I got my new DUAL 1.0ghz!!



  • Reply 161 of 186
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I love the trolls who can't even spell their insults correctly.
  • Reply 162 of 186
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    Let's break that down shall we?

    Audio industry: 95% Mac

    DTP industry: 80% Mac

    Video Editing market: 60% Mac

    Receptionists: 99.99999999% PC

    sounds about right to me from personal experience....every receptionist i know uses pcs (100%).......every artist, either graphics or video or audio, use macs (100%)....just my experience, but i know many receptionist from working at a large university hospital, and i know many artist (because artist are cool)....g

    [ 01-31-2002: Message edited by: thegelding ]</p>
  • Reply 163 of 186
    fluffyfluffy Posts: 361member
    [quote]Originally posted by thegelding:


    Audio industry: 95% Mac

    DTP industry: 80% Mac

    Video Editing market: 60% Mac

    Receptionists: 99.99999999% PC


    Yeah, that's about right.
  • Reply 164 of 186
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    Hey anyone still using a Mac from 1989? If so what is the latest OS it will run?
  • Reply 165 of 186
    fluffyfluffy Posts: 361member
    [quote]Originally posted by JW Pepper:

    <strong>Hey anyone still using a Mac from 1989? If so what is the latest OS it will run?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    7.6.1, but only if it is a IIci. All other machines that were released before Dec 1989 can use up to 7.5.5, with the exception of the original 128 and 512K macs. I've got a 512Ke running 6.0.4. I love System 6!!!!
  • Reply 166 of 186
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    [quote]Originally posted by thegelding:

    <strong>Let's break that down shall we?

    Audio industry: 95% Mac

    DTP industry: 80% Mac

    Video Editing market: 60% Mac

    Receptionists: 99.99999999% PC

    sounds about right to me from personal experience....every receptionist i know uses pcs (100%).......every artist, either graphics or video or audio, use macs (100%)....just my experience, but i know many receptionist from working at a large university hospital, and i know many artist (because artist are cool)....g

    [ 01-31-2002: Message edited by: thegelding ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    There's a receptionist and actually whole MRI medical office in Fishers, Indiana on Lantern road

    where the receptionist had (still?) an iMac. The MRI machine was also operated via Mac, too. I think.
  • Reply 167 of 186
    my office is all mac. everyone, bosses, even the receptionists use macs. But we did just buy a pc cuz we needed it for something specific, but its funny a lone pc on a mac network, i wonder if its sad
  • Reply 168 of 186
    To anyone who has a dual 1K, does it use Cl2 or Cl3 RAM?

    I have one on order and it is killing me waiting for it, especially seeing that G3 tower and screwdriver, (why does Apple use that as the machine icon and, is that is what Apple will send me?) however, I wanted to get another 512 for it but, I am unsure as to what varity.

  • Reply 169 of 186
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    You can bet your ass it will ship with CL3 RAM.
  • Reply 170 of 186
    jayjay Posts: 27member
    Yep, it's CL3 RAM. I just got mine today. You know what else it is? It's fast as all get out hell. I got it to replace my B&W G3 and man, it SMOKES! Q3A runs great, RTCW is smooth as polished glass. It may not be a G5, but I wouldn't know any better!
  • Reply 171 of 186
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Ti Fighter:

    <strong>hey Kid Red I was wondering if you could give me any info on how to get into the whole porn site making thing. If it pays that well i would deff be intrested, i think it would be kinda fun, much better than the corprate stuff im doing now. I'm out of art school over a year now, I'm a desingner (audio and visual) and have done freelance web stuff before. Just a point in the right direction would be cool, or you can just ignore me if you dont want to tell me anything, and i wont mind</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You're better off sending me a prvt message or an email, it's a tad bit involved to pu into a thread here.
  • Reply 172 of 186
    word, will do
  • Reply 173 of 186
    cosmocosmo Posts: 662member
    KidRed, can you run iTunes and play a song and tell us how much CPU iTunes uses while playing. for best results choose the smallest player window (no playlist, etc) and hide itunes. The type "top" in the terminal and see how much of the CPU itunes takes.

    I ask because this is my #1 complaint against itunes, as it is way to processor hungry. On my iMac (g3/333) it sits at about 20% while playing and spikes to 40ish when a new song starts. This drags my entire system down. People with g4s have gotten results that were not much better. I'm curious to see if iTunes still takes 15+% cpu time even with a ghz machine. If it does, something is very wrong.
  • Reply 174 of 186
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Hey KidRed! You should keep your other PowerMac (unless you need the money...right..) and try that clustering software described in the "Clustering" thread!

