superbowl halftime show...



  • Reply 61 of 135
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    I don't think there's a soap box tall enough for some of you.
  • Reply 62 of 135
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member

    Originally posted by burningwheel

    why don't they investigate Howard Dean, he said the word "screwed" on meet the press sunday. i forget what he said exactly but they should invetigate this!

    "Screwed" isn't on the list of words you're not allowed to say, so there's no need to investigate.
  • Reply 63 of 135

    Originally posted by dfiler

    Isn't it plausible that the outer, black-leather part was supposed to be ripped off, revealing an almost transparent red bra?

    Didn't look like she had a red bra under that outfit to me.
  • Reply 64 of 135
    liquidrliquidr Posts: 884member

    originally posted by Wrong Robot

    On top of that, he tore the Poncho off and threw it somewhere(I'm assuming into the crowd, but I wasn't watching at that moment) that's another flag no-no, discarding it like that

    Actually he handed it to a bandmate who placed it on a stand behind the band. I remember this distinctly because I was watching to see what he did with it and wondering how pissy people would get if he had tossed it into the crowd.
  • Reply 65 of 135
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    IN the Ontario part of Canada that includes Toronto, women can go topless whenever they want in public. There's some major prudes on this board by Canadian standards.
  • Reply 66 of 135
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    That's it, I'm movin' to Toronto.
  • Reply 67 of 135
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    Every part of the Superbowl this year was a disgrace except for the game itself. Do the CBS/NFL/MTV execs think that only 70 year-old men with ED and 16 year-old teenie boppers only watch the Superbowl? Come on! This is a family event. Most people watch it with friends or family. How would you like to have to explain to your 12 year old daughter wtf just happened? I know my family was embarrassed at the time.

    As for what's called a target-market "Young males 16-24" or whatever, my friends and I made up a part of that. Yes some of the ads were funny, but the horrible Halftime show, commercials involving ED, and the "Yo slap my B^$#*s" rappers didn't appeal to us. Nor did Kid Rock and that "flag thing" he had. I hope Fox (Who would have thought that I would ever say this) has some standard of decency for next year's Superbowl.
  • Reply 68 of 135
    liquidrliquidr Posts: 884member
    The most sensible post (of the serious ones, cuz humor is always sensible) is ljerry.

    You people are getting worked up about nothing. And the fact that you are getting all worked up is fuel if the stunt was intentional or not.

    Learn to let that which truely does not matter ride.
  • Reply 69 of 135
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    I don't think he or anyone else should be *forced* to do anything. Nor do I think behaviors should be "enforced".

    I agree completely that the right to be rude or disrespectful is an important one in certain respects. I'm not saying he shouldn't be allowed to wear that flag as he did and perform as he did (in a larger sense, he must be allowed to if it's a free country). I'm just saying I hope one day someone gives him a different perspective on the matter than his media bosses do... even if it means getting a broken nose and nothing more.

    People like him (and the millions that surely adore his every move) need to learn that even though you're *allowed to* do all sorts of things, that doesn't make it a good idea. There's all kinds of ways he might express his views (even anti-government views for instance), without making a point of shoving the flag issue in people's faces. The point is he just doesn't care most likely, and that's the real reason why I wouldn't mind watching him get pummeled.

    There's something to be said for self-restraint when you're being watched by tens of millions (perhaps a billion in this case) of people. You restrain yourself from intentionally saying or doing certain hurtful things, not because you're afraid of punishment, but because it's the right thing to do. The media and all their darlings these days, they don't give a crap about that and it's pathetic IMO. As long as they're making their money and getting their magazine covers, who cares how their words or deeds affect people, right? It's just business, baby!

    Maybe some Marines wouldn't care about how he conducted himself. But for those who do care, I wouldn't begrudge them a free punch should they ever meet ole kid in a parking lot somewhere, that's for sure. Were I a Marine (now or at any other point in history), I'd gladly take a night in the local jail cell for a free swing at a loser like him. And so it should be that I would get the cuffs and he wouldn't, but maybe he'd still learn something. Probably not, but maybe.

    So you just don't mind violence to teach another point of view. Yeah, that's the same thing you said before. I'll make sure to remind your kid's schoolteacher to beat him whenever he really gets out of line. I mean, if he's a real troublemaker that just doesn't care about anyone I won't bedgrudge the teacher a free punch.
  • Reply 70 of 135

    Originally posted by shetline

    When you start handing out ass-beatings because you don't like the attitude someone is expressing, you're on your way to becoming a jack-booted thug. I don't care if the guy is saying "F*ck you! I'll do what I want." Guess what? The freedom to express yourself, even in ways that are offensive to others, is an important freedom. Forcing respectful behavior via punishment is exactly the opposite of what freedom is about.

