Official MLB Championship Series Topic



  • Reply 81 of 210
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Hahahahaha, okay! You win. Dodger Stadium is an example of civic planning wizardry. It's accessibility by any means of surface transportation is not a problem at all!

    Are you just parked here waiting for my replies? LMAO. No wonder you have almost 6,000 posts G.A.L.

    Considering LA was never designed to accomodate an underground transportation system, accessibility to Dodger Stadium from 3 main freeways and various surface streets is not bad.

    Again, you fail to provide any links to the BS you made up. Maybe I should call the LA Times and tell them about Eugene's conspiracy theory to get out of Dodger Stadium...of course when you wrote it, you had NO CLUE the Stadium belonged to the team.

    Give it up already Eugene. Stop hijacking the thread. This is my last post to you on the matter.
  • Reply 82 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    The "team" doesn't own the stadium. The ownership does. The ownership wants a new stadium, but they don't have the cajones to dip into their own pockets to fund it privately. So what's the next best thing?

    Ding ding ding! Make Dodger Stadium suddenly look very old and undesirable. Make the games last 4 hours instead of 3. Make no effort to redo the roads leading into the stadium. Why do you think the current ownership is leaving? It's the same thing that happened to the Giants in the 90s. They almost moved to Florida. Candlestick was in disarrary. It couldn't handle the baseball+football schedule. The ownership at the time tried very hard to get a stadium built with public funds, by making no effort to improve the Stick and fielding mediocre teams. It was only after the Magowan Group bought out the team and funded the stadium with its own money that things got better.

    Is Dodger Stadium really a gem? Did any gems come out of the 1960s? Just let it go. As a baseball yard, it should be a derelict, along with Veteran's, Riverfront, Three River's, Candlestick, etc. It's time to move the As out of the Oakland Coliseum too.
  • Reply 83 of 210
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Tim Wakefield is the man. I don't know what he does to the Yankees, but he has been excellent in this series.

    Knuckleballers don't need rest. Let him pitch tomorrow.

    Series is all tied up now. Game 5 is tomorrow afternoon at 4 PM Eastern, and the series is going back to New York on Wednesday for Game 6.
  • Reply 84 of 210
    jobjob Posts: 420member
    A good game. Not outstanding or edge-of-your-seat stuff but it was entertaining nontheless.

    It was funny to see the manager for the Sox walk up and talk to the umpires after the close pitch. What was up with that? Belt buckle?

    Oh, and that late homer by the Yankees was kinda scary.

    [Edit: Yep, Wakefield and curveballs r0x0r my b0x0r. ]
  • Reply 85 of 210
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Fran441

    Tim Wakefield is the man. I don't know what he does to the Yankees, but he has been excellent in this series.

    Knuckleballers don't need rest. Let him pitch tomorrow.

    Series is all tied up now. Game 5 is tomorrow afternoon at 4 PM Eastern, and the series is going back to New York on Wednesday for Game 6.

    very true.

    what are his career numbers vs the yankees? he owns them.

    im not too confident about tomorrow. but we'll see. i don't think boomer will have a good game. just have a hunch. hope i'm wrong.
  • Reply 86 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    You'd think people would be able to hit pitches that take 20 minutes to reach them. Jeez! Knuckleballers are scary. It's weird when you watch on TV and the balls just sorta shotputting its way to the plate with no spin.
  • Reply 87 of 210
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    The "team" doesn't own the stadium. The ownership does. The ownership wants a new stadium, but they don't have the cajones to dip into their own pockets to fund it privately. So what's the next best thing?

    Ding ding ding! Make Dodger Stadium suddenly look very old and undesirable. Make the games last 4 hours instead of 3. Make no effort to redo the roads leading into the stadium.

    LMAO you really have no clue. STOP MAKING SH*T UP ALREADY.News Corp. owns the Dodgers...the Dodgers are a team that owns its stadium and its surroundings. From the LA Times:

    "David Checketts, who formerly ran the New York Knicks basketball team and Madison Square Garden, earlier this year offered to pay News Corp. $600 million for the team and its stadium."

