superbowl halftime show...



  • Reply 41 of 135
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    I mean, look at Jackson's leather outfit close up. There is not a single loose thread or tear or anything else that indicates that her boulder holder wasn't mean to come off. The costume was *designed* that way, quite obviously.

    Oh, hey, you're right. It snapped together there.
  • Reply 42 of 135
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    one could also make the case that janet was "dressed underneath for just such an occasion."

    can you say "pre-meditated"? i knew that you could.
  • Reply 43 of 135

    Originally posted by Moogs

    ... The costume was *designed* that way, quite obviously.


    yeah but it was a 'wardrobe malfunction'
  • Reply 44 of 135
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    It's not the tit that bothers me, it's the disingenuous bullcrap from people like Timberlake and MTV when they say it was completely unintentional.

    It seems to be more of a game they're playing with the censors. They know, or at least don't care, that everyone sees that it was intentional. But maybe they can't admit it or they would get in more trouble. Obviously they just want the attention and to get talked about and to be controversial. It definitely is lame.
  • Reply 45 of 135

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    To the Kid Rock cut flag poncho... burning a flag is a no no but Kid can cut one up and wear it as a poncho while screaming blah blah I'm a patriot.

    I thought the same thing. isn't there a law that you can't actually wear a flag? can wear a T-shirt with a flag printed on it, or a suit with the flag printed on it, but you can't actually craft a flag into an article of clothing??

    On top of that, he tore the Poncho off and threw it somewhere(I'm assuming into the crowd, but I wasn't watching at that moment) that's another flag no-no, discarding it like that.

  • Reply 46 of 135

    [The superbowl halftime show] gets exponentially worse every year...and by exponentionally, I mean shittier and shittier and shittier. And this year's didn't let me down at all, because it was the shittiest.

    ~Lewis Black (From The End of the Universe)
  • Reply 47 of 135
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    I thought the same thing. isn't there a law that you can't actually wear a flag? can wear a T-shirt with a flag printed on it, or a suit with the flag printed on it, but you can't actually craft a flag into an article of clothing??

    On top of that, he tore the Poncho off and threw it somewhere(I'm assuming into the crowd, but I wasn't watching at that moment) that's another flag no-no, discarding it like that.

    I don't give a shit because people these days give the symbol more respect than what it is actually supposed to symbolize.
  • Reply 48 of 135
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    Hell, she could run around naked for all I care

    <supertroopers>Please, no.</supertroopers>

    There are some things I just don't want to see. One of those includes her purple grapes. In fact, I would pay to never see them again. *shudder*

    Accident my arse. I've worked in productions as a soundboard, camera, and video switchboard operator. Those shows are planned down to the smallest detail. However, I have a hard time accepting the thought MTV knew about this and planned it. (I am not a fan of MTV, but they do know the laws and could face a huge lawsuit) I think it was the two singers involved that secretly planned the event behind the producers backs.
  • Reply 49 of 135
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    It's not the tit that bothers me, it's the disingenuous bullcrap from people like Timberlake and MTV when they say it was completely unintentional. I mean for God's sake, look at the rest of the show and all the jestures and words and the rest. The whole thing is a smut-fest. It's not like we had a normal singing performance and then all of a sudden there was a metal tit in our face.

    Hell, she could run around naked for all I care, but at least own up to what you're doing. It would be like Madonna and whats-her-face saying their kiss was an accident / completely spontaneous. I mean, look at Jackson's leather outfit close up. There is not a single loose thread or tear or anything else that indicates that her boulder holder wasn't mean to come off. The costume was *designed* that way, quite obviously.

    So now, do we believe that Janet and Justin and MTV had no notion this was going to happen, even though before the event they claimed to keep an eye out for something unusual? It's just so obvious. I know all the screaming idiots that worship these losers are at least partially retarded, but do they really think the rest of us can't see through their excuses like a pice of Saran Wrap?

    Raise your hand if you like to jump to conclusions.

    Isn't it plausible that the outer, black-leather part was supposed to be ripped off, revealing an almost transparent red bra?

    This would be most consistent with the thousands of other gigs she's played before cameras or in pro football statiums.

    Nah... its more fun to assume otherwise.
  • Reply 50 of 135
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    dfiler: I'll take ebby's account more seriously than you malfunctioing tit strap theory


    Accident my arse. I've worked in productions as a soundboard, camera, and video switchboard operator. Those shows are planned down to the smallest detail. However, I have a hard time accepting the thought MTV knew about this and planned it. (I am not a fan of MTV, but they do know the laws and could face a huge lawsuit) I think it was the two singers involved that secretly planned the event behind the producers backs

    Whatever it was, I think we can all agree: it sucked. Horribly.

    As for Kid Rock:

    What an ass. I would've given *anything*, I mean *anything* to put a couple of decorated Marines in front of the stage with him wearing his tattered flag. That way I could watch them beat the crap out of his "patriotic" ass.

    Axel Rose became un-hip many moons ago... when is someone going to tell this "kid" that?
  • Reply 51 of 135
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    What an ass. I would've given *anything*, I mean *anything* to put a couple of decorated Marines in front of the stage with him wearing his tattered flag. That way I could watch them beat the crap out of his "patriotic" ass.

    That attitude is what is wrong with America. He shouldn't get his ass beaten because his method of displaying patriotism does not coincide with that of yours or others.
  • Reply 52 of 135
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    I would've given *anything*, I mean *anything* to put a couple of decorated Marines in front of the stage with him wearing his tattered flag. That way I could watch them beat the crap out of his "patriotic" ass.

