New Laptop model on October 15th.



  • Reply 261 of 444
    Actually, the fake is based on the original PCG-U1 VAIO model:

    Click <a href=""; target="_blank">here</a> for a full size image of the VAIO.

    Now look at the proposed PowerBook Duo below. Look familiar?

    It's a bad photoshop job really. I mean, look at how terrible the Apple logo is. It was just the ad copy that made it seem real. Consider it officially debunked.

    [ 10-22-2002: Message edited by: apple.otaku ]</p>
  • Reply 262 of 444

    It really is bad.
  • Reply 263 of 444
    dont know how big of a distributor TechData is for Apple but they are out of stock of Ti 800 (have been for a while)... order status indicated about 75 units past due and another 75 due 11/5...
  • Reply 264 of 444
    inubinub Posts: 45member
    [quote]Originally posted by Kecksy:

    <strong>Sure everyone wants Apple to release new PowerBooks, but how many of you are actually going to buy one? Very few I bet, and maybe this is why Apple is holding off until they can produce something truly drool worthy.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I am. COME ON JANUARY! Daddy wants a new pair of heatsinks!
  • Reply 265 of 444
    Just got this confirmed by my Apple dealer in Belgium: all Powerbook AND iBook models are out of stock. 3-4 weeks waiting time. They admitted that this means new models are coming soon. There is no other reason why production of the current models would have stopped.

    I'm waiting...

  • Reply 266 of 444
    engpjpengpjp Posts: 124member
    New PBs will be released in late January. It'll be part of the "largest hardware upgrade presentation in the history of Apple".

    The inclusion of Bluetooth in all models bar iBook enables the "desktop" models to be delivered with wireless keyboards/mice/(penpads?); for the PowerBook, the PR will focus on the previously presented cellphone "wireless connectivity" argument. Of course, this is all mostly parsley to distract the dinner guests from noticing that the CPU roast hasn't increased much since last year*.

    And wireless connectivity to printers, enabled by RendezVous, will be another major stunt.


    [ 10-23-2002: Message edited by: engpjp ]</p>
  • Reply 267 of 444
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    whats your source on this? <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 268 of 444
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    Wireless printers: yay!

    Wireless keyboards: boo!

    That is all.
  • Reply 269 of 444
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    So what 9 months to slightly bump the PB and give it bluetooth? No, I think we will get it by the first week of Nov.
  • Reply 270 of 444
    [quote]Originally posted by engpjp:


    The inclusion of Bluetooth in all models bar iBook enables the "desktop" models to be delivered with wireless keyboards/mice/(penpads?); for the PowerBook, the PR will focus on the previously presented cellphone "wireless connectivity" argument.

    And wireless connectivity to printers, enabled by RendezVous, will be another major stunt.



    So Powerbooks will be capable of wireless internet access and wireless printing via bluetooth, but iBooks won't? This makes no sense.
  • Reply 271 of 444
    [quote]Originally posted by Ensign Pulver:


    So Powerbooks will be capable of wireless internet access and wireless printing via bluetooth, but iBooks won't? This makes no sense.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    well bluetooth has nothing to do with internet access that is airport unless you are talking about going through a phone with bluetooth, but you are right I would think that all portables will have built in bluetooth.

    [ 10-23-2002: Message edited by: FlashGordon ]</p>
  • Reply 272 of 444
    wouldn't it be f-ing awesome if Steve Jobs was introducing the new Bluetooth powerbook with final version of isync, when some lackey walks out with two unopened an HP or Epson Printer and the other a Sony Ericsson mobile phone...the lackey then unpacks the boxes on a table near the Powerbook and Steve prints a picture and syncs to the phone wirelessly across the stage, using the Powerbook. That would be a great presentation of the new technology.
  • Reply 273 of 444
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>So what 9 months to slightly bump the PB and give it bluetooth? No, I think we will get it by the first week of Nov.</strong><hr></blockquote>I don't think it should be looked at in terms of how long / how big of a jump.

    You have to take into account whether it makes sense to bump in a short time, given the cost involved in manufacturing a new product, sellin off old products, etc. In short, how expensive is it to Apple to upgrade?

    Signs do seem to point to a revision soon (e.g. low stock), but I remember so many reports of low stock and "CompUSA has EOLed the PowerBook!" that never amounted to anything in the past that I don't trust them.

    PowerBooks have been upgraded at about a 9-month cycle. It would be historically very unusual for this current PBook, which became available in early May 2002, to be upgraded in early November, which would be only 6 months.
  • Reply 274 of 444
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member
    Do PowerMacs and Powerbooks use exactly the same processors?

    Speed bump, some new features (e.g. bluetooth) or major overhaul (unlikely)?

    Will the OpenFirmware monitor spanning hack hack work with [theoretical] new iBooks?

    Make of this what you will but iBooks are nearing sold out in the UK ( have ~50 of the 700MHz combo iBooks, John Lewis have none at their online store). Dabs' wait time for TiBooks is 3-4 weeks.
  • Reply 275 of 444
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    [quote]Originally posted by sunkist:

    <strong>Its right here.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a></strong><hr></blockquote>;

    I know MacBidouille has posted accurate rumors in the past. But what proves that MacBidouille (or their sources) didn't just mistake a slot-load Combo drive for a slot-load SuperDrive? An official press release would be a lot more credible than this picture.

  • Reply 276 of 444
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by FlashGordon:

    <strong>wouldn't it be f-ing awesome if Steve Jobs was introducing the new Bluetooth powerbook with final version of isync, when some lackey walks out with two unopened an HP or Epson Printer and the other a Sony Ericsson mobile phone...the lackey then unpacks the boxes on a table near the Powerbook and Steve prints a picture and syncs to the phone wirelessly across the stage, using the Powerbook. That would be a great presentation of the new technology.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    More in tune with reality is that the printer wouldn't work so Steve would pick it up and hurl at the lackey
  • Reply 277 of 444
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:


    More in tune with reality is that the printer wouldn't work so Steve would pick it up and hurl at the lackey </strong><hr></blockquote>

    that would be awesome too. either way we get something awesome.
  • Reply 278 of 444
    I think that we are gonna have to put a year after oct 15th pretty soon! This is so rediculous!
  • Reply 279 of 444
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by zappa:

    <strong>I think that we are gonna have to put a year after oct 15th pretty soon! This is so rediculous!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    No it isn't, other titanium powerbooks have had had product cycles go a few months beyond 6 months.
  • Reply 280 of 444
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by Escher:


    I know MacBidouille has posted accurate rumors in the past. But what proves that MacBidouille (or their sources) didn't just mistake a slot-load Combo drive for a slot-load SuperDrive? An official press release would be a lot more credible than this picture.


    That sign in the back that reads DVD Multi Drive (as opposed to combo or DVD-CDRW) seems pretty convincing.
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