Apple Hypes MWSF 2002



  • Reply 121 of 1761
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Count on being blown away? They'd better hope it's good enough to do that.
  • Reply 122 of 1761
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    i am slowly going insane....i now think that they may up-grade everything---

    iBook---700 Mhz G3 across the board w/ Hd or 20 g-DVD/ 20g cd-rw / 30g Combo

    Power Book---Apollo Chip--speed bump--

    iMac---LCD---Apollo Chip G4---cd-rw/combo/superdrive (who was the crazy poster who said the new iMac will get a G5??? dang...that would be a dream)

    Power Mac---G5--1.0/ 1.4/ Dual 1.2---all with superdrive (thou the 1.0 might get a combo only---though if top iMac gets superdrive, then all Power Mac will probably get superdrive)

    will all the hype, and now with Apple itself jumping in, i don't think it would be strange for them to go all out and just say, we've got all this great stuff, we are up-dating everything we make...come and buy it.....

  • Reply 123 of 1761
    We're getting G5s. If we weren't, then with all the rumors going around, Apple wouldn't come out like this on their front page - everyone would expect G5s and when they didn't come there'd be major letdown.

    Let me say it again - we're getting G5s.
  • Reply 124 of 1761
    jaredjared Posts: 639member
    I wonder if the person creating the splash screen count down for this even knows what's coming out...I am guessing not hahaha
  • Reply 125 of 1761
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Motorola's site lists the MPC7XXX series processors. Right now there are only the 7451, 7450, 7441, 7440, 7410 and 7400 processors...meaning all of those processors would fit withing the classification MPC74XX.

    So is Apple going to announce the Motorola MPC75XX 'G5' processors next Monday...hmm?

    The MPC8XXX series processors look like they aren't at all suited for personal computers, but a lot of the tech from those processors will probably be seen in an MPC75XX...hmm...

    [ 01-01-2002: Message edited by: Eugene ]</p>
  • Reply 126 of 1761
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jared:

    <strong>I wonder if the person creating the splash screen count down for this even knows what's coming out...I am guessing not hahaha </strong><hr></blockquote>

    HAHAHAAH now that would be really funny! All this for nothing!!

    Although, steve would not want people to be dissapointed, so...

    It's a toss up...

    Either way, there has to be something....

  • Reply 127 of 1761
    Here's a countdown to MWSF for all you guys.

    <a href=""; target="_blank">countdown</a>

    It counts down in realtime. The normal counter is on my main page on the right.

    //End shameless site plug

    In my opinion Apple is going to have to release the g5s. Why would they create so much expectation only to release an iMac with a new LCD display. It doesn't make sense. Either the G5s are going to be released with a whole new form factor along with the iMacs or Apple has some new revolutionary product that can hold its own.

    [ 01-01-2002: Message edited by: cowofwar ]</p>
  • Reply 128 of 1761
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    I'm betting on the new iMac having a tablet functionality. That would warrant this sort of hype. I have no idea on that topic though and that is really just a wish

    As for G5s...well that I can't say anything much about. Maybe they will maybe they won't. I wouldn't count on it though.

    My assumption would be not the processor upgrades that steal the show but the functionality of some design or device being what the hype is about. Don't count on anything more.
  • Reply 129 of 1761
    timortistimortis Posts: 149member
    This has to be big. There just have been too many G5 rumors for Apple to tell people to get ready to be blown away for an LCD iMac and a 1.2 Ghz G4 PowerMac.

    Remember, the G5 rumors were even mentioned in an article on CNN's website.
  • Reply 130 of 1761
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    [quote]Originally posted by Telomar:

    <strong>I'm betting on the new iMac having a tablet functionality. That would warrant this sort of hype. I have no idea on that topic though and that is really just a wish </strong><hr></blockquote>

    When will Microsoft's Tablet PC be released? (we all know that it can do half of what B.G. showed when they announced the damn thing ).
  • Reply 131 of 1761
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    I think the new iMac will have features not yet seen on a consumer computer.

    Don't forget there is going to be some interesting new Software as well.

