Who is buying a new PowerBook?



  • Reply 201 of 336
    Ordered Yesterday:

    15" Combo w/:

    Airport Card

    10GB iPod

    BT Mouse

    That should replace my aging 333mhz iMac nicely.

  • Reply 202 of 336
    Well...I should be announcing that my 15" Al has shipped, but...the fraud dept. for my credit card called and wanted to ensure that I had made the purchase. Apparently Apple attempted to make the transaction yesterday but the credit card company put a hold on it \. I guess that's a good thing, better safe than sorry. So now that I have cleared it up with the credit card company, I have to contact Apple's payment dept. to tell them to push the charge through again...

    On the positive side, it looks like my 15" Al, 1.25 GHz, 80GB-5400rpm, SuperDrive, etc. is ready to ship .
  • Reply 203 of 336
    I'm still waiting for my friggin 12" PowerBook with Extra RAM and an Airport Extreme card.

    I ordered as soon as Stevie announced it and the build time was 6-8 days - which was mad anyway as he said they were available that DAY. Anyway, so I've been waiting and waiting - then get an email saying it's delayed until October 3rd!

    NOT GOOD ENOUGH! Especially considering they've already taken the money off my card. They've got my money, and I now want my POWERBOOK!

    Just tried phoning Apple - and was on hold for at least half an hour - gave up, will try after lunch hopefully when everyone is back in an office working.

    It's mad. They really need to sort out their production of products and deliveries.

    Has anyone else had delivery of their 12"? Or any news? Anything at all?
  • Reply 204 of 336
    Umm, Noodles,

    The 12" PBs weren't available that day. In fact, ole Stevo said it was going to take a month for the updated 12" to be released. Only the 15" and 17" were immediately available.
  • Reply 205 of 336
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    They never were to be immediately available. Like, take a chill pill dude.

    Personally, I am thrilled with the delayed delivery.

    /me rubs 867MHz 12" PB lovingly... (you are still the best available 12" PowerBook, sweetheart..)

  • Reply 206 of 336
    Noodles is right. In the Paris keynote, Steve said the 12-inchers were "available today." Apple's official release said "later this month," but Steve said "today."

    What he meant by "available" is up for debate, of course.
  • Reply 207 of 336
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    You are right. I just skimmed the Keynote, and he did say that it was available "today". The online store did only have "available now" (or whatever it was) under the 15" and 17" models.
  • Reply 208 of 336

    Originally posted by murbot

    You are right. I just skimmed the Keynote, and he did say that it was available "today". The online store did only have "available now" (or whatever it was) under the 15" and 17" models.

    "availabel now" does not mean that you will get it any faster. I placed my order and I received an email that my 15"PB shipped on Sept 23rd. It was to be shipped 2nd day. I just called Airborne again and they still have not received it. Something to do with DHL/Airborne merger. They told me that it should be here by the end of the week but no guarantee.

    I cannot wait to get mine but the excitment is fading fast. Especially, after reading about all of the possible problems with the damn thing.

    I guess I just have to wait and see.

  • Reply 209 of 336
    Dang it all , I just got bumped a week...now 10/6/03...debating on whether to wait or cancel...local store has a couple...probably go down to check them out...I can always upgrade the drive and memory later...
  • Reply 210 of 336
    Upgrading the memory is no big deal, but from what I have read, upgrading the hard drive on the new albooks is another story. The guy at the Durham NC apple store said it voids the warrantee. If you know you want to upgrade it for sure, you may just want to let the order be. If they wait long enough to send it, you may wind up with panther for free.
  • Reply 211 of 336
    What are these"white anomalies", smudge marks , whatever. I'm going to be out of town when my albook 15 arrives and I need to know what to tell my girlfriend to look for to make sure everything's cool.

    Is the aluminum casing painted or eau naturale? I hated the way apple took the perfectly wonderful titanium and painted it. Why?
  • Reply 212 of 336

    Originally posted by Infoseeker

    Dang it all , I just got bumped a week...now 10/6/03...debating on whether to wait or cancel...local store has a couple...probably go down to check them out...I can always upgrade the drive and memory later...

    If you get one at the store... right after you pay for it... open it and check it out, in case you need to exchange it.
  • Reply 213 of 336
    DJ G,

    The aluminum is not painted.

    The white marks are areas on the LCD where light shines through brighter than the rest of the screen. I guess they're apparent on a white background.
  • Reply 214 of 336

    just wanted to thank everyone on the reviews they posted about the new powerbooks, It really helped a "switcher".

    I'm currently on a PC Desktop and wainting for my new 15-inch Powerbook to arrive at my university computer store.

    The salesman told me that 5x 15" came in last friday and that mine should be there in a week.

    Keeping my finger crossed. Hope that's true.
  • Reply 215 of 336
    DJ G and lsngctrl, thanks for the feedback...my wife wants me to wait, and true, if it takes Apple long enough, I might get Panther included....

    Guess it's time to leave the Apple order status area alone for a while...
  • Reply 216 of 336
    Purchasing 15" Al PB, 5400 RPM drive, memory in one slot.

    Originally scheduled to ship on or before 9/29. Just got an email it is delayed till 10/6.

    Good news - bad news. I hate the extra wait but if this tends to mean I get one without flaws it is OK by me.
  • Reply 217 of 336
    I phone TNT on Saturday to see if my tracking number had come through and they said they *still* hadn't been given my package.

    I was off work yesterday so I asked to speak to the supervisor at Apple After-Sales. She didn't seem at all bothered about how long they'd made me wait and didn't even make a token apology. But she |*did* say that TNT had picked the package up in the early hours of Monday morning (despite them telling me On Friday morning that it had been picked up and would be with me Monday). I was actually given a TNT consignment number this time so my anger was subdued - at least it's on the way now, I thought.

    So I try to track my order but the number isn't recognised - that's ok because it takes a while to come through. So my wife phones TNT to get an idea of delivery time this morning and surprise surpirse they still haven't been given the package.

    I have no idea whether the aupervisor just made up the number or what but TNT checked under the consignment number, the apple order number, under my name and postcode. They even spoke to the guy on the delivery truck.... nothing.

    Now I have an extension number for the supervisor so I phone her up again. Had to wait 20 minutes still - just to be put through. She's on a break....... 9.30 and she's already on a break.

    So I'm less polite now and tell them that I expect her to call me back as soon as she gets back from her 15 minute break.....

    Naturally I'm still waiting.

    To phone back and clog my line or wait....... decisions decisions...
  • Reply 218 of 336
    I hope all you gals & guys in waiting get your bundles of happy goodness really soon....

    Unfort it looks like I am out of the buying circle now
  • Reply 219 of 336

    Originally posted by 666

    this is gonna be the longest 2 weex of my life!

    good to hear it runz games alright! I'll be able 2 rock multiplayer Medal of Honour with my manager when touring. Airport 4 eva!

    i swear you sound like the 666 from mono.net

    anyways, i just ordered my 12" 768mb, 60gb, aiportX combo. and yeh, the next 3 weeks or whatever is gonna suck.
  • Reply 220 of 336
    Just a word of warning for all UK (and Europe?) people waiting on their deliveries. Apple is telling everyone they can track their TNT package using the 800 apple delivery number.

    I've just spoken to TNT... again.... and they're sounding pretty annoyed that apple customers keep phoning up with their 800 numbers trying to track. Apple once again giving out completely incorrect info, just like they seem incapable of handing a box over to TNT within a 2 week period....


    Anyway, just thought I'd let you know in case you were planning on trying. Ignore what Apple say, you can't do it.
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