Official MLB Championship Series Topic



  • Reply 61 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    It's called icing down players and distraction. Batters do it to pitchers, and vice versa. They do it to kickers in football. To date your biggest defense of your precious Dodger fan comrades has been the murder of a Giants fan. Clearly I have more points than you.
  • Reply 62 of 210
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    It's called icing down players and distraction. Batters do it to pitchers, and vice versa. They do it to kickers in football.

    so "batters do it to pitchers and vice versa"?...I guess they don't need beach balls to do that do they? Is that the best you can do? Icing? Would that be called "double icing" when a beach ball falls onto the field and game is stopped for like...err..10 seconds? Are you serious? LMAO I made TWO simple and easy requests, and you give me this ?


    Posted by Eugene: To date your biggest defense of your precious Dodger fan comrades has been the murder of a Giants fan. Clearly I have more points than you.

    I find it hilarious that you want to start this again. For weeks you have been waiting for this special "opening" to start this again....and this is the best you can do???? You didn't reply to my last post on the other thread, so why start this here?

    By the way, I did give you another account complete with link about Giants fans ripping off an entire back of bleachers at Dodger Stadium. In your desperation you made up stuff like "I'm betting it's Dodger fans that effectively looted the Anaheim stadium after the series ended." Where's the proof? Where are the witnesses? Can you back this up with something? anything? Of course not. Try again little bandwaggoning battery chucker.

  • Reply 63 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    By the way, I did give you another account complete with link about Giants fans ripping off an entire back of bleachers at Dodger Stadium. In your desperation you made up stuff like "I'm betting it's Dodger fans that effectively looted the Anaheim stadium after the series ended." Where's the proof? Where are the witnesses? Can you back this up with something? anything? Of course not. Try again little bandwaggoning battery chucker.

    I brought it up because you seem to have an aversion to factual information. You're blinded by your Dodger fanaticism, to the point of defending people who don't deserve your efforts, and munging up something as serious as a murder account.

    You ask for photos while you don't provide them yourself. That proof you provided included no photo. Way to be a hypocrite. Again, that was at Dodger stadium, an out of control facility. I like how bagu came in lambasting the fans at Game 1 of the NLDS...then I post a photo from the bleacher section showing kids, grandpas, families, etc. and he quietly goes away. The difference is in how the tickets are sold. Even the bleachers are sold out to season ticket holders for nearly every game at Pac Bell. At the Ravine, they don't sell out the place as much. You get the beachball wielding, paper airplane making yahoos.

    I mention rowdy Dodger fans, and you take it personal. You go spouting off about the entire Giants organization. Just look at the messageboard vs board. On one board they talk about the Giants. On the other board, they also talk about the Giants.

    You keep defending indefensible stuff like throwing beachballs and crap onto the field. Why?

    EDIT: And yes, it takes more than 10 seconds for Kenny Lofton to run all the way to the warning track, which is 434 feet deep in center field at Pro Player, step on a beach ball, and run to a grounds crewmember to hand it over. It takes time. Lofton is fast...he plays shallow. He gets distracted and so edge taken off. In today's game they threw multiple beachballs onto the field at once to delay the game long enough to piss off the radio announcers.
  • Reply 64 of 210
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    [B]You ask for photos while you don't provide them yourself. That proof you provided included no photo. Way to be a hypocrite. Again, that was at Dodger stadium, an out of control facility. I like how bagu came in lambasting the fans at Game 1 of the NLDS...then I post a photo from the bleacher section showing kids, grandpas, families, etc. and he quietly goes away. The difference is in how the tickets are sold. Even the bleachers are sold out to season ticket holders for nearly every game at Pac Bell. At the Ravine, they don't sell out the place as much. You get the beachball wielding, paper airplane making yahoos.

    Can you quote me where I actually ask for PHOTOS? You're being silly now. Funny that you call me a hypocrite when it was you who stooped low enough to actually say that it was Dodgers fans who looted Edison Field after the series was over. Or don't you remember that now? lol. And to say Dodger Stadium is an out of control facility is just plain stupid. Are you going on record saying that families don't go to the bleachers at Dodger Stadium? If you have something to say to bagu, say it to him or her, not me.