    By the way, how do the Dodgers make the games last 4 hours? Are you saying they hire people to throw beach balls onto the field? LMAO

    You're struggling so much to try to make just a tiny bit of sense that you end up contradicting yourself. You called Dodger Stadium a shithole...I proved that you were just making sh*t up with links to articles that called it the cleanest stadium in the majors. Your comeback?

    "Who said anything about the maintenance? It's the atmosphere"...

    Your new conspiracy theory?

    "Make Dodger Stadium suddenly look very old and undesirable."

    Ok, so I guess you're back to square one. By the way, how does one make something look old and undisirable by keeping it in pristine shape and painting it every year?


    Why do you think the current ownership is leaving? It's the same thing that happened to the Giants in the 90s. They almost moved to Florida. Candlestick was in disarrary. It couldn't handle the baseball+football schedule. The ownership at the time tried very hard to get a stadium built with public funds, by making no effort to improve the Stick and fielding mediocre teams.

    More proof that you just talk out of your @ss. If you don't know anything about a topic you should just shut up. The current ownership wants to sell for various reasons. The team was bought so that ABC/ESPN didn't start a regional cable network like Fox now has. Baseball was secondary.


    Murdoch bought the Dodgers in 1997 as part of his effort to build those channels, successfully checkmating rival Walt Disney Co.'s efforts to launch its own regional sports network in Southern California.,0,5949908.story?coll=la-headlines-sports

    They want out now because they got what they wanted re: stopping ESPN. They have estranged and alienated the fans with their bonehead baseball moves,and hirings. They're losing money and Murdoch wants all the cash he can get now for future media acquisitions. Now could you please stop making sh*t up?

    -I have asked you a few times to provide proof that Dodger fans looted Edison far? NOTHING.

    -I have asked you for proof regarding your claim that there is no law enforcement at Dodger provided NOTHING.

    -I asked fr proof to your little theory that the O'Malleys and News Corp. sold the franchise because of lack of law enforcement....and NOTHING.


    Eugene said: "Why do you think The Dodgers have moved on to their second new owner in 5 years? It's like the lack of control exhibited at New Comiskey this year. The security just isn't doing its job."

    -I asked for proof that I had attacked the "entire Giants organization", and NOTHING. (calling their old stadium a shithole doesn't count).

    -I asked you for specific proof that the beach balls affected A specific play or plays from what you described as "pivotal moments"during last night's game...and NOTHING.

    I recommend you talk about stuff you understand and know about. Obviously the Dodgers and baseball are not it. Now go away or post on topic.
  • Reply 88 of 210
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    Wakefield has been awesome . I'm surprised that he hardly ever throws fastballs.

    I remember Tom Candiotti...he used to throw at least a fast ball every 2 hitters if not more. It's fun watching those knuckleballers.

    Should be a great game tomorrow.
  • Reply 89 of 210
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    You'd think people would be able to hit pitches that take 20 minutes to reach them. Jeez! Knuckleballers are scary. It's weird when you watch on TV and the balls just sorta shotputting its way to the plate with no spin.

    i think its amazing. and having seen some good knuckleballers myself i can say that its the weirdest thing to face.

    but wakefield is beyond...... there's practically no spin at all. i don't know how its possible.

    mussina pitched well too, just made mistakes when he couldnt afford to. he had some nasty stuff as well.
  • Reply 90 of 210
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    That knuckleball is just crazy - there was one slow mo replay tonight I saw where you could pick a spot on a seam, and watch it all the way in to home plate. NO spin.

    So what's the deal anyway, are there no other knuckleballers in the majors? Being just a casual fan, I'll admit I can't name one. Are they THAT hard to throw that there is only one well known guy throwing them?
  • Reply 91 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Gilsch, if you were a Mets fan, I bet you'd be in love with Shea too. Get over it. The only reason why Dodger Stadium gets any fanfare is because the Dodgers are a storied team. Kauffman Stadium gets fewer props, even though it totally annihilates Dodger Stadium in every category possible. In fact, Kauffman Stadium is probably the only park from that era that deserves to remain standing today.

