Is the 15inch AlPB really coming soon?



  • Reply 461 of 556

    Originally posted by machem

    Personally, I'm really skeptical of assembly issues, as they would have had all summer to deal with them. Likewise, they would have had all summer to engineer G5s in a PowerBook.

    I have a feeling Apple went into the G5 project with the full intention of putting the G5 into a Powerbook soon after a Powermac. If I am correct, this would give them almost 1-2 years to engineer a cooling system and case design for the Powerbook G5. I have a feeling the aluminum enclosures are a step towards the G5 case redesign for the PB. I doubt that even Apple could redesign a mobo, cooling system, and case over the summer. If they did, they are absolute geniuses (not that they aren't already).

    But ultimately, I think Apple has had the intention of putting a G5 into a Powerbook for some time, and Joswiak said several months ago now not to expect a G5 in a Powerbook anytime soon...what that means who knows...but what do you expect "Well, we will have a G5 Powerbook out by the end of fall..." I think not.

    There is also the issue with the "phantom" supply of 1.2-1.4 Ghz G5s that were reported several months ago. Whether or not they exist or not...who knows. But if they do, it is very possible they were intended for the Powerbook. Combine that with the fact that the iMacs don't have 7457 chips, merely overclocked 7455s to 1.25 Ghz, and the fact that a 1.2 Ghz G5 has the same heat and power consumption as a 1 Ghz G4, and I think we have a strong case for a G5 Powerbook soon.

    The only thing that prevents me from believing my theory 100% is that Paris seems too small for such a big product announcement...then again..WWDC isn't a huge forum either, and Apple still successfully commanded a crap-load of media attention, and the fact the iMacs have 7455s not 7457 means that Apple may have reserved their limited quantities exclusively for the Powerbook line. In any case, I've said it before...I would be happy with a 1.3 Ghz 7457 G4 with 2MB L3 cache, backlit keyboard, FW800, BT, AE, in an Aluminum enclosure with a Radeon graphic card...but I would be MUCh happier (as I think we all would) with all that running along side a 64-bit G5.
  • Reply 462 of 556
    Todays build time for;

    12inch about a week

    17inch about a week

    15inch is 2-3 weeks

    Take from that what you like.
  • Reply 463 of 556

    Originally posted by Chopper3

    Todays build time for;

    12inch about a week

    17inch about a week

    15inch is 2-3 weeks

    Take from that what you like.

    Not at the Apple Store US. The United States online Apple Store has shown 3-5 days consistently now for the past month +/-

    By the way, last time there was a pending expo (*cough* WWDC), there was some "premature specification," a few nights before the Expo. Hope that happens again! Recently, during the iMac/iPod update, there was some problems with the upload of new graphics to the Apple Store, where REALLY old graphics were shown temporarily. Of course, the Store went down a few minutes later and those problems were fixed. I need to put some closure on this whole PowerBook situation. I'll probably look back upon this whole chapter as "what the **** was I thinking?"
  • Reply 464 of 556

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    Not at the Apple Store US. The United States online Apple Store has shown 3-5 days consistently now for the past month +/-

    Wrong - not to raise any hopes, but the 17" has consistently been same day, and just recently 1-3 days, and now it shows 3-5 days just like the 12" & 15".
  • Reply 465 of 556
    Wrong for the 17-inch, yes. I was meaning to speak to just 12- and 15-inch models.
  • Reply 466 of 556

    Originally posted by filmmaker2002

    I have a feeling Apple went into the G5 project with the full intention of putting the G5 into a Powerbook soon after a Powermac. If I am correct, this would give them almost 1-2 years to engineer a cooling system and case design for the Powerbook G5. I have a feeling the aluminum enclosures are a step towards the G5 case redesign for the PB. I doubt that even Apple could redesign a mobo, cooling system, and case over the summer. If they did, they are absolute geniuses (not that they aren't already).

