Hamas's Spiritual Leader / Founder Killed.



  • Reply 181 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Just read an interesting statement on the killing from an Orthodox Jewish perspective at Neturei Karta. Some highlights from the statement of Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss:

    An interesting read.....

    I suspect a chemical imbalance.
  • Reply 182 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by DeManON

    I suspect a chemical imbalance.

    Here's another:

  • Reply 183 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by ericg

    Interesting indeed, but Neturei Karta will be "branded" as self-hating jews by some people (you know who you are) just like the "not in my name" organisation"

    Of course running Israel as a secular democratic state with freedom of, and from, religion is the ultimate in blasphemy to ________. Fill in the blank.
  • Reply 184 of 205
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Hamas promises sex orgy to a Gaza retard.

    From Best of the Web

    The Dead End Kids

    Yesterday Israel caught a teenage boy, Husam Abu, trying to cross a checkpoint clad in an explosive suit, the Jerusalem Post reports:

    "He was fully aware of what he was to do and told us he received NIS 100 and was instructed to blow himself up near soldiers," battalion commander Lt.-Col. Guy told The Jerusalem Post. "The soldiers' quick action not only saved their lives but those of 200 Palestinian men, women, and children who were at the roadblock." . . .

    Abdu, who lives in Nablus, told interrogators he was jeered at by his friends who made fun of him, and decided to take advantage of the offer.

    "Blowing myself up is the only chance I've got to have sex with 72 virgins in the Garden of Eden," Abdu said his handlers had told him.

    The boy's age is in some question. Early reports said he was as young as 8, but the Post says he's 14, and Maariv reports "his identity card indicates that he has already celebrated his 16th birthday." He may also be mildly retarded; Britain's Press Association quotes brother Hosni: "He doesn't know anything, and he has the intelligence of a 12 year old."

    A CBS News reports makes this bizarre statement: "Many, if not most, Palestinians are also shocked by the use of children by terrorists--but try to put it in context"--as if CBS thinks there is some sort of "context" that could ever justify the murder of children. The New York Times report on the incident, meanwhile, omits crucial elements of context, namely the 100-sheckel payment and the fact that he was promised a heavenly orgy. It seems as though the Times is hesitant to underscore the utter depravity of the Palestinian terrorist culture.
  • Reply 185 of 205
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by DeManON

    Of course running Israel as a secular democratic state with freedom of, and from, religion is the ultimate in blasphemy to ________. Fill in the blank.

    "the truth."
  • Reply 186 of 205
    dviantdviant Posts: 483member

    Originally posted by Existence

    How do we know he is really dead? Missiles dont exactly leave much in terms of identifiable remains. If I were him and somehow survived the attack, I'd make it seem like I'm dead to rally my cause and demonize the opposing side.


    Originally posted by k squared

    NPR said this morning the only identifiable thing left was his head.

    Here it is apparently... though it kind of looks like maybe a photoshop job? I don't know, maybe its really. I've probably just seen too many sick things on the internet to know the difference.


    (mods delete my link if its too much)

    Can anyone read the text on those pages?
  • Reply 187 of 205

    Originally posted by Harald

    "the truth."

    Actually, the answer is "to Islamicists and their sympathizers". But I'm glad to know where you stand. Seems Mika had you peg right. Wish she was still around.
  • Reply 188 of 205
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Hamas promises sex orgy to a Gaza retard.

    From Best of the Web

    The Dead End Kids

    Yesterday Israel caught a teenage boy, Husam Abu, trying to cross a checkpoint clad in an explosive suit, the Jerusalem Post reports:

    "He was fully aware of what he was to do and told us he received NIS 100 and was instructed to blow himself up near soldiers," battalion commander Lt.-Col. Guy told The Jerusalem Post. "The soldiers' quick action not only saved their lives but those of 200 Palestinian men, women, and children who were at the roadblock." . . .

    Abdu, who lives in Nablus, told interrogators he was jeered at by his friends who made fun of him, and decided to take advantage of the offer.

    "Blowing myself up is the only chance I've got to have sex with 72 virgins in the Garden of Eden," Abdu said his handlers had told him.