    Even though SJ has not used the , "one more thing" line in the last several MacWorlds.. contrary to popular belief, I believe this time he will. It will be a product nobody has a clue on outside of Apple. Things are getting very interesting.
  • Reply 132 of 1761
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Acccording to Apple's web site:

    Count the days...

    Count the minutes...

    Count on being blown away...

    Are they three statements a hint that there will be three new products announced (PowerMac G5, LCD iMac, & Digital Device)???

    This must be big. In a few days, the non-Macintosh press will counting down with all of us.

  • Reply 133 of 1761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by Dave K.:

    <strong>Acccording to Apple's web site:

    Count the days...

    Count the minutes...

    Count on being blown away...

    Are they three statements a hint that there will be three new products announced (PowerMac G5, LCD iMac, & Digital Device)???


    No it isn´t. Sorry.



    This must be big. In a few days, the non-Macintosh press will counting down with all of us.


    Don´t really count on it.
  • Reply 134 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    cowofwar- Your counter is nice, but its 3 hours off. The keynote starts at 12 PM EST, not 9 AM. It's 9 AM PST.

    I can't believe Apple is hyping this even more. I mean, I thought it was hard to believe when I made this thread. Now there has to be something huge at MWSF if they're going to do this every day.
  • Reply 135 of 1761
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:


    Don´t really count on it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Do you have proof or are you just being pessimistic (to avoid a let down)? Hopefully, there will be FIVE more announcements like this coming. Mac OS X wasn't even hyped like this event. I really think this is TRUELY going to be big.
  • Reply 136 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Anders is looking at this board and it's wild predictions. He sees Apple possibly over hyping this event, and wants to make sure that people take the rumors posted with a grain of salt rather than believing them because its so hyped up by Apple.
  • Reply 137 of 1761
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    "Count the days. Count the minutes. Count on being blown away."

    Hmm... overhyping? Or is there really something "blowing us away"?
  • Reply 137 of 1761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    OMG I just figured out what it is. You just have to read their clues litterally

    [quote]This one is big. Even by our standards<hr></blockquote>

    They mean big as in actual physical size, not as important.

    [quote]Count the days. Count the minutes. Count on being blown away.<hr></blockquote>

    See what I mean? Count the time and be blown away.

    Those two clue can only mean one thing: A doomsdays devise. Perhaps the days and minutes part means that it won´t blow up before Apple reaches a certaint low of marked share, like 1%. And the hype is to let everyone know this so in fear of their lifes will buy Macs.
  • Reply 139 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    [quote]Do you have proof or are you just being pessimistic (to avoid a let down)? Hopefully, there will be FIVE more announcements like this coming. Mac OS X wasn't even hyped like this event. I really think this is TRUELY going to be big. <hr></blockquote>

    Okay. Here's what we know:

    The PowerBook G4 will not be recieving an upgrade. It was just bumped about a week ago to include the combo drives, and even BTOs are 5 day shipping. Does Apple reallly want to make people who just bought a new TiBook for full price right after it came out angry by releasing a 733 MHz TiBook? Maybe they will do this, but the cost will have to be around $3700.

    But the biggest deal about the TiBook not getting a bump is when it was bumped. That was last week. Why would Apple release a 'new' (I know, it's just a combo drive/more RAM), TiBook just a few days before Macworld? If Steve truly didn't have anything to show off at MWSF, he would have saved the TiBook bump for his keynote.

    We are also pretty sure that the iPod isn't going to get bumped. It was just introduced over a month ago, and seems to be a big hit. So count the iPod out (but not another digitial device, perhaps).

    So that leaves the rest of the product lines:



    Power Mac

    Apple also could deal with it's iSoftware, as well as expanding the product line.
  • Reply 140 of 1761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Hey wait a minute. Why is the hours missing. Count days and minutes? It MUST be an Apple watch with a new universal time standard, AppleBites, where you only count minutes, not hours, and based on Cupertino time and from the year and day of the the first mac. So right now the time is 18MY1D356 AB. That must be it.
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