    But ultimately, I think Apple has had the intention of putting a G5 into a Powerbook for some time, and Joswiak said several months ago now not to expect a G5 in a Powerbook anytime soon...what that means who knows...but what do you expect "Well, we will have a G5 Powerbook out by the end of fall..." I think not.

    There is also the issue with the "phantom" supply of 1.2-1.4 Ghz G5s that were reported several months ago. Whether or not they exist or not...who knows. But if they do, it is very possible they were intended for the Powerbook. Combine that with the fact that the iMacs don't have 7457 chips, merely overclocked 7455s to 1.25 Ghz, and the fact that a 1.2 Ghz G5 has the same heat and power consumption as a 1 Ghz G4, and I think we have a strong case for a G5 Powerbook soon.

    The only thing that prevents me from believing my theory 100% is that Paris seems too small for such a big product announcement...then again..WWDC isn't a huge forum either, and Apple still successfully commanded a crap-load of media attention, and the fact the iMacs have 7455s not 7457 means that Apple may have reserved their limited quantities exclusively for the Powerbook line. In any case, I've said it before...I would be happy with a 1.3 Ghz 7457 G4 with 2MB L3 cache, backlit keyboard, FW800, BT, AE, in an Aluminum enclosure with a Radeon graphic card...but I would be MUCh happier (as I think we all would) with all that running along side a 64-bit G5.

  • Reply 467 of 556
    I believe that Apple has alot of issues but one thing is certain!!!September 23 AMD will release a 64 bit processor and Alienware has a notebook ready for the release!Apple has been struggling along but they announced the FIRST 64 Bit Processor!!!! AS always they were first in the technology and along comes AMD,WINTEL to move in for more glory!!!!Hopefully Apple has seen the future and will be ready for a huge announcment in Paris and if not they will look pretty silly in the earlier statement "THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE LAPTOP" But I am new so maybe this is just there rutine business to set the stage for all others!
  • Reply 468 of 556

    Originally posted by dblegl

    I believe that Apple has alot of issues but one thing is certain!!!September 23 AMD will release a 64 bit processor and Alienware has a notebook ready for the release!Apple has been struggling along but they announced the FIRST 64 Bit Processor!!!! AS always they were first in the technology and along comes AMD,WINTEL to move in for more glory!!!!Hopefully Apple has seen the future and will be ready for a huge announcment in Paris and if not they will look pretty silly in the earlier statement "THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE LAPTOP" But I am new so maybe this is just there rutine business to set the stage for all others!

    Here's the specs


    1.7Ghz (equiv. to 1.5Ghz G5)

    Blah blah

    8.5 lbs. (10.6lbs. with 17")

    Almost 2hrs. batt. life!

    P.S. Year Of The Laptop = Skyrocketing laptop sales percentage, not fast 'Books.

    P.S.S. Are you Manic Devlin?
  • Reply 469 of 556
    Read this next line very carefully.

  • Reply 470 of 556
    what's up with those posts. they don't make any sense to me.

    and hasn't apple already told resellers that new powerbooks will be out and shipping next week, so why are people taking powerpage seriously?

    the info from powerpage seems incoherent and totally out of it. it's almost as if they're intentionally starting farfetched no new powerbooks rumor to keep people guessing and (probably more likely reason) to drive people to their site.
  • Reply 471 of 556

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    Read this next line very carefully.


    Wow, are you Steve Jobs? How can you be so sure...

    I love how people are so sure about the idea that there might not be Powerbook G5 at Paris, but those of us holding out hope have evidence and common sense to back up our claims. We aren't saying there WILL be G5 Powerbooks at Paris, we are simply saying the possibility is there. If you have no valid evidence to back up your claim...then don't ruin the rest of our optimism. I hope they Apple get's G5 Powerbooks if only to prove everyone wrong who said they can't do it. But who knows...only Apple. I just need a damn Powerbook.
  • Reply 472 of 556
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by filmmaker2002

    I love how people are so sure about the idea that there might not be Powerbook G5 at Paris, but those of us holding out hope have evidence and common sense to back up our claims. We aren't saying there WILL be G5 Powerbooks at Paris, we are simply saying the possibility is there. If you have no valid evidence to back up your claim...then don't ruin the rest of our optimism. I hope they Apple get's G5 Powerbooks if only to prove everyone wrong who said they can't do it. But who knows...only Apple. I just need a damn Powerbook.