    By the way, giving you the benefit of the doubt since Pacbell is such a tiny old is Pacbell? Are you gonna discard the rich history of that hell hole that was Candlestick Park? I'd rather have the "beachball wielding paper airplane making yahoos"( oooh, such scary people!) than the battery chuckers.


    I mention rowdy Dodger fans, and you take it personal. You go spouting off about the entire Giants organization. Just look at the messageboard vs board. On one board they talk about the Giants. On the other board, they also talk about the Giants.

    No, you're just talking out of your @ss with no factual evidence. That's why I got involved. I didn't say anything about the Giants organization...CAN YOU PROVIDE A QUOTE OF ME ATTACKING THE GIANTS ORGANIZATION? The battery chucking fans and the shithole that Candlestick Park was are a different matter. Funny that you accuse me of taking this personal when it was you who re-started the discussion in a different thread(this one) out of the blue 2 weeks later. You had your chance on the other thread, but you never replied. Weak.


    You keep defending indefensible stuff like throwing beachballs and crap onto the field. Why?

    How lame. I'm not defending fans throwing anything onto the field. I was arguing how that does not make them the hooligans you are so struggling to portray them as.


    EDIT: And yes, it takes more than 10 seconds for Kenny Lofton to run all the way to the warning track, which is 434 feet deep in center field at Pro Player, step on a beach ball, and run to a grounds crewmember to hand it over. It takes time. Lofton is fast...he plays shallow. He gets distracted and so edge taken off. In today's game they threw multiple beachballs onto the field at once to delay the game long enough to piss off the radio announcers.

    LOL how dense are you. That's the best you could come up with in 2 weeks?
  • Reply 65 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    By the way, giving you the benefit of the doubt since Pacbell is such a tiny old is Pacbell? Are you gonna discard the rich history of that hell hole that was Candlestick Park? I'd rather have the "beachball wielding paper airplane making yahoos"( oooh, such scary people!) than the battery chuckers.

    Candlestick is in the past, just like the Ravine will be in the past once FOX finalizes the sale of the Dodgers to a group that cares. And you keep referring to SF battery chuckers? Go out to left field at the Ravine sometime.


    No, you're just talking out of your @ss with no factual evidence. That's why I got involved. I didn't say anything about the Giants organization...CAN YOU PROVIDE A QUOTE OF ME ATTACKING THE GIANTS ORGANIZATION? The battery chucking fans and the shithole that Candlestick Park was are a different matter.


    Yeah, right there.


    Funny that you accuse me of taking this personal when it was you who re-started the discussion in a different thread(this one) out of the blue 2 weeks later. You had your chance on the other thread, but you never replied. Weak.

    You took the original statement personal and elevated it. Now you're doing the same to applenut and nobody here seems to have their facts straight. You know the grounds crew guy in the Yankee bullpen? Apparently he started a similar fracas in 1999 with such bush league antics. The fact is, the Sox have been Bush League all the way. Manny Ramirez hitting a home run then tip-toeing to first base while screaming and pointing at his dugout. Derrick Lowe pumping his fist around his crotch area right at the As dugout. You know, after Singleton sent off Damon in the ambulance. Then here comes Pedro, hitting Garcia on-purpose, then pointing to Posada and wanting to hit him too. Then Clemens throws a ball up right over the plate which Manny decides was right at him...The Pedro throws a 72 year old man with a broken body to the ground when all he had to do was stand there and maybe grab him.


    How lame. I'm not defending fans throwing anything onto the field. I was arguing how that does not make them the hooligans you are so struggling to portray them as.

    No, it doesn't explicitly make them hooligans. But most of them satisfy that account anyway.


    LOL how dense are you. That's the best you could come up with in 2 weeks?

