Panther Requests? (with full details and screenshots from AppleInsider)



  • Reply 241 of 552
    chris cuillachris cuilla Posts: 4,825member

    Originally posted by Paul

    yes, if you click on the network you get a list of all available volumes... but i have to log into all of mine... not sure about automatic guest access--and im not sure most people would want that to be automatic as some servers have different options for guests and registered users..

    That's probably good enough for me. Sure beats the annoying 3-4 step process I have to go through now to connect to my wife's iBook.
  • Reply 242 of 552
    So, Brad, are you back yet? More screen shots?

    By the way, thanks for the previous shots. I hope that Jean-Luc Picard guy and his buddy Joe Blow don't get in any trouble with Apple.
  • Reply 243 of 552
    josef k.josef k. Posts: 79member

    Originally posted by Chris Cuilla

    I only get the last file name in the path, not the complete file.

    Ah...I see. Doesn't 10.2 support services in the Finder? Writing a service to do that shouldn't be difficult- it's just a few lines of code. I'm stuck with 10.1 at the moment, but I could try to write one real quick and send it to you. I have no way to test it, though, so I can't promise anything.


    Originally posted by Moogs

    I wonder if it has extra-powerful debug code!

    No doubt.
  • Reply 244 of 552
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Thanks for that image of Start up and Shutdown, I didn't know about that since I do not have Panther and so far I can't see where to download the keynote.

    One other thing no one has hit upon is the way the Connect To...dialogue works in Jaguar. I don't know if this is different in Panther, but my pet peeve is it doesn't stay open when I connect to a server. I like to browse networks and if they don't allow Guest then I have to go back and open up Connect To...again. Why does the Connect To...close?

    I have a 128x128 Aqua Happy Mac icon and it kicks. Come on Apple bring it back! They should use the Color Classic! Or perhaps if they release a new Cube...I've also seen a Happy Mac that is small and looks like the old one except it's the FP iMac.

    Keep those screenies coming!
  • Reply 245 of 552
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member

    Originally posted by iBrowse

    This is pretty cool, you can show the status of classic in the menu bar.

    Classic is not running...

    Classic starting...

    Classic running...

    Classic Menu...

    I be damned!!! Wow! Compare with these screen shots of Classic Spy:

    Classic is not running...

    Classic Menu...


    I must have been working at Apple by now. WTF?! Where is thank you, costique, for your brilliant work? Aaarrrggghhh!</goingcrazy>

    What can I say, ladies and gentlemen? I know a hundred or two of Classic Spy users sent feedback to Apple asking them why the hell would not Apple implement this feature. Apple has listened. That's great. We all must unite in sending constructive feedback. It does work.
  • Reply 246 of 552
    johnsonwaxjohnsonwax Posts: 462member

    Originally posted by costique

    I must have been working at Apple by now. WTF?! Where is thank you, costique, for your brilliant work? Aaarrrggghhh!</goingcrazy>

    Thank you, costique, for your brilliant work.

    I know it's not the same, but you deserve to hear it nevertheless.
  • Reply 247 of 552
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member

    Originally posted by johnsonwax

    Thank you, costique, for your brilliant work.

    I know it's not the same, but you deserve to hear it nevertheless.

    Thank you, johnsonwax. In fact, I received many, very many e-mails with thanks and I'm happy that people like it. I'm also glad (honestly) that Apple finally got their crap together to drop some 30 to 40 lines of code to do such a simple thing. Perhaps, too late? When Panther hits stores, how many people will still be using Classic?
  • Reply 248 of 552
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    Hmm... I've always wondered why OS X is so bad at handling more than about 20 items at once. No matter what machine I'm on. I mean, think about it. I have an 800 MHz iBook. Not super fast, but certainly no slouch when you think that my computer is probably faster than about half of OS X users' computers. Is it really such a huge stress on the processor that it takes five to ten seconds to open a contextual menu showing the contents of my Applications folder? OS 9 performed this task in the blink of an eye. It has to be a problem in the underlying programming, not in the amount of processing power. You could give me an octuple 20 GHz G7 with four graphics cards working in tandem, each with 1 GB of RAM and clocked at 2 GHz, and it wouldn't be fast at this sort of thing. Why else would iPhoto take ten or twenty seconds to perform any task more complex than scrolling, such as changing the contents of an album or the library? I have a feeling that there's some sloppy programming going on at Apple and they've been able to pass it off as being the fault of their ailing hardware... but now that we have super fast G5s, things SHOULD speed up and any slowdowns will be clearly the fault of bad programming.
  • Reply 249 of 552
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by Harald

    Here's my request.

