New Laptop model on October 15th.



  • Reply 221 of 444
    Maybe what we are seeing, in the view at the left, is just a cover for the screen. I think some of us are thinking there is a keyboard with a display that can be totally flipped over. Perhaps there is no keyboard. This could explain why the hinge looks the same in both images. Either we are looking at the same side of the object or there is an error in the image.

    [ 10-22-2002: Message edited by: allen ]

    [ 10-22-2002: Message edited by: allen ]</p>
  • Reply 222 of 444
    Could it be part of a strange hinge to flip the screen upside down?

    Hope springs eternal,


  • Reply 223 of 444
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    It looks like the screen would flip down similar to a notepad, wrapping underneath. In which case, yea, where's the fricking keyboard? I don't see any swivel type hinges that would allow it to swivel 180 front facing, so it's either a tablet or bluetooth-ed keyboard. Maybe this is the new hardware to go with ink?
  • Reply 224 of 444
    [quote]Originally posted by Mandricard:

    <strong>Could it be part of a strange hinge to flip the screen upside down?

    Hope springs eternal,



  • Reply 225 of 444
    [quote]Originally posted by FormerLurker:

    <strong>Could be that we'll see the return of the Duo, with Tablet capabilities.... I found this floating around on the net, and it looks pretty genuine (and COOL):


    Being a huge proponent of the tablet concept I want to believe, but wouldn't the Apple logo be rotated 90 degrees in accordance with its use in a vertical fashion? This device would be approached by the user like a traditional (paper) notebook and held in the crux of the left arm while writing with the right.

    As a former copywriter I can tell you that the "Hardcover. Paperback." headline is gold and very Apple.

    [ 10-22-2002: Message edited by: Ensign Pulver ]</p>
  • Reply 226 of 444
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by off/lang:



    But why would you need a hinge on the side of the base when you have your huge main hinge in at the top (bottom depending on view?) That's gotta be a port on the base unit, possible for bluetooth adapter?
  • Reply 227 of 444
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:


    But why would you need a hinge on the side of the base when you have your huge main hinge in at the top (bottom depending on view?) That's gotta be a port on the base unit, possible for bluetooth adapter?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think that it is a tablet. The hinge lets it rotate around. Note: I think it is fake, and do not support, and will not buy a tablet-based laptop.
  • Reply 228 of 444
    can you guys all go to and look at how the screen spins around a single pivot on the NX-90 PDA (to hide the integrated thumb-board)....problem solved.

    In both cases (open and closed) the keyboard is hidden directly under the screen.
  • Reply 229 of 444
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    I have to agree that while I feel in my bones this is a fake, I am waivering only so slightly because that ad copy is so good...that *really* sounds like Apple, and if there is one thing the average Photoshop fake can't do, its write believable ad copy.
  • Reply 230 of 444
    Ok, here's the deal:

    I am pretty sure this is a fake. A good one, but a fake none the less. That being said, I wish to take the exercise of checking out how it works...

    Like the Newton 2000 and 2100, the "lid" [in this case the screen] is double hinged. This means that you have the ability to view the screen in a traditional laptop fashion, or flip/wrap the entire thing around, so that the screen is on one side, the *back* side of the device. I would assume [yes, ASS U ME] that the keyboard [if any] would then be on the opposite side when the device was in "tablet" mode, and more than likely, nonfunctional [you'd be hitting keys *all the time*]

    That being said, it *does* look spiffy. I love my Newton, may it rest in peace. This would be an interesting successor.

    Also keep in mind, that while inkwell is a newton technology, OSX is *not* a handwriting OS. It, unlike the Newton, is geared for keyboard and mouse control, not stylus. All the double-clicking, etc. that needs to be done is *dreadful* for a human interface when using something like a tablet. Take it from me, human interface is what I went to graduate school for =). Apple has never been known to fsck up a human interface that badly. [although it is not without faults]

    Just thoughts

    The Visigothe
  • Reply 230 of 444
    kazkaz Posts: 1member
    Well guys I hate to burst your bubble... I'm a Windows user saving up for an iBook. If I right click on the image and bring up the properties it shows the source as coming from

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Not very likely a place that Apple would get any work done for them.