    It's a fact you seem to deny.
  • Reply 66 of 210
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Eugene The more Dodgers fans deny that Chavez Ravine has turned into an absolute shithole in the last half decade, the worse it will get. It even happened in the World Series last year. I'm betting it's Dodger fans that effectively looted the Anaheim stadium after the series ended.

    Known as the cleanest park in the majors, Dodger Stadium is repainted every off-season.The stadium boasts beautiful views of downtown Los Angeles to the south, and the San Gabriel Mountains off in the distance.

    The Dodgers take great pride in the look -- and the almost obsessive cleanliness -- of their summer playground. The concourses of Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park are old, dingy reminders of baseball past. The corridors of Dodger Stadium are colorful, freshly-painted hallways, with floors so clean you could eat off them.


    It also has the reputation of being the cleanest ballpark in baseball: it is scrupulously scrubbed down after every home game, and the entire stadium is repainted during every off season.

    Now do us all a favor and stop talking out of your @ss Eugene.
  • Reply 67 of 210
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Actually, there's a new concourse at Fenway Park. I saw it for the first time on Saturday.

    The new Red Sox owners have done a lot of work to make Fenway a better place. The seats on the Green Monster, the new concourse, improvements of Yawkey Way, etc.

    For next year, they plan on putting seats, basically another deck, on top of the right field grandstand as well as taking out the '600 Club' which was a John Harrington abomination in favor of actual seats.

    Of course, Fenway Park is a very old ballpark. The other renovations they are planning (ones to current seating areas) will have to take place in sections and be mainly done during the offseason, kind of like what they did to Yankee Stadium to bring it up to par.
  • Reply 68 of 210
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Candlestick is in the past, just like the Ravine will be in the past once FOX finalizes the sale of the Dodgers to a group that cares. And you keep referring to SF battery chuckers? Go out to left field at the Ravine sometime.

    Lame attempt. SF Giants fans= battery chuckers. Learn to deal with it. I am still waiting for you to quote me directly attacking the Giants organization.


    Originally posted by Eugene

    blah blah blah blah blah about the Red Sox

    I wasn't talking to you about the Red Sox...wanna tell the Sox fans that you think they're bush league? Tell it to them, not me.


    No, it doesn't explicitly make them hooligans. But most of them satisfy that account anyway.

    You realize how stupid you're sounding now? I guess you've never been to Dodger Stadium.More talk out of your @ss. Obviously that is the best you can do. You bring back a discussion from another thread and STILL, 2 weeks later, can't back anything up.

    5,000 posts and that's the best you can do?
  • Reply 69 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Who said anything about the maintenance? It's the atmosphere. Yankee Stadium, Fenway Park and Dodger Stadium are probably the three most hostile parks in the major leagues now that Veteran's has been mothballed. You know those Dodger fans, the ones that booed Sheffield all night when he was in Dodger Blue. They booed and tossed shit at him when he made a fantastic catch against the wall. They booed him when he drew a walk. They finally cheered when he hit a homerun. Fickle. Disgraceful. Up here we chant "Beat LA." Down there they chant "Barry Sucks!" It's a different mindset.

    I've sat in the yellow seats at Dodger Stadium, they're old and rickety. They're warped. The design of the park is outmoded. It's one of the last remaining parks from the baseball "middle-ages" Who cares if it's clean? Candlestick was clean too, that didn't make it a nice place to watch/play baseball.

    A lot of people seem to share your attitude toward the stadium. Let it go. I guarantee you'll forget about the shithole after LA builds a new that's actually accessible. One with a security staff that actually arrests people. One that doesn't put out APBs on Giants fans based on misinformation.
  • Reply 70 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Lame attempt. SF Giants fans= battery chuckers. Learn to deal with it. I am still waiting for you to quote me directly attacking the Giants organization.

    You were ecstatic when the lost, weren't you? And like I said, the only "battery chuckers" remaining would be LA locals.


    I wasn't talking to you about the Red Sox...wanna tell the Sox fans that you think they're bush league? Tell it to them, not me.

    Why shouldn't I? You're about as wrong about them as you are about the "battery chuckers."


