Apple leaks G5 specs



  • Reply 901 of 1072
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member

    Originally posted by Anonymous Karma

    I think Apple really wants to ship dual Power4+'s at 1.7GHz in every iMac, but what would be ideal and what reality is are often two very different things. Just because it would be nice doesn't make it practical.

    Hope you cook it before you eat it. Those things carry some nasty diseases.

    Cooking is certain. I've also taken the liberty of setting out the Jack Daniel's Grilling Sauce to add some nice flavor to it.

    Mind you my guess was pure speculation, and I in no way claim any sort of knowledge pertaining to it.
  • Reply 902 of 1072
    If W=workstation, why would we be dissapointed? As long as Powermac G5s show up with the leaked specs, it's difficult to imagine how anyone could be dissapointed. A workstation would be the icing on the cake, not a downer.

    If it's simply a wait after an introduction at WWDC, how bad could that be? Apple can't go too long between announcement and shipping, especially if they're taking orders for the new Powermacs. The way I could see "dissapointment" creep in is if Powermac G5s were introduced at WWDC, but didn't ship until August or September, and couldn't be ordered until that time, either. Meanwhile the current Powermacs remain up at the Apple Store. This would definitely dissapoint, but I don't remember Apple ever having launched a new product in such a clumsy way before.

  • Reply 903 of 1072
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member

    Apple can't go too long between announcement and shipping

    *cough*17" PB's*cough*
  • Reply 904 of 1072
    Announcing the G5s on Monday and not shipping them until Panther is released (August/September) would only be really disappointing to Apple. Who the hell would a G4 Powermac after the G5 is announced? Who the hell would buy any computer from Apple if the G5 prices are relatively low? Even with SJ just demoing Panther and announcing the G5s, how could anyone be disappointed? Regardless, I'm going into hard-core saving mode so I can buy one of the G5s, whenever they're released.
  • Reply 905 of 1072
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
  • Reply 906 of 1072
    merlionmerlion Posts: 143member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    If W=workstation, why would we be dissapointed? As long as Powermac G5s show up with the leaked specs, it's difficult to imagine how anyone could be dissapointed. A workstation would be the icing on the cake, not a downer.



  • Reply 907 of 1072
    gullivergulliver Posts: 122member
    What if these specs are fake and Apple called the IBM people for a meeting to cope with this situation? If they were fake but the specs are possible within say 2 months, they could still announce them and ship later.
  • Reply 908 of 1072
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    Apple did not post a rebuttle to the specs. If they were wrong they would have had to. As a public corp. they would file a press release to deny.
  • Reply 909 of 1072
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    I'm sitting here at 1:53 pm EDT thinking that in two days we'll be in the heart of the WWDC getting all these questions answered. All of the months and months of agony wondering what Apple will do to improve its hardware performance....resolved...

    I can't f***ing wait.
  • Reply 910 of 1072

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    Attention Internet Users!

    "it's" ? contraction of "it is"

    "its" ? possessive form of the pronoun "it".

    It's shameful how grammar on the internet is losing its accuracy.

    Remember, Internet is a specific noun. Always capitalize!
  • Reply 911 of 1072
    jbljbl Posts: 555member
    It seems to me that moki has been quite consistent. He has hinted that we will be impressed with the announcements Monday. Judging by the reaction to the leaked specs he was right on that. He has also said that the 970s were not in production in May and has said that, if we are expecting these machines to be shipping soon we will be disappointed.

    To me this leaves a couple questions:

    What is in the boxes that everyone claims are showing up at the Apple Stores? Are they the low end PowerMacs? Or something else entirely?

    And when will the high end machines ship? July? October quarter? Later?

    I am going to guess that the boxes are demo units, and that the new machines ship in September with Panther installed. (Don't want to get my hopes up too high.)

  • Reply 912 of 1072
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member

    Droolworthy "better" and "best"= staggered over the summer.
  • Reply 913 of 1072
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by JBL

    It seems to me that moki has been quite consistent. He has hinted that we will be impressed with the announcements Monday. Judging by the reaction to the leaked specs he was right on that. He has also said that the 970s were not in production in May and has said that, if we are expecting these machines to be shipping soon we will be disappointed.

    To me this leaves a couple questions:

    What is in the boxes that everyone claims are showing up at the Apple Stores? Are they the low end PowerMacs? Or something else entirely?

    And when will the high end machines ship? July? October quarter? Later?

    I am going to guess that the boxes are demo units, and that the new machines ship in September with Panther installed. (Don't want to get my hopes up too high.)


    Apple for the first time of his history had the kindness to give us in advance the spec of the new macs. And you are still in doubt ?

    The rumors about the PPC 970 where nearly said the same things : the yields where better than expected. Having better yields than expected imply that the chip are already in production.

    Dispite the great respect due to Moki, who try to give us some info via cryptic messages (because he is under nda) dispite the fact that nothing oblige him to do so, we must be aware that he does not know everything.

