10.3.3 is officially out - anyone install it yet?



  • Reply 121 of 159

    Originally posted by hypoluxa

    I installed it, and no weird problems to speak of.

    I second that.
  • Reply 122 of 159
    Since this thread seems to be straying from Mac OS X to battery issues, I'm splitting off all of the battery posts to another thread.

    See here: Battery Issues w/ 10.3.3
  • Reply 123 of 159
    sam damonsam damon Posts: 129member
    Installed 10.3.3 on my external FW drive that I use to test stuff before putting on my main drives.

    Boot time is *much* shorter, probably about 1/3d what it is under Jag on a 800 MHz FP iMac. Finder code was either recompiled, rewritten, or a combination of the two, because it's much snappier. Camino, Safari, and OmniWeb work fine.

    Tomorrow comes what is for me, the acid test: Does 10.3.3 break FCE?

    Just didn't have time today to putz with it. Tomorrow for sure.

    I'm getting the feeling, "This is what Panther should have been when it came out", but I'll reserve judgment until I see what happens with Final Cut, which is notorious for not liking point software upgrades of either the OS, or of QuickTime.



    Seems the SU version of 10.3.3 hosed every file's permissions on my external FW drive. While the machine was not, repeat NOT, hosed, I could see where someone not as conscientious as me might have problems.

    Moral of story: ALWAYS repair permissions after installing new software (especially an Apple operating system update!)

    FWIW, the permissions utility was saying words to the effect of 'this file' is in group 99, should be 80; then it reset the permissions. If someone with a bit more Unix background could explain, I'd appreciate it.
  • Reply 124 of 159
    jabohnjabohn Posts: 585member
    I was hoping that 10.3.3 would add native burning support for my Mitsumi 52x ATA drive, but it hasn't. I'll have to stick with Toast until then.
  • Reply 125 of 159
    First problem ever installing an update:

    Some of my contextual menu items in safari are replaced with "Localized String Not Found" If I select it, it still performs the task it should. I know what most of them are from muscle memory but it would be nice if it said "copy" instead of "Localized String Not Found" I even re-installed Safari, I am about to try and delete the plist and see what happens \
  • Reply 126 of 159
    Apple says that "Open" is replaced with "Choose" in the open dialog boxes. In what app(s) is this applied to? All my open dialogs still have the OPEN button flashing...
  • Reply 127 of 159
    Deleted Safari's preferences, That did nothing.
  • Reply 128 of 159
    I just noticed, the vB buttons on here do not work either. \ I wonder...

    EDIT: Changed VB to vB... \
  • Reply 129 of 159

    Originally posted by SilentEchoes

    I just noticed, the VB buttons on here do not work either. \ I wonder...

    VB? Visual Basic? o.O?
  • Reply 130 of 159

    Originally posted by Proud iBook Owner 2k2

    VB? Visual Basic? o.O?

    err no the vBullitin code.
  • Reply 131 of 159
    i installed it, it's faster
  • Reply 132 of 159
    Err fixed my problem. Apparently some of the contextual menu items are in the localized file in the webkit framework instead of safari... For what ever reason my webkit.framework did not get updated.

    Thank you Pacifist.
  • Reply 133 of 159
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    Originally posted by Proud iBook Owner 2k2

    Apple says that "Open" is replaced with "Choose" in the open dialog boxes. In what app(s) is this applied to? All my open dialogs still have the OPEN button flashing...

    Perhaps this is the case for certain dialog boxes where you select a folder. I thought these already displayed "choose" though...

    On a related note, those power bars shown in the APC Preference Pane are also used for Bluetooth battery strength for my wireless keyboard and mouse.
  • Reply 134 of 159
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member
    Since updating to 10.3.3, I can no longer use my external DVD player (DVD-R/RW) to play DVD movies. Reading data on data dvs is fine, and I can see the movie DVDs mount on the desktop. The Apple DVD player gives an initialization error. The brand of the external firewire player does not make any difference. I am wondering if this is by design?
  • Reply 135 of 159
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Installed it on my G4 533, and did not see any real differences
  • Reply 136 of 159
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    Installed on iMac G3 400 and no problems at all. Dont see any improvements that I can tell.

    I do suggest repairing permissions right after the update. It had to repair something I had never seen before. I always repair permissions after an upgrade.

    By the way, if you want to speed up safari I strongly suggest downlaoding pithhelmet, which gets rid of those annoying animated gifs and moving ads.
  • Reply 137 of 159
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Panther is still flaky. The key commands bug is still there. I was just in Finder, I hit Command-W, and nothing. Repeatedly. Had to mouse the menu, then it would work. That bug is kind of rare at least but just a weird annoying little thing.
  • Reply 138 of 159
    ps5533ps5533 Posts: 476member

    Originally posted by kraig911

    I am about to just go for it and install it anyone have any problems?

    i did it and it works oh so goode
  • Reply 139 of 159
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Hide bug is still there too. Preview decided right now to stop responding to Hide in the menu or Cmd-H.
  • Reply 140 of 159
    mattjohndrowmattjohndrow Posts: 1,618member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    Hide bug is still there too. Preview decided right now to stop responding to Hide in the menu or Cmd-H.

    yeah, just found that out with safari and iTunes, dammit i hate that bug, oh well, that's what exposé's for, right?
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