New iMac's in Sept - **CONFIRMED**



  • Reply 141 of 302
    krassykrassy Posts: 595member

    Originally posted by foamy

    What's your target buy price considering the iMac fiasco?

    mine's $24
  • Reply 142 of 302
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    it's also confirmed in the french apple store web site.

    It' s the first time that Apple made such an annoucement.
  • Reply 143 of 302
    moosemanmooseman Posts: 126member
    ...I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that Apple decided to spend millions engineering some crazy case that requires air cooling.

    Hey, Apple, how about a simple freaking mini-tower? Christ, I get tired of this Function Follows Form BS. For a company that prides itself on ease of use and polish in its OS and associated apps, why the hell do they feel the need to toture thier cusomters with locked down non-standard hardware?

    You know, you don't need to worry about cooling if you just create a standard damn box. I want the OS, not your shiney piece of uber-dork-idolotry.

    Box. 2-5.25 bays. AGP. PCI. $799. Millions sold.
  • Reply 144 of 302
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Then buy one you tosser...
  • Reply 145 of 302
    snofsnof Posts: 98member

    Originally posted by LePtiSuisse

    I had to register to give my to cent...

    I've been following the iMac rumors for some times now, and I can't help but wonder... If the iMac stays as a AIO computer, how will the eMac evolve ???

    Don't you think that somtimes next year, the eMac will adopt a flat screen ?

    So... what will then be the difference betwen an iMac and and an eMac ?

    The eMac was made because the iMac cost too much for schools. The idea behind it was to give it a CRT to cut a lot of the cost. I don't think it will ever get a flat screen, it wouldn't make much sense. If flat screen costs drop dramatically (so that they could put one in the eMac at a reasonable price) there wouldn't be much point to it since the iMac could come down in price and fill out the bottom of the price range.

    My hope for the new iMacs is that they have a way to attach any apple display to them, so you can get any size screen you want for it. Though they could also have standard configurations that include both the base and the display. This could give you a headless iMac and an AIO with the same product.
  • Reply 146 of 302
    peter northpeter north Posts: 103member
    Ive been hearing a lot of news on CNBC and various business sources about Apple's iMac fiasco and how missing the Back to School season could hurt their quarter, so is it possible we see either a) price cuts in the iBook and Powerbook lines or b) speed bumps in said lines?
  • Reply 147 of 302
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    The problem IS anodizing the iPodmini colours into the new iMacs Aluminium enclosure.

    BTW: Peter North, North Pole!!!!
  • Reply 148 of 302
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Peter North

    Ive been hearing a lot of news on CNBC and various business sources about Apple's iMac fiasco and how missing the Back to School season could hurt their quarter, so is it possible we see either a) price cuts in the iBook and Powerbook lines or b) speed bumps in said lines?

    sounds like what I heard on the radio, the guy said what I have often thought, saying something like "who the hell would buy an imac anyway when a faster PB is roughly the same price."
  • Reply 149 of 302
    snipesnipe Posts: 97member
  • Reply 150 of 302
    snipesnipe Posts: 97member

    Ive been hearing a lot of news on CNBC and various business sources about Apple's iMac fiasco and how missing the Back to School season could hurt their quarter, so is it possible we see either a) price cuts in the iBook and Powerbook lines or b) speed bumps in said lines?

    CNBC analyst doesn't understand the difference between the ''education''

    market and the ''back to school'' segment. He said that apple missed the

    crucial education market. Other analysts today (smith barney upgrade to a buy from a hold--target $37) Merrill Lynch (still a buy, target lowered) Needham (buying opportunity) all seem to be more tuned in than CNBC's guy

    and to Foamy


    What's your target buy price considering the iMac fiasco?

    You have already seen the bottom today
  • Reply 151 of 302
    peter northpeter north Posts: 103member

    CNBC analyst doesn't understand the difference between the ''education''

    I usually have CNBC on mute all day as they normally do not know what they are talking about, but today their were blurbs about the iMac many times, and one stressed "back to school" season in September. Unless you are interpreting...
  • Reply 152 of 302
    snipesnipe Posts: 97member

    I usually have CNBC on mute all day as they normally do not know what they are talking about, but today their were blurbs about the iMac many times, and one stressed "back to school" season in September. Unless you are interpreting...

