superbowl halftime show...



  • Reply 121 of 135
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by dmz

    Like Heroin?

    (don't get me wrong, making drugs illegal makes about the same sense it did during prohibition.)

    I agree. And I also agree that there should be no illegal substances. If you want to snort LSD spiked ecstasy cocaine and follow it up with a heroin injection chased by a bag of mushrooms, be my fvcking guest.
  • Reply 122 of 135
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by BR

    If MTV isn't what people craved, it wouldn't exist in this form today. Deal with it.

    Sure. I deal with it daily. I volunteer with a local crisis center... and seeing the 3rd girl this month told that she has an STD is something I hope you'll try someday. All of them were under 16. No one can tell me that the moral decay exemplified by MTV is not at least partially responsible. I'm sorry, marketing sexual behaviour to the 13-16 demographic is, to me, insane. Kids are not allowed to be kids anymore.

    This is an insanely sexualized society, and MTV is numero uno in that arena. MTV pushes the line that will become the norm on primetime networks in 2-3 years. Look how far the line has already been pushed. I'm a sociologist by training. I understand these trends.

    It would not be so bad if the education system would actually produce critical thinkers, not passive dumpsters ready for MTV's trash.
  • Reply 123 of 135
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by nx7oe

    Well, I'm a Marine and I wouldn't mind taking a blow at Kid Rock. I mean the man hasn't come up with any original material in years and now he expects for people to respect him for wearing a flag in the form of a Mexican Sarape?

    I'd JOIN the Marines if they were allowed to take a shot at Kid Rock.
  • Reply 124 of 135
    I'm more upset that Viacom = MTV = CBS = Paramount Pictures = Comedy Central = Spike TV and on and on and on and on......and Michael Powell thinks that they shouldn't have to sell any of their tv stations.
  • Reply 125 of 135
  • Reply 126 of 135
    P.S. - F--- the FCC.
  • Reply 127 of 135
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by trick fall

    I'm more upset that Viacom = MTV = CBS = Paramount Pictures = Comedy Central = Spike TV and on and on and on and on......and Michael Powell thinks that they shouldn't have to sell any of their tv stations.

    THIS will wake you up... No denying it, really. Be it Bush, Clinton, Kerry, Whoever... We are all in the middle of a sickening web.

  • Reply 128 of 135
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by Ganondorf

    P.S. - F--- the FCC.

    OMG, Did I just hear the ghost of Dee Snider and Frank Zappa?
  • Reply 129 of 135
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    Hello, rest of world?

    We're all not this idiotic here in the good old US of A. Some of us -like- nipples, don't see what the big deal is about and are amazed at all the chatter that jammed the media outlets today.

    The fact that an AI thread went four pages deep on the topic is a perfect example. The fact that it might go for four more is even more baffling.
  • Reply 130 of 135

    Didn't he have that statue covered up?
  • Reply 131 of 135
    Yes, he (John Ashcroft a.k.a. fascist pig) did have that statue (Lady Justice) covered up due to the exposed right breast.

    However, this article: claims it was not, in fact, Ashcroft that was directly responsible.

    Regardless, it's the symbolism I was shooting for.
  • Reply 132 of 135
    What an absolute joke. This country is so strung out on false morality ! The Superbowl was in a city with a strip club and a whore on every corner and they had to import more for the SB crowd! Don't the moralists think that "the children" see this too? How many kids watched the "stay away from drugs" announcements while their accompanying adults sloshed down beer until they could not stand up!? Let us promote responsible sexuality and responsible drinking instead of this hypocritical puritanical nonsense. Your kids are dirty dancing and they are having sex. Taking away their MTV will not change a dam* thing. Maybe it is time to look yourself in the eye and face up to the realities of being human instead of lamenting ?Father knows Best? and Leave it to Beaver? (something tells me I should not have used that word).
  • Reply 133 of 135
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by Beige_G3

    What an absolute joke. This country is so strung out on false morality !

    Please give your definition of "true" versus "false" morality...
  • Reply 134 of 135
    False Morality in this case refers to the inconsistent "do as i say not as i do " mentality. Perhaps "iinconsistent morality" would have been more appropriate wording to convey my thought.
  • Reply 135 of 135
    hey, nice recovery Beige_G3,

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