Panther 7B** Builds Discussion (images on page 2 & 5)



  • Reply 581 of 1176
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Heh. German is like, a cool language... heheh.
  • Reply 582 of 1176
    It makes perfect sense! When Babelfish is involed, I returns the translation:

    "Further to the tire trade!"

    Which, when inturpreted to mean nothing anywhere near relevent to the original thought, means that we should move further to or onward with our Panther exposition (inferred by the excited panther in said image). The tire reference is obviously that we should get "rolling" and because it is the entire tire trade we should? really get rolling.

    ? well, there it is.
  • Reply 583 of 1176
    inkheadinkhead Posts: 155member
    Yeah german is a great language, especially when it stays OFF of english boards and has nothing to do with the topic. This thread is large enough we don't need it stuffed with unrelevant images.

    Back to the topic


    Originally posted by Dog Almighty

    It makes perfect sense! When Babelfish is involed, I returns the translation:

    "Further to the tire trade!"

    Which, when inturpreted to mean nothing anywhere near relevent to the original thought, means that we should move further to or onward with our Panther exposition (inferred by the excited panther in said image). The tire reference is obviously that we should get "rolling" and because it is the entire tire trade we should? really get rolling.

    ? well, there it is.

  • Reply 584 of 1176
    Irrelevent, and it is loosely related: it's a goddamned Panther.

    Any important changes in 7B49?
  • Reply 585 of 1176
    inkheadinkhead Posts: 155member
    Oh? A Panther? I get it so this next release of OS X has something to do with a Panther? In that case let me thank you for taking the time to post the lovely image of a panther with German text. Since this relates to OS X Panther it's safe to assume I'll be seeing this image in a current or forthcoming build of OS X correct? I would assume an image of this importance was posted so we could view stuff that might be in Panther 7B** Builds, similar to the title of the discussion thread I started entitled "Panther 7B** Builds Discussion" Thanks for your input.


    Originally posted by Dog Almighty

    Irrelevent, and it is loosely related: it's a goddamned Panther.

    Any important changes in 7B49?

  • Reply 586 of 1176
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member

    It's two weeks to Paris, how mature is 7B49, is it going to be good enough for Gm to be reached for Steve to announce a shipping date at his keynote?
  • Reply 587 of 1176
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member
    7B44 is already pretty mature and usable for everyday tasks, I use it already (though that may end up being something stupid), and I will be 'shocked beyond belief' if StevieMan doesn't announce a shipping date at Paris.

    One beer on September 24th
  • Reply 588 of 1176
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Zapchud

    ...and I will be 'shocked beyond belief' if StevieMan doesn't announce a shipping date at Paris.

    I agree. Looks like shipping will take place later in autumn. This "before the end of the year" thing, seems to be something like insurance in a worst case scenario.
  • Reply 589 of 1176
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member
    Absolutely. Might be some trick to stop people from holding off buys of hardware including Jaguar, and Jaguar itself, waiting for Panther. "If it's so far away anyways, why don't we just get the finger out of our arses and buy this already?"

    And hmm, it is not specified exactly what's new in 7B49, other than the usual "Once again, this release reflects extensive engineering efforts since the last seed, with issued addressed in almost every component of the OS."
  • Reply 590 of 1176
    I kinda feel like I started this whole mayhem... I am sorry...

    I was just ranting about my dislikes... at least it was ON THE TOPIC of PANHTER... heh... anyways... sorry guys.

    It was fun watching you argue about the icon though... I still hate it.
  • Reply 591 of 1176
    anandanand Posts: 285member
    Well 7B44 is not finished by any means. The SMB problems still exist and the network broswer function is... well not functional. Apple, take your time and fix the bugs first!
  • Reply 592 of 1176
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member
    Yes, I know. They got some nasty bugs they need to rule out, yes, but they're getting few, and not often in the way. The SMB-implementation should be easy to fix, as it actually works very well to browse to shares by the Terminal. For a while, then it craps out.

    ssh also got some nice, glaring bugs, and the kernel is somewhat unstable. Buttons on top of the numpad are not working.

    iDisk is somewhat suboptimal, and there is some very minor unpolishedness here and there.

    These are the bugs I experience from time to time.

    While they're not stopping me from doing serious work if I wish (but do not dare, yet), they're the obvious bugs that have to be fixed before launch, IMO, but it's not any supermajor-bugs, really. Another month in the works will be enough, I predict
  • Reply 593 of 1176
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I suspect GM is at least 30 days away, but an announcement of the big date at Paris wouldn't surprise me. I'd be more surprised if they didn't announce it. I'm betting on October 18th or 25th, and they'll play up the Panther / Halloween thing as part of the advertising. Just you watch.

  • Reply 594 of 1176
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    However short the code of Panther may be nearing completion, I think some of you are forgetting the logistics required to bring a GM into thousands of greedy geeky hands. I don't know how much time it'd take, but just consider the pressing (?) of the discs, designing and printing the artwork and packaging, and distributing boxes all over America and the rest of the world (especially since OS X distributions these days offer several language installs). How much time would this take?
  • Reply 595 of 1176
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Most of the packaging is probably ready to go. They could probably produce that stuff in short order, have it all designed and been through the drafts, save any additional help/instruction manual stuff -- though Apple skimps here to avoid any problems. CD pressing probably isn't time consuming either. They could probably produce tens of thousands of copies in a week.

    All the nit-picky stuff getting to GM is what takes so long, even when it looks finished, there's usually a lot of deliberation, tiny but critical details to polish and obscure show stoppers to squash. I would imagine that from a GM candidate to GM will take about 2 weeks working 24/7, only then add another week to run-up.
  • Reply 596 of 1176
    With past Mac OS X revisions, der Kopf, I believe it has only taken a couple weeks to get from FC/GM to full production and shipping. Remember that artwork and packaging is probably already done. The OS itself goes feature-frozen long before GM, giving the art department plenty of time to design the packaging.

    For that matter, does anyone else remember the manual that came with the Public Beta? It had lots of images from old builds that didn't match the shipping product.

    edit: damn you BuonRotto.
  • Reply 597 of 1176
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by Zapchud

    7B44 is already pretty mature and usable for everyday tasks, I use it already (though that may end up being something stupid), and I will be 'shocked beyond belief' if StevieMan doesn't announce a shipping date at Paris.

    One beer on September 24th

    Announce: September 16

    Release: October 25
  • Reply 598 of 1176
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member
    You got it, JLL :P

    I noticed one thing today though. There are MASSIVE speed-gains in iTunes mp3-conversion, Usually, I were getting 12-14x conversions when converting, on a dual Ghz MDD. With Panther 7B44, I got 20-21!

  • Reply 599 of 1176

    Originally posted by Zapchud

    You got it, JLL :P

    I noticed one thing today though. There are MASSIVE speed-gains in iTunes mp3-conversion, Usually, I were getting 12-14x conversions when converting, on a dual Ghz MDD. With Panther 7B44, I got 20-21!


    Jeez, that's fast. I'm lucky to get 3x on my 500 MHz iBook. Looks like I'm going to get 4x with Panther...

    Time to upgrade? Yes.

    Do I have the money? Yes.

    Should I spend it? Maybe.
  • Reply 600 of 1176
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    How close is 7B44 to GM? Do you think it will be ready for Paris?
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