Macbidouille: 970's on sale at the end of May



  • Reply 121 of 300
    markgmarkg Posts: 4member

    Originally posted by DrBoar

    Mark G

    The Pro =IBM and imac/book=Motorola has a serious problem. And that is the very slow scaling of Motorola. Initially the iProduct can keep up at a allmost suitable distance from the professional line by jumping from 1 GHz G4 to 1.4 GHz. The problem is that one 970 at 1.5 GHz corresponds to a G4 running at 2.5 to 5 GHz. So very soon if not right away the G4 will be to far behind to be a viable budget alternative.

    The 601 CPU came in 1994 and in about two years it was replaced byt the 604 as the leading CPU. And about two years later the G3 took over the lead. The G4 came 1999 so it is about two years overdue to be replaced.

    A G4 at 1.42 GHz seem to be running quite hot, a 900 MHz 970 would have about parity in integers be twise as fast in floating point calculation and perhaps be faster in Altivec as well and still run cooler...

    In my mind Motorola is on its way out, fast! How fast? I do not have a clue but my guess is that the only "new" Macintoshes with Motorola CPUs will be during this year and it will be similar to the new iBook.

  • Reply 122 of 300
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by MarkG

    Thanks for the sophisticated, intelligent reply. Read the top and bottom of the post and don't bother me again

    I don't think he was targeting you Mark, but macdoobiedoo.
  • Reply 123 of 300
    markgmarkg Posts: 4member
    Who knows. who really cares

    I have said my piece, everyone loves to gossip about Apple and I felt intrigued eneough to say my piece - be it completely wrong maybe. Only time, and Steve Jobs will be able to tell us.
  • Reply 124 of 300
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member
    I just don't see Apple twiddling their thumbs around with the PowerBooks until next year around this time. That just sucks. I pray somebody's jackin around with MacBidouille (or that they are -- some sort of fancy French retaliation ).
  • Reply 125 of 300
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by MarkG

    Thanks for the sophisticated, intelligent reply. Read the top and bottom of the post and don't bother me again

    I was not replying to any post in particular.

    I am astonished at the quality of the refer they are getting in france, and amazed that they sold so much of it to the users of this forum. What are the odds?
  • Reply 126 of 300

    Originally posted by NETROMac

    Being seriosly though, does anyone think developeing a high end ($10000-75000) is something that Apple would do.



    Originally posted by NETROMac

    There may be a market for such a high-high-end machine, but how big is it.

    Big enough if you earn about 10k dollar on the top end model, for each machine sold.
  • Reply 127 of 300
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by T'hain Esh Kelch

    Big enough if you earn about 10k dollar on the top end model, for each machine sold.

  • Reply 128 of 300
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    The G4 is not going to go any higher than 1.42Ghz in its current incarnation. The Powerbooks will not be able to take anything higher than 1GHz with the 7455 G4. It just gets to hot! The only way apple is going to be able to update anything this year is to switch the CPU over to the 970. Apple should move their whole product line to the 970 within the next 12 months. If IBM can give apple a range of speeds between 1.2-2.5 by the end of the year apple should have no problem having their whole line use the new chip.

    Goes like this:

    emac update: 1Ghz G4

    PowerBook 15.4" update: 1.2Ghz-1.4Ghz 970

    Powermac update: 1.4-1.8Ghz

    iMac 17" update: 1.2Ghz 970

    iBook upate: 1Ghz G4 of maybe new G3 type chip from IBM

    New IBM chip at .09µ come out in 9 months or so

    PowerBook update 1.4Ghz-1.6Ghz 970

    PowerMac update: 1.8-2.2Ghz 970

    emac 1-1.2Ghz 970

    iBook 1-1.2Ghz 970

    iMac 1.4GHz 970
  • Reply 129 of 300
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member
    I agree with Algol.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 130 of 300
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    Lemon..... KEEP YOUR PROMISE
  • Reply 131 of 300

    Originally posted by Algol

    The G4 is not going to go any higher than 1.42Ghz in its current incarnation. The Powerbooks will not be able to take anything higher than 1GHz with the 7455 G4. It just gets to hot! The only way apple is going to be able to update anything this year is to switch the CPU over to the 970. Apple should move their whole product line to the 970 within the next 12 months. If IBM can give apple a range of speeds between 1.2-2.5 by the end of the year apple should have no problem having their whole line use the new chip.

    You seem to discount the 7457 which should clock much better than the 7455. It might get up to ~1.6 at a power level suitable for notebooks and even faster for iMacs.

    Check out my discussion comparing the Pentium 3 at 180nm with the P3 and Pentium M at 130nm in another thread:

    This is encouraging that a 2nd source can remain in the desktop PPC market giving IBM more incentive to develop high end processors.

  • Reply 132 of 300
    tsukuritetsukurite Posts: 192member
    Here's a question:

    Didn't APPL just report on their quarterly earnings? If they intro these boxes as fast a possible, they could see a very helpful boost in the numbers for this quarter. The sooner they intro, the longer the window for users to buy before the end of the quarter. Seems like it could really help their bottom line and maybe take some of that stock holder pressure off Steve's neck. Just a thought.

  • Reply 133 of 300
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member

    Lemon..... KEEP YOUR PROMISE

    Oh, I will.

    I've about killed myself today. (I'm the world's worst DIYer...) After much huff and puff...Chrome and glass table (Awaiting 23 inch Cinema display and G5 tower...). Check. Repro antique writers desk (huge thing...) with a little iBook on it. Very sweet. Cherry flooring. Chrome standard lamp. My drawing desk. Art Deco chairs. At long last, I've got the ultimate Mac room with no Mac tower in it. Just need to go and buy the aluminium blinds for the window. (Hmm, do I really want to blight my newly decorated workroom with that Athlon thing I own??!)

    Got a work man coming tomorrow to finish the flooring. One plank needed...and the beading to be re-stuck. Hopefully he'll leave the join tidier than when he first came...bout wrecked the joint...

    Lemon Bon Bon (in a moment of irrelevance...)
  • Reply 134 of 300
    3.14163.1416 Posts: 120member

    Originally posted by tsukurite

    If they intro these boxes as fast a possible, they could see a very helpful boost in the numbers for this quarter.

    Not even the most optimistic predictions have them shipping in quantity in the current quarter (which ends at the end of June). But if Steve announces the 970 at WWDC or shortly thereafter, *next* quarter could be outstanding.
  • Reply 135 of 300
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member

    Lemon is going nuts today
  • Reply 136 of 300
    salmonstksalmonstk Posts: 568member
    If Apple releases these before WWDC it will be awesome. Rather than demoing Panther on machines that will get shipped one day- it will be a shipping machine.

    This possibility with the iTunes Music Store and new iPods whould really help the revenue this quarter.

    Go go UP AAPL
  • Reply 137 of 300
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    It has gone up to 16.09 from 13.xx last week. AAPL is on its way up again!!!!!!! YEA! More money for me. If it goes up enough I can just sell some and buy a new comp. I got another 100 shares this morning!! I'm so excited!
  • Reply 138 of 300
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    AAPL has gone up $1.64 today. not a bad leap at all.
  • Reply 139 of 300

    Originally posted by Leonis


    Lemon is going nuts today

    Go away.. Make your own thread..!!!

  • Reply 140 of 300
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Just a minor point that I think was missed in the early speculation about OS bundling:

    Shipping the 970's with 10.2 in May allows Apple to release Panther in Sept/Oct and charge a full $129.00 to the hordes of 970 buyers, who know full well that it will speed up their new machine considerably.

    With the AiBooks, iTunes store, 970's and Panther, 2003 is Apple's year of the Revenue!
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