    You realize how stupid you're sounding now? I guess you've never been to Dodger Stadium.More talk out of your @ss. Obviously that is the best you can do. You bring back a discussion from another thread and STILL, 2 weeks later, can't back anything up.

    5,000 posts and that's the best you can do?

    I backed it up. You ignored it. I searched for the ESPN article + photo slideshow that focused entirely on the hooliganism at Edison Field last October, but alas, that article is yet to be found. The author EXPLICITLY mentions unruly Dodger fans in attendance.
  • Reply 71 of 210
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    You were ecstatic when the lost, weren't you? And like I said, the only "battery chuckers" remaining would be LA locals.

    Why shouldn't I? You're about as wrong about them as you are about the "battery chuckers."

    I backed it up. You ignored it. I searched for the ESPN article + photo slideshow that focused entirely on the hooliganism at Edison Field last October, but alas, that article is yet to be found. The author EXPLICITLY mentions unruly Dodger fans in attendance.

    Wrong, you didn't back it up like you never back anything up. You said that and run not to post again.LMAO Go to the thread where we were having the conversation that you so fell compelled to revive in this thread.

    SHOW US WHERE YOU BACKED IT UP. It's about time you stopped making $hit up. It only makes you seem more like an idiot.

    Give it up Eugene. You called Dodger Stadium a shithole, and you were proven wrong. There's hundreds of links to prove you wrong. You're just a new bitter bandwaggoning Giants fan with nothing of relevance to say.

    I LAUGH at your latest "creation".

    Originally posted by a very bitter Eugene A lot of people seem to share your attitude toward the stadium. Let it go. I guarantee you'll forget about the shithole after LA builds a new that's actually accessible. One with a security staff that actually arrests people. One that doesn't put out APBs on Giants fans based on misinformation.

    LMAO. Don't go popping a vein now. Dodger Stadium is so inaccesible? Riiiight. That only proves that you've never been there. Time to stop whining Eugene.
  • Reply 72 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Wrong, you didn't back it up like you never back anything up. You said that and run not to post again.LMAO Go to the thread where we were having the conversation that you so fell compelled to revive in this thread.

    SHOW US WHERE YOU BACKED IT UP. It's about time you stopped making $hit up. It only makes you seem more like an idiot.

    Give it up Eugene. You called Dodger Stadium a shithole, and you were proven wrong. There's hundreds of links to prove you wrong. You're just a new bitter bandwaggoning Giants fan with nothing of relevance to say.

    I LAUGH at your latest "creation".

    Dodger Stadium belongs where all stadium built in the 1960s-70s belongs, as a pile of rubble in a landfill. Veteran's, Olympic, Shea, even Busch stadium. But still, the main issue is the hooliganism, or more to the point the complete lack of law enforcement in the stadium. It's almost as if the organization wants to shed bad light on the stadium to get the hell out of there. Why do you think The Dodgers have moved on to their second new owner in 5 years? It's like the lack of control exhibited at New Comiskey this year. The security just isn't doing its job. To an extent, I agree with what the Yankees front office had to say yesterday. Some ballparks seem to promote lawlessness. Everybody knows which facilities those are. Thankfully, one of them is being gutted and dismantled as we debate.


    LMAO. Don't go popping a vein now. Dodger Stadium is so inaccesible? Riiiight. That only proves that you've never been there. Time to stop whining Eugene.

    You're going as far as to deny this now? That's real comedy. It doesn't matter whether you're coming from 101 or 110 or surface streets, eventually it all funnels into a pair of roads that trickles into the huge parking lot. The games usually start around 7:00 so, it's right around rush hour. There's no viable public transportation to speak of that takes you there. Just WTF are you talking about?

    Compare that to Pac Bell, where you can take the Caltrain which spits you out 2 blocks from the stadium, BART, which is 4 blocks from the stadium, bus service, ferry service. Hell, even the Oakland Coliseum has a BART station right there, with an elevated causeway with a dedicated entrance. Compare it to Petco Park, which will be an awesome ballpark. You gotta wonder what the hold-up is with LA.