    I'll have a big laugh if it happens, but I don't think it will either. The only thing that makes me think it might, is the seemingly long delay there has been in getting a 15" AlBook on the market. Steve Jobs loves surprises.
  • Reply 473 of 556
    Hi there all.

    After the new 15" failed to surface in late August (was it the 24th?), I decided I couldn't wait any longer and ordered a TiBook, which turned up two days later. Last week, after only 2 weeks it started to develop noticeable brighter areas on the display. I sent it to the local service shop last week. When I rang them this morning they said that the laptop would be returned to Apple and that I will be getting a new one, which is nice.

    He said however that they are not expecting to get one before the end of the month.

    Hmmm. Sucks that I have to wait, but this could be a good thing...

    -> bdc

    Sydney, Australia
  • Reply 474 of 556
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member

    Originally posted by filmmaker2002

    I love how people are so sure about the idea that there might not be Powerbook G5 at Paris, but those of us holding out hope have evidence and common sense to back up our claims.

    Hmmm. Sorry, evidence and common sense back up the claims of a Powerbook G5 arriving sometime in mid-2004.

    Absolutely zero evidence and common sense supports a PowerBook g5 in less than a week.

    It really doesn't take a genius to figure this out. The G5 chip -- as it is right now -- will simply not fit quietly into an 1" enclosure.
  • Reply 475 of 556

    Originally posted by Hobbes

    Hmmm. Sorry, evidence and common sense back up the claims of a Powerbook G5 arriving sometime in mid-2004.

    Absolutely zero evidence and common sense supports a PowerBook g5 in less than a week.

    It really doesn't take a genius to figure this out. The G5 chip -- as it is right now -- will simply not fit quietly into an 1" enclosure.

    If Apple can throw a 1.25 Ghz 7455 Moto chip in there, they can sure as hell put a 1.2 Ghz G5 into a Powerbook enclosure. Less heat, less power consumption..same size. Hell, they probably even have 20,000 1.2-1.4 Ghz G5s lying around too. All I'm saying is, never underestimate Apple. They have done things before that we thought weren't possible at the time, who's to say they won't do it next week.
  • Reply 476 of 556
    OK, so now our favorite site has confirmed G4 PowerBooks next week. You will excuse me if I don't believe it 100%. Maybe 51%.

    So, will more sites fall all over themselves to back this up? Looking back over the past few days, there has been a ton of information, but almost none of it is in agreement.

    Whatever I order on Tuesday, I just pray it ships immediately.
  • Reply 477 of 556
    Well that puts a nail in my argument. Ok, now the question is whether to buy a top of the line 15" 7457 Powerbook, or hold on to my iBook 800 and wait for the G5. Hmmmmm, decisions decisions.
  • Reply 478 of 556
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    Here is a pic of the G5 chip and heatsink. Like to see them stuff that in 1" thick frame...

    Stolen from MacArs thread..
  • Reply 479 of 556

    Originally posted by Bigc

    Here is a pic of the G5 chip and heatsink. Like to see them stuff that in 1" thick frame...

    Stolen from MacArs thread..

    Uh...that's for a G5 running at 1.8 Ghz. It is a FACT that a G5 running at 1.2 Ghz dissipates = or less heat than a 7455 G4 (ya know...the one's CURRENTLY in that 1" frame) and also uses less power.
  • Reply 480 of 556
    I have NO problem buying a Powerbook G4 if it is a 7457 G4 running at 1.3 Ghz, with 512KB L2 and 2MB L3 cache with a Radeon graphics card, backlit keybaord, AE, BT, FW800, the works...but it better be at the same price point or I am just gonna pass and wait for the G5. Sorry, just had to throw that out there...
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