    By back to school I am assuming a family mac for junior to use at home (certainly not at school)

    but the CNBC guy said education market which as you know is eMacs and i books... Any way the stock closed in the aftermarket at 31.23 from the over reaction that drove it down to 29.73. and huge volume (16m +)
  • Reply 153 of 302
    reidreid Posts: 190member

    Originally posted by Jamil

    Think of the vesa mount for the new displays. The new pizza box iMac could come with a stand for desktop display or use the vesa mount to hang on the wall.

    Or, maybe the iMac CPU is the stand. Say it has a VESA mount on the front of it, for use with any of Apple's new displays, or any VESA compatible display. On second thought, that would probably end up as an ugly mass of cables and such, while still having most of the AIO drawbacks.
  • Reply 154 of 302
    peter northpeter north Posts: 103member

    By back to school I am assuming a family mac for junior to use at home (certainly not at school)

    but the CNBC guy said education market which as you know is eMacs and i books...

    its not like CNBC only had one guy on who stated "education" market, they had multiple people on throughout the trading day commenting on it and many mentioned a specific educational market and the "back to school" shopping season where many people including non students make purchases. I believe educational market is more focused on school sales while "back to school" is more individual and family purchases that are used to do school work or other types of work.
  • Reply 155 of 302
    tak1108tak1108 Posts: 222member
    Sorry to cross post this, but I didn't want it to get lost over in news comments. Everyone knows the good stuff happens in future hardware.


    Originally posted by utsava

    The reason for not unvieling definitely has to be related directly to either

    1) Looks

    2) Major Feature

    If it was a processor shortage, Steve could still go up there and show off the thing. Apple could also divert some of thier 1.8 and 2.0 G5s from the powerMacs if this was the case. IMO, its got to be something physical related to the manufacturing. If they ran into a problem with this, they may not be quite sure what the solution is yet. The solution could directly impact the look of the machine, and if Steve showed off the prototype, it could end up lookinf vastly different from the final product. This would not go over well.


    How long does it take to Anodize a G5 Mini?

    Maybe that's the hold up. All they had ready were the pink ones. You can't show off the next cool computer to Developers if you only have the pink one ready.

    Now, in Paris. That's where the pink one shines!
  • Reply 156 of 302
    geobegeobe Posts: 235member
    This thread is halarious.

    If you want a consumer Mac, get an eMac. The specs are the same and the price is right.

    If you have to have an iMac, go to any computer retailer. They boxes of them, the compusa by my house has 12 on the floor and who knows how many in the back.

    Try Ebay, there are tons there too. Get creative.

    Appleinsider has claimed to have a drawing of new computer, has anyone seen the drawing?
  • Reply 157 of 302
    rolandgrolandg Posts: 632member

    Originally posted by rickag

    gets my vote, with of course a standard size AGP 8x card though.

    The Cube's AGP slot was pretty much standard size. On the other hand, what is "standard size" for AGP cards these days?

    Full length? That would either make for a hugh (NeXT-like) Cube or a rectangular box.

    How about height? Top-of-the-line GFX-cards take up the neighboring slot as well for their crazy cooling machnisms - just take a look at the GeForce 6800 Apple introduced at WWDC.
  • Reply 158 of 302
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member

    Originally posted by geobe

    This thread is halarious.

    If you want a consumer Mac, get an eMac. The specs are the same and the price is right.

    If you have to have an iMac, go to any computer retailer. They boxes of them, the compusa by my house has 12 on the floor and who knows how many in the back.

    Try Ebay, there are tons there too. Get creative.

    Appleinsider has claimed to have a drawing of new computer, has anyone seen the drawing?

    Yeah i would like to see the drawing even if its just a rough scetch from another drawing, keep waiting on iMac or get another powermac. thats my dilemma. one is overkill and the other is underperforming. of coarse there is allways Alienware- configure the machine and fight off the viruses.
  • Reply 159 of 302
    sport73sport73 Posts: 438member
    For all those speculating about the presence of a "Decor" movie in Steve's search, there has already been an Ad in the iMac lineage entitled "iMac Decor". Not sure of the content as I was unable to view it, but I found it online.
  • Reply 160 of 302
    bullratbullrat Posts: 29member

    Originally posted by tak1108

    How long does it take to Anodize a G5 Mini?

    Maybe that's the hold up. All they had ready were the pink ones. You can't show off the next cool computer to Developers if you only have the pink one ready.

    Now, in Paris. That's where the pink one shines!

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