iMac ship dates?



  • Reply 121 of 240
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    hey toadie...i lived in rockville for a year when i was just out of college....i thought they had an apple store in the white marsh mall out there (or whatever the name of that fancy, expensive mall is out there...of course it may not be fancy has been many years since i lived there...pre-marriage, so about 18 years ago)...have you gone to that apple store?? hope to see your pictures soon...g

    reading all these posts i am amazed how quickly i got my iMac....


    Delivered ALBUQUERQUE NM 02/01/2002 12:34 (yaaaawhooooo!!!)

    On FedEx vehicle for delivery ALBUQUERQUE NM 02/01/2002 07:33

    Arrived at FedEx Destination Location ALBUQUERQUE NM 02/01/2002 07:09

    Arrived at Sort Facility MEMPHIS TN 02/01/2002 01:26

    Left FedEx Ramp ANCHORAGE AK 01/31/2002 16:07

    Left FedEx Ramp C.K.S. INTL AIRPORT TW 01/30/2002 16:38

    Left FedEx Origin Location TAOYUAN CITY TW 01/29/2002 17:19

    Pickup status TAOYUAN CITY TW 01/29/2002 17:03 Package received after FedEx cutoff time


    so it basically left Taiwan on 1/30 and was at my doorstep by noon on 2/1---tomorrow makes a week that i've had it....must be time to upgrade

    ps..i went with standard (free) shipping :eek:

    somebody remove the horseshoe from my @ss....

    [ 02-07-2002: Message edited by: thegelding ]</p>
  • Reply 122 of 240
    taqtaq Posts: 76member
    I've got it. God is this thing beautiful.

    Transfering files now. Got most transfered via target mode (from iBook)....transfering from old G3 beige tower will be a chore (no firewire)...too many MP3's I'm doing the iMac dance. Well worth the wait.

    Delivered SAN ANTONIO TX\t02/07/2002 13:52\tÂ*

    On FedEx vehicle for delivery SAN ANTONIO TX\t02/07/2002 09:28\tÂ*

    Arrived at FedEx Destination Location SAN ANTONIO TX\t02/07/2002 08:16\tÂ*

    Arrived at FedEx Ramp SAN ANTONIO TX\t02/07/2002 07:24\tÂ*

    Left FedEx Ramp SAN ANTONIO TX\t02/07/2002 07:24\tÂ*

    Arrived at Sort Facility MEMPHIS TN\t02/07/2002 01:02\tÂ*

    Left FedEx Ramp ANCHORAGE AK\t02/06/2002 15:23\tÂ*

    Left FedEx Ramp TAOYUAN CITY TW\t02/05/2002 20:50\tÂ*
  • Reply 123 of 240
    taqtaq Posts: 76member
    almost forgot to mention during incoherent iMac babble...I'll post the pics tonight. It loses itself on a white desk against a white wall.
  • Reply 124 of 240
    [quote]Originally posted by thegelding:


    reading all these posts i am amazed how quickly i got my iMac....


    Indeed. You got your iMac before any apple specialist even had a display model in Canada, UK or Australia(To my knowledge). Apple Canada(who distributes to everyone else) has received 0 iMacs and has no ETA of when they will get anything. At this point, even those who ordered right away may not get one until March(wasn't that when the low end systems were supposed to arrive?).

    The apple specialist here is doing an iMac seminar on the weekend without an iMac... I guess they will show pictures of it.
  • Reply 125 of 240
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Taq, you lucky dog! My FED EX report still says... waiting for courier.......

    I'm dying of envy, especially since I am now back at home and have to wait until at least tomorrow AM for something tantalizingly close.