    There is excellent evidence OTA is on the way.

    Can someone delve into the sync framework or to find traces of the name of the server at .mac that's going to be taking care of this?

    It'll be in the /system/components/syncservices (maybe).

    anyone had a chance to have a quick look at this yet?
  • Reply 250 of 552

    Originally posted by costique

    Where is thank you, costique, for your brilliant work?

    If I never sent an email for this, then I'm a doff. Thank you for this little program. It's stuff like this that make my computing life so much easier and more enjoyable.

    But I shouldn't be the one really thanking you, it should be Apple.
  • Reply 251 of 552
    This whole window resizing thing is going way off-topic from the main intent of this thread. I'm going to attempt a thread split and let you guys rant about this outside here.

    Back on topic, though, I'm back and willing o take any more screenshot requests and answer any questions I can.
  • Reply 252 of 552
    123123 Posts: 278member

    Originally posted by costique

    The most time-consuming action is to redraw those elements which change their size.

    Like what? Take a look at itunes and explain me what needs to be redrawn except the brushed metal stuff they could easily turn off.
  • Reply 253 of 552
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by Brad

    This whole window resizing thing is going way off-topic from the main intent of this thread. I'm going to attempt a thread split and let you guys rant about this outside here.

    Back on topic, though, I'm back and willing o take any more screenshot requests and answer any questions I can.

    Brad, could you send me screenies of the iSync "sync remote" command and any other references to potential OTA?

    You are teh man.
  • Reply 254 of 552
    I'll get on that shortly. I don't know how much I'll be bale to get out of iSync, though, since I don't have *any* devices that use syncing.

    As for the whole window resizing discussion, please carry on in this thread here:

    window resizing (split from "panther requests")
  • Reply 255 of 552
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Originally posted by Luca Rescigno

    Hmm... I've always wondered why OS X is so bad at handling more than about 20 items at once. No matter what machine I'm on.

    If it doesn't matter which machine you're on, it's probably a software problem.

    This is reportedly fixed in Panther.
  • Reply 256 of 552
    johnpgjohnpg Posts: 37member

    Originally posted by othello

    anyone had a chance to have a quick look at this yet?

    I did a "strings" on the SyncServer executable and came up with:


    FusionOne are the people who do the over the air syncing I believe, . If I remember correctly they had a FAQ on their website at one point about iSync, but it was removed probably by the request of Apple.

    So it looks like Over the air syncing is coming. Should be cool. Now if only they'd offer LAN based syncing. ;-(

  • Reply 257 of 552
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by johnpg

    I did a "strings" on the SyncServer executable and came up with:


    FusionOne are the people who do the over the air syncing I believe, . If I remember correctly they had a FAQ on their website at one point about iSync, but it was removed probably by the request of Apple.


    All you say is true about FusionOne. They had on their site info about how their tech had been chosen by Apple.

    It's a funny thing; they really are taking their time over this for some reason. The raw functionality of SyncML is hacked into applications by two-bit tech companies all over Europe. They look like shit but they work. I wonder what the reason is ... marketing? It's just "in the roadmap for Panther" and no more ... this is probably off topic.

    Anyway, find me that server name dagnabbit because although iSync will plug into the .Mac Remote Server or whatever they call it, you will have to configure your remote device too ... be nice to see if it works from the other side ...
  • Reply 258 of 552
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Brad, we need another fix brother... hook us up!

    You know this thread is good when, on your way home from work you wonder: "hmmm, maybe Brad posted some more cool screens from Panther DP1". Cuz I gotta be honest, I don't think about anything on my way home from work anymore, other than "this traffic is going to cause my brain to hemorrhage at any minute."

  • Reply 259 of 552
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    anything you looking for in-particular?

    iSub support?

    eyeTV in 10.3?

    just ask and you will get pictures
  • Reply 260 of 552
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Anybody see the 10.3 pictures from ThinkSecret ? I hate to say this but the labels look like a hack. Plus, the colors are sort of cheesy tutti-fruity looking.

    How hard can it be to change the color of the folders via lables?

    And how about some regular looking folders instead of the airbrushed ones? Heck I'd even settle for the old NeXT style folders.
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