New iMac's in Sept - **CONFIRMED**



  • Reply 101 of 302
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by The One to Rescue

    A 2.0GHz G5 in an iMac while the bottom of the line Powermac is 1.8GHz (ok, dual, but still...)? Sounds pretty un-Apple, but why not!

    Could be Apple is tired of hearing the iMac described as wimpy and overpriced. Unfortunately, fast G5s would probably result in it still being overpriced.
  • Reply 102 of 302
    beigeuserbeigeuser Posts: 371member
    PowerMac sales have been bad in recent months. Whatever the reason, Apple needs to make sales elsewhere to make up for it. It wouldn't be smart to cripple the iMac for the sake of the slow-selling Powermacs.
  • Reply 103 of 302

    Originally posted by BeigeUser

    PowerMac sales have been bad in recent months. Whatever the reason, Apple needs to make sales elsewhere to make up for it. It wouldn't be smart to cripple the iMac for the sake of the slow-selling Powermacs.

    But then they'd better ready a new Powermac G5 for release right after the iMac G5... PCIe anyone?
  • Reply 104 of 302
    It's the 90 nm process isn't it?
  • Reply 105 of 302

    Originally posted by pey/coy-ote

    It's the 90 nm process isn't it?

    Not necessarily! As I already have said several times (so has BeigeUser), if it had been a G5 shortage, then the new iMac would have be presented with an "available in september thing"... now it seems that the specs are not decided yet, or maybe the enclosure, and well... that's preoccupating anyway!
  • Reply 106 of 302
    7e77e7 Posts: 146member

    Originally posted by Concord

    I would not be so quick to assume that the new iMacs are G5s. Now while I believe the G5 will be the most likely processor, there's still a nagging little voice saying, "It's still too early.".

    Apple has already gone on record (and very recently I might add) saying how difficult it is get a G5 into a smaller form factor. So don't be too surprised if the iMac stays with the G4 until sometime next year.

    Just my 2 bits,


    No way. Can you imagine how badly Apple would be hammered if the new iMac was still a G4-based machine? Why would anybody wait for September for one of those when they could have one right now in a form factor that is very difficult to improve on? I GUARANTEE that the new iMac will have a G5 in it. It is not too early to give such an important product in Apple's lineup the best chip they have available.

    My gut feeling is that the new iMac will be an amazing product.
  • Reply 107 of 302
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by 7E7

    My gut feeling is that the new iMac will be an amazing product.

    And my feeling is that, to much disappointment for many people here, the new iMac will still be an AIO. The iMac is synonymous to desktop AIO, and Apple in the announcement still speak of next generation of iMac. They don't leave you assume something else.
  • Reply 108 of 302

    Originally posted by PB

    And my feeling is that, to much disappointment for many people here, the new iMac will still be an AIO. The iMac is synonymous to desktop AIO, and Apple in the announcement still speak of next generation of iMac. They don't leave you assume something else.

    Same feeling here... but why wouldn't it be an amazing product if it's an AIO?
  • Reply 109 of 302
    odedhodedh Posts: 53member

    Originally posted by BeigeUser

    I wonder why Apple doesn't reveal the specs? If there are no iMac sales to be cannibalized, then there should be nothing to lose. In fact, they could take pre-orders so that they can add more sales to the current quarter.

    Pre Orders don't count in your sales, revenues or bottom line, until you deliver the product you can't charge the client, or count it as a sale, so it wouldn't help Apple's bottom line, as I see it Apple want to announce the iMac with immediate availbility, as you can read from the store "new iMacs will be announced and availible in september"

    if they wanted they could announce them tomorrow, but they choose to make the announcment when the product is availble
  • Reply 110 of 302

    Hummm, Steve introducing a new revolutionnary iMac at Apple Expo in Paris, AND I'LL BE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM WATCHING THE KEYNOTE, LIVE!!!! That's too much for meeeee!


    (Sorry about the lame post... end of a hard day!)
  • Reply 111 of 302
    macenzomacenzo Posts: 18member
    there is a apple promo in german store ending in july 8 for iMac and xServe started in feb. indicates apple was actually planning the new iMac this july. Seems like a G5 problem to me.
  • Reply 112 of 302
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    I am surprised, but pleased. Who bought iMacs anymore anyway? :P

    Luckily the education market has the eMacs
  • Reply 113 of 302
    dstranathandstranathan Posts: 1,717member
    Remember Steve's Spotlight demo at WWDC? He typed in these key words:




    (I think)

  • Reply 114 of 302
    odedhodedh Posts: 53member

    Originally posted by dstranathan

    Remember Steve's Spotlight demo at WWDC? He typed in these key words:




    (I think)


    Something I havn't seen anyone mention, is that when steve did the iMac search in the keynote one of the results was Decor Commercial, now correct me if i'm wrong but i don't remember the iMac ever had a commercial named Decor, i'm guessing it's the commercial for the new model
  • Reply 115 of 302
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member

    Originally posted by Odedh

    when steve did the iMac search in the keynote one of the results was Decor Commercial

    Wow! I couldn't see it in the stream. He-he, what would that mean, I wonder?
  • Reply 116 of 302
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member
    All the talk of more G4s is simply nuts, G4 has been the cause of more problems for Apple then any Cpu ever. G4 killed cube, almost killed Powermac just as it has almost killed iMac/Emac. face it this chips days were numbered back when they sold a dual 1.42 machine 1.5 years ago yet the current imac is all the way up to--LOL 1.25? you can only rewrap a stale cpu in so many clothes before someone takes notice. G4 cant even drive a 9800 and we have people here saying imac isnt ready for G5? ( Zealots ) my take is they have tried to be to fancy with all kinds of stuff in the coming iMac and it bit them hard. They should have made a machine like powermac half the size with smaller specs,single cpu ,less memory etc. Keep it simple and affordable.
  • Reply 117 of 302
    daveleedavelee Posts: 245member
    Well, the Apple store UK has been pushing the refurb iMac units out the door for the past few weeks. The refurb section is usually only available on Wednesdays, but has been open Wed-Thurs, Fri and even Saturday lately. It has always had a lot of iMacs for sale.

    I guess this really has taken the wind out of the Apple sail.

    I also think the indication that Tiger is going to be 64 bit means that by the time it is released, a significant proportion of the Macs could be 64 bit (i.e. both iMac 3 and Powerbook - hopefully). I would imagine that the intro of the 64 bit hardware will allow them a good base for the later Tiger intro. The 32 bit nature of Tiger will allow G4 and G3 users to obviously upgrade too.
  • Reply 118 of 302
    zozo Posts: 3,117member

    piecing the bits together:

    If next gen iMac codename is Decor, this could mean a definite push into the living room. An OSX set top box to hook up to any TV, that deals with audio, video, maybe lets you talk to it to shut off the lights, take messages from calls, and of course would let you make some home videos (iMovie), organize your pics, etc etc etc...

    Thats the only thing I can think of if it is indeed called Decor
  • Reply 119 of 302

    Originally posted by ZO

    Thats the only thing I can think of if it is indeed called Decor

    I would love to think something like that was about to happen. I hope you're right.
  • Reply 120 of 302

    Originally posted by 7E7

    I GUARANTEE that the new iMac will have a G5 in it. It is not too early to give such an important product in Apple's lineup the best chip they have available.

    According to Peter Cohen over at MacCentral "...Apple has been very clear that a G5 iMac won't appear before the end of the year at the soonest."

    Now I recall Apple remarking that it would be a while before they could put a G5 in a Powerbook, but I don't remember anything about the iMac. Still, Cohen should know since he follows this for a living, right?

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