    Just look at the NL West:

    Dodger Stadium: opened in 1962

    Coors Field: opened in 1995

    Bank One Ballpark: opened in 1998

    Pac Bell Park: opened in 2000

    Petco Park: opens this coming season

    There's something wrong with this picture.
  • Reply 73 of 210
    jobjob Posts: 420member
    wow, we really seem to have strayed from the original topic.

    petty arguments and name-calling...

    what has this thread come to?
  • Reply 74 of 210
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Zimmer has just done an interview where he really goes off on Pedro. Much different than the sucky apology on TV where he cries like a little girl. He doesn't pull any punches with this one.


    "I said I'm sorry, but the only thing I'm sorry about is that I didn't knock that skinny little SOB's butt clear into the Charles River. And I would have done it, too, if he hadn't caught me off guard and tripped me. I was expecting him to put up his dukes and fight like a real man would do in that situation and instead he pulls some shifty little move you wouldn't expect from a 10-year-old girl or even Bill Lee.

    Read the full interview here.

  • Reply 75 of 210
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    thats a gem...

    too bad he didnt really say it \
  • Reply 76 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
  • Reply 77 of 210
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    What a ****ing joke. If Pedro sidesteps out of the way quickly, that headline would read "Pansy Pedro runs from Grandpa Yankee like a girl".

    He's lucky he didn't get his face busted in, the old retard.
  • Reply 78 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Yeah, it's the NY Post.

    I'm sure Rush's take would be: "Black man in gang colors assaults baseball loving community grandpa."
  • Reply 79 of 210
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    But still, the main issue is the hooliganism, or more to the point the complete lack of law enforcement in the stadium. It's almost as if the organization wants to shed bad light on the stadium to get the hell out of there. Why do you think The Dodgers have moved on to their second new owner in 5 years?


    B) So you're saying that the Dodgers organization is purposely not providing enough security at the stadium to "get out of there"? Are you retarded? in case you didn't know, the team owns the stadium.

    c) You're saying that the O'Malleys and FOX sold the club because of lack of law enforcing? LMAO. You really are retarded. Yeah, I'm sure potentially damaging legal implications are not taken into account there.

    d) If you're right, and the lack of law enforcement were a problem...CAN YOU POST ANY LINKS TO ARTICLES ABOUT IT besides the one about Giants fans shooting each other in the parking lot?? I mean, if it's as bad as you make it out to be there should be TONS of articles about that all over the web.


    You're going as far as to deny this now? That's real comedy. It doesn't matter whether you're coming from 101 or 110 or surface streets, eventually it all funnels into a pair of roads that trickles into the huge parking lot. The games usually start around 7:00 so, it's right around rush hour. There's no viable public transportation to speak of that takes you there. Just WTF are you talking about?

    More b*llshit made up stuff by Eugene. For a Giants fan you seem to be pretty obsessed with the Dodgers...I find that highly entertaining.Yeah, three major freeways(you conveniently forgot the 5), surface streets, and buses make it so hard to get in and out of. Get a clue.

    You have proven again and again that you have no clue what you're talking about. You make up retarded stuff, and as don't back up any of your statements.

    Until you stop making ridiculous stuff up, and/or back up your statements with links of articles etc you're not worth the time or the bandwidth.
  • Reply 80 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    More b*llshit made up stuff by Eugene. For a Giants fan you seem to be pretty obsessed with the Dodgers...I find that highly entertaining.Yeah, three major freeways(you conveniently forgot the 5), surface streets, and buses make it so hard to get in and out of. Get a clue. You have proven again and again that you have no clue what you're talking about. You make up retarded stuff, and as don't back up any of your statements.

    Hahahahaha, okay! You win. Dodger Stadium is an example of civic engineering at its best. It's accessibility by any means of surface transportation is not a problem at all! Let's just forget that the 1960s were the height of the suburbia/urban sprawl/automobile age...where public transportation and real city planning were virtually non-existent. Do you even wonder why all the ballparks of the time are being bulldozed to the ground?
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