Hamas's Spiritual Leader / Founder Killed.



  • Reply 161 of 205

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    So the palestinians have to kill jews? Please correct me if I am wrong, but that is the impression I get.

    Is it that they can't help it? These suicide vests just fall out of the sky and land on them and they wander aimlessly until they get to a bunch of jews and their finger just happens to twitch and press that button? Or are they being forced to kill by the big bad wall?

    It's possible to both condemn the suicide bombers and understand the desperation that motivates them.
  • Reply 162 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    It's possible to both condemn the suicide bombers and understand the desperation that motivates them.


    Ever look at a map of the Middle East? What is this desperation that motivates them? There's not enough Arab land to go around?
  • Reply 163 of 205
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by DeManON


    Ever look at a map of the Middle East? What is this desperation that motivates them? There's not enough Arab land to go around?

    Mika, the term "Arab land" doesn't mean anything. There's not enough Palestinian land to sustain them.
  • Reply 164 of 205
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by 709

    Die. Please.

    This post is unwelcome. Please take note.

  • Reply 165 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Mika, the term "Arab land" doesn't mean anything. There's not enough Palestinian land to sustain them.

    You're now the second person to address me by that name. Is there a reason for this?
  • Reply 166 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Mika, the term "Arab land" doesn't mean anything. There's not enough Palestinian land to sustain them.

    It means everything; since they are Arabs.

    I also find it curious that you draw this conclusion regards the Arab side and not the Jewish side. Because as far as I know, it is Israel alone that is forced to export water from a third country (Turkey).
  • Reply 167 of 205

    Originally posted by DeManON


    Ever look at a map of the Middle East? What is this desperation that motivates them? There's not enough Arab land to go around?

    The theft of the land is one thing and you should understand the desire to return, Mika, having once had a quote from Theodor Herzl as your sig.

    I honestly don't believe you're capable of recognising the humiliation and the indignity that the Palestinian people now suffer because it appears you don't actually see them as people.
  • Reply 168 of 205

    Originally posted by DeManON


    Ever look at a map of the Middle East? What is this desperation that motivates them? There's not enough Arab land to go around?

    Oh: and when was Israel given the right to decide who deserves to own what?
  • Reply 169 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    The theft of the land is one thing and you should understand the desire to return, Mika, having once had a quote from Theodor Herzl as your sig.

    I honestly don't believe you're capable of recognising the humiliation and the indignity that the Palestinian people now suffer because it appears you don't actually see them as people.

    WTF is this Mika?
  • Reply 170 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    It's possible to both condemn the suicide bombers and understand the desperation that motivates them.

    Oh, you mean these people ?

    The family of the teenager said he was gullible and easily manipulated. "He doesn?t know anything, and he has the intelligence of a 12-year-old," his brother, Hosni, said.

    The Israeli military said Abdo?s mission was to kill soldiers at the crowded Hawara Checkpoint. "In addition to the fact that he would have harmed my soldiers, he would have also harmed the Palestinians waiting at the checkpoint, and there were 200-300 innocent Palestinians there," a commander said.
  • Reply 171 of 205
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    "No matter how many times Israel learns of the use of children for suicide bombings, it is shocking on each occasion. Israelis do not understand how Palestinians are willing to sacrifice their own children in order to kill ours." Dore Gold, aide to Ariel Sharon.

    It appears it's not only Mika who doesn't see the palestinians as people. Its government policy. Demonization and alienation...
  • Reply 172 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by New

    "No matter how many times Israel learns of the use of children for suicide bombings, it is shocking on each occasion. Israelis do not understand how Palestinians are willing to sacrifice their own children in order to kill ours." Dore Gold, aide to Ariel Sharon.

    It appears it's not only Mika who doesn't see the palestinians as people. Its government policy. Demonization and alienation...

    So you don't see it as demonic to send a 16 year old half-wit on a suicide mission to murder Israelis?
  • Reply 173 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Breaking news: it seems Yassin offered Sharon a 30-year cease fire and cessation of Hamas activities.

