Is the 15inch AlPB really coming soon?



  • Reply 441 of 556
    If those Powerbooks are announced at Paris, shipping immediately, that means the Buy a Bundle rebate would still be obtainable...saving me another $300...if this is the case, I may give in and buy a G4 powerbook, even though I vowed to wait for the G5. It would have to be at LEAST 1.3 Ghz with double the L2 cache, at least 1MB L3, 2MB would be a seller...Radeon graphics, backlit keyboard, AE, BT...all that at today's price points and've sold yourself one more Powerbook G4.
  • Reply 442 of 556
    Well I'll be one of the first in line for the new 15" PBs. I've been waiting since January. I'll have an Apple Loan for Education all set and ready to go....

    I consider myself lucky as my wife wants one also but is willing to wait until June! I'll buy a G4 15" next week! ?!?! Then give it to my wife when the G5 PBs are announced next Spring/Fall :-).
  • Reply 443 of 556

    Originally posted by backcheck

    Well I'll be one of the first in line for the new 15" PBs. I've been waiting since January.

    Same here. I wonder how many others here have been waiting since January?
  • Reply 444 of 556
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    You know what's going to happen: there's going to be such a mad rush for them that it'll be weeks - if not months - before everyone who wants one will be able to get their hands on it.

    If I opt for the 15" model, I've already accepted it'll probably be Halloween or so before I get my hands on one!

    But that's long as they exist and I can actually sit and weigh real-world specs/features between the 12" and 15" and make a REAL decision (based on actual, existing gear), that'll be cool.

    Then I'll just spend another month looking at it on Apple's site, listening to you guys talk about yours and playing with them at the Apple store...getting primed until I get one!
  • Reply 445 of 556
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    I ended up spending most of the money I'd saved for a notebook for my brother's wedding last spring, so I'm just sitting on the sidelines, watching all the drama unfold.

    Fortunately, I don't have any more siblings, so unless I get hitched I should be able to get a notebook just in time to bite my nails in anticipation of the new low-voltage G6.
  • Reply 446 of 556
    I've only read the last two pages of this thread, so apologies if someone else has already mentioned it.... As the Apple Turns has a little spiel about fast and cool G3s from IBM waiting in the wings. And this makes a good deal of sense, since Mojave was announced quite some time ago.
  • Reply 447 of 556

    Originally posted by boy_analog

    I've only read the last two pages of this thread, so apologies if someone else has already mentioned it.... As the Apple Turns has a little spiel about fast and cool G3s from IBM waiting in the wings. And this makes a good deal of sense, since Mojave was announced quite some time ago.

    Hopefully they will be used in the ibooks, i would hate to see apple spread its supply of 7457s thin by using the ship in both the PowerBooks and iBooks. At the same time i really think that it is time for the ibook to go with a g4. Maybe they can put 7455s in the iBooks?
  • Reply 448 of 556

    Originally posted by pscates

    Then I'll just spend another month looking at it on Apple's site, listening to you guys talk about yours and playing with them at the Apple store...getting primed until I get one!

    Yes, but by that time you'll be thinking "Gee, these have been out a while now, it's probably only a few more months until they are revised...maybe I should wait..."

    Take my advice and hit that "Buy with 1-Click" button the instant the site is back up!
  • Reply 449 of 556
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    You need to read closer...I'm only waiting the extra month so I can get the money together.

    Trust me...I'm NOT waiting any longer than I absolutely have to!
  • Reply 450 of 556

    Originally posted by pscates

    You need to read closer...I'm only waiting the extra month so I can get the money together.

    Trust me...I'm NOT waiting any longer than I absolutely have to!

    Money money it all comes down to money or lack thereof. I for one am in some ways thankful that the economy has tanked and I now don't have enough money for an ipod, cinema display, pbook, ibook, isight. by the time i finally do there will be a 100 G ipod with a 30 inch cinema and G6 powerbook. it will seem like a huge upgrade instead of these incremental GeeFour so called upgrades.
  • Reply 451 of 556

    Originally posted by pscates

    You need to read closer...I'm only waiting the extra month so I can get the money together.

    On the contrary, I am well acquainted with your finances since your recent lavish gift, a thread I read with great interest. But new Macs are why CREDIT was invented!
  • Reply 452 of 556
    I'm under NDA but I can't resist! Information must be free!!