    So tell us all aobut the beauty, or share it on the other thread!
  • Reply 126 of 240
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    congrats Taq...enjoy and post photos when you can....g

    ps welcome to the club...hopefully our canadian friends can join soon....g
  • Reply 127 of 240
    [quote]Originally posted by thegelding:

    <strong>congrats Taq...enjoy and post photos when you can....g

    ps welcome to the club...hopefully our canadian friends can join soon....g</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Or maybe I can join soon. And I live in PENNSYLVANIA!
  • Reply 128 of 240
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    [quote] Or maybe I can join soon. And I live in PENNSYLVANIA! <hr></blockquote>'s all the same....cold, lots of trees and people eat funny food combinations (fries with mayo in canada and scrambled eggs and ketshup in Pa....freaked me out the first time i saw eggs and ketshup together...a bad color combination is nothing else)....but yes, i hope Macintosh can join the club soon too....g
  • Reply 129 of 240
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    The long-awaited courier arrives? :confused:

    But it is hours beyond delivery, so go to sleep!

    Package status FAIRFIELD NJ\t02/07/2002 21:23\tÂ*Package in FedEx location

    Package status FAIRFIELD NJ\t02/07/2002 13:37\tÂ*Package at station - awaiting courier

    Arrived at FedEx Destination Location FAIRFIELD NJ\t02/07/2002 13:35\tÂ*

    Left FedEx Sort Facility NEWARK NJ\t02/07/2002 12:46\tÂ*

    Arrived at Sort Facility NEWARK NJ\t02/07/2002 12:44\tÂ*

    Arrived at FedEx Destination Location MAHWAH NJ\t02/07/2002 07:15\tÂ*

    Arrived at Sort Facility NEWARK NJ\t02/07/2002 01:37\tÂ*

    Left FedEx Ramp ANCHORAGE AK\t02/06/2002 15:31
  • Reply 130 of 240
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Oops <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" />

    I forgot to note that all the dates changed on the last round....... Now we are Today.
  • Reply 131 of 240


  • Reply 132 of 240
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Mac's Girl,

    At least yours is still in a civilized par t of the world and not lost in New Jersey
  • Reply 133 of 240
    taqtaq Posts: 76member
    Yikes....HP315 camera is on the fritz...Ican't share my setup...yet. I'll go to BestBuy and exchange it out tomrrow. good night all. Well...I'll probably be up awhile. but you know what I mean.
  • Reply 134 of 240
    I've been reading this thread since it started... I'm also eagerly awaiting my iMac, though I didn't order until 1/15...

    I feel sorry for Macintosh, that his hasn't shipped... Everyday I check my email hoping mine will ship soon... It's been three weeks as of this last Tuesday...

    Please let my iMac come!
  • Reply 135 of 240
    [quote]Originally posted by thegelding:

    <strong>hey toadie...i lived in rockville for a year when i was just out of college....i thought they had an apple store in the white marsh mall out there (or whatever the name of that fancy, expensive mall is out there...of course it may not be fancy has been many years since i lived there...pre-marriage, so about 18 years ago)...have you gone to that apple store?? hope to see your pictures soon...g


    Completely off-topic: Gelding, since Toadie hasn't answered yet, I think the closest mall to Rockville that has an Apple Store is Tysons Corner in McLean, VA. Not THAT far from Rockville. White Marsh Mall is northeast of Baltimore, in White Marsh. I used to lived about 5 miles from there many years ago, when it was nothing but woods and dinosaurs. The mall is big, but no Apple Store.

    Taq...congratulations on getting your machine! I got mine last Monday, 2/4. That makes two of us from Texas, that I know of.

    [ 02-07-2002: Message edited by: Barvow ]</p>
  • Reply 136 of 240
    redericrederic Posts: 124member
    [quote]'s all the same....cold, lots of trees and people eat funny food combinations (fries with mayo in canada and scrambled eggs and ketshup in Pa....freaked me out the first time i saw eggs and ketshup together...a bad color combination is nothing else)....but yes, i hope Macintosh can join the club soon too....g <hr></blockquote>

    Gelding whats wrong with that? Over here in Blighty we like whats known as "The Full English" It consists of Bacon, Sausages, Scrambled Eggs, Baked Beans, Grilled Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Toast, Fried Bread & of course a jolly Old English Cup of Tea. Then you smother the whole lot with good o'l Heinz Ketchup. Also Fries in a pitta bread with mayo is delicious.mmmmmm

