al design looks kind of plastic like or something. So I got a few month old 1Ghz Ti for 2,300 with AppleCare. Yes, I know we'll see new ones soon, but I highly doubt they will be that much better. They'll have DDR on a 167mhz bus for a combined performance improvment of 5%!!!! Plus this way I saved a lot of money!
  • Reply 169 of 328
    Algol, you're right, the new ones may not be that much better, but then again, Apple is shooting itself in the foot by introducing anything less than the 970. There are deals to be had out there, and I easily have the cash to buy a G4 PB but why do so when the 970 will come into the PB lineup? It's the difference between a prop plane and a jet. Sure they'll both get you there, the prop plane just does it a lot slower. Sorry my friend, but I'm holding out for the Jet, and I think Steve knows it.
  • Reply 170 of 328
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    yea when the jet exists I'll sell and buy one. Maybe the second revision...
  • Reply 171 of 328
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member
  • Reply 172 of 328
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    We've beat this 15-inch PowerBook stuff into the ground. It will be clear if the laptop is not introduced by the first week of June, it's a WWDC or MacWorld Creative Expo item for sure.
  • Reply 173 of 328
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    We've beat this 15-inch PowerBook stuff into the ground. It will be clear if the laptop is not introduced by the first week of June, it's a WWDC or MacWorld Creative Expo item for sure.

  • Reply 174 of 328
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Been away from the forums so long I forgot to write anything before posting~! hardly noticed did you?

    Well, he deal is this: Two years ago I almost bought a TiBook, but had a G3 Pismo and all the gear to fill the bay, so waited hoping for ADC out. Then along came that and I was all ready to go, but caught wind of the new comm software and held over. Then along come the AL books; would have bought the little one in a flash, but no ADC. I have odd buy points? just before I go off to Japan for a couple of months each fall and summer. I seem to always miss them.

    Well, Steve, please give me ADC in the mini G4 PB or an AlPB so I can take my Cubes ahead and pass along my trusty, still serving G3 PowerBook!

    OK, OK, so if I just buy I'll have no worries at all, but I'd have missed two years of loyal service and not have all that other stuff I spent my money on! \
  • Reply 175 of 328

    Originally posted by Cubit

    Well, Steve, please give me ADC in the mini G4 PB or an AlPB so I can take my Cubes ahead and pass along my trusty, still serving G3 PowerBook!

    What in the world do you need ADC for? The last three or so generations of PowerBooks have had DVI in them, starting with the 667/800 line (I have a 667/DVI). By means of an Apple adaptor you can connect these to your ADC monitor just as if they did have an ADC connector.

    It's impossible to put ADC on a 'Book though because ADC must carry power for the display - and there's no way to do that through a laptop. Even when plugged in the power adaptor won't generate it. That's why the DVI->ADC box has a separate power connector.

    So -- what do you need ADC for that DVI + adaptor doesn't do?
  • Reply 176 of 328
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member

    Originally posted by Anonymous Karma

    What in the world do you need ADC for? The last three or so generations of PowerBooks have had DVI in them, starting with the 667/800 line (I have a 667/DVI). By means of an Apple adaptor you can connect these to your ADC monitor just as if they did have an ADC connector.

    It's impossible to put ADC on a 'Book though because ADC must carry power for the display - and there's no way to do that through a laptop. Even when plugged in the power adaptor won't generate it. That's why the DVI->ADC box has a separate power connector.

    So -- what do you need ADC for that DVI + adaptor doesn't do?

    Thanks AK. I'm intrigued by your reply. The reason for wanting the direct out is to allow me to avoid carrying around rhe DVI adapter!

    I admit it, I made an idiotic mistake when what I should have said is that DVI&S video out is what I want so I can use my Cinema 22 and my HD displays in home and office and carry my little 15" to an occasional class when I want to display something to the seminar? I even got the carrying case for the latter when I bought my first Cube. Anyway. You caught me in a fundamental blunder. Embarrassing for someone who bought his first Mac at 128k two weeks after they came out

    DVI&S video out
  • Reply 177 of 328
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by Cubit

    Thanks AK. I'm intrigued by your reply. The reason for wanting the direct out is to allow me to avoid carrying around rhe DVI adapter!

    I admit it, I made an idiotic mistake when what I should have said is that DVI&S video out is what I want so I can use my Cinema 22 and my HD displays in home and office and carry my little 15" to an occasional class when I want to display something to the seminar? I even got the carrying case for the latter when I bought my first Cube. Anyway. You caught me in a fundamental blunder. Embarrassing for someone who bought his first Mac at 128k two weeks after they came out

    DVI&S video out

    I like your basic thinking. I was first going to get the 12 inch Al PB to use for excursions away from my QS 867 w/20 inch cinema display. After looking at some of the xbench scores I figured I would be better off with a 15 inch Al PB in place of the QuickSilver tower. The PB would be faster, quieter and portable when necessary. Now I'm just waiting for Apple to release the little beauty.

    I'm looking at the calendar. Because of today's holiday I doubt new hardware would come out tomorrow. Plus there have been no advance indicators such as shortages in the supply line. Next Tuesday is just three weeks away from WWDC. Perhaps that is too close. The calendar would argue we won't see this till WWDC.
  • Reply 178 of 328
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member

    Originally posted by Cubit

    DVI&S video out

    All the powerbooks already have DVI & S-video out.
  • Reply 179 of 328
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    All the powerbooks already have DVI & S-video out.

    12" PB doesn't have DVI. It has VGA.
  • Reply 180 of 328
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    Doeh! Double post.
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