  • Reply 453 of 556
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Can I get that in a Dual?
  • Reply 454 of 556

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Can I get that in a Dual?

    Sure but the dual is 3.5" thick.
  • Reply 455 of 556
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    This design might attract Switchers from Windows because it would have the physical look, feel and heat as the current Windows products.
  • Reply 456 of 556
    O'Grady has more ("part II") on the new Powerbooks:


    Part II of an ongoing report. Read Part I.

    Easily the hottest question in the PowerPage in-box (and via IM) is "Where is the PowerBook 5-Inch update?" Today we attempt to answer more of your questions on Apple's most-coveted (and as of yet, unannounced) new iron.

    Q. Motorola's Power PC 7457 is the rumored chip that is to be used in the new Aluminum PowerBook 15-inch, can you confirm?

    A. We believe this to be so based on early EVT and DVT mules, however PowerPage insiders have seen this sheep in different clothing. Whatever the chip, expect a 1.25GHz CPU in the 15.4-inch Aluminum model.

    Q. Is Motorola causing the delay?

    MacBidouille claims that due to Motorola's inability to produce PPC 7457s in large volumes, PowerBooks will be delayed until mid-October. While AppleInsider, also citing reliable sources, confirms that low processor supplies are the cause of the delays, but provides no time-frame for delivery. (MacRumors)

    As we reported yesterday it is system integration that is slowing the new Aluminum PowerBook 15-inch release as opposed to a specific problem with the processors not arriving in large enough numbers.

    A. The final assembly of the boxes were the main slow down. That caused the yields to be down on the number of machines that actually worked after leaving the assembly line. This was occurring about the same time as the SARS epidemic in Asia, so Apple did not require their employees to travel there. This also caused appreciable slow down in the production schedule.

    Q. When will we see that spiffy new G5 processor in PowerBooks? Some sites suggest that G5-based PowerBooks may be deliverable in early 2004.

    PowerBooks will go dual G4 first, then G5 once they figure our how to cool it, according to an internal product flowchart dated 9/5/03 obtained by the PowerPage.

    (again, I've added emphasis)

    My first thought when reading that "system integration" was the slowdown was "huh? --- wouldn't the HW be essentially the same as (current) 17" PowerBooks?". This made me think all the apparent time needed might imply something more than a G4. But now I dunno. It sure doesn't seem to me that engineering would be a problem after they are ready to assemble the damn things.

    When was the SARS outbreak happening: May/June, right? Or July?

    Anyway. Still vibrating for next week.
  • Reply 457 of 556
    I just had this weird suspicion of a dual G4 7455 PowerBook intro to make up for a lack of 7457's.

    Remeber when Apple intro'ed the dual Powermac's due to a lack of speed increase?


  • Reply 458 of 556
    Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe a single G5 produces the same heat (watts) than an equally rated (Mhz) G4, so I think O'Grady-Powerpage is making this stuff up. Also, going dual G4 before figuring out how to cool a single G5 just does not make sense.
  • Reply 459 of 556

    Originally posted by Bill M

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe a single G5 produces the same heat (watts) than an equally rated (Mhz) G4, so I think O'Grady-Powerpage is making this stuff up. Also, going dual G4 before figuring out how to cool a single G5 just does not make sense.

    I was thinking the same thing. Why would Apple spend time to try to figure out how to cool 2 shitty processors (G4s) when they could make us much happier by using one GREAT processor (G5)...That and Powerpage is full of $#!&. Weren't they one of the ones to say that Superdrives would not fit into a Powerbook back in November?
  • Reply 460 of 556
    Personally, I think if you can do dual G4s, you can do a single G5. Heat would be worse in the dual, but engineering would be easier, I would think. However, if chip supplies were an issue, a dual would make matters worse (to be fair, the dual G4 story meshes well with the assembly-as-reason-for-the-delay story). It may be a case of dueling scapegoats (chip supply probs put the blame on Mot; assembly problems lie at the feet of Apple) and/or spin control.

    Personally, I'm really skeptical of assembly issues, as they would have had all summer to deal with them. Likewise, they would have had all summer to engineer G5s in a PowerBook.

    I'm expecting only a minor speed bump and updated features, so anything above that will be a pleasant suprise. I think there will be something from out in left field next Tuesday, but it could be software instead of hardware.
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