Last Minute Predictions



  • Reply 101 of 131
    rnskrnsk Posts: 35member

    Originally posted by satchmo

    My guess:

    The iMac will have a optional detachable 17" & 20" LCD displays.

    This is the only possible way for Apple to hit the sweet spot of $1000. This would be a bare bones 1.6 GHZ G5 without a display. Even this is a stretch.

    Might not be aware of this, but I don't think *Apple* has *any* interest in hitting this mythical "sweet spot" WHATSOEVER.

    There is no, none, nada ZERO indication in anything Apple has done with the iMac line outside of the stripped Indigo's of the late 90's that has even remotely *hinted* that Apple has any notion or interest in this space with the iMac line *whatsoever*

  • Reply 102 of 131
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by RnSK

    Might not be aware of this, but I don't think *Apple* has *any* interest in hitting this mythical "sweet spot" WHATSOEVER.

    There is no, none, nada ZERO indication in anything Apple has done with the iMac line outside of the stripped Indigo's of the late 90's that has even remotely *hinted* that Apple has any notion or interest in this space with the iMac line *whatsoever*


    um. except for apple saying several times including the last financial conference call that the iMac was not selling well do to being priced above the "sweet spot" of 999 and that they don't have a strong offering there.

    they have said that several times now. so, there is indication
  • Reply 103 of 131
    rnskrnsk Posts: 35member
    You're on crack...( ok, well that's a bit much...sorry)

    Apple has made, and has been selling like nuts, a G4 consumer machine well under that price.

    Look people, Apple isn't going to make a G5 for less than a grand with PCI Slot/Slots for you to swap stuff in and out of.

    NOBODY buys the Low End so they can upgrade it latter...Apple's own sales numbers show this...time and time again.

    I guess if some of you guys were in "the biz" a lot more of what you say here would be sensible

  • Reply 104 of 131

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    I WANT A DAMN TABLET, DAMNIT. hehehe Hope you heard, me Steve-o.

    Why? Seriously.
  • Reply 105 of 131
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by RnSK

    You're on crack...( ok, well that's a bit much...sorry)

    Apple has made, and has been selling like nuts, a G4 consumer machine well under that price.

    Look people, Apple isn't going to make a G5 for less than a grand with PCI Slot/Slots for you to swap stuff in and out of.

    NOBODY buys the Low End so they can upgrade it latter...Apple's own sales numbers show this...time and time again.

    I guess if some of you guys were in "the biz" a lot more of what you say here would be sensible


    and you're an idiot.

    all you have to do is listen to the last conference call to be proven wrong

    dont tell me im on crack when i say correct you on something
  • Reply 106 of 131

    Why? Seriously.

    Is this your first time on the internet?
  • Reply 107 of 131

    Originally posted by RnSK

    You're on crack...( ok, well that's a bit much...sorry)

    Apple has made, and has been selling like nuts, a G4 consumer machine well under that price.

    Look people, Apple isn't going to make a G5 for less than a grand with PCI Slot/Slots for you to swap stuff in and out of.

    NOBODY buys the Low End so they can upgrade it latter...Apple's own sales numbers show this...time and time again.

    I guess if some of you guys were in "the biz" a lot more of what you say here would be sensible


    You mean because you don't want one no one else in the world should want one? how old are you -- 9 years old or something?
  • Reply 108 of 131

    Originally posted by RnSK

    ENOUGH with the TABLET crap people. Tablet computers offer *nothing* greater than a !" or so thick laptop does, and LACK the one thing that would make a them useful: a freakin' keyboard.

    What's more, Apple, knowing this, knows also that they can bring *nothing* to the table to "improve" tablet "computing" but OS X...and even that won't help because...

    Tablet computing sucks. Its not MS's fault...its just...



    Not as you know them. I think of tablets are a desktop mirror. Not as a tabletpc kind of thing. That'd be useful, or an iReader where you can read docs on the go, anyway, this has been discussed to death in other threads. I'm kinda lazy to type now.
  • Reply 109 of 131
    rnskrnsk Posts: 35member

    Originally posted by ArticulatedArm

    You mean because you don't want one no one else in the world should want one? how old are you -- 9 years old or something?

    Actually, I'm 35.

    That being said...

    Look at the numbers. The vocal types that frequent these forums time and time again whine about the same old Apple pricing or whatever.

    When Apple produces a line of machines with something on the bottom, its always 'too crippled' or one buys them. The demand is always for the high end (especially in the pro space) and the prosumer machines don't sell.

    Look at the numbers. Apple always has the "$800 off" offering, but thats not what people, according to the sales, really want. Folks always talk about the pricing, but never want the compromises required for Apple to produce machines in that range.

