Panther Requests? (with full details and screenshots from AppleInsider)



  • Reply 221 of 552
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    I just took Panther for a test drive, and I thought I'd throw my comments into the mix. Several things impress me:

    I love the speed improvements. In 10.2, I have my Apps folder in my dock, which has about 120 items, and it takes over 8 seconds to open the first time, and two seconds for subsequent times (I just timed it). Just for kicks in Panther, I put a folder in the dock that has 300 items in it, and it was almost instantaneous to open the first time! And sheets finally move at the speed they should. Things feel, well, Snappier?

    Exposé, and Fast user switching are great UI tricks... both aesthetically and functionally.

    Some one was asking about Fast User switching and the background tasks. I tried copying a large file under one user name, and quickly switched users. The copying continued, but I have no idea what kind of speed hit it took. I guess I should have checked the activity monitor to see how it was doing. Oh well.

    For some reason, on the machine I tried out, all the icons were messed up. No folder icons appeared anywhere (it was just transparent icons - you couldn't even click on them, you needed to click on the words). So, it was hard to gauge how I liked the new Finder since it wasn't working correctly. Of course, it is a beta *cough* alpha *cough*.
  • Reply 222 of 552
    gsxrboygsxrboy Posts: 565member
    From the screenies, thx guys, the toning down of the lines has really really brought out the quality in the fonts on screen in the menu bars etc
  • Reply 223 of 552
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    Is scheduled wake-from-sleep in 10.3?

    Here here! Another OS 9 feature that is sorely missing.


    Unfortunately not.

    Press Shift-Command-n, an untitled folder appears that is not editable, then you have to wait a moment before you can hit the return key to make it editable. If you press return too early, you can edit the name for a fraction of a second before the field turns static again. I really don't like it and never did in Jaguar either.

    WTF. And gar about the line separators, I know what you mean! I might like the blue and white patterning. It makes iTunes look so yummy. It's just nice looking. Maybe in General as an OPTION....

    bauman that's good to hear! That wait in the Dock folders drives me nutssssssss. I had to rearrange lots of things in subfolders in my Applications folder because of it. You should see how long my utilities folder takes to open! Sheesh! Also good to hear about sheets.
  • Reply 224 of 552
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    I think someone asked the question, but I haven't seen an answer...Does FTP in Finder finally work as it should (or as most people think it should). That is, can you copy to an FTP server in FInder as opposed to just from. This would be a huge asset for me.


    That sucks.

    I'm still more excited about Panther than anything else except maybe iChat AV. HOLY CRAP THIS WAS BEST KEYNOTE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to download it so bad because I only so 20% of it! They should put the keynote and their Software Updates on BitTorrent now that I think about it. If anyone Exports it in QT let me know if I can download it from you.

    One thing I have not seen mentioned: battery life. Is it better? OS X still eats batteries for breakfast and if they're not going to add Save and Shutdown (pleeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!!) then I wonder if it still sucks battery in use and in sleep.
  • Reply 225 of 552
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    Here's a surprise: They re-did the AppleScript Editor interface. It's finally up to par with OS X standards

    Here's a screenie:

  • Reply 226 of 552
    frykefryke Posts: 217member

    Originally posted by foad

    Not that I can see. OS X windows do not have borders. Only the corner is draggable.

    Brushed Metal apps _do_ have window borders (except Safari - yet another inconsistency). And they're draggable. Finder windows are draggable by window borders.

    Concerning removing BM look in Finder: There's no key to that in the plist-file and no nib-file contains a 'main window'. So: A hard time... :/ Hopefully, Apple gives us a choice... *sigh*
  • Reply 227 of 552
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    Many many thanks to Brad (pimpin' !) and everybody else who submitted screenshots. thank you very much!
  • Reply 228 of 552
    ludwigvanludwigvan Posts: 458member

    Originally posted by failedmathematician

    Is scheduled wake-from-sleep in 10.3?

    Could it be in here somewhere?
  • Reply 229 of 552
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    I don't think I've noticed any comments about iCal. Has this app been updated as yet or no?