    Macintosh keep yer head up at least you don't have to wait til 1st March for your new iMac. That'll be like 6 weeks from order before I get mine
  • Reply 137 of 240
    [quote]Originally posted by Cubit:

    <strong>Mac's Girl,

    At least yours is still in a civilized par t of the world and not lost in New Jersey</strong><hr></blockquote>

    hey cubit! lol--oh the horrors your poor imac must be enduring in NJ! if you get your computer before me, i'll be real pissed (at fed ex, of course) since we both live in downstate NY and ours imacs left the factory on the same day. i just checked again and its finally in alaska the company of mooses. the fed ex tracking page said my imac was "cleared by customs after plane departed." now thats real smart, aint it?
  • Reply 138 of 240
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    cubit...when you get your iMac check the speech program...maybe your iMac will speak with a Jersey accent.... g
  • Reply 139 of 240
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Well, the race is sometimes won by the unlucky.


    Ship Date\tÂ*Â*\t02/04/2002

    Delivered To\tÂ*Â*\tMailroom

    DeliveryÂ*Date/Time\tÂ*Â*\t02/08/2002 10:10

    Service Type\tÂ*Â*\tIP Direct Distribution\t


    Scan Activity\tDate/Time\tComments

    Delivered FAIRFIELD NJ\t02/08/2002 10:10\tÂ*

    On FedEx vehicle for delivery FAIRFIELD NJ\t02/08/2002 08:27\tÂ*

    Package status FAIRFIELD NJ\t02/07/2002 21:23\tÂ*Package in FedEx location

    Package status FAIRFIELD NJ\t02/07/2002 13:37\tÂ*Package at station - awaiting courier

    Arrived at FedEx Destination Location FAIRFIELD NJ\t02/07/2002 13:35\tÂ*

    Left FedEx Sort Facility NEWARK NJ\t02/07/2002 12:46\tÂ*

    Arrived at Sort Facility NEWARK NJ\t02/07/2002 12:44\tÂ*

    Arrived at FedEx Destination Location MAHWAH NJ\t02/07/2002 07:15\tÂ*

    Arrived at Sort Facility NEWARK NJ\t02/07/2002 01:37\tÂ*

    Left FedEx Ramp ANCHORAGE AK\t02/06/2002 15:31\tÂ*

    Left FedEx Ramp TAOYUAN CITY TW\t02/05/2002 20:50\tÂ*

    Package status ANCHORAGE AK\t02/05/2002 18:03\tÂ*Regulatory Agency Clearance Delay

    Of course, the problem is that my iMac is the Mailroom in New Jersey, and I am in Manhattan until Monday! ARRGHHH! <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 140 of 240
    dualsduals Posts: 41member
    My first Mac was delivered this morning. I've got a 15 minute comute to work. Just as I was walking into the office, my wife called to say it had been delivered! Damn if I had hung around I could have had a sick day. Oh well at least I have the weekend to figure out this crazy new mac and bulldoze my old PC.

    p.s. ordered the stock 800Mhz/Superdrive/256Megs on 1/10

    Delivered ATLANTA GA 02/08/2002 08:43

    Delivered ATLANTA GA 02/08/2002 08:43

    On FedEx vehicle for delivery ATLANTA GA 02/08/2002 08:17

    Arrived at FedEx Destination Location ATLANTA GA 02/08/2002 07:57

    Arrived at FedEx Ramp HAPEVILLE GA 02/08/2002 05:46

    Left FedEx Sort Facility INDIANAPOLIS IN 02/08/2002 04:35

    Arrived at Sort Facility INDIANAPOLIS IN 02/08/2002 01:38

    Left FedEx Ramp ANCHORAGE AK 02/07/2002 15:45

    Left FedEx Ramp C.K.S. INTL AIRPORT TW 02/06/2002 21:17

    Package status ANCHORAGE AK 02/06/2002 19:07 Held, cleared customs after aircraft departed

    Package status ANCHORAGE AK 02/06/2002 14:47 Held, cleared customs after aircraft departed

    Package status ANCHORAGE AK 02/06/2002 14:47 Release by customs

    [ 02-07-2002: Message edited by: Duals ]</p>
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