    Just my 2 cents
  • Reply 232 of 444
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Kaz:

    <strong>Well guys I hate to burst your bubble... I'm a Windows user saving up for an iBook. If I right click on the image and bring up the properties it shows the source as coming from

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Not very likely a place that Apple would get any work done for them.

    Just my 2 cents </strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's the point tho. Think about it. The we site sucks, the design sucks, everything about it sucks. Yet, the 'ad' is good enough that most of us think's it's real. Could the same person who owns that web site be the person behind such a clean and professional mock up ad? Doubtful. He more likely knows someone and is such a huge mac fan. I want to know how it was found on his site by mr formerluker.

    [edit] also, look at the file name, peculiar eh?

    [edit] if it's someone's site that is a member here or if it's mr fomerluker's site, no offense

    [ 10-22-2002: Message edited by: KidRed ]

    [ 10-22-2002: Message edited by: KidRed ]</p>
  • Reply 233 of 444
    check this guys notice the resemblence in size and hinge on the mini-vaio in the pic (even down to the "bump" along the right side of the screen- as noticed in the discussions above..mmmmm.

    I feel so ripped-off now. Tho Apple could have theoretically contracted sony to make it for them?

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    [ 10-22-2002: Message edited by: fireants22 ]

    [ 10-22-2002: Message edited by: fireants22 ]</p>
  • Reply 234 of 444
    Yup, it is the VAIO. Good catch.
  • Reply 235 of 444
    Well, here's what I was going to say at first in reply...

    The picture is a fake (yeah, well you all know that now anyway) but my reasoning for it not being an Apple ad is simply that all of the Mac ads usually have something graphical on the screen, such as the shark photo on the G3's, currently a winding road. The black screen doesn't seem to be in the apple style. They like to show off what the computers can do, not just one turned off.

    Anyway, the thing that I noticed when I went to the Apple site to check that out (to make sure I couldn't find any other black screens to disprove my theory) was that on the hardware section of the Apple site, there is no "main" part for the Powerbook. There's G4, iMac, eMac, iBook, iPod and XServe, but no Powerbook. The only link to the Powerbook is half-way down the page.

    Now why do you think this is?
  • Reply 236 of 444
    [quote]Originally posted by Macka:

    <strong>Well, here's what I was going to say at first in reply...

    The picture is a fake (yeah, well you all know that now anyway) but my reasoning for it not being an Apple ad is simply that all of the Mac ads usually have something graphical on the screen, such as the shark photo on the G3's, currently a winding road. The black screen doesn't seem to be in the apple style. They like to show off what the computers can do, not just one turned off.

    Anyway, the thing that I noticed when I went to the Apple site to check that out (to make sure I couldn't find any other black screens to disprove my theory) was that on the hardware section of the Apple site, there is no "main" part for the Powerbook. There's G4, iMac, eMac, iBook, iPod and XServe, but no Powerbook. The only link to the Powerbook is half-way down the page.

    Now why do you think this is?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Interesting reasoning, however, Apple are unlikely to photograph their products with the screen on anyway they would simply edit a screenshot in later for a perfect result. As the artwork is meant to look unfinished you could surmise that that part of the editing process hadn't taken place yet.

    I think the fact that the image is tiny to hide the glaring artifacts (such as the ones around the roughly pasted Apple logo) gives it away anyway, if you had access to the source image and were trying to leak this why would you make it into a tiny jpeg file?
  • Reply 237 of 444
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    its such a shame its a fake. i really want one of those...
  • Reply 238 of 444
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    I feel so used!

  • Reply 239 of 444
    [quote]Originally posted by mrmister:

    I feel so used!<hr></blockquote>

    1: No one has shown its a fake.

    2: No one has shown it is real.

    (The url link means little. Perhaps we should ask FormerLurker where he found it. Any picture could be hosted anywhere.)

    So, in short, one can still hope. I remain skeptical, but I also retain a piqued interest.


  • Reply 240 of 444
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    isn't it funny thst the majority of people here (me included) can't resist jumping in feet first?

    'its a fake!'

    'oh i wish it wasn't a fake because its cool'

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    we are a funny lot...
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