PowerMac G5 Is Fugly



  • Reply 141 of 191
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    WRT to the handles, it's all about pleasing some of the people all of the time or all of the people some of the time. Some like the new handles others dont. Handles were never an issue for me so i'm in that happy middle place
  • Reply 142 of 191
    fishdocfishdoc Posts: 189member
    Well, I suppose it is the leap in logic (two, actually) where you jump from "I see the handles on a website" to "I know they will be uncomfortable" (which you somehow think is as easily ascertained as knowing if fire is hot), and then you leap from there to "therefore they are not functional". All the while criticising the posts of those who disagree with you as"stupid" .

    Relax, Clive. The thing has handles - you might even like them if you try them someday in real life.

  • Reply 143 of 191
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Well howdy! Just wandered in from parts unknown to get in on some of the post keynote fun.....

    Love the new case, but Clive is absolutley right, as far as it goes. As a tool using person I can attest there is no way those handles are anything but painful to actually use. Ditto the "pull off" side looks to be a bit less easy access than the "innards on the door" el Cap, which was brilliant. Some of the objections to Clive's reasoning on this seem unecessarily churlish. For his applications, I think his complaints are spot on.

    Having said that, I for one will gladly give up a bit of fuctionality (that isn't that important for me) in exchange for a much cooler look wrapped around all that awesome hardware. I am so stoked.....
  • Reply 144 of 191
    williwilli Posts: 3member
    I thought it was interesting that the G5 is taller than the G4, so I made a comparison image:


    you can see my g5 mockups if you go to the page previous that post. download some music or something while you are there!
  • Reply 145 of 191
    I think the whole handle question is just getting old. It is subjective, and if it bothers you, buy some gloves. I never move my tower, but I'm not an industry professional who uses a tower to it's fullest, so I'm sure it provides someone somewhere utility to the max to have them. I do think the design is seriously the ugliest thing ever, but I also thought the 17" was way to big, and yet I'm buying one as soon as they update it in the next few months, simply because I actually played around with it for a day instead of looking at pictures online. It's interesting how originally when people thought the G5 was coming out (this time last year) everyone was asking for expandability and with the dual drive doors case, got it; and yet now all the added expandability (the added hdd's and drive bays) are completely removed in the redesign. Back then it was most likely a way to get an edge and to keep people satisfied, but in reality I think Apple would like to push people to take advantage of the faster I/O options available now (i.e. Firewire 800) and keep 3rd party vendors going, essentially by adding HDD's externally or buying purpose built burners that are much much faster than the current built in Superdrive CDR specifications.

    If we step back for a second and think about the computer as a whole, you gotta smile, I mean finally, finally, after ranting and ranting last year, and taking crap from your best friend, we are number one. NUMBER ONE. Seriously, no more trolls, no more over priced badgering, no more "Apple's are so slow and so expensive, why would you ever want that piece of sh*t." It feels so good to finally not look at Intel and be like "the megahertz myth isn't real, they are so far ahead of us..." Anyway, I don't want to ramble on. Just think about it for a minute. In my opinion, yeah, they could have made the new case look different, but then it wouldn't be going for what they wanted. Now if only Steve Jobs would announce updated 970 laptops in the next couple of weeks...

  • Reply 146 of 191
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    I like the handles.

    For me, and perhaps the majority of the buying public, they are a nice balance between form and function. They may not be the best handles for moving multiple machines over long distances. However, I'm happy that Apple didn't design the case solely for the pleasure of the grunts who move large numbers of computers around on a daily basis.

    Yes Clive. Its possible for reasonable people to prefer this case and its handles to el capitan.
  • Reply 147 of 191
    rmendisrmendis Posts: 71member

    Originally posted by Clive

    This is a dog of a case.

    Look at it...


    I'd have to agree...somehow, i expect that Steve Jobs played a bigger part in the development of the box

    Given that the case is raised off the ground, they could have had vents at the top and bottom with the air flow going from under -> top.