    News Corp. didn't need the Dodgers to jump-start FOX Sports Net. It just wanted a moneymaker. What the Dodgers ended up with was obstinate opposition to seeking public funding for a new ballpark, and Murdoch doesn't care that much about taking money out of his own pocket for a new stadium.

    Dodger Stadium is not a Fenway. It's not a Wrigley Field. The Dodgers deserve better accommodations. I wonder what the players think about their homefield when they have to play in Coors Field, Pac Bell Park, Bank One Ballpark and soon Petco Park?
  • Reply 92 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by murbot

    That knuckleball is just crazy - there was one slow mo replay tonight I saw where you could pick a spot on a seam, and watch it all the way in to home plate. NO spin.

    So what's the deal anyway, are there no other knuckleballers in the majors? Being just a casual fan, I'll admit I can't name one. Are they THAT hard to throw that there is only one well known guy throwing them?

    There aren't very many pitchers who rely on knucklers like Wakefield does. There are more than a handful of pitchers that will throw the occasional knuckleball though. Actually as far as pitches go, screwballs are even less common, but don't look nearly as odd from the spectator standpoint. Wouldn't know what it looks like if I were standing in the box.
  • Reply 93 of 210
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    There aren't very many pitchers who rely on knucklers like Wakefield does. There are more than a handful of pitchers that will throw the occasional knuckleball though. Actually as far as pitches go, screwballs are even less common, but don't look nearly as odd from the spectator standpoint. Wouldn't know what it looks like if I were standing in the box.

    yea, Mussina throws a knucle curve.....a bit of an oxymoron there.

    screw balls ruin your arm. probably why you don't see many.

    David Cone's splitter in his prime amazed me more than any knucleball though
  • Reply 94 of 210
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Gilsch, if you were a Mets fan, I bet you'd be in love with Shea too. Get over it. The only reason why Dodger Stadium gets any fanfare is because the Dodgers are a storied team.

    So what you're saying is that everyone is wrong and YOU are right? There's tons of articles online -of which I quoted from three- that say the same thing: Either Dodger Stadium is the cleanest or one of the cleanest best maintained in sports. They also mention the beautiful location atop the hill overlooking downtown and surrounded by green areas. Deal with it. Not bad for a 41 year old stadium.

    Kauffman Stadium gets fewer props, even though it totally annihilates Dodger Stadium in every category possible. In fact, Kauffman Stadium is probably the only park from that era that deserves to remain standing today.

    Who gives A S whether you think a stadium -built 11 years later- is better than Dodger Stadium? You said Dodger Stadium was a shithole and I proved that it isn't.


    News Corp. didn't need the Dodgers to jump-start FOX Sports Net. It just wanted a moneymaker. What the Dodgers ended up with was obstinate opposition to seeking public funding for a new ballpark, and Murdoch doesn't care that much about taking money out of his own pocket for a new stadium.

    Ok, I'm getting tired of your made up b*llshit and your trolling. You know, making shit up is not gonna all of a sudden make you seem knowledgeable.Rupert Murdoch Interview

    MW: So why are the Dodgers on the market?

    Rupert Murdoch: Because they lose money. We bought that for strategic reasons because Disney was threatening, through their ESPN subsidiary, to do a local sports channel here in LA because they also own some teams. And we got the Dodgers and we were able to launch a second sports channel ... and they went away. So that was really a _primary purpose in buying the Dodgers. We enjoy it but we don't enjoy the losses.

    So my based on facts post was right, and your out of your @ss made up BS was wrong. Now go away troll.
  • Reply 95 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Simple fact, Murdoch would not have bought the Dodgers if he didn't think he could make money off them. He's selling them now because he has come to the realization that if the team's not the Lakers, it gets no love from the city of Los Angeles.

    Think about it. How preposterous a concept is it to buy a baseball team just to get a television contract?! Was he somehow afraid the Dodgers would end up being owned by Disney too? Haha. NBC and CBS didn't do baseball back then and they still don't. He could have easily been awarded a broadcast rights to the Dodgers games.

    The Dodgers are going to continue to sit idle in the NL West for years to come, and continue to lose money so long as they pay their players ~100M bucks while only drawing <35K fans to non-rivalry games in a stadium that seats 50K.