    The boy's age is in some question. Early reports said he was as young as 8, but the Post says he's 14, and Maariv reports "his identity card indicates that he has already celebrated his 16th birthday." He may also be mildly retarded; Britain's Press Association quotes brother Hosni: "He doesn't know anything, and he has the intelligence of a 12 year old."

    A CBS News reports makes this bizarre statement: "Many, if not most, Palestinians are also shocked by the use of children by terrorists--but try to put it in context"--as if CBS thinks there is some sort of "context" that could ever justify the murder of children. The New York Times report on the incident, meanwhile, omits crucial elements of context, namely the 100-sheckel payment and the fact that he was promised a heavenly orgy. It seems as though the Times is hesitant to underscore the utter depravity of the Palestinian terrorist culture.

    It's proove that terrorists have not respect for life. But does it need to be prooved.
  • Reply 189 of 205

    Originally posted by DeManON

    Actually, the answer is "to Islamicists and their sympathizers". But I'm glad to know where you stand. Seems Mika had you peg right. Wish she was still around.

    Mika, this is ridiculous. This is like a positive DNA ID for you. We all know it and we all had you pegged from the first post.

    And just so as we're all clear, Mika was a guy. He posted his picture once as a kid.
  • Reply 190 of 205

    So the palestinians have to kill jews? Please correct me if I am wrong, but that is the impression I get

    No they don't, that's the point. No one HAS to kill anyone unless its absolutely the last resort. The individual Palestinians who choose to strap bombs to themselves and kill Jewish families going about thier daily lives are wrong. Israeli soldiers who shoot and kill children throwing stones or journalists are wrong.

    The problem stems from the reaction to being 'wronged' that assumes that it is okay to kill to further ones aims. If Israelis or Palesitnians convince themselves that they are under fear of extermination (not very likely for the Israelis thankfully) and that those they consider responsible are 'other' and homogenious then their tactics will seem (to them at least) justified.

    Do I believe that ordinary Israelis want to exterminate the Palestinians? No

    Or that ordinary Palestinians want to do the same to Israelis? No.

    But both populations get swept along by fear and reprisals, deliberatly kept frightened by those amongst them who are more radical/fanatical. My point was that as people living in a 'democracy', as experienced victims of some of the worst attrocities the world has ever seen and as the regional power, Israelis could accept a greater responsibility for sorting this mess out.

    Being strong does not always mean take the most extreme retailliation one can. The whole Arab/Irsraeli conflict seems dogged by macho posturing regardless of what would truly lead to long-term security.
  • Reply 191 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    Mika, this is ridiculous. This is like a positive DNA ID for you. We all know it and we all had you pegged from the first post.

    And just so as we're all clear, Mika was a guy. He posted his picture once as a kid.

    I must have been away when he did that.

    A thousand pardons. Now can we stop with this nonsense.
  • Reply 192 of 205
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member
    I name you "Death of Threads."

    You automatically invoke Goodwin's Law simply by posting. You see death of a race as an answer to problems. There are certain Palestinians who do this too, and they are facists. Those that lump them all in together as the enemy are doomed.
  • Reply 193 of 205
    Mika's sig says 'Next stop Yathrib.'

    Just so as everyone knows, Yathrib is the ancient name for the city of Medina in Saudi Arabia, which is, of course, the holiest place in the world for all Muslims after Mecca.
  • Reply 194 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    Just so as everyone knows, Yathrib is the ancient name for the city of Medina in Saudi Arabia, which is, of course, the holiest place in the world for all Muslims after Mecca.

    You forgot to mention this:


  • Reply 195 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member
  • Reply 196 of 205
    Oh. You want a response.

    Google tells me that Mohammed died in 632 CE. That's 1372 years ago, which makes an Israeli foreign policy response a bit too tardy to make much difference, no?

    Great website, by the way. "Muslims are evil: here's why!"

    Mika, come to my arms and bask in my bosom. It's really you.
  • Reply 197 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member
    And yet after almost 1400 years, what has changed? Nothing!

  • Reply 198 of 205
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Mika, your mom wants you out of the basement.
  • Reply 199 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member
    Hmm,.. Is that what they told that slow bomber kid? Does he now have to give back the $25 he was paid to move out?
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