    The punishment shouldn't be violent, but perhaps a boycott or complaint to the network is in order.

    As for the "everyone has a right" bullsh*t, what if he'd decided to shave his head and wear a big swastika up there? What if he'd decided to drink blood and stomp a baby kitten as an artistic statement? Don't give me that sh*t -- there are standards that should be upheld. Abuse of the flag, by Kid Rock OR Ted Nugent (I almost got up out of THAT show) is uncalled for.

    The REAL issue with the lack of respect for the public shown by MTV and the performers is that the act of tearing the front of her dress is AGGRESSION TOWARD A WOMAN. Forget the nudity -- it was a violent act.

    For those of you who think that this isn't a big deal, Howard Dean is right along with you. Evidently he doesn't understand the whole freedom of speech thing either, so don't feel too bad.

    And, oh, this is finboy. I got tired of p*ssing around with the "you forgot your password" bullsh*t and figured I'd start from scratch.
  • Reply 71 of 135
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    I don't know what any of you are talking about, but I didn't see ANY boobs (or even Janet Jackson for that matter) at the half-time Lingerie Bowl.
  • Reply 72 of 135
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by finagain

    The punishment shouldn't be violent, but perhaps a boycott or complaint to the network is in order.

    As for the "everyone has a right" bullsh*t, what if he'd decided to shave his head and wear a big swastika up there? What if he'd decided to drink blood and stomp a baby kitten as an artistic statement? Don't give me that sh*t -- there are standards that should be upheld. Abuse of the flag, by Kid Rock OR Ted Nugent (I almost got up out of THAT show) is uncalled for.

    Instead of talking about what if let's talk about what happened. He wore a flag. HE WORE A FLAG!!! OOOOOH!!! Grow up.
  • Reply 73 of 135

    Originally posted by BR

    Instead of talking about what if let's talk about what happened. He wore a flag. HE WORE A FLAG!!! OOOOOH!!! Grow up.

    Thank you.
  • Reply 74 of 135
    quaremquarem Posts: 254member
    Just for curiousity sake, for those of you that are so upset over Janet's bare breast being shown during the halftime show, what do you think the rational is behind it being OK for men to walk around bare chested, but inappropriate when a woman flashes a bare breast?

    Of course seeing a bare chested man is more common, but that's not really a rationalization for censoring a woman's breast, but not a man's.

    I'm just curious as to what your thoughts are.
  • Reply 75 of 135
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    As long as people who react to ideas with hate and violence, we will never see peace on earth. I don't care if Kid Rock pisses on the flag and shouts that all christians should burn in hell. If you are the first one to react with violence, you are the problem. Consider the source. Ignore it if you don't like it. Don't start itching to give a beat down because that only demonstrates that is your nature and all you are looking for is an excuse to do it. It's as simple as that.
  • Reply 76 of 135

    Originally posted by BR

    As long as people who react to ideas with hate and violence, we will never see peace on earth. I don't care if Kid Rock pisses on the flag and shouts that all christians should burn in hell. If you are the first one to react with violence, you are the problem. Consider the source. Ignore it if you don't like it. Don't start itching to give a beat down because that only demonstrates that is your nature and all you are looking for is an excuse to do it. It's as simple as that.

    Look up the term "fighting words" sometime. I don't think that's what KR did, but there are times when p*ssing on the flag is the same as the use of force.

    Especially in Texas.
  • Reply 77 of 135
    Either way, Kid Rock is not cool, and not really a bad ass, so I don't think his non-stunts deserve any attention.
  • Reply 78 of 135

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    That's it, I'm movin' to Toronto.

    Hey i have yet to see one....
  • Reply 79 of 135
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    I wish the half-time show included Janet Jackson lactating on a burning flag to keep it from being completely destroyed. THAT would be a great artistic statement (whatever that means.)
  • Reply 80 of 135
    nx7oenx7oe Posts: 198member

    Were I a Marine (now or at any other point in history), I'd gladly take a night in the local jail cell for a free swing at a loser like him. And so it should be that I would get the cuffs and he wouldn't, but maybe he'd still learn something. Probably not, but maybe.

    Well, I'm a Marine and I wouldn't mind taking a blow at Kid Rock. I mean the man hasn't come up with any original material in years and now he expects for people to respect him for wearing a flag in the form of a Mexican Sarape?
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