    Entertain the idea of a new state-of-the-art ballpark for just a moment. Just think about it. Downtown...accessible by train and subway. If Yankees and Boston fans have thought about it, surely you can to, or are you truly so deep in denial that you have to defend its the drab 1960s architecture, the accessibility, and the air of lawlessness? Continue with that kind of attitude, and you can wave good-bye to yet another pro LA sports team. Bet you're glad you finally got rid of those Rams and Raiders, huh?
  • Reply 96 of 210
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    How preposterous a concept is it to buy a baseball team just to get a television contract?!


    Rupert Murdoch: Because they lose money. We bought that for strategic reasons because Disney was threatening, through their ESPN subsidiary, to do a local sports channel here in LA because they also own some teams. And we got the Dodgers and we were able to launch a second sports channel

    I've been to Dodger games this year. The traffic isn't insane. Getting to a 7 o'clock start time is not awful. Dodger Stadium is a very nice stadium and Chavez Ravine is an excellent location. Deal with it.

    By the way...the O'Malleys sold the team because the stupid colesium group in the city council blocked him from building a football stadium in Chavez Ravine...a stadium O'Malley was willing to pay for out of his own pocket with the only city money coming from road access to it. Houston won their bid for an expansion team because the Colesium group ass-raped the O'Malleys and all of LA.
  • Reply 97 of 210
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by BR

    I've been to Dodger games this year. The traffic isn't insane. Getting to a 7 o'clock start time is not awful. Dodger Stadium is a very nice stadium and Chavez Ravine is an excellent location. Deal with it.

    By the way...the O'Malleys sold the team because the stupid colesium group in the city council blocked him from building a football stadium in Chavez Ravine...a stadium O'Malley was willing to pay for out of his own pocket with the only city money coming from road access to it. Houston won their bid for an expansion team because the Colesium group ass-raped the O'Malleys and all of LA.

    Yes, BR, I was referring to that quote when I made the comment. It's preposterous and Murdoch is lying through his teeth as usual.

    If the traffic's not a problem, why has Vin Scully complained about it on the radio so much over the years? He always used to talk about the twinkling beeline of brake lights or something like that in the post game wrap up. And they always show the inbound traffic on the aerial views. And jeez, be long did it take for you to get out of the parking lot after the game? The traffic problems are one of the reason why all the 60s era ballparks are being bulldozed today. They weren't really conscious of PT at the time. Perhaps some people still aren't.
  • Reply 98 of 210
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    Took me twenty minutes to get out of the parking lot with a packed house at a dodgers-giants game. No big deal.
  • Reply 99 of 210
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    Dodger Stadium sucks :P

    I'm feeling optimistic.

    Yankees 6, Red Sox 2

    you heard it here first
  • Reply 100 of 210
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Simple fact, Murdoch would not have bought the Dodgers if he didn't think he could make money off them. He's selling them now because he has come to the realization that if the team's not the Lakers, it gets no love from the city of Los Angeles. Think about it. How preposterous a concept is it to buy a baseball team just to get a television contract?! Was he somehow afraid the Dodgers would end up being owned by Disney too? Haha. NBC and CBS didn't do baseball back then and they still don't. He could have easily been awarded a broadcast rights to the Dodgers games.

    LMAO Do you not understand English or something? Or do you just like playing stupid? He didn't buy them to get TV, again... just for you troll:

    "We bought that for strategic reasons because Disney was threatening, through their ESPN subsidiary, to do a local sports channel here in LA because they also own some teams. And we got the Dodgers and we were able to launch a second sports channel ... and they went away. So that was really a _primary purpose in buying the Dodgers." Of course, in your own little world you know more than R. Murdoch about his own companies right Eugene?

    BR: you are opening Pandora's Box if you try to argue anything with this troll Eugene. He likes making up stories and when confronted with reality and links to back up an argument he'll just go off on a tangent. Here I just posted direct from the horse's mouth why News Corp. bought the Dodgers. But of course, he knows more than R. Murdoch himself.
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