    Marines that would behave that way would be Marines that don't understand the freedoms that they're supposed to be defending.
  • Reply 53 of 135
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    BR: my point is, I don't think what he's doing is intended as a display of patriotism. It's clearly more a "F U, I'll do whatever I want... I'm kid rock!" type thing. But I could be wrong. He just strikes me as a total punk.

    BR / Shetline: I am not saying that people shouldn't have different modes of patrtiotic expression (just in terms of demonstrating a love for one's freedoms). I am saying that people like KR are basically just doing the most outrageous thing they can get away with at any given time, not as a way of saying "we can do anything in America", but as a way of showing off / getting media attention / ratings / etc.

    The Marine comment is more a way of saying that people like KR never think for one moment whether their actions deeply affect others (like someone in the armed services), only that "is this something I can get away with?" That's totally lame in my estimation, and frankly deserving of an ass-beating.

    Of course I cannot know for certain the mind of another, but the actions of another speak loudly enough in "the mind's stead" that it becomes somewhat obvious IMO.
  • Reply 54 of 135
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    The Marine comment is more a way of saying that people like KR never think for one moment whether their actions deeply affect others (like someone in the armed services), only that "is this something I can get away with?" That's totally lame in my estimation, and frankly deserving of an ass-beating.

    When you start handing out ass-beatings because you don't like the attitude someone is expressing, you're on your way to becoming a jack-booted thug. I don't care if the guy is saying "F*ck you! I'll do what I want." Guess what? The freedom to express yourself, even in ways that are offensive to others, is an important freedom. Forcing respectful behavior via punishment is exactly the opposite of what freedom is about.

    If you're willing to "fight and die for your country", as is often said, but not willing to put up with someone exercising the rights you're supposed to be defending, you've got your priorities messed up. Why is the willingness to shed your own blood, and the blood of others, so much easier to come by than the willingness to endure offensive expression?
  • Reply 55 of 135
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by shetline

    When you start handing out ass-beatings because you don't like the attitude someone is expressing, you're on your way to becoming a jack-booted thug. I don't care if the guy is saying "F*ck you! I'll do what I want." Guess what? The freedom to express yourself, even in ways that are offensive to others, is an important freedom. Forcing respectful behavior via punishment is exactly the opposite of what freedom is about.

    If you're willing to "fight and die for your country", as is often said, but not willing to put up with someone exercising the rights you're supposed to be defending, you've got your priorities messed up. Why is the willingness to shed your own blood, and the blood of others, so much easier to come by than the willingness to endure offensive expression?

    Damn skippity.
  • Reply 56 of 135
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I don't think he or anyone else should be *forced* to do anything. Nor do I think behaviors should be "enforced".

    I agree completely that the right to be rude or disrespectful is an important one in certain respects. I'm not saying he shouldn't be allowed to wear that flag as he did and perform as he did (in a larger sense, he must be allowed to if it's a free country). I'm just saying I hope one day someone gives him a different perspective on the matter than his media bosses do... even if it means getting a broken nose and nothing more.

    People like him (and the millions that surely adore his every move) need to learn that even though you're *allowed to* do all sorts of things, that doesn't make it a good idea. There's all kinds of ways he might express his views (even anti-government views for instance), without making a point of shoving the flag issue in people's faces. The point is he just doesn't care most likely, and that's the real reason why I wouldn't mind watching him get pummeled.

    There's something to be said for self-restraint when you're being watched by tens of millions (perhaps a billion in this case) of people. You restrain yourself from intentionally saying or doing certain hurtful things, not because you're afraid of punishment, but because it's the right thing to do. The media and all their darlings these days, they don't give a crap about that and it's pathetic IMO. As long as they're making their money and getting their magazine covers, who cares how their words or deeds affect people, right? It's just business, baby!

    Maybe some Marines wouldn't care about how he conducted himself. But for those who do care, I wouldn't begrudge them a free punch should they ever meet ole kid in a parking lot somewhere, that's for sure. Were I a Marine (now or at any other point in history), I'd gladly take a night in the local jail cell for a free swing at a loser like him. And so it should be that I would get the cuffs and he wouldn't, but maybe he'd still learn something. Probably not, but maybe.

  • Reply 57 of 135

    Originally posted by ShawnJ

    You gotta be ****ing kidding me

    Michael Powel (Colin's son), chair of the FCC, is apparently "outraged" at the thought of a partially exposed breast on television and is announcing an investigation.

    it's bs. they can show violence and gross stuff on CSI and Fear factor but they get upset over this? america is too prudish and has it's priorities fvcked up
  • Reply 58 of 135

    Originally posted by ShawnJ

    Yeah seriously. There has only been one good halftime show ever...U2's performance in 2002. And guess what? The FCC is investigating Bono too! This time for saying "****ing brilliant" at some awards show.

    why don't they investigate Howard Dean, he said the word "screwed" on meet the press sunday. i forget what he said exactly but they should invetigate this!
  • Reply 59 of 135
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    problem is people will get their panties in a bunch over the fact that there was no "warning" that there was going to be a nasty tit flashed in their faces.

    i could see being bothered by this if i had a 7 year-old son or daughter who was watching the superbowl. (of course, if i were a decent parent odds are i'd already wonder about the taste or lack thereof in the halftime show.)

    CSI, NYPD etc. all have warnings and ratings. a planned nudity stunt should have come with the same warnings.
  • Reply 60 of 135
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Chances are that the game would be censored quicker here because of the obvious frontal display of violence than Janets nipple.
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