    That way they could have used a design like some of the nicer 3D designs we've seen on the web.

    In fact from a cooling point of view, one could also take advantage of convection to help the cooling, if the space underneath wasn't enough...

    ...i expect the case design to be overhauled in the next iteration, for sure.
  • Reply 148 of 191
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    I'm not sure that vertical convection would help given the orientation of all that hardware, nor given the heat produced by all that stuff. Unless you mount your drives and all that other stuff vertically, find a way to keep the power suppy and other fat chunks out of the way, and aid the convection with fans, vertical air flow isn't going to be any use.

    I do not expect a major overhaul in the next revision. Rather, I expect refinement and many small changes in configuration to make room for the bigger changes eventually: reducing the number of fans and/or further reducing their noise, trying to fit that fourth PCI slot and eventually an extra HD if not optical drive. Besides, in terms of its sex appeal, they could easily come up with equivalent designs for the mesh in front (% aperture screen) and change that out willy-nilly.
  • Reply 149 of 191
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member

    ...i expect the case design to be overhauled in the next iteration, for sure.

    Sure about that?

    El Capitan has hung around for about 4 1/2 years now.
  • Reply 150 of 191

    Originally posted by Clive

    Do you ever get out of the house? Water is wet, right, fire burns and dogs bite. I don't need to test this every time I see some water, a fire or a dog.

    Yeah, and you don't need to even touch the damn handles. Leave them alone. It's a computer, not a purse. So what if it'll hurt a lil, it's not like you need to carry it or move it to check your mail, etc. They're just handles. They're a bonus.
  • Reply 151 of 191
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I doubt those things will hurt your hands more than the G4's handles.

    This case is gorgeous, the SmurfG3 was uglier than RuPaul.
  • Reply 152 of 191

    Originally posted by Clive

    I'm not that wound up about it, I just think some of you are posting pretty stupid things - I'd like to at least try to help you out so you don't go through the rest of your lives suffering such embarrassment.

    No need to flood the AI boards with "I'm a supreme being" posts, really. Be nice.
  • Reply 153 of 191
    It's beautiful, the lines are so minimal and industrial. I love how the metal mesh covers the entire front, even wrapping up and down a bit, and leaves the internals slightly exposed to view. It's almost but not quite retro, and it's a testament to Ives' genius that he can hint at retro while being new and fresh. This case design oozes serious usage and performance out of every crevice.

    The side panel overcomes the problem with El Capitan of finding enough open space for it to swing down and be supported. I never could do this on my desk, so it meant disconnecting everything and moving the entire tower to the kitchen table. No more of this BS with the G5 case.

    The single optical bay is a disappointment. I never would have guessed in a million years that Apple would remove that feature from their towers. Somebody at Apple hates having extra drive bays--whoever that is needs to be shot. Watch, I just said that about Steve Jobs.. The rest of the interior design is a work of art; some real love went into this tower design to give it a clean and minimalist interior that matches the exterior.

    If it's as quiet as claimed, that's yet another awesome feature. Someone at Apple finally realized that a computer doesn't have to be fanless to be quiet.

    I'll repeat, right down to the "G5" emblazoned on the heatsink covers, this machine is one of the most gorgeous I've ever seen. I love it!


    Handles? Whatever. They look gorgeous, but I agree they don't look all that great for one-handed carrying. They DO look functional for two-handed carrying, which is what I reckon most people do. It's more common to move a tower short distances within a room, or reposition it on a desk, and for this two-handed carrying is probably used. For long-distance lugging with one hand, those handles don't look so good. I suppose Apple could have angled them at 45?, made the surface convex so that it would be more comfortable to the hand, and even added foam rubber grips. That would have been the choice for tower-carrying pros! But how often do most Powermac users carry their towers? And it's not even good for a computer to be moved, there's too great a chance of damage.

    Let's be realistic, the El Capitan handles were never really designed for heavy-duty carrying (as anyone who's used them can attest), nor are the G5 handles. They exist first for style, second for function.
  • Reply 154 of 191

    Originally posted by Clive

    Stupid post number 263, immediately above.