    And seeing that trend, Apple forges ever forward with "The Plan."

    Like they will tomorrow

  • Reply 110 of 131
    rnskrnsk Posts: 35member

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    Not as you know them. I think of tablets are a desktop mirror. Not as a tabletpc kind of thing. That'd be useful, or an iReader where you can read docs on the go, anyway, this has been discussed to death in other threads. I'm kinda lazy to type now.

    Thin clients have also proven to be a failure pretty much, in the space that would benefit most from them. Sounds like you are describing a consumer sort of wireless thin clent.

    Assure you if Apple made one to Apple spec, it would be at least "$300 too much."

  • Reply 111 of 131
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    so, is anyone going to go directory-diving later tonight at time canada?

    just sayin'...
  • Reply 112 of 131

    Originally posted by RnSK

    Thin clients have also proven to be a failure pretty much, in the space that would benefit most from them. Sounds like you are describing a consumer sort of wireless thin clent.

    Assure you if Apple made one to Apple spec, it would be at least "$300 too much."


    well, i've never complained about apple's pricing.

    i believe you get what you pay for
  • Reply 113 of 131
    rnskrnsk Posts: 35member

    Originally posted by rok

    so, is anyone going to go directory-diving later tonight at time canada?

    just sayin'...


    Nice one
  • Reply 114 of 131
    rtdunhamrtdunham Posts: 428member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    Afterall phil is the dolphin of Steve Jobs (dolphin was the name...'s phil, not phlipper.

  • Reply 115 of 131
    rnskrnsk Posts: 35member

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    well, i've never complained about apple's pricing.

    i believe you get what you pay for

    I believe this as well. I also don't believe Apple could design somethng like that to meet the pricing...requirements...of enough folks to pay for what they could, and would, mass-produce. *Everything* matters to Apple, and I just don't think they have it in them to make the compromises they'd have to to get it done, ya' know?

    The iPod is about as "bad" a machine as Apple could ever eek out for that dollar amount. If they were a different company, had different "corporate DNA"...then maybe.

    But I think the folks that run Apple have limitations to what they are willing to produce, or allow others to do so, with their name on it.

    I've never seen a $400 computing product of Apple calibre...ever. 'Cept for the iPod.

    Like that comedian says... "there's yer sign."
  • Reply 116 of 131
    rnskrnsk Posts: 35member

    Originally posted by applenut

    and you're an idiot.

    all you have to do is listen to the last conference call to be proven wrong

    dont tell me im on crack when i say correct you on something

    Ah but you haven't, least until we see what happens tomorrow...

    because those calls are for folks that want to speculate on stock, at least coming from Apple. They really don't use them as "Roadmaps" like other companies do...nor could they anyway.

    The *record* speaks volumes tho...or like the old folks say:

    "actions speak louder than words."

    If Apple sphincters a $999 AIO G5 iMac I got no problem coming back here and saying "I was wrong...sooo wrong. I couldn't have been more wrong if my name was Wrongy Wrongenstein!" (Man I love Penn Gillette...heheh)

    Somehow tho'...I'm thinking it just won't be an issue...Apple will come thru with a kicazz AIO thats just about $300 - $400 more than "the Gallery" would like

  • Reply 117 of 131
    I think that Steve Jobs will be the one last thing as he appears from his new iMac using the new iSight with tiger showing off the h.264 support. He than shows off the iMac. Also, since these 60gb hard drive's are so small, couldn't you take them and use them in a computer? Couldn't you stick one of those suckers in a powerbook, and now have a much smaller, less power consuming hd with fewer heat emissions? Possibly leaving room for a g5?
  • Reply 118 of 131
    rnskrnsk Posts: 35member

    Originally posted by brianru

    Couldn't you stick one of those suckers in a powerbook, and now have a much smaller, less power consuming hd with fewer heat emissions? Possibly leaving room for a g5?

    'member that announced, but quietly pulled "Home on iPod" Panther feature?

    Well besides the (very intellegent) decision to not position the iPod as a "hard drive with a screen that plays music" the other problem is performance. Those drives are pokey man, and have a lower MTBF than the bigger ones.

    If you have an iPod mini, what I'm talking about is thrown into even sharper relief.

    so while it would be technically possible, I don't think that the performance/feel would be up to Apple I couldn't seem them engineering something like that.

    But you're *thinking*...a welcome change indeed

  • Reply 119 of 131
    Yeah, oh well. Maybe two piggy-backing on eachother.
  • Reply 120 of 131
    got a feelin this is coming..

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