Is the 15inch AlPB really coming soon?



  • Reply 521 of 556

    Originally posted by pscates

    Part of me, however, kinda digs the idea of staying "in the dark" and waking at my normal time and opening a new window in Safari (Apple is set as my default homepage), covering my eyes and slowly peeking through my fingers a little at a time to see what has taken place overnight.

    I'm thinking of doing that too! But, like you said, if I happen to awaken in the middle of the night around that time, I will pop-in definitely to see what's up on
  • Reply 522 of 556

    Originally posted by pscates

    Part of me, however, kinda digs the idea of staying "in the dark" and waking at my normal time and opening a new window in Safari (Apple is set as my default homepage), covering my eyes and slowly peeking through my fingers a little at a time to see what has taken place overnight.

    I thought I was the only one who did that ?
  • Reply 523 of 556

    Originally posted by ethar

    Yeah, it will. I can definitely stay up until 1AM Monday night / Tuesday morning

    All right, so technically the Paris Keynote Address will occur 1AM (U.S. West Coast), Tuesday September 17th, yes?
  • Reply 524 of 556

    Originally posted by C-Bear

    All right, so technically the Paris Keynote Address will occur 1AM (U.S. West Coast), Tuesday September 17th, yes?

    01:00 US West Coast - Tuesday September 16
  • Reply 525 of 556
    smirclesmircle Posts: 1,035member
    Heh, I'm in the same time zone as Paris, so I'll arrive at work, do some stuff and then keep reloading news sites. With some luck (Powerbook G5), I'll be one of the first to hit the "buy now" button.
  • Reply 526 of 556 now says


    Steve Jobs will be giving the keynote address at 10 a.m. CET (3 a.m. EDT)

    that makes it midnight pacific time.

    is that a typo or is that the real time?

    they also imply that the 12 inch PowerBooks will not have illuminated keyboards. I really want that feature!!! It's pointless for Apple to cripple the 12 inch. I currently have a 15 inch PB, and I don't need the big screen size, I prefer portability, so I'm getting the 12 inch regardless. They should just put illuminated keyboard across the board on all portable machines
  • Reply 527 of 556

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    I'll get up for it and watch it...have my dad's credit card in hand and refreshing and whatever site is giving a play by play update of what is going on (anyone know if any site is doing this?)

    If you give me your dad's credit card, I'll do a personal live update just for you on iChat AV
  • Reply 528 of 556

    Originally posted by popmetal

    ...they also imply that the 12 inch PowerBooks will not have illuminated keyboards. I really want that feature!!! It's pointless for Apple to cripple the 12 inch. I currently have a 15 inch PB, and I don't need the big screen size, I prefer portability, so I'm getting the 12 inch regardless. They should just put illuminated keyboard across the board on all portable machines

    I like the illuminated keyboard and hope it will be in the 15" Al PB I'm planning on getting. I understand it has enormous coolness factor. However, as a practical matter, for those of you who have the 17" Al PB, is it really much different from using one of those little USB powered fly lights?
  • Reply 529 of 556
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by philby

    If you give me your dad's credit card, I'll do a personal live update just for you on iChat AV

    ok.. xxxx-xxxx-0x0x you can figure out the rest so these others don't get it
  • Reply 530 of 556

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    ok.. xxxx-xxxx-0x0x you can figure out the rest so these others don't get it

    Got it!
  • Reply 531 of 556
    2003....Year of the Delayed Laptop
  • Reply 532 of 556

    Originally posted by popmetal

    they also imply that the 12 inch PowerBooks will not have illuminated keyboards. I really want that feature!!! It's pointless for Apple to cripple the 12 inch. I currently have a 15 inch PB, and I don't need the big screen size, I prefer portability, so I'm getting the 12 inch regardless. They should just put illuminated keyboard across the board on all portable machines

    Apple is not crippling the PowerBook 12", IMHO. For most intents and purposes, it is an iBook G4 (iBook G4 wanters, read this too):

    * It costs only $100 more then the 14" model

    * It has the same memory layout as the iBook (128MB soldered, 640MB max)

    * Except for the Aluminium, it looks and feels like an iBook

    * iBelieve it has the same speakers too

    * It has no L3 cache, like the iBook

    * I bet it has the same screen as the iBook 12"

    * Same latch too, I think

    * VGA port

    * It has no time battery, like the iBook

    I don't think the PowerBook 12" was deliberately crippled by Apple; it was a bit of a rush job, and because of the Aluminium, G4, price, and optional SuperDrive they called it a PowerBook.
  • Reply 533 of 556
    that's true, but at the same time, they did change the keyboard on the 12 inch to match the aluminum color. wouldn't it have been easier to design one new keyboard and use it on the 17 and on the 12? Apple instead went out of it's way to make a grey keyboard without the ambient light sensors for the 12 inch.
  • Reply 534 of 556
    I'll go out on a limb here and predict the 12" has DVI and an upated board to handle the same processors as the 17 and 15 TonkaBook.

    It's gonna be a long weekend!
  • Reply 535 of 556

    Originally posted by Bill M

    01:00 US West Coast - Tuesday September 16

    (C-Bear checks calendar, realizes his mistake) Uh, yeah, that's what I meant. Must've hit the wrong key?
  • Reply 536 of 556
    This is an interesting, yet amusing thread for anyone who wants to check it out.
  • Reply 537 of 556
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Certainly interesting, and fun to read. But I don't think I'm quite ready to roll everything in to astrological-based Mac rumor predictions.

    Still though...

    That leads me to a question: for those of us anxiously waiting for updated PowerBooks, how would you react to this scenario:

    - PowerBooks announced, G5-based(!)...BUT, not shipping until mid-November (which, as we all know, is Apple code for "early 2004").

    Would you wait it out, now KNOWING one is coming. Or would your life/work/school needs require you to get whatever is available now (no Rev. B 12" and 17", mind you...same models/specs that are available today).

    Wow, what a dilemma (did I spell that right?). For goons such as myself, I could easily wait since I have this nice iMac and my job or school situation doesn't require that I own a laptop. But those of you who do, that would be tough.

    I don't see how PowerBooks COULDN'T me announced in Paris. People are absolutely near the breaking point in many cases (ahem...) and after WWDC, Seybold and a few prime "standalone announcement" opportunities, if Paris doesn't'll be a bloodbath, I tell ya!

  • Reply 538 of 556
    I have a Rev A 400Mhz TiBook and I'll gladly wait it out for a G5 PB. But I think that the new PowerBooks are gonna be G4.
  • Reply 539 of 556

    Originally posted by pscates

    Still though...

    That leads me to a question: for those of us anxiously waiting for updated PowerBooks, how would you react to this scenario:

    - PowerBooks announced, G5-based(!)...BUT, not shipping until mid-November (which, as we all know, is Apple code for "early 2004").

    that would be PERFECT! exactly what I need.
  • Reply 540 of 556
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yeah, I do too...don't get me wrong. I was just throwing out a fun "what if" question.

    I'd absolutely faint if the new PowerBooks weren't G4s!
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