    I wait monday without any fear, i know that the new powermacs will be there, the surprise will come from the case desing and the new pricing.

    The PPC 970 looks like an extraterrestrial chip compared to the G4 but is on par with the lattest productions coming from Intel or AMD with his opteron. SOI 0,13 have been used for more than one year by IBM, the power4 core his very mature. There is no reason that the 970 is not in production.

    I will add that Smeagol does not make any sense if there isn't any powermac G5.

    Apple is going to present the developper version of panther, not smeagol.
  • Reply 914 of 1072
    jbljbl Posts: 555member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    Apple for the first time of his history had the kindness to give us in advance the spec of the new macs. And you are still in doubt ?

    I don't doubt the specs but Apple didn't have the kindness to post even estimated ship dates. If you looked at Apple's website after the MWSF keynote you would have seen the specs for a 17" PowerBook, but you couldn't actually get one for over two months. While I certainly hope that you are right that we can get these machines on the 23rd, I see little evidence that we will, especially the high end machines.
  • Reply 915 of 1072
    When Superman went around the world really fast in the movie, how did it make time go backwards?

    I would go forward to Monday.
  • Reply 916 of 1072
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I think that be now, we would have agreed that the specs "pictured" ARE the specs.
  • Reply 917 of 1072
    shaktaishaktai Posts: 157member

    Originally posted by JBL

    It seems to me that moki has been quite consistent. ....He has also said that the 970s were not in production in May and has said that, if we are expecting these machines to be shipping soon we will be disappointed.

    Did he actually say that? I believe what he said is this:



    Originally posted by Shaktai

    * Power PC 970 introduced at WWDC.

    * Availability? Immediatly or within 2 weeks for Single processor machines. Probably 1.4 and 1.8 ghz.

    * Dual processors to follow within another 2-3 weeks.

    You're setting yourself up for a big disappointment.

    So he took the top three items of my prediction (an "in context" quote), and made a simple statement. From what Moki said, we can determine that at least part, but not necessarily all of what I stated was incorrect. The timing of this statment was on June 12th. Now based upon Moki's further statements later on, it was implied that the "disappointment" is not so much "what" as perhaps.... let's see what is another "W" word that would fit in there?

    Aw heck, it is only 2 more days. I'm not going to spell it out for you. Excersise those brain cells. -- Clue: Don't take every thing so literally, and don't over analyze it and don't go paranoid. Consider all numbers approximations that can be higher or lower, and then consider Moki's other comments. Keep it all in context. It really does start making sense. Go back and read the rest of what I said that he didn't comment on.

    I think Moki states things the way he does to keep it fun and open ended, and some folks take it far too seriously. It's a rumor forum, there are no absolutes, just many possibilities. If you want absolutes, you have to wait for Steve's keynote. It's that simple.

    Edit: There is nothing that says one of the models won't ship immediatly, and nothing that says it will. What is in those "boxes"?
  • Reply 918 of 1072
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by JBL

    I don't doubt the specs but Apple didn't have the kindness to post even estimated ship dates. If you looked at Apple's website after the MWSF keynote you would have seen the specs for a 17" PowerBook, but you couldn't actually get one for over two months. While I certainly hope that you are right that we can get these machines on the 23rd, I see little evidence that we will, especially the high end machines.

    Apple will not make pict of specs two months in advance. however for the shipping date you are certainly right : i think that the single will be avalaible in the short term, but not the dualie who will ship some weeks later certainly.
  • Reply 919 of 1072
    johnsonwaxjohnsonwax Posts: 462member

    Originally posted by JBL

    It seems to me that moki has been quite consistent. He has hinted that we will be impressed with the announcements Monday. Judging by the reaction to the leaked specs he was right on that. He has also said that the 970s were not in production in May and has said that, if we are expecting these machines to be shipping soon we will be disappointed.

    To me this leaves a couple questions:

    What is in the boxes that everyone claims are showing up at the Apple Stores? Are they the low end PowerMacs? Or something else entirely?

    And when will the high end machines ship? July? October quarter? Later?

    I am going to guess that the boxes are demo units, and that the new machines ship in September with Panther installed. (Don't want to get my hopes up too high.)


    Go check out this guys posts as well:

    There are a few other factual clues given out there.

    It's not all consistent but it does narrow things down a bit. More votes for powermacs shipping later than for shipping next week, and some votes for PBs on Monday, but not 970s. Nobody is seriously refuting the specs posted on Apple's site.

    I think a PMac G5 announcement + PB revs shipping + Panther + some little goodies + new software announcements should leave us all very, very happy. More will come later this year, for certain.
  • Reply 920 of 1072
    Yes, I've also noticed that the posts by Flippant have an air of actual knowledge about them. Maybe he just does a particularly good Moki impression. Nonetheless, one of his posts makes me wonder if the 17 inch PowerBook is getting a 970, whereas the 15 inch gets updated to Alu but stays G4. This would make a lot of sense to me.

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