    According to Efraim Halevy (a former Mossad operative) Yassin made the 30-year offer whilst in prison. He also offered Israel a 10-year truce on condition of Israel withdrawing its troops and settlers from all of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (can you say UN resolution ?).

    According to Netanyahu though, the offers were "worthless" - ie: not even considered, discussed, thought about or in anyway let to interfere with the reciprocal killing.

    So they let him out of prison instead.

    Seems like that's the Sharon approach: kill them because they are animals - if they make a peace offer it can't be genuine because they are animals.

    I know you read the Koran. Don't you think Jews already know about muslim truce offers first hand?
  • Reply 174 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    So I did a little search for that Mika girl, and turns out this girl was banned. But what's funny is every time you people find someone that disagrees with your arab views, you id them as that girl and have them banned as well. HAHAHAHA. Man, that is sad.

  • Reply 175 of 205
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by DeManON

    So you don't see it as demonic to send a 16 year old half-wit on a suicide mission to murder Israelis?

    Sure, but he doesn't represent all palestinians (or arabs), and I'm sure even some israelis have a pretty good clue of why he would try to blow himself up. I hear they teach sociology in israel too...

    This is just a new phrasing of Golda Meirs good ol' : "We will have peace in the Middle East when the Arabs love their children more than they hate the Jew..."

    Which if use on any other ethnic group, would be considered deeply racist...
  • Reply 176 of 205
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by DeManON

    Every time you people find someone that disagrees with your arab views, you id them as that girl and have them banned as well. HAHAHAHA. Man, that is sad.

    Mika was a girl?


    No, Mika was a horrendous, racist, sick individual who kept on coming back using different names before getting justifiable bans. The mods don't ban people because someone says "You're so-and-so aren't you?".

    I think she was the only person here who used genuine hate-speech knowingly; who once said that "ethnic cleansing" was the solution to the middle east. Mika also made the most disgusting and obscene racist comments about me personally, profoundly hurtful, and -- it's an over-used word -- facist.

    That way lies the gas chambers and ditches that claimed the lives of millions of Jews. I'm sure you can see the logic of that?

    Mika was also one of a few genuinely ill indivuals on AO. Traumatised by events in Israel maybe, maybe ill for other reasons, but psychologically sick. I wish that Mika had shown traces of understanding, had been more sympathetic a character. We shouldn't have been so hard on Mika but encouraged Mika to seek medical help. I say this with no irony whatsover, but a bit of guilt.

    The tragedy of Mika, to bring this back on topic, was that she couldn't see that she and the suicide bombers were two sides of the same coin, and that she was every bit as ill, every much part of the same problem, as those murderous, desperate, sick, traumatised fools in al Asqa and Hamas.
  • Reply 177 of 205
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by DeManON


    So I did a little search for that Mika girl, and turns out this girl was banned. But what's funny is every time you people find someone that disagrees with your arab views, you id them as that girl and have them banned as well. HAHAHAHA. Man, that is sad.

    And you expect to be taken serious with this post?
  • Reply 178 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by New

    Sure, but he doesn't represent all palestinians (or arabs), and I'm sure even some israelis have a pretty good clue of why he would try to blow himself up. I hear they teach sociology in israel too...

    This is just a new phrasing of Golda Meirs good ol' : "We will have peace in the Middle East when the Arabs love their children more than they hate the Jew..."

    Which if use on any other ethnic group, would be considered deeply racist...

    I would say Golda has made a very acute observation. But I'm willing to grant you 1 percent error just for the sake of semantics.
  • Reply 179 of 205
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member
  • Reply 180 of 205
    ericgericg Posts: 135member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Just read an interesting statement on the killing from an Orthodox Jewish perspective at Neturei Karta. Some highlights from the statement of Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss:

    An interesting read.....

    Interesting indeed, but Neturei Karta will be "branded" as self-hating jews by some people (you know who you are) just like the "not in my name" organisation"
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