    C'mon, you've got a brain, if the handles aren't functional, and they clearly are not, then there is no point.

    Perhaps maybe you should wait until you actually touch the handles. This is an unreleased machine.
  • Reply 155 of 191
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member

    blah blah, 20kg, blah blah

    i hate to break it to you but that's not that heavy. my PC weighs in at over 75lbs.

    the Mac is 40lbs. and is a hard core machine. as for your hanldle comments, the handles on the El Capitan model always worked just fine for me. i'd be willing to bet these will as well.
  • Reply 156 of 191
    Did anyone notice the plexiglass insert between the side door and the rest of the machine? Methinks it's a way to show off the insides while keeping the proper cooling airflow.
  • Reply 157 of 191
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by Clive

    Actually, someone renamed the thread, I just named it "Fugly".

    Further, the quote you use is my response to someone else going on a about subjective from my post which was about the functional aspects of carrying the thing.

    Like I wrote, form and function, two different things, go back and check.

    CLive is right . . . in the Welsh sport known as the Capitain Clump-wump, where the kilt wearin muscle bound MacMen be sweating their dualies two to a swing, then it just might be difficult with that 3mm edge?!

    oh how will they compete now that it is difficult to take the necessary two-fisted Mac graspin pose?! . . .heaving with one step and swingin a Mac in each arm . . . oh !! the sport is doomed I say!!

    anyway . . . yes, the fear of the inability to achieve a two fisted Mac-walk is just about the lamest arse whimper I've come across . . . heehee . . .

    just picture the sight of it!!!

    ah but its justified by the ownership of a 67 Mustang . . .

    . . . tell me Clive: is it stock or suped-up?
  • Reply 158 of 191

    Originally posted by flyhigher

    Did anyone notice the plexiglass insert between the side door and the rest of the machine? Methinks it's a way to show off the insides while keeping the proper cooling airflow.

    I believe the idea was to seal off the individual "thermal zones" even with the case closed, but I imagine you're right in that it's not clear by accident.
  • Reply 159 of 191
    buckeyebuckeye Posts: 358member

    Originally posted by rmendis

    I'd have to agree...somehow, i expect that Steve Jobs played a bigger part in the development of the box

    Given that the case is raised off the ground, they could have had vents at the top and bottom with the air flow going from under -> top.

    That way they could have used a design like some of the nicer 3D designs we've seen on the web.

    In fact from a cooling point of view, one could also take advantage of convection to help the cooling, if the space underneath wasn't enough...

    ...i expect the case design to be overhauled in the next iteration, for sure.

    You people are crazy. Why would they overhaul the case?

    The only thing that is "for sure" is that you don't NEED a G5. If you did, you would realize that Apple has delivered exactly what Professionals have needed them to develop.

    If you just want a cute machine, get an IMac.

    It is the best Tower design they have had in years.
  • Reply 160 of 191
    buckeyebuckeye Posts: 358member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    It's beautiful. Better than I thought. I love the wire mesh, and how it leaves the internals slightly exposed to view. The lines are sleek and industrial. This case design oozes serious usage and performance out of every crevice.

    The side panel overcomes the problem with El Capitan of finding a place to open it with enough clear space for it to swing down, and it also needed to be supported. The G5 side panel is better.

    The only part I don't like is that it has only one optical bay. I never would have guessed in a million years that Apple would remove that feature from their towers. Somebody at Apple hates having extra drive bays, whoever that is needs to be shot. Watch, I just said that about Steve Jobs.. The rest of the interior design is just a work of art, some real love went into this tower, inside it is so clean and minimalist.

    If it's as quiet as they claim, that's yet another awesome feature. Someone at Apple finally figured out that a computer doesn't have to be fanless to be quiet.

    Right down to the "G5" emblazoned on the heatsink covers, this machine is one of the most gorgeous I've ever seen.

    I agree with you that it is gorgeous.

    I am curious. What do you need two optical drives for?
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