    You could be the cutting edge of the Prosumer Personal Parallel Computing revolution that could leapfrog the mhz divide!! You could become something of legend and hero to us all!! Seriously, it seems straight forward (ethernet them and run Pooch). THEN check your megaflops.

    Cheers to the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

    SizzleChest: Yea, lots of Bridgetowners here, but The Computer Store is a great Apple retailer. We just lag the country in getting things shipped it seems.
  • Reply 175 of 186
    jayjay Posts: 27member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cosmo:

    <strong>KidRed, can you run iTunes and play a song and tell us how much CPU iTunes uses while playing. for best results choose the smallest player window (no playlist, etc) and hide itunes. The type "top" in the terminal and see how much of the CPU itunes takes.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'm not KidRed, but here's what it does: 7.5-5.4%

    I used the "small" player and got the results from top. I just got my dualGHz today, and it's really, really smooth. I'm writing this from Omniweb, which was too slow to use on my B&W G3 400, but runs unbelievably smooth on this.
  • Reply 176 of 186
    Ditto on the keeping and clustering idea.

    BTW, System 7 flies! I was using that mofo on our old skool Macintosh IIci.
  • Reply 177 of 186
    My dad's work used to be pretty much all Mac but that's changed. I know somebody has a G4, but other than that and him, it's all PC now. And with the computers he's been replacing, he's been ordering PCs.

    "We got a 1 GHz Dell for $1000." That pisses me off entirely.

    KidRed, run some more benchmarks dogg!
  • Reply 178 of 186
    cosmocosmo Posts: 662member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jay:


    I'm not KidRed, but here's what it does: 7.5-5.4%

    I used the "small" player and got the results from top. I just got my dualGHz today, and it's really, really smooth. I'm writing this from Omniweb, which was too slow to use on my B&W G3 400, but runs unbelievably smooth on this.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Thanks Jay, those were the kind of results i was hoping for. I still wish it were under 5%, but what can you do?
  • Reply 179 of 186
    [quote]Originally posted by JW Pepper:

    <strong>Hey anyone still using a Mac from 1989? If so what is the latest OS it will run?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Mac SE\\30 with system 7.6.1

    It flies too!
  • Reply 180 of 186
    [quote]Originally posted by Michael Grey:

    <strong>KidRed you can't possible have a new G4 since, as I shouted at you last week, Apple won't release new Power Macs before Feb. 1!

    Man, first I jumped on you about that display promo, then I jumped on poor time, I think I better check my humility dipstick 'cause I'm at least a quart low.

    And seriously, congrats on an awesome system. I suspect I'll be making a trek to the Apple store this weekend. That display promo is just too good to pass up.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Humor courtesy of

    <a href="http://www.crazyapplerumors.com"; target="_blank">Crazy Apple Rumors</a>

    Graphic Designer Now Mad Apple Is Shipping New G4s

    When Apple announced new iMacs on January 7th, graphic designer and PowerMac user Mark DeLucci was infuriated Apple did not update the PowerMac at the same time. Three weeks later, DeLucci is infuriated the company has.

    "The minute Steve (Jobs) finished his keynote I was on the web," DeLucci said. "I logged on to the forum at Ars Technica and went off on Apple for making the iMac so powerful while not updating the PowerMac at all. That was a complete slap in the face to graphic designers and other power users."

    DeLucci's posting at Ars Technica was too extensive to republish, but a particularly salient passage read "Steve f***ing Jobs can kiss my f***ing ass for being such a f***ing shifhead (sic). The way Apple has f***ed power users since Jobs came back is f***ing inexcusuble (sic). He's a f***ing bastard in my bok (sic) and I will never buy a ficking (sic) Mac from thet (sic) f***ing jirk (sic) agein (sic)."

    "Just look at that," DeLucci complained. "I sound like an idiot. They got me so worked up I couldn't even type." Now that Apple has shipped faster PowerMacs, DeLucci feels his online outburst casts him in a negative light and blames Apple for making him look particularly foolish in hindsight.

    "By coming out with these Macs now, Apple makes me look like a total whiner," DeLucci says. "I was right at the time and I'd still be right if they hadn't just announced new PowerMacs."

    To express his displeasure with the company, DeLucci posted a missive on the MacNN forum entitled "F***ing Apple Motherf***ers."

    Apple declined to be interviewed for this story.
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