    I was thinking about that, and Sherlock as well, which could really use a lot of work. I have a feeling that those are on a different track than the OS, and they may come out with new versions before or after Panther.

    I'd like to see Sherlock compete better with Watson. Right now there's just no comparison. On the other hand, it's good to see Apple get killed on it after copying them.

  • Reply 230 of 552
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Can Apple Panther or Bioflavonoid tell me what start up looks like? Is it the same "Grey screen with dark grey apple and little rotating thingy", or has it changed?
  • Reply 231 of 552
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Can Apple Panther or Bioflavonoid tell me what start up looks like? Is it the same "Grey screen with dark grey apple and little rotating thingy", or has it changed?

    Startup is identical to 10.2, only a smidge faster. Shut down / Restart, however is slightly different. It closes all your windows, dock and menubar, and then fades your desktop and displays the little rotating thingy.

    Logging in and out isn't quite graceful from a GUI perspective yet... it flashes a completely black screen between your desktop and the login panel. It's kind of shocking. I'm sure it will be fixed before GM... I can't imagine it would be too hard.
  • Reply 232 of 552

    Originally posted by LudwigVan

    Could it be in here somewhere?

    Click next to Shutdown and I believe one of the options is Sleep and/or Wake from Sleep. Not sure, as Panther is on my box at work.
  • Reply 233 of 552
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I wish that Apple would bring back that smling Mac. maybe an Imac instead, portrayed in a minimalist style only grey lines).
  • Reply 234 of 552
    I started a new thread but i propably should've ask here first, Does any one remember from the keynote Steve mentioning that one of the new 100 thing in panther were the inclusion of Linux API? i wanted to know if this was apple doing or the result of updating to FreeBSD 5.0?
  • Reply 235 of 552
    chris cuillachris cuilla Posts: 4,825member

    Originally posted by C47

    Software Update can be called from the Apple Menu

    This is a nice (and obvious) feature.

    Some questions:

    - Does AddressBook print envelopes AS WELL as labels? Please Apple! Please Apple!

    - CD session burning?

    - Does the new Finder automagically (via Rendevous or whatever) "find" public shared folders of other users on other machines and mount/connect to them?

    Some things I hope make it into the final Panther:

    - The "Services" menu in the Finder context menu(s). Though this might not make as much sens in the new Finder.

    - Configurable (disable/enable) Services in the Services menu.

    - Direct support for zip/unzip and tar-gz/untar-ungz directly in the Finder.

    - Trash can on the desktop.

    - a "copy path name" feature in the Finder, where if I have a file selected, I could get a string representation of the pathname to the file to paste into some place if I need to.
  • Reply 236 of 552
    josef k.josef k. Posts: 79member

    Originally posted by Chris Cuilla

    - Trash can on the desktop.

    With folder actions in Panther, I'm guessing that you should be able to emulate this kind of functionality regardless. (That is, put a folder on the desktop, copy the trash icon to it, and set up a folder action to move the file into the trash.)

    EDIT: Well, ok, that won't be quite like having a full-blown trash on the desktop since you won't be able to actually view the trash contents from there, but it's pretty close.


    Originally posted by Chris Cuilla

    - a "copy path name" feature in the Finder, where if I have a file selected, I could get a string representation of the pathname to the file to paste into some place if I need to.

    You can already do that! Cmd-c
  • Reply 237 of 552
    josef k.josef k. Posts: 79member
    Any screenshots of (or info regarding) the code completion feature in Xcode?
  • Reply 238 of 552
    chris cuillachris cuilla Posts: 4,825member

    Originally posted by Josef K.

    You can already do that! Cmd-c

    I only get the last file name in the path, not the complete file.
  • Reply 239 of 552
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    Any screenshots of (or info regarding) the code completion feature in Xcode

    I wonder if it has extra-powerful debug code!

  • Reply 240 of 552
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    Originally posted by Chris Cuilla

    - Does the new Finder automagically (via Rendevous or whatever) "find" public shared folders of other users on other machines and mount/connect to them?

    yes, if you click on the network you get a list of all available volumes... but i have to log into all of mine... not sure about automatic guest access--and im not sure most people would want that to be automatic as some